this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don’t warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of  the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed  !

you must see it in coaching all the time, you explain something, but people need an experential background to make meaning of it

jason recounts that as he was leaving for work yesterday he brought a knapsack in with a change of clothes for soccer and all the kitchen guys started freaking out because they thought it was a bomb or something

my  comment

you need to make people more comfortable around you, you frightened those nurses and paid a very heavy price !

(ed.  for a minor operation they kept him another hour under anesthetic because they didn’t have a spare bed and were frightened of his possible reaction on coming out of anesthesia !)

it is damaging to be under general anesthetic !

jason  replies

i’m not sure how i can make people feel more comfortable

my  reply

body language and be careful what you say

jason  replies

i really say some crazy shit sometimes but i’ve been holding back more

the only thing i’ve been focusing on regarding body language is keeping my posture straight, i’m not really sure how others perceive me

do think i have a virus because i’ve been sleeping a lot ?

my  reply

yeah  sleeping a lot is a sure sign of a virus

idiot posts a line by joshu about not deceiving oneself

and then under joshu’s words writes a comment deceiving himself

how stupid can you get ?

ewk class i’d say !

the twin pillars of zen are quality reading and contemplative solitary time, do you do either of those ?

the twin pillars of zen are quality reading and contemplative solitary time

the two pillars of zen are quality reading and contemplative solitary time, do you do either of those ?

the two pillars of zen are quality reading and contemplative solitary time

the problem millennials and the post millenial generation have is the skill bar needed to get by in life has shifted dramatically higher, to run a car economically, afford repair bills, provide a competent service to get paid for, be able to afford a relationship, not get conned in any dealings   .   .

also diet and sleep is more difficult  .   .    .   .

what is a fugue state of infinity ?

why not find out ?

its very unsettling to be in a relationship and the partner is plainly not happy

religion is a million miles of error

religion  —  a million miles of error

doko bumped into a zen master at the restaurant at the end of the universe !

he asked him, where is truth at the restaurant at the end of the universe

the zen master disappeared

and came back and gave him the bill

and disappeared again

another  actress  with energy i identified from a youtube recommendation

 makes me wonder about myself, my affinity for dysfunctional upbringings   .   .

 i guess boarding school is pretty dysfunctional    .   .

erin lacks  tuesday’s  brains

 i feel for erin, she was always the outsider, wounded and left on the roadside to die   .   .

the sun  1909 edvard munch

i feel  “ quietism ”  is a political construct used by the catholic church to punish any attempt to reduce its authority which of course contemplative or meditative work would do

i don’t feel the term is coherent beyond this

a million miles of error   —   religion

alcohol reinforces your depression !

you need basic rules like no alcohol in the house and keep up with meditation

exercise for depression !

reading up on people’s lives breaks the stranglehold of fixed ideas on them

reading up on people’s lives can break the stranglehold of fixed ideas on them

all translations are mistranslations  !

all translations are mistranslations !

all translations are mistranslations

pathetic  is a form of emotional self abuse  !

pathetic  is a form of emotional self abuse !

pathetic is a form of emotional self abuse !

“ pathetic ”  is a form of emotional self abuse !

pathιtique  has a quite different meaning to pathetic !

musically its hard to make sense of, a sort of  fragile trauma  !

pathιtique has a quite different meaning to pathetic !



you spew more crap



you spew more crap



ewk spews more crap



ewk spews more crap

is stupidity a drug ?

i feel




is stupidity a drug ?

i feel




 is stupidity a drug ?

i feel




an interesting blocknet reddit  thread

Z.  asks

You wrote on r/zen

this event like paul’s conversion on the road to damascus is very distinct and the true basis of the zen patriarchy !

What is your view of Paul’s vision ?   —   was it authentic ?


r e p l y

yeah, its odd to think of paul’s vision as  dai kensho ,  but that’s what it was !

selling at the top of market is hard to judge, but very steep rises are always followed by falls

sepehr  writes

I would give Bancor one to two years.  I do think it will prevail because the oligarchs are backing it, but it will take awhile to pick up.  It’s still in the beginning stages


r e p l y

sepehr, why do you think your advice is worth a shit !  haven’t you learnt anything ?

what i notice about Z. is his advice is right and not what i would do, so i think he actually has a grip of it !

blocknet has gone from 4.5 US cents on the 21st of february to $31 now, ie $1000 in blocknet on the 21st of february is worth $690,000 now  (ed.  31st august 2017 )

he was telling us, its really making me think what i am doing is totally up the chute !

that’s one of the biggest gains in history and i spent that time arguing on message boards

i feel sick !

How do I get enlightened ?

its an artifact of an enquiry and i guess its also a gift, no matter what you do, if the giver is not inclined, you won’t get it !


when i started zen, meditation and reading eihei dogen and the blue cliff record raised questions for me that i was unable to answer

this was despite having a good background in mystical poets like emily dickinson and sylvia plath

basically its work, you work to understand and solitary contemplation is an important part of that

people think listening to alan watts is zen, but actually that is the avoidance of it !

What got you started meditating and reading Dogen ?

What were the questions you couldn’t answer ?

i joined the local zen society which fortunately was between teachers and actually was a bit like r|zen, not a lot of agreement about what zen was !

And how did that lead you to unanswerable questions ! What were the unanswerable questions !

its really about the ultra validity of fugue states of infinity

i am asked

Would you mind talking a little more about the problem(s) you perceive with sanghas ?

I’ve been debating going to a local one  (I haven’t yet, due to some anxiety)  so I’m curious to hear why others might consider it a waste of time or even harmful


r e p l y

zen is self taught, i have moved through several sanghas in my travels

the problem with sanghas is that zen becomes a social religious construct which its not and the craziness of this contradiction always leaks through or breaks out, its like there is always an underneath roiling mayhem and when the tornado really hits, expect to get injured !

i saw tuesday weld’s face on a you tube recommendation and felt  some energy  from her that i couldn’t explain so investgated more and yes ,  a way different person and  life  !

about 12.45am there was loud bang on the roof and something heavy fell down onto the corrugated iron, i took my spotlight outside thinking it was a possum but one of the cats had slipped on the frost and was now playing it safe under a frostless ledge, i went to bed expecting her to come overnight down the same tree she got up and she did !

its not possible to understand what zen is about before enlightenment

 i have seen it argued that you can’t do shikantza before enlightenment !

its not possible to understand what zen is about before enlightenment

everything i write takes me further, but if it doesn’t take you further ie missionizing then its superfluous

the  “ true zen ”  is basically the third mode  of aggripa

i’ve been on r|zen for three years now and in the end i decided that the conflict is healthier than the groupthink forums like r|buddhism and r|philosophy

i’ve never been to japan but have stayed at quite a few zen centers in the usa so i have a very practical idea of the problems with  “ sanghas ”

its just a rather dull and boring dream weaving  .   .   .

anyway it cured me of any notions of  “ missionizing ” ,  the failure to understand that is what drives r|zen i think

i am very careful to use my posting on it, not for the betterment of others but to improve my understanding and dealing in life

you avoided answering my question, what can i say ?

you avoided answering my question, what can i say

i  ask

do you have any real life zen experience ?

he  replies

Reading, meditating, some discussion with a monk in my youth

my  reply

do you notice how avoidant that is, not even the religion of the monk, this is the real zen work, observation of ourselves

the machine has to be dismantled and rebuilt !

there is a genuine  “ zen ”  energy in conflict that is authentic compared to the usual malign groupthink of  sanghas

the purpose of practice is to compound their illness for the mentally ill !

you make sloths look energetic  !

you make sloths look energetic !

you make sloths look energetic

if something is true then several different roads will lead to the same destination

if something is true then several different roads will lead to the same conclusion

Z.  says

Cryptocurrences will be like the dot com bubble  —  most projects will die, some will remain and will be the future’s Googles and Amazons

I look forward to the  “ day of the reckoning ”

my  comment

he’s been right so far, decred is doing well !

my god, i’ve seen everything, we have silk road denialists now

ed.  of buddhists denying the role of greek philosophy in buddhism !

my god, i’ve seen everything, we have silk road denialists now

a poem by shofu

No dust speck anywhere

What’s old ?  new ? 

At home on my blue mountain

I want for nothing


r e p l y

dust everywhere

everything is old, not new

at home on my blue mountain

i scream insanely

people are so inconsiderate talking when you are doing something very important and needs concentration

jason  writes

sold my Xbox


r e p l y

that is huge, don’t underrate it

“ sold my Xbox ”

that is huge, don’t underrate it

google searches are so simple yet so remote for some people  !

google searches are so simple yet so remote for some people !

google searches are so simple yet so remote for some people

ELI5 how zen relates to buddhism ?

the platform sutra is foundational for zen and its basically trying to make sense of crap

the relation of zen is that same of mystical christianity to christianity except people like john of the cross, teresa of avila and catherine of siena always had the inquisition or other thought police breathing down their necks, in china the hazard was more getting in with the out political group and being executed or exiled, lots of exiles in zen and the odd execution, like bodhidharma may have been executed

buddhism itself is a fusion of an older religion with greek philosophy, if you believe buddha existed historically then you’ll believe mohammed existed historically and jesus christ was never an archangel !

For whom do you wash your face and apply makeup ?

for a more handsome, younger and wealthier man than you !

since i am the 7th zen patriarch, what i do defines zen !

there’s absolutely nothing more dangerous than a failed jack short of a car or vehicle accident !

there’s absolutely nothing more dangerous than a failed jack short of a car accident !

there’s absolutely nothing more dangerous than a failed jack short of a car accident

i have noticed net stuff can be more expensive for no reason  !

i have noticed net stuff can be more expensive for no reason !

i have noticed net stuff can be more expensive for no reason

i love it when people like you get things so wrong, there’s some justice in the world !

i love it when people like you get things so wrong, there’s some justice in the world

you’re like ewk, you pretend to intellectual horsepower you don’t have

you pretend to intellectual horsepower you don’t have  !

you pretend to intellectual horsepower you don’t have !

you pretend to intellectual horsepower you don’t have

remain ignorant, your type is better that way !

remain ignorant, your type is better that way

Do not be quick with your mouth,

do not be hasty in your heart

to utter anything before ewk

ewk is in nirvana

and you are on earth,

so let your words be few.

A dream comes when there are many cares,

and many words mark the speech of a fool.

ewkesiastes  5

“ for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways ”  declares ewk

ewksaiah  55:8

but those who hope in the ewk approved zen masters will renew their strength

they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint

ewksaiah  40:31

zen and buddhism are full of greek philosophy carried along the silk road from the indo-grecian empires

eihei dogen uses nagarjuna’s methodology for handling recursiveness extensively !

jacques derrida is a very  “ zen like ”  philosopher

what zen is  “ about ”  is far wider than  “ zen ”

the 7th zen partriach’s theorem of incompleteness

everything is incomplete

this theorem is complete

miaphysitism, monophysitism, desperately trying to make sense of something that is nonsensical  !

miaphysitism, monophysitism, desperately trying to make sense of something that is nonsensical !

miaphysitism, monophysitism, desperately trying to make sense of something that is nonsensical

miaphysitism monophysitism desperately trying to make sense of something that is nonsensical

ewk  writes

Gates are ways through.

Zen is the Gateless Barrier.  No way through.


r e p l y

clichιd bullshit, you are clearly not enlightened you gross fake !

four years of pretending to something you do not understand

gate or no gate

just your endless bullshit !

drugs mangle the brain  !

drugs mangle the brain !

drugs mangle the brain

everything you write is second hand, why people like you spew other’s crap and are so proud of it i don’t know !

what i  (ed. layman pang)  do every day is drive my children and wife to suicide and i was successful !

all his shit is just so full of self-harm and pyschosis   .   .   .

what i  (ed. layman pang)  do every day is drive my children and wife to suicide and i was successful !

all his shit is just so full of self-harm    .   .   .

conflict is  the true ineffable nature  of religion !

conflict is  the true ineffable nature  of zen !

conflict is  the true ineffable nature  of zen on r|zen !

conflict is the true ineffable nature of zen on r|zen !

conflict is the true ineffable nature of zen on r|zen

i suppose your  (ed. ewk)  not reading what you reply to saves you a lot of time ?

i suppose your not reading what you reply to saves you a lot of time ?

“ meta ”  does not rebuttal make

meta does not rebuttal make

meditation   =   prayer   =   contemplation

you  (ed. ewk)  and your clones are the only people i know who diss these in terms of contemplative mysticism which zen is !

such a position can only be sustained by outstanding hubric ignorance !

basically you and they are in denial about zen being a mystical contemplative tradition !

my advice to some-one looking for a local zen center to  “ practice ”  at in northern chicago

just be aware of the bullshit, it helps to understand  “ buddha ”  is just a novel character and rest of what you hear are also made-up stories

be careful what you say

what you are going for is the meditation

zen practitioners are amongst the most stupid narrow minded people you will ever meet !


that’s the basic form of zen in the west, an ocean away in auckland new zealand where i did zen the service is almost exactly the same though we didn’t do any of that  “ present ”  crap

women are all hormone, no thinking  !

women are all hormone, no thinking !

women are all hormone, no thinking

rajneesh was the world’s leading bioterrorist  !

the alford plea he was deported under is he admits the evidence would convict him beyond reasonable doubt !

hinduism certainly has a terrorist and ultraviolent element, he wouldn’t have got off so lightly today !

751 people poisoned, he would have been executed or life imprisoned today !

jason  asks

i can get ready for portugal by going to bed earlier ?  they’re five hours ahead


r e p l y

yeah couple of days before, ideally a week

i never read or watch movies when flying !

jason replies

i must’ve done nothing on the plane when i had dai kensho

i remember once when i was younger i would go down the aisles back and forth until some lady got upset over that

i was visiting her dog too much

then i got a gameboy some time later and started using that on the plane, or listening to classical music through the armrest

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

i can’t figure out why you don’t read on a plane, i could understand movies


r e p l y

its shikantaza

i can’t do anything about your not ever thinking your reading age is not up to par can i ?

can’t do anything about your not ever thinking your reading age is not up to par can i ?

i can’t do anything about your not ever thinking your reading age is not up to par can i

can’t do anything about your not ever thinking your reading age is not up to par can i

nup + yup  =

nup + yup  =  ?

a prophecy is a declamatory projection completely out of touch with reality !

: o )

a prophecy is a declamatory projection completely out of touch with reality

Dear r|zen,

What is  “  1 + 1 ” .  This is actually a serious question.

what is one number added to another number ?

“ Often its easiest to see faults of our own when acted out by others ”

there’s faults and there’s hypocrisy !

jason  writes

my mother would often say  “ it’s not your fault it’s mine ”  or  “ i don’t know who you learned that from ”    “ you learned that from your father ”

jason  writes

soccer would only take a couple hours out of my week


r e p l y

its not the time so much as taking badly needed mental energy in other areas, basically you are learning a skill useless to you in life

its big plus is the exercise, but actually there are better ways of getting exercise

you seem to just make one critical mistake after another and the sands of time in terms of your ability to change are running out for you

soccer is a nostalgia of the middle class dream for you, but you may have noticed that ripping apart   .   .

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

basically you have this huge problem with nostalgia and your father has as well

the soccer is nostalgia and therefore the wrong road

cryptocurrency, programming, botton etc you actually have to do things in a small way to see what might suit

s. made the mistake of putting up too much money and didn’t see that it was a process of years to be able to turn a dollar rather than lose it, it was years of involvement for z. who as we know was successful for instance

so instead of doing that you displace into nostalgic activities like soccer

you don’t seem to understand that you show no signs of hunkering down at all, but will procrastinate in nostalgia forever, or at least until things get really bad and you might take up heavy pot smoking then

i was looking at some old testament prophets and your  (ed. ewk)  debating style is very like their’s, you don’t actually deal with the reality of what is said to you, but just write your own  “ meta ”  on what you pretend was said to you

you never seem able to actually argue against what is said to you but resort to argumentum ad hominem or abstractions dissing what is said without actually being able to say why it is wrong !


yeah your two phases of rebuttal

1.  argumentum ad hominem

2.  prophecy type meta characterising itself as true

both to cover your avoidance of dealing with the detail of what you are replying to

what i found helpful in understanding zen is to see the greek philosophy in it which came along the silk road   I  II   through the indo-greek empires !

the description of bodidharma matches that of an indo-greek, either from persia or northern india or other indo or bactrian greek empires

where zen differs, or what i would call the real zen is its emphasis on contemplative work which is a time and life consuming simultaneous construction/deconstruction of ourselves so we align better with a truer understanding

at a certain point in this process things  “ tip over ”  and there will be massive enlightenment experience or dai kensho that contains more than the seeds of realignment

this event like paul’s conversion on the road to damascus is very distinct and the true basis of the zen patriarchy !

the reality is however that 99.99% of people claiming to such a thing are fools and idiots with no idea of what its about and that includes lineage approved zen masters !

zen doesn’t lead to radical nilhilism because it is solipsist !

there’s always benefit in terms of yourself, you can take quite a broad view of what is of benefit to yourself which may include concern for others !

at the  very beginning  marylin munroe has some sort of tremor, the tragedy in action !

 my two cents about somethings on this sub  .  .  .

try not to intellectualize too much zen

three cents says looking at your history you have this problem in spades yet you are saving your advice for others and not yourself ?

three cents says looking at your history you have this problem in spades yet you are saving your advice for others and not yourself ?

lol r|zen is  a safe home  for you

the dead have their graves, the living have their houses; but there is nowhere for us to call our home

the dead have their houses, the living have their graves, home is where we are !

see ?

the word is a sword to the throat of the living, and a resurrection to the dead

where you place yourself is how you see it, but there is nowhere to take a seat !

the weary get snared, but the strong save their foot from stumbling

a correct word lightens the hearing, the dead are beyond resurrection !

unplacing myself i take a seat

snared in my weariness i stumble the strong !

this sack of skin and bones will drop like dung, but a word will bring it back up and clean it, inside and out !

and what of the enemy ?  they will set their teeth into the dirt, and spit it out of their mouths

their own word will drag them to the pit, and their own feet will be their obstacle for tripping !

the sacks of skin and bones will drop like dung in a gas chamber, no words will bring them back

their enemies essentially went unpunished

that baggage is enough to weigh down the sun !

haven’t you seen the trees spring back to life in the spring, after the harsh long winter ?

your claims to no baggage are not borne out by your  history  !

a bigger pile of remaindered and lost luggage i have yet to see !

you are full of bullshit, years and years worth on reddit !

life is full of surprises, his last quote  (below)  was quite good

take a look on your way in the field; a predator feeding on your livestock, a poison viper biting at your feet !

foreigners living in your house, stealing in your presence

is it not a blight in the eyes ?

cast them to the vultures, or they will cast you !

diagnosis  : drug induced schizophrenia !

jason  writes

kim said today  “ jason, you’ve been very quiet !

you’re so serious ! ”

silently i was glad because some weeks ago i said to myself that i would talk less while at work to avoid all the drama crap

“ the world is a son of a bitch ”

i just don’t even want to bother

jesus didn’t either and look what happened to him !

crucifixion is a ghastly way to go !

i’m not saying go or don’t go, just giving a perspective that’s all and i could be wrong

study won’t solve your problems either its an escape

the world is a son of a bitch

your problem is you have no skills useful to other people, in fact are a liability, you really are not facing this  !

your problem is you have no skills useful to other people, in fact are a liability, you really are not facing this

reality works different from what we suppose

you  (ed.  jason)  are almost on the verge of schizophrenia with the way you project and don’t  test

reality works different from what we suppose

you are almost on the verge of schizophrenia with the way you project and don’t test

i don’t know why you think you are anything like good enough to play soccer professionally, you seem not to want to be real about things

there’s a huge gap between good amateur and professional level

when linji was going to fenglin’s place, he met an old woman on the road.  “ where are you going ? ” she asked.  “ i’m going to fenglin’s place,”  replied linji.  “ fenglin happens to be away just now” said the old woman.  “ where did he go ?” asked linji.  at that the old woman walked away.  linji called to her.  the old woman turned her head.  linji hit her

that’s a meme and like the zen cartoons quite wrong minded, linji is just another know it all hubric idiot !

the old woman walked back, took out a knife from her sleeve and cut an artery on his wrist and let him bleed to death

just desserts she said !

to be honest i find places like  botton  and  camphill  a death trap, something dead about them

they totally consume you with other people’s needs and for what ?

jason  writes

i wish my father would just give up the girlfriends

tough to do if you’ve been married your whole life

or at least keep it chill like you do, go visit them and have them visit you once in a while and just don’t live with each other


r e p l y

doesn’t work either

your making a statement of truth doesn’t make your other statements true !

ninotchka  laughs

there is no meaning anywhere, we are just adrift on the streams of life

what zen master was disturbed by insanity ?

what zen master was disturbed by insanity

jason  writes

i saw ruth tonight, she said  “ you’re really good looking, do you know that ?  of course you don’t because you’re stupid !  if i were some years older i’d marry you ! ”

honestly i didn’t really think of myself as good looking until you said i was


r e p l y

she told you two things, you are not picking up on the other because the perception of one’s own stupidity is unpalatable

your hubricity makes you blind !

life is a sobering and nasty experience  !

life is a sobering and nasty experience

what is zen ?

its a tradition of celibacy where people  (mainly men)  have been prepared to devote their lives to nutting the meaning of life out !

its quite insane !

what is zen ?

its a tradition of celibacy where people  (mainly men)  have been prepared to devote their lives to nutting something out !

i don’t say its necessarily sane !

zen is talking about a secret that doesn’t exist and bragging about how incomprehensible it is

it’s like a self-locking door of stupidity

you won’t do the work to open it !

the lock can be picked, but the morons stand on the wrong side of it saying how right they are to be on the wrong side !

“ hooligans try to start  a fight  with ice ”

sorta culture shock

found by jason

my golden rules for handling r|zen

1.  don’t OP

2.  you may comment ,  be wary but comments can be productive

the  mascot  of r|zen

its not just the lack of appreciation of recursion by the pontificator in the last box of the comic, but the omnipresence of the hindu goddess  kali  in the subreddit which may be drug use ,  pot ,  vanity

but those hands are everywhere throttling everything of quality in reach

like the pontificating r|zennists are trying to establish something by careless reflexivity

the reality requires poetry/homilies and life involvement

george eliot  quotes

the researchers found that ,  in patients with chronic tinnitus, the precuneus is more connected to the dorsal attention network and less connected to the default mode network

you see the cartoon  but you can’t see the cartoonist

you see the cartoon  but you cannot see the cartoonist

r|zen is pretenders and con men whose main victims are themselves !

r|zen is pretenders and con men whose main victims are themselves

there’s a kitten here, i buy its loyalty, friendliness and the odd scratch for bits of liver !

what i notice is that in ambiguous situations is you take that as more encouraging than it is

whereas in reality they are ambiguous because they are not encouraging !

what i notice is that in ambiguous situations is you take that as more encouraging than it is

whereas in reality they are ambiguous because they are not encouraging

i think in ambiguous situations you are taking things as more to what you are inclined than you should

choi sangkyun has  collected  300 posters of north korean propaganda art in twenty trips to the north presumably from the people’s army art shop there !

jason writes

i was reading in  “ essays in idleness ”  (ed.  the tsurezuregusa)  how young men will go on some huge undertaking taking on so many projects only to not really accomplish anything, sounds like me


r e p l y

yeah i was thinking that about you because i am the same !

i think this is what being successful in life is about, choosing the right involvements that match our natural abilities and following through with them   .   .   !

“ i can be stupid but she’s being more stupid ”

imo you are being more stupid than her, she is not you and has her own life agendas that have nothing to do with you

the retina  is pretty much  the brain !

What does it mean to be introspective ?

Is that different from looking back on your past to try and understand yourself ?

Is looking back on your past to try and understand yourself a good thing ?

Or a bad case of not being in the present ?

a lot of what zen is about is reordering the past in a more coherent way !

you can’t be present any more than you can be not present !

if you look at what happened you are being present to what happened, its simply a state of attention, you are never not present

the notion of  “ presence ”  is a toxic european and greek philosophical trope and not asian or indian in origin !

what zen is about is so simple yet nobody seems prepared to do the necessaries !

1.  read quality literature that makes you think about life and yourself, beware of the intrinsically voynich nature of translations !

2.  get solitary contemplative time and substantially eschew entertainment

3.  write as a way of developing yourself !

you are filling your life with waste of time books, reading junk and when you meditate you will just turn over junk  !

you are filling your life with waste of time books, reading junk and when you meditate you will just turn over junk !

you are filling your life with waste of time books, reading junk and when you meditate you will just turn over junk

a reddit zennist asks who would like to write a verse for his favorite nanquan - zhaozhou (nansen - joshu) dialogue ?

joshu asked  :  it is said that  ‘ the mind is not buddha; wisdom is not the way ’ ,  is there fault here ?

nansen replied  :  there is

joshu asked  :  where does the fault lie ?  please, master, tell me

nansen replied  :  the mind is not buddha; wisdom is not the way

joshu immediately left

my  reply

the fakes spit the old koans

joshu died long ago

meaningless his rambles on the internet airwaves

infinity left to arrive at where we are !

if you learn to pick out the errors in others thinking, you learn to pick out the errors in your own  !

if you learn to pick out the errors in others thinking, you learn to pick out the errors in your own !

if you learn to pick out the errors in others thinking, you learn to pick out the errors in your own

one of the armaments that women have compared to men is their emotional immediacy, men know there’s not going to be a lot of rationality if they offend them and there will be consequences

one of the armaments that women have compared to men is their emotional immediacy, men know there’s not going to be a lot of rationality if they offend and there will be consequences

this  is what the modern layman pang looks like, enlightenment is not some lovely state one drifts around in but the process of understanding and empathy

the more i look at modern writers like karl ove knausgaard, thomas bernhard and  w.g. sebald ,  the more i realise zen has been voided by them

that is, what is called zen is some sort of artifactual and misconstrued construction of what is done for real by these people !

zen like fisherman’s flies and lures catches fish on their fakeness !

the  shurangama  sutra  1:162

i often thought to myself that these characteristics  (ed.  of the buddha)  cannot be born of desire and love

why ?

the vapors of desire are coarse and murky

from foul and putrid intercourse comes a turbid mixture of pus and blood which cannot give off such a magnificent, pure, and brilliant concentration of purple-golden light

and so i thirstily gazed upward, followed the buddha, and let the hair fall from my head

say you don’t mean dogen and the other great masters were celibate when they could be living happy family lives ?

say you don’t mean huineng and the other great masters were celibate when they could be living happy family lives ?

say you don’t mean johsu and the other great masters were celibate when they could be living happy family lives ?

say you don’t mean he and the other great masters were celibate when they could be living happy family lives ?

buddhism versus catholicism

just another bunch of meaningless words

homilies from jason

there are many, many who are not right

some that are half right

and very few that are right

it’s just a show for a lot of women

how expensive is their dinner they were brought to, where and how often are they vacationing, how big a wedding ring, what car did her husband get her, what designer clothes are their children wearing   .   .

how much do people steal from me ?

a lot, they hardly notice and if they do they’re not grateful !

trappist  =  trapped  !

I     II 

trappist  =  trapped !

trappist  =  trapped

there’s an inevitable personal transparency to writing, relatives may not approve !

there’s an inevitable personal transparency to writing, relatives may not approve

each new epoch in our lives seems to open new arenas for disaster !

each epoch in our lives seems to open new arenas for disaster !

the tension between florid schizophrenia and the attention and detail the world requires to make it work

federico borrell garcνa ,  “ the falling solider ”  shot while hamming it up for robert capa !

robert would lose his fiancιe ,  gerda taro  ten and a half months later

he never married

i think writing is a cruel, stupid and masochistic occupation, you’d have to be crazy to recommend it

i think writing is a cruel and stupid occupation, you’d have to be crazy to recommend it

don’t watch tv or listen to the radio, they drown out the contemplative aspect !

quotes by author  w. g. sebald

it is thanks to my evening reading that i am still more or less sane

the tension between the insanity of the world and the demands of reason

while the reader may not feel inclined to break into laughter on the basis of the material presented to him, it rings out all the louder behind the scenes of the work

teenagers are naturally oppositonal and as they age ,  “ oppositional ”  becomes  “ establishment ”

teenagers are naturally oppositonal and as they age the  “ oppositional ”  becomes  “ establishment ”

why did you leave out the very important variable of being childless or not, so significant in that society ?

ed.  some idiot constructing the  imaginary life  as a  “ zen seeker ”  1000 years ago in china !

when there is an overwhelming superior force, all you can do is keep out of the way and avoid trouble  !

when there is an overwhelming superior force, all you can do is keep out of the way and avoid trouble !

when there is an overwhelming superior force, all you can do is keep out of the way and avoid trouble

what is the likelihood  of your  ever winning a literary prize ?

its  anti - likely

what is the likelihood of your ever winning a literary prize ?

its  anti - likely

what is the likelihood of your ever winning a literary prize ?

its  anti - likely

again  ?

not again !

again  ?

not again 


not again


ewk christian  (christian ewk!)  pwns jehovah’s witness [insert r|zennist here]

why is it important whether jesus was the archangel michael or not ?

what is the point of imposing bad fictions on reality ?

let alone building one’s life around them

the vast mass of the socially functional insane dancing on the shores and sands of rational reality ?

its part of your attraction to others, a broad more intelligent view of life

they can’t change themselves but can appreciate it in others

note  :  advice given to my ex complaining about the narrow mindedness of a boyfriend

if you are going to say what world war 2 was about, it was the tension between the nazi decimation of its middle classes that ensured its defeat and the victory by more rational parties

while russia had decimated its army leadership and the middle class had long been gone, stalin made a decision after successive disasters from his own decision making to leave the control of the war to his generals, a strategy that basically worked though they had very heavy losses

when i look at some-one promoting meditating and they don’t meditate

i think

they’re quite insane

yeah that’s  a good point  your father makes  “ if you hang around the barber shop, you’re gonna get your hair cut, he meant that the company you keep can influence your actions ”

i would just be wary of getting too bound up in other peoples agendas though, your student being shot and killed and your friend being jailed for ten years are by far the major issues  !

the trouble with writing is you are in a visionary space and you have to take what comes and not be too selective about what you use !

the trouble with writing is you are in a visionary space and you can’t be selective about what you write !

it takes a mother’s love to want to raise a child  !

it takes a mother’s love to want to raise a child !

it takes a mother’s love to want to raise a child

it takes a mother’s love to raise a child  !

it takes a mother’s love to raise a child !

it takes a mother’s love to raise a child

the mystery of r|zen to me is, how can people prefer to be so boringly trite ?

all the energy and interest comes from fighting ?

the mystery of r|zen to me is, how can people prefer to be so boringly trite ?

all the energy and interest comes from fighting

the mystery of r|zen to me is, how can people prefer to be so boringly trite ?

the mystery of r|zen to me is, how can people prefer to be so boringly trite

“ in his memoir,   dmitri nabokov  recalled one of his last exchanges with his father

they spoke of butterflies, and of a bucolic valley near their home in switzerland that they had always meant to explore

tears suddenly welled in my father’s eyes, i asked him why

he replied that a certain butterfly was already on the wing; and his eyes told me he no longer hoped that he would live to pursue it again

nor would he ever visit that enchanted mountain valley on the far side of the lake

but perhaps, in my father’s memory, i shall ”

“ illusion, the flipside of enlightenment ”

enlightenment, the flipside of illusion

“ Illusion, the flipside of Enlightenment ”

enlightenment, the flipside of illusion

an interesting  account  of dmitri nabokov, the son of vladimir and vera nabokov by brian boyd

so kim says i smell

i’ve always been smelly cuz i guess it’s a biofilm problem, don’t know what to do about it  .  .   maybe bring an extra shirt if i’m working all day ?  scrub more often when i shower ?

when i was about ten one of our family friends said about me  “ he is very nice but he often smells bad ”

yeah i had this problem, its only fixed by diet and supplements

in fact i don’t use soap when i shower

for men anyway, when you have the diet right and supplements then women will find your smell attractive !

i’ve been eating at work but i think i just have to say no if it involves potatoes or sausages

yeah, the worst offenders

sausages are bad because of the uncooked rice and soy flours used

learn to read the ingredients !

you can’t have sugar or potatoes or grains

alphonse duadet’s short story  “ the old couple ”  is the most biting indictment of old age i have ever come across !

alphonse duadet’s short story  “ the old couple ”  is the most biting indictment of old age i have ever come across

rata tat tat

ass in a hat

i’m so high

the moon



rata tat tat

ass in a hat

i’m so high

the moon



rata tat tat

ass in a hat

i’m so high

the moon

looks low

everybody is coming from very different places and going to very different places

there is no time, everything is pointless !

there is no time, everything is pointless

my aversion to eating humans is simply the quality of the meat

you know what the diet they eat’s like !

entertainment is stimulation without interaction

interaction taxes the brain !

entertainment is stimulation without interaction

interaction taxes the brain

you aren’t interested in reasoned argument, only in reinforcing your own view of reality

you aren’t interested in reasoned argument, only in reinforcing your own view of reality !

why do i read and post on r|zen ?

the tsar bomba of koans !

you have no point but a few sophistical arguing techniques, the main one being elliptical, acting to your perceived advantage in argument !

you have no point but a few sophistical arguing techniques, the main one being elliptical to your perceived advantage in the argument !

you have no point but a few sophistical arguing techniques, the main one being elliptical, acting to your perceived advantage in the argument

you have no point but a few sophistical arguing techniques, the main one being elliptical to your perceived advantage in the argument

r|zen, the drugged and the insane

instructive to a point


 grueling !

another day another drug ?

another day another drug

you are unable to grasp your avoidance of the point !

you seem unable to grasp your avoidance of the point !

you are unable to grasp your avoidance of the point

you seem unable to grasp your avoidance of the point

can we get a new koan of the month ?

a monk asked joshu

give me the cheat sheet

joshu gave the monk the cheat sheet

question : what was on the cheat seat

“ if you want to know you never will 

 if you don’t want to know you never will ”

jason  writes

i’ve had a girl come to me saying she was bulimic, another who said she thought she was a whore

this was around when i was thirteen years old, i didn’t know what to say and all i did was listen !

jason  writes

older women

once younger and prettier

my  reply

older women

once younger and prettier

once children themselves

if i can’t make sense of something, i look at other writing or more of the talk to make up my mind !

if i can’t make sense of something, i look at other writing or more of the talk to make up my mind

in my view language is prior to philospophy

the flaw of the essentialist language paradigm is it reverses that view !

in my view language is prior to philospophy

“ and incoherent  incoherence  ”

funnily enough i was reading a philosophical statement about this saying that you are not saying anything different from  “ incoherence ” 

that is :  incoherent  incoherence   =   incoherence

however, i think that there must be special cases where  incoherent  incoherence   =   coherence ?

a bit like monkeys typing sir henry neville/shakespeare ?

it doesn’t happen !

you can’t empty empty is another way of putting it !

i gotta say that writing is brutal like nothing else

chews you up and spits you out at the end of the day !

i gotta say that writing is brutal like nothing else

i gotta say that writing is that brutal like nothing else

there is intrinsically a lack of definition in disagreement !

there is intrinsically a lack of definition in disagreement

keep clear of politics, observe and keep your mouth shut  !

keep clear of politics, observe and keep your mouth shut

“ my grandfather-in-law was a jewish-american officer who oversaw nazi pows in ww2 france

years after the war, one of his prisoners  (ed. obergefreter k. roedelbach)  sent him this  illustrated book  depicting his time in the camp ”

“ its really  a journey ,  a journey into all the things that go on here, that create barriers to really being in touch, in touch with something that has no name, cannot be defined with words, but can be experienced, this stillness which exists even as the thoughts are whirling around and has resistances coming up, stillness is also there, and yet these forces are pulling us away, but that can be seen ”

zenthrowaway17  replies

she lost me at  “ cannot be defined with words ”

anything can be defined with words.

definitions are not the thing itself, sure, but that doesn’t mean that definitions are impossible or useless.  i  <3  dictionaries

my  reply

hmm, i picked that phrase out as well, i think the use of  “ defined ”  is key

so she’s not saying definitions are impossible or useless, but that her subject matter is not definable which i agreed with !

i have more qualms with her use of  “ stillness ”

zenthrowaway17  writes that he  “ disagrees with the idea that there is a subject matter that cannot be defined ”

my  reply

so actually you are saying that all subject matter is defineable, ie can be described by an agreed meaning

yet we disagree ?

zenthrowaway17  replies

that’s correct

definitions do not have to be 100% agreed upon by every person in order to be definitions

my  reply

when we completely disagree and there’s no common basis, what then ?

when the definitions have glaring oppositions

you know there has to be a basic coherence in agreement for the definition to be meaningful otherwise the word is useless ?

like ewk’s  “ scriptual ”  buji zen versus say springwater zen which is based on personal experience and meditative observation as the priority !

there is almost no overlap and the word zen ceases to have any general meaning, but rather means different things in different contexts !

any subject matter can be defined unmeaningfully, but meaningful definition is a subset of what can be defined !

i think you have to say that definitions need to be meaningful so tautologically you are at there being definitions which are not able to be defined !

a definition is a cross association of coherent meanings, so you can say that everything that has a coherent meaning you can define, but the absolute or infinity or god or whatever you want to call it, also includes incoherence and coherent incoherence and incoherent coherence   .   .

zenthrowaway17  replies

if a handful of people can use the same definition in a conversation, then it was coherent and meaningful

with a bar that low then, yes, I think that anything can be defined. Infinity, god, incoherence, whatever.

my  reply

yeah, but i am saying that where there is substantial disagreement as with the word   “ zen ”  you have a situation where a definition is tautologically undefined which is contrary to your assertion that there is no subject matter which cannot be defined

the subject matter of zen is not defined because you cannot even compartmentalise the different stances, any discussion of any stance leads to more disagreement and even movement on the original stance !

a word can have different meanings, but not oppositional meanings in the same claimed context and remain usefully defined !

that we have words like this  (eg.  zen)  shows there is subject matter that cannot be defined usefully, or rather is voynich

so in as since anything can be defined ,  but if its not to be voynich then you have to break definition into classes of voynich and coherent or useful

to go further the nature of meaning is for cross associations of menaing to cohere into a defintion, this cross assocation has to be meaningful !

but since not everything is meaningful then there are things outside "defintion"

zenthrowaway17  replies

i don’t think substantial disagreement is relevant to definitions

if 95% of the world suddenly got some sort of brain disease, and nobody could agree on what  “ cat ”  means anymore, that doesn’t negate the fact that cats have already been well defined

my  reply

a brain disease that obviated agreement on what constituted a cat would also obviate agreement on anything else

so you are hoisted on your own pertard and  “ substantial disagreement is relevant to definitions ”

everything can be defined, but since not everything can be defined meaningfully then we have tautologically that not everything can be defined !

zenthrowaway17  replies

I’m not sure what you’re suggesting

do you really think, if that happened, that  “ cat ”  would no longer mean anything ?

cat means something now, it would mean something even if most people are idiots

my  reply

read the first line of my reply please !

you are posting the idea of the  “ objective world ”  which is a definition at the same time as destroying the base for  “ objective world ”

you are claiming for yourself a separation from this brain disease so there is some supposed outside objective view where no disagreement exists, yet the terms of your argument are themselves tautologically  “ disagreeable ” 

zenthrowaway17  replies

yes, it’s irrelevant

like I said, if only 5% of people understand what words mean, those words all still have definitions

just like, right now, only an incredibly small percentage of organisms on earth understand what most words mean

most organisms aren’t that smart

the organisms  (mostly humans, although I think some other animals are smart enough)  that are smart enough to know what a  “ cat ”  is basically all agree on what a cat is The existence of stupid people doesn’t negate the meaning of words

my  reply

that 5% is 100% of people compos mentis enough to understand what words mean, if they substantially disagree on the definition, then the definition is useless and therefore tautologically undefined

what you are doing is defining definition to only exist amongst people who agree !

so disagreement is of the nature of infinity or god which gives r|zen its energy and boards where you have agreement enforced like r|zens or r|buddhism where agreement is enforced lack that energy and its proponents come here looking for energy !

zenthrowaway17  replies

“ irony ”  is a word that people can’t agree on

why ?

because many people are too lazy to learn what it means, but are perfectly willing to pretend to understand what it means

does that mean the word  “ irony ”  is not clearly defined ?


that means that some people are lazy and refuse to learn

my  reply

well i think irony has, as you point out has a common area of agreement, enough to make a quasi-definition anyway

but that’s not the argument, your position is that all subject matter can be defined and i’m going to tack my own qualification on as  “ all subject matter can be defined usefully ”  which is what i think you intend

but there clearly exist words where you do not have a useful definition ie agreed sufficiently

zenthrowaway17  replies

if a word can be used in a conversation between people, isn’t it useful ?

my  reply

well it can be useful, but it also can be not useful

you are continually trying to create a context of utility for your view of  “ definition ”  but of necessity that creates a new category of not useful or voynich or meaningless that is tautological with  “ not all subject matter can be defined usefully ”

zenthrowaway17  replies

my suggestion is that there is no subject matter that cannot be translated into a definition that is useful to at least some people

my  reply

the fact that a definition is not useful to other people implies that  “ not all subject matter can be defined usefully ”

whereas your original contention is  “ all subject matter can be defined usefully ”

your new contention is a tautololgy  “ all subject matter can be defined usefully to those people who find it useful ”  which doesn’t really say anything !

zenthrowaway17  replies

those two contentions are identical in meaning

the word  “ useful ”  doesn’t necessitate  “ useful in every context ”

if i write a computer program that’s only useful to me, and nobody else, then it’s useful

my contention implies that all subject matters can be summarized and described by language, which the OP is disputing

my  reply

“ if I write a computer program that’s only useful to me, and nobody else, then its useful ”

no, its useful to you and not useful to others, in other words  “ useful ”  or   “ useless ”  has to have a context to be meaningful !

otherwise the program would be useless to you and useful to others !

“ my contention implies that all subject matters can be summarized and described by language, which the OP is disputing ”

this is the same as your saying  “ all subject matter can be defined ”

i don’t dispute that, but it doesn’t mean anything since the definitions may also be nonsense and given that then all subject matter can be defined !

however as i have many times gone over in this thread, if you try to make your original statement have meaning by saying  “ all subject matter can be defined usefully ”  then it self contradicts since useful excludes something else definitions can be, that is  “ not useful ”

zenthrowaway17  replies

and just to be clear, i’m not suggesting that some definitions will only be understood by one person

i’m suggesting that every subject matter can be defined in such a way that multiple people can understand and use the same definition to communicate

my  reply

that just boils down to multiple people who agree to the same definition which runs into the same problems as i have discussed previously !

ok, back to the OP

“ its really a journey, a journey into all the things that go on here, that create barriers to really being in touch, in touch with something that has no name, cannot be defined with words, but can be experienced   .   . ”

“ cannot be defined with words, but can be experienced ”  being relevant here

she’s actually repeating a well known philosophical proposition which in english is that reading or writing or understanding wisdom literature doesn’t necessarily make you wise

this is the third mode of agrippa which i have posted about  previously

you are putting up quite a fight and its obvious that a denial of this third mode is important to you and i have to say most of r|zen, those inhabiter’s of armchair zen, a belief that you can have full knowledge without weaving your life into the more ultimate truth !

this third mode is also what toni packer who was susan schepp’s   “ teacher ”  meant when she talked about "the discovery of the light", the title of one of her books !

what would zen masters say of ISIS !

well oddly enough there is a very famous buddhist text which offers the joys and services of  apsaras  in heaven as a reward for an ascetic life, though ISIS does seem to want sex slaves in this life as well !

you can have complete social control of territories you conquer, but enemy airpower reaches past those boundaries, so ISIS has this in common with zen, volunteering one’s life for final defeat

so i guess its some millennial doomsday sect !

its really  a journey ,  a journey into all the things that go on here, that create barriers to really being in touch, in touch with something that has no name, cannot be defined with words, but can be experienced, this stillness which exists even as the thoughts are whirling around and has resistances coming up, stillness is also there, and yet these forces are pulling us away, but that can be seen

  susan schepp, caught in the volunteer trap  .  .  .

 not bad for a menopausal female !

. .



a poem by jack canfield of the springwater center

given time, water works a path through stone

no wonder then that love, kept at the task

can enter even this cold heart


r e p l y

blood cuts a path

turning the stone

inside out

be wary of getting too bound up in other people’s agendas

i would be wary of getting too bound up in other people’s agendas

i would just be wary of getting too bound up in other people’s agendas

i would just be wary of getting too bound up in other people’s agendas though

all the great zen masters were very autistic !

zen itself is the autistic reconstruction of a more valid theory of reality than the social consensus

“ You’ll gain an enormous mental strength ”

ed.  a claim for what zen or buddhist practice does

why are you such a closed minded cretin then ?

schizophrenic really, both you and the notion of  “ practice ”

has your zen practice resulted in acceptance, freedom, lightness, appreciation, openness, humor, humility, courage, balance, creativity, resourcefulness, adaptability, etc. ?

it seems to just make for broke very closed minded people from years of observation

life malfunctionals because  ‘ practice ’  is some weird stupidity !

it does keep some people off drink and drugs however, that would have to be its major benefit

if you look at the originals of the early texts and not translations, they don’t have a notion of practice, as far as i can see the idea comes from christian science !

western buddhism and zen is an almost total re-invention !

waste of time going to see an eclipse imo, they’re no big deal and there will be plenty of video

the real eclipse nobody wants to know about of course

waste of time going to see an eclipse imo, they’re no big deal and there will be plenty of video

the actual poem in pale fire is very weak, nabakov was fluent in russian, english and french from an early age and i think this is a case of  “ a jack of all trades ”

however having read the book much younger and  listening  to it again i am far more appreciative of its genius, its quasi-sympathetic portrayal/mockery of the homosexual charles kinbot based in part i assume on his brother sergey who was most likely executed in berlin at the end of WWII for helping an english airman

but its main theme is how hubricity blinds us and our views of reality are a constant distortion

abstraction vladimir nabakov does not meta well, but its there in the work !

the  plot

mostly i feel that what i strive for is a complete waste of time

mostly i feel that a lot of what i strive for is a complete waste of time

mostly i feel that what i strive for is a waste of time

mostly i feel that a lot of what i strive for is a waste of time

mostly i feel that what i strive for is quite meaningless

mostly i feel that a lot of what i strive for is quite meaningless

the nabakov clan ,  the dream  of  ada 

 ada as  science fiction  !

if there’s missionaries, there’s got to be anti-missionaries doesn’t there ?

if there’s missionaries, there’s got to be anti-missionaries doesn’t there

bitter experience has taught me that celibacy is a fruit !

bitter experience has taught me the fruit of celibacy is   .   .  i n f i n i t y

bitter experience has taught me the fruit of celibacy

yeah all you occultists are closet sadists !

yeah all you occultists are closet sadists

so says the goat sacrificing baby hanging occultist !

“ wow, that’s a mouthful; I am astonished you can weave seemingly coherent sentences together ! ”

its the slow cooked goat brains doused in lemon juice that does it : o )

i understand you people eat them raw ?

pompous ass !

inflated   hubric   unreal

pompous ass

inflated   hubric   unreal

vitamin mk7/k2 doesn’t want to be too high in a single dose as you get a very high plasma peak, rather higher doses should be split into two smaller doses a day

i used to take  caruso’s  90  micrograms twice a day but now only seem to need it once a day

ah, he’s an r|awakened r|psychedelic, with his brain dribbling out his ears !

i was standing at the window which is quite large looking at the wind and rain on the farm and trees thinking how much contrast was between the warm room with a hot woodheater and the wintry conditions outside, then the glass in the window cracked and split and a broken gap appeared in it and the wind rushed in and the room became derelict like an abandoned house   .   .

what i have noticed with message boards is good ones become bad because they then attract a bevy of schizophrenics to take advantage of that and also people who want the board to discriminate against views they do not favour slime their way into becoming mods

so basically unless you have sole control you are dealing with huge biases and distortions from these two effects

let the crazed missionaries think the world is improved by their trying to imprint their view on r|zen

i use it for my writing and to think things through

at the end of the day what do you take away ?

jason  writes

love for women

love for an unadulterated solo life

i write on the web to suit myself and  not to pander  to the million amathiatics

its like your tennis posts, they develop your thinking and skill as a coach, that’s all there is to any posting and if you do that you get an immediate tangible benefit and that’s the only benefit there is !

money from this sort of thing is chasing a dog for its shit !

amathia is  the blindness  that comes from being who we are ?

a good page on  dahui zonggao 

the essay and translation is by miriam levering of the university of tennessee

she has a background in philosophy and the difference shows, so much better in quality than the usual   “ politically ”  indoctrinated translations !

well enlightenment is not some mute state for a start, if one has competence it shows in the ability to talk or write meaningfully about about how reality is !

the regurgitation of clichιs and hackneyed concepts is not meaningful !

drug taking is not enlightenment nor are running psychwards or sex clubs !

you are not consistent between replies

 terminal  “ i have to be rightitis ”  i’d say !

you are not consistent between replies.  terminal  “ i have to be rightitis ”  i’d say !

nothing worse  (ed.  ewk!)  than a boring repetitive schizophrenic !

. .



nothing worse than a boring repetitive schizophrenic !

nothing worse than a boring repetitive schizophrenic

have you had any real life zen experience at all ?

you disapprove of  dahui  who stated clearly that mind to mind transmission was the only authentic zen and clearly he was not talking about jokes ?

“ Recently there are a group of phony people who sell the Buddha’s teaching retail and practice a conglomeration of quasi chan everywhere

They assure one another of each other’s enlightenment by uttering meaningless words, one after another, and they mislead and deceive future generations.  This is causing the right teaching to decline

The teaching of our school, which is based on mind-to-mind transmission and direct teaching, will soon disappear, and so we cannot but carefully examine this problem ”

the thing is you are not enlightened, you haven’t had dai kenhso so you try to modify zen to fit your experience of life

what makes someone a zen master ?

well reading alan watts by all accounts on r|zen !

dahui says its mind to mind transmission which is basically the dai kensho experience

samadhi is the usual buddhist nonsense veering to bullshit term

only retards would give it the time of day and they do !

samadhi is the usual buddhist nonsense veering to bullshit term

only retards would give it the time of day and they do !

no the insane never joke do they ?

why not talk to your psychiatrist about getting ECT for your many mental health tissues, its a lot better than it used to be and given the state of your brain what does it matter if half of it is fried, let’s hope they get the right half !

if you are not enlightened then why do you think you know ,  or if you are please tell us more !

all religion is larping, zen included !

let go of questions and reality will reveal itself

as yet another question ?

a know-nothing’s awareness is of greater scope than a know-it-all’s.

this is because reality as we  “ know ”  it ultimately comes from nothing at all

no comment !

. .



cut back on contact to get rid of someone

lana del rey’s weakness is not being ruthless enough with a useless entourage and so has accumulated a backing group that amplifies rather than remedies her weaknesses as a singer and writer

plus her alcoholism has left an indelible mark !

jason  writes

i went to a live recording of one of those  ‘ late night shows ’ ,  it was dreadfully unfunny

jason  writes

 jeeves and wooster is a very funny show, i’m a depressive too !


r e p l y

p.g. wodehouse lived on long island for a while, his stories set in new york really cover the music and entertainment scene well as he wrote lyrics for shows

jason  writes

“ well i asked my friend christine how her day went an hour and a half ago and she hasn’t responded, maybe she’s not interested ”

you don’t understand the social status side !

say you were dating and then she has to explain to her parents she is dating a guy who delivers pizza !

you are now past the age that is acceptable !

“ yeah it is sort of embarrassing

but it’s sort of good that it keeps the women away ? ”

it will keep the good ones away but not the very damaged ones, beware !

yeah celibacy is not so much a choice but a lack of appropriate partners

“ lucky for me i prefer celibacy, i think ”

christine texts back

I don’t not want to talk to you I just don’t like texting

And I’ve been busy working

I’m doing my own thing

my  comment

“ I’m doing my own thing ”

translation, it doesn’t include you

i’d leave her alone, why intrude where you are not really wanted ?

jason replies

 not me and you thing !

its very hard to project the future  !

its very hard to project the future !

its very hard to project the future

since you are not enlightened, why do you expect what you say to have any validity ?

drugs don’t give insight, but retard it i am afraid !

drugs don’t give insight, but retard it i am afraid !

anyone who claims there are no enlightened people is justifying their not being enlightened !

anyone who claims there are no enlightened people is justifying their not being enlightened

women have been half interested in me but i was obviously too damaged

if you are childless you are looking for depth to life elsewhere and figuring that out is what mysticism/infinity is all about !

its not a voluntary situation, rather one was propelled to it by the factual circumstances of one’s life !

you are in the unusual situation of me second guessing your future from my own life experience

i have stayed at two tibetan retreat centers, i found the people nice which is a bit different from zen, but it is a cultural religion   .   .   .   its basically a bit stupid, but as i say the people are nice and the centers are in interesting rural places !

i can see why the  tolmin gorge  resonated with dante !

you can say the relative is a manifestation of the absolute, but you can’t say it actually is the absolute !

you can say the relative is a manifestation of the absolute, but you can’t say it actually is the absolute

you can say the relative is a manifestation of the absolute, but you can’t say it actually is !

you can say the relative is a manifestation of the absolute, but you can’t say it actually is

so basically you are framing the absolute in relative terms, but the absolute is not the relative so the framing does not frame or apply to the absolute

what talk of understanding or not understanding can be made in the absolute ?  those are both absent

“ what talk of understanding or not understanding ”  can be made in the absolute ?

what talk of  “ What talk of understanding or not understanding can be made in the absolute ? ”

absolute being a dream and non-dream !

absolute being a dream and non-dream

in the same sense the absolute implies relative so you  “ understanding ”  also implies you   “ not understanding ”  ?

how do you ride both those horses ?

best to forget about it and never talk of it again

that’s not enlightenment but the ignorant world view !

in the same sense the absolute implies relative so you  “ understanding ”  also implies you   “ not understanding ”  ?

how do you ride both those horses ?

everything is co-dependent  how can you single out anything ?

that’s plain enough for you to understand ?

everything is co-dependent  how can you single out anything ?

everything is co-dependent how can you single out anything ?

that’s plain enough for you to understand ?

everything is co-dependent how can you single out anything ?

when women look at a man ,  their first question is  “ how can i use him ”  ?

when women look at a man ,  their first question is  “ how can i use him ”

an astrophysicist is privy to how the universe works

but at home the machinations of women are unseen by him

a nagarjuna quote

i can see i am getting older, but don’t feel like i am going to die ever and that’s right !

i can see i am getting older, but don’t feel like i am going to die ever and that’s right

so, a lot of nagarjuna boils down to this

plus and minus define each other

your’re a victim of your own projections

things slide back and forth

but you cannot catch up

he is a victim of his own projections

things slide back and forth

but he cannot catch up

ewk, a victim of his own projections

zen slides back and forth

but he cannot catch up


a victim

of his own projections

zen slides back and forth



cannot catch





a  ceaseless







a  ceaseless







a  ceaseless




in the drug world your idiot gabble passes for something ?

in the drug world your idiot gabble passes for something

what is the  ‘  doubt-filled investigation ’  dahui talks about ?

can you arrive at infinity ?

i doubt it

those that arrive are very few !

they are called  “ patriarchs ” 

the rabble have so little confidence in their veracity they do nothing but slander them !

what is the  ‘  doubt-filled investigation ’  dahui talks about ?

can you arrive at infinity ?

What is the  ‘  doubt-filled investigation ’  Dahui talks about ?

can you arrive at infinity ?

sepehr  writes

You’re better off just taking more frequent walks in solitude.  Just avoid the retreat stuff.  If you’re in the need for social events, I think visiting book clubs are better

I recommend watching the film Hana-bi, which captures the spirit of Zen with one subplot.  How the main character’s friend, both being police cops, responded to his tragedy in the film Hana-bi is what Zen is all about.  I felt this subplot was better executed than the main plot to be honest

Basically, one of the characters becomes paralyzed from being shot by the Yakuza, and his wife and child leave him, probably due to how he spent more time at work than with family sadly  —  or how they don’t want to feel depressed seeing him in a wheelchair

He is in a wheelchair but still has upper-body mobility.  He contemplates suicide, but the main character advises against this course of action, encouraging him to paint instead to cope.  Initially, there was great pain as he aimlessly watched the ocean trying to come to terms with his plight, and even a suicide attempt with swallowing pills! He survives it, and he gradually grows to become more accepting of his circumstances and contented in his solitude

As the film proceeds, we see him starting to become more relaxed in his daily contemplating solitude staring at the ocean, trees, and flowers; however, watch catches his attention more are the petals of orchids, which provides inspiration for his own artwork of animals, children, etc.

This reminded me of Schopenhauer’s views on aesthetic experiences, largely similar to Andrew’s views on how we communicate with artists, when we read their works deeply, as a way to deal with the insanity of the world, creating our own calm ponds in the corner of the discord that is mankind’s march

I recommend watching this film and being more like the paralyzed man, after he became more contented and relaxed.  Pick up an artistic craft, etc.  It’s hard to do, but I feel dropping Hegel and going for the superior Schopenhauer is the first step

Hegel was a terrible thinker and charlatan whereas Schopenhauer was brilliant.  My goal is to fully read The World as Will and Representation after watching this film because I was astounded by the parallels I drew between Schopenhauer’s ideas relating to the role aesthetic experiences play with that subplot

Also, one thing that astounded me about Hana-bi is how many parallels I noticed with the artwork of some Persian miniatures I’ve seen

if there’s a simple theme its the endless work the two depressives bertie wooster and reginald jeeves, put into other people’s lives while leaving their own short

if there’s a simple theme its the endless work the two depressives bertie and jeeves, put into other people’s lives while leaving their own short

the jeeves stories are a form of surrealism, the surrealism consists of an over the top degree of co-incidence !

the jeeves stories are a form of surrealism, the surrealism consists of an unnatural degree of co-incidence !

podcasts drive me crazy, i don’t know why ?

podcasts drive me crazy, i don’t know why

i don’t know what it is about vipassana, bit stupid and no understanding !

heads down their ostrich holes !

my reworking of one of the homilies just below by jason

at the restaurant where i work

“ jason its so nice outside !  

  there’s been a full moon ! ”

a full moon ?

 that explains what’s going on around here !

jason’s  homilies

at the restaurant where i work

“ jason its so nice outside ! ”

me :  there’s been a full moon !

“ a full moon ?

  that explains what’s going on around here ! ”

hardly ever feel like i’m my age

either i’m acting like a child, beyond my years, or just some years off

the world is full of fuckers

what’s most important to them is fucking

why do people like to talk about me ?

i guess they find me more interesting than their own selves !

that you are asking for validation of  “ correct understanding ”  is itself   “ invalid ”

you can go from a pole to a solar sea and you will never find  “ correct understanding ”

some drugs like mdma are used for post traumatic stress disorder, that’s being used medicinally, ie some brain damage from the drug is acceptable given the overall context and on balance there can be considerable functional  improvement

but in the non medicinal context it makes no sense to take on any brain damage damage at all and as for  “ a more holistic viewpoint ”  in that context i have never seen it, it is as brad warner describes it, a wrong minded lens !

lecco  on lake como, lombardy

most so called zen teachers are crazy stupid in the wrong way, there’s really nothing to recommend !

most so called zen teachers are crazy stupid in the wrong way, there’s really nothing to recommend them

your problem  (ed.  anxiety and OCD)  is a paucity of worthwhile content to displace the  “ junk ”

most people involved with zen read more junk to replace the junk already there !

try  reading quality 

non duality is a bit of a sex club, destructive to relationships, as you  (jason)  are not in a relationship its  (ed.  a lisa cairns retreat)  not going to damage you in that way

i’m sorry i have had to deal with so many hubric nutcases of your ilk !

look up  “ hubric ” ,  why you druggies are so aggressively missionistic is beyond me !

ed.  a lsd user in this case !

oddly, for a term  (ed.   “ emptiness ” )  bandied about so much, i have never ever seen a discussion on translating the term and what the original chinese is !

what would be useful is a philological approach as to what it actually means as used by ch’an and if there is any corresponding term in english, since plainly  “ emptiness ”  does not cover it !

philology is the actual use in the historical context which in this case is not sanskrit or buddhism, but ch’an

i notice that japanese zen doesn’t really use it !

“ so in action you are like the flight of a bird, and in stillness you are like open space ”

in action you are like a three legged dog and in stillness you play shooter games and overdose on tea

that’s why you are not enlightened ewk !

no amount of pretentious posting on r|zen or r|sangha will make you otherwise and one day you will just walk away from your insane stupidity

or go back on risperdal !

“ you’ve said you can tell a lot about a woman by her jewelry but i don’t think i can say what’s good looking or bad looking jewelry ”

its more that jewelry reflects the character of the person !

i feel your central issue is pot and diet/supps etc and unless those are satisfactory pretty much everything you do will slip away from you !

i don’t think you would be wasting your time going  (ed. to the retreat) ,  its more this question of  “ things slipping past you ”

jason  writes

my oneitis threw out her hookah and got a tattoo on her hand

i was going to like jacklyn’s new profile picture but i held myself back


r e p l y

yeah keep your distance !

just remember

“ too much autism under one roof ”

will save you a lot of grief

you need  erica

brad warner on why drugs are not effective on the mystical path

all  the drugs did  was alter reality and make everything less clear than it had been before

i kind of feel we are put on this earth, we are manifestations of the universe and the universe wants something  (for lack of a better way to put it)  and what it wants is to see through this lens and my main duty is to keep that as clear as possible so that whatever is behind this can see through it

the drugs never touched the core of who i was, they just kinda made a different lens through which to see that, that was a distorted sorta fun house mirror lens that wasn’t useful so i just gave up on the whole thing

rengetsu or  real life  versus hagiography

if she had lived in the tang and song dynasties where the population was substantially illiterate we would have embellished saintly waffle, but since she lived in the nineteenth century we have accounts of her that give a touchingly realistic picture of a woman harassed by life !

my retranslation of one of her poems

the wind

dusts the river with snow

fragile beauty

lost to sight

zakaj  asks

how does one find a little bit of respite from the robotic nature of one’s self ?

shikantaza ?


r e p l y

meditation is to show how one’s mind works as well as problem solving so its not respite

but as i have mentioned before travelling in scenic areas or by the sea and enjoying the beauty of nature gives respite !

what interests you ?

you need that sense of fugue with infinity, where do you find it ?

zakaj  writes

when I used to hop from one thing to the next this Guru, that religion it was like falling in love again and again

I was overjoyed at the freshness of the discovery of what past minds believed, what they lived and died for and I was willing to roleplay as/with them

or when I was always worried about money  .  .  .  that served to cover up what is facing me now and what is it that is facing me now ?  what is this life in front of men ?  it’s all so heavy

something breaks down and suddenly you can’t fool yourself anymore now the cloud of unknowing always flies overhead  .  .  .  what even is real ?

. .



there’s no refuge is there ?


r e p l y

well the plus side is one doesn’t have to constantly chase the endless bullshit of humanity

the net is full of bombastic drug deranged idiots writing meaningless nonsense like it means something ?

the net is full of pompous drug deranged idiots writing meaningless nonsense like it means something ?

the net is full of pompous drug deranged idiots writing meaningless nonsense like it means something

a quote from chih-kung ho-shang  (418-514)  followed by my retranslation

if you love the sacred and hate the secular

you’ll float and sink in the birth-and-death sea

the passions exist dependent on mind

have no-mind, and how can they bind you !

without troubling to discriminate

or cling to forms

you’ll attain the way naturally

in a moment of time

sucked in by florid nonsense and despising your everyday experience

you exchange one form of passion for another

stick to your own truths and you won’t be fooled

a hypertensive, cannabis smoking, phenibut taking semi-recovered but unrepentant drug addict/sometime dealer ? ,  married with kids claims he doesn’t have aspergers syndrome

“ Funny thing is I’ve been married for 15 years.  I have a nice sex life with my wife but she still looks worried if I joke about being gay.  I’ve never had a single sexual feeling towards a male, but I do like shoes and art a lot.  I also have lots of gays friends and I’m open about the fact that I like to hang out with gay men a lot more than I like hanging out with straight men ”


r e p l y

“ autistic spectrum ”  is the more general category than aspergers !

gender blurring being a signal determinant !

zen is suicide except most of those in it are not intelligent enough to off themsleves  !

zen is suicide except most of those in it are not intelligent enough to off themsleves  !

zen is suicide except most of those in it are not intelligent enough to off themsleves

zen got reinvented in the west as a sex club !

zen got reinvented in the west as a sex club

ted hughes was absolutely not the right husband for sylvia plath, its hard to be believe she could fuck up so badly, she would have had a wide array of admirers to choose from !

I   II   III

her  final novel  would have been destroyed by him for sure !

its just unfortunate, our worst life mistakes we make ourselves !

non celibate zen is trying to ride two horses going in different directions  !

non celibate zen is trying to ride two horses going in different directions !

non celibate zen is trying to ride two horses going in different directions

the predominant form of zen in the west is actually a political product of the meiji era in japan and monks were required to get married since celibate monks had too much influence and effectively zen became a propaganda arm for the extreme nationalism of imperial japan

in fact historically zen has been strongly celibate and from experience i can say that non celibate zen makes for a lot of stupidity and craziness

zen on the web is mainly some sort of refuge for the drug damaged, yet another metamorphosis !

mahasattva fu had a wife and children yet is highly regarded by yuan wu and his contemporaries

sure, he sold them into slavery but marriage didn’t stop him from pursuing the way

yuan wu wasn’t enlightened, sylvia plath was enlightened

pursuit of the way is an illusion !

all the recent research is showing that any form  (even if you don’t lose consciousness)  of concussion is a problem, you can’t reverse it, you can only avoid it in the future and also respect your brain by not getting drunk or smoking pot !

the degree of damage for this sort of thing you can only tell by what happens and you look back in a year !

the/an interesting thing about the  later  virgin of the rocks is mary who looks a living human compared to the deathlike angel is more comfortable with john the baptist than the baby jesus

the subtle genius of leonardo !

terse Zen-like sayings are not all that helpful

why.  not.

“ terse Zen-like sayings are not all that helpful ”

why.  not.

it just amazes me the intensity of schizophrenia

leo tolstoy ,  dillon123 ,  the virgin of the rocks

for what


  why ?

it just amazes me all the energy put into schizophrenia

leo tolstoy ,    dillon123  ,  the virgin of the rocks

for what


  why ?

its not good for the circadian rhythm to look at a screen during sleeping hours !

i always work under a red light during those selfsame hours

another crazy  ghost story  really, with zen’s usual promotion of suicide !

its a meme and far from original to zen !

its internally inconsistent, it takes a strong man to haul a coffin around, not one at death’s door

i suppose if the lid had a good seal he could asphyxiate, why not put that detail in, the choking sounds as he suffocated ?

is that why the bell rang, to cover those sounds ?

its not possible to relate philosophical notions of  “ being ”  and  “ not being ”  to laws of physics, it doesn’t work !

you can relate it in a very general sense of the development of the laws of physics and astrophysics being a never ending process with new discoveries over the very long term pushing theories through continual shifts in perspective and content

prediction effectiveness depends on a limited context !

the mystical is without walls !

what makes this episode  exceptional  is it draws on p.g. wodehouse’s experience working as a lyrics writer for new york musical shows !

wodehouse  never had any biological children, there’s always some sad melancholy in his stories about   “ family avoidant ”  men !

there’s really quite a bit of  “ spiritual ”  import in his stories if you care to look !

having owned many message boards my advice is basically don’t delete unless spam

i know zen_mystical has a long ban list, but its run as an edited magazine !

dillon, you are ok if you stick  to recounting  your direct experience, the moment you veer off into your theoretical bullshit you are hardly effectively advertising your position !

if what you have worked out is so right, why are you using zen_mystical to promote your insane viewpoints ?

why ?

how much more of a profound difference can be between us if i can say psychedelic experiences are meaningless in terms of  “ mystical ”  realities and you are claiming that they are some sort of true foundational stone !

the beginning and end problem of any drug is does it do any permanent brain damage and i have yet to meet or come across anyone who has done drugs or alcohol this hasn’t happened to

the problems with psychedelics is not addiction, but brain damage !

in your case because of your seven years pot use, that is hugely significant !

dillon i can tell you this but it goes straight past you, please respect the purpose of zen_mystical which is to provide an assist for people interested in what the real mysticism is about, not some platform you can missionize your erroneous views from !

i really don’t understand this missionize thing, like ewk and the rest of r|zren, no interest in their own discovery, all just creepy failed missionaries   .   .    why ?

zen_mystical has a tiny readership btw, you would do at least as well setting up your own subreddit !

you just don’t accept how far apart our viewpoints are, they are not compatible, strike out on your own, you will get viewers !

i don’t want to correspond with you, move to your own subreddit !

actually reading this portion quoted just below of what you wrote, i think you were damaged by the mushrooms, you have low brain derived neurotropic factor !


The first time I  (ed.  dillon)  prepared myself to do mushrooms, I had basically cut off the world for seven days, meditated for major parts of the days, and did ritual, didn’t use the computer or phone

Then I psyched myself up, and to take it, I had ground it up and put it in a half-drunken protein drink, it was a thick substance which smelled awful and was wretch-inducing and even the memory now triggers my gag reflexes !

I then drank it down and sat solemnly, and then had an amazing six hour experience diving through my mind !

I did it three other times, because it was the narrative in my head at the time following the events of life, and being in sync with synchronicities and my meditations and what was happening, and each time it was something I dreaded knowing I’d have to take

The fourth and final time, I had a horrible time, and I never did them again after that. At the time, I was doubting doing them the fourth time, and when I had the awful experience, it felt like a confirmation of  ‘ you learned all you can from this ’ ,  and in this state I received a line which said  ‘ Binah is Hypnosis ’

Several years later, I decided to take a hypnosis course, and my Qabalah studies finally clicked !

There’s nothing addicting about mushrooms ,  I’ve never done chemical drugs like  “ acid ” ,  never would want to  —  so I can’t speak of them, or those who do them

However, mushrooms are a  “ death simulator ” ,  and I think every adult should have the right to experience it in a ritual setting !

beware aztec princes and princesses they are a murderous, victimizing people and culture, mexico and south america are a reflection of their people’s genetic heritage !

jason replies

an aztec prince and princess came into the pizzeria yesterday, i can see how they’d murder me

a full moon

confused magpies


a full moon

white frost

confused magpies


virgin of the rocks

I    II

“ i knew something profound was coming my way, i should never have played with fire and i did and i got very burnt ”

princess diana  talking  to her speech consultant, peter settelen



very intelligent, but prone to taking that autistic wrong turning so fatal to her happiness and eventually contributed to her death !

why did mother teresa relate to her, they were both that combination of intelligent and wrong turnings, elizabeth bishop’s   disaster  !

a keyboard can generate endless worlds, i think this is more a reflection on the worlds it generates than the keyboard

or is it ?

a keyboard can generate endless worlds, i think this is more a reflection on the worlds it generates than the keyboard

i’m donating blood about three times a year now, potential health benefits are depletion of white blood cells and the invigoration of stem cells making the replacements and perhaps reducing the iron loading in the brain and flow on effects from reducing any  alzhiemer’s  like action !

“ professor douglas kell says that supposedly sterile red blood cells were seen to contain dormant microbes, which also has implications for blood transfusions

there is incontrovertible evidence that alzheimer’s disease has a dormant microbial component, and that this can be woken up by iron dysregulation

removing this iron will slow down or prevent cognitive degeneration  —  we can’t keep ignoring all of the evidence ”

incidently it is bad news to donate blood if you are deficient in vitamin A, without adequate vitamin A you will deplete the pool of stem cells !

some  good news ,  i’m  O+

dillon123  writes

Okay, well it’s not possible to turn back a clock

I also enjoy the use of pot and I had paralysis of nerves which pot restored function of with yoga and stretching and intuitive methods !

Tumeric and exercise work enough when there’s no extremes of stress

I have seven years use to blame for my  “ schizophrenia ”  and super wackiness, what is your excuse ?


r e p l y

 being enlightened at an early age !

“ there are plenty of people who are living who smoke pot and have their wits about them ”

on how to fuck you up for sure !

“ there are plenty of people who are living who smoke pot and have their wits about them ”

on how to fuck you up, sure !

pot heads; happy  early alzheimers

net zen seems to be about justifying drug use, that is what you  (ed.  dillon123)  are using your time for, why if its such a satisfactory deal ?

“ It was just that in ten years I attained great awakening ”

each year i understood more !

then i smoked pot and lost everything !

You do realize what reading about awakenings are supposed to do right ?

yeah fill idiots more full of bullshit, there has to be some justice in this world !

basically steer clear of anything custom for vehicles

you pay considerably more and they ALWAYS have reliability and functional problems

don’t buy what you have to modify




Canon 6D with a 17-40mm f4L on a sturdy tripod, nothing exceptional.  You could get this kind of shot with any camera, the trick is to not push the colors too much and make sure you don’t compress too much when saving or uploading, and I think bit depth matters a lot when it comes to banding but I didn’t pay too much attention to it.  One neat trick I learned to avoid banding is to add a tiny bit of noise to your image, which helps smooth out the hideous bands

Half an hour west of Bend, Oregon

if the holocaust doesn’t prove that the judaic god is a complete arsehole what does ! ?

even if it doesn’t discredit a god as such, surely you would want to be anything but close to him/her !

As for what to do with koans, find one you don’t understand and meditate on it ad nauseum

Try to understand it completely and be able to explain it to someone else

particularly find one that’s bullshit in the first place which most are and then spend thirty years trying to make sense out of voynich and when you finally fool yourself into thinking it has meaning, claim  “ dai kensho ”  and enlightenment !

i kid you not, zen is full of this and so called  ‘ teachers ’  who have done this !

a  ‘ koan ’  is a verbal puzzle with some semantic or philosophical heft !

greek philosophy transferred to the west as greek philosophy and to the east as buddhism and zen through the indo-grecian empires

its pretty simple really, its just you have this huge fake pretense in the west now of these religions being something more than the mangled philosophy they encompass !

componentfield on r|zen generously has me tagged as  “ insane but funny ? ”

it’s true !

you ARE funny !

and just because you’re insane doesn’t mean you’re wrong


r e p l y

mostly i don’t intend to be funny and people think i am funny and when i intend to be funny, people get upset !

jason  asks

“ can you tell someone is depressed just by looking at them ? ”

extreme depression is obvious, otherwise i am not sure

when brought face to face with their hypocrisy, they run like rabbits  !

when brought face to face with their hypocrisy, they run like rabbits !

when brought face to face with their hypocrisy, they run like rabbits

the pali canon is as concentrated a collection of bullshit as was ever collected !

quote something that’s not bullshit from it !

you can’t !

they are just the ramblings  of loafers

well some of  these quotes  are reasonable !

i like this one

the world offers no shelter

there is no one in charge

and maybe this

focus, not on the rudenesses of others, not on what they’ve done or left undone, but on what you have and haven’t done yourself

the pali canon is as concentrated a collection of bullshit as was ever collected !

the pali canon is as concentrated a collection of bullshit as was ever collected

the problem with drugs is brain damage  !

the problem with drugs is brain damage !

the problem with drugs is brain damage

you have cognitive and memory problems from drug use and r|zen seems to be some sort of repository for people like you, not much more to say is there ?

for some reason people like you are attracted to my writing while in denial about themselves making a nuisance of themselves like the unpleasant arseholes they are

what can i do ?

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

your objection is to my proficiency

in other words you are just the usual drug damaged that can’t get over the loss of brain power

academic philosophy these days is just self perpetuated insanity

academic philosophy these days is self perpetuated insanity

academic philosophy these days is self perpetuating insanity


ewk’s  wordless zen  ?

man there’s this  huge problem  on the net with drug addicts using zen for  “ wallpaper ”

its so bad you might as well give up zen !

zen on the net is the drug damaged looking to wallpaper their pathetic lives with bullshit !

zen on the net is the drug damaged looking to wallpaper their pathetic lives with contoured bullshit !

some words are helpful

some words

are not

some words are downright deceitful

 co-joint in a plot !

some words are helpful

some words

are not

some words are downright deceitful

 co-joined to a plot !

some words are helpful

some words

are not

some words shine with their own beauty

you may love yourselves  and your wives  mothers girlfriends boyfriends and children may love you, but i don’t

something to remember about being human, we are the last and not the first hominin species

jason  writes

i haven’t been writing publicly as much recently, just my actions have been elsewhere

“ i don’t know how marijuana has all these positive marijuana fallacies exist, that it doesn’t cause brain damage, that it’s  not addictive  etc

i didn’t believe it then i believed it and now i don’t believe them again ”

jason quotes me

the blind men think

they have complete sight

and says

i go to work and all the men are so egotistical, they know it all except really they don’t

you may love yourselves  and your wives  mothers girlfriends and children may love you, but i don’t


you may love yourself, your wives, your children and others may love you but i don’t

you may love yourself; your wives, your children and others may love you but i don’t

i think if you like an area you can find properties for sale even if they are not listed

jason asks if i am a true hermit ?

pyschologically yes, i don’t need people at all

jason asks if i am a true hermit ?

i don’t need people at all

p.g. wodehouse’s plots are very weak ,  he uses the deus ex machina of an unnatural degree of coincidence to keep things going

however some things ring true, jeeves and bertie, a supercompetent and incompetent depressed man flailing about in other people’s breeding    .   .

somethings are simply endless and you have to ask yourself if you want to continue doing them

unfortunately there is no answer except the displacement of one activity by another and the judgment of later years

somethings are simply endless and you have to ask yourself if you want to continue doing them

there is no answer except the displacement of one activity by another and the judgment of later years

somethings are simply endless and you have to ask yourself if you want to continue doing them

unfortunately there is no answer

“ But truth keeps us steady ”

if we don’t keep censoring what we think doesn’t look good for us !

i think we will do anything to avoid feeling passing blank time

i think we will do anything to avoid passing blank time

“ My dad  (with stepmom)  went all over Europe this year including Germany, Ireland, Italy and a couple of others I don’t remember and Slovenia

They said Slovenia was by far the most beautiful, had the best food and the people spoke English really well and were super nice ”

zen is always recreated with each new competent teacher, they are so rare

the generations drift between   .   .

look, i’m not being nasty but you are not able to understand what i write and apparently don’t want to ! ?

zen requires post graduate level english and other skills and its all really quite different from   “ school marm ”  english !

why did bodhidharma come from the west ?

he doesn’t seem to have  ‘ the missionary spirit ’  so one can only assume he had some trouble at home that threatened his life

language syntax and grammar are constantly changing, if you ever read sir henry neville’s/shakespeare’s plays in their original script you will understand

ie syntax and grammar are plastic !

poetry explores deep semantic structure, that’s what its about so its always going to utilise that plasticity

stephen king writes rubbish for money, i write for infinity and love

the blind men think

they have complete sight

the blind men






moon stars sun rain

rain stars moon sun

moon stars rain sun

sun moon stars rain

stars moon rain

rain moon

 feel it !

sun moon stars rain

moon rain stars

rain stars

 feel it !

sun moon stars rain

moon stars rain

stars rain

 feel it !

the first line is from e.e. cummings poem,   ‘ anyone lived in a pretty how town ’  and  ‘ feel ’  references some lines from another poem

since feeling is first

who pays any attention

to the syntax of things

 will never wholly kiss you;

wholly to be a fool

while Spring is in the world

it was the  ready supply  of cabin stores that enabled christopher knight’s long sojourn, he used to dose up on alcohol to get enough calories to tide over winter

christopher mccandless died from lathyrism from eating the seeds of wild potatoes, with more knowledge and experience he would have survived to become yet another alaskan hermit

i think they were both too inexperienced and lacked the skills to become more invisibly hermits, moving in and out of civilization as they needed to

perhaps there are some women hermits of this type, not known   .   .

actually now i think of it, clem gordon who had an ecumenical retreat hermitage in the  hokianga harbour  where i stayed at for a while was in that mould, a scottish aristocrat raised in italy with a genuine illuminated bible worth millions in the top drawer of her desk and really old furniture like a 13th century chest from her family estate in scotland, never married and regaled me with horror stories of mad people in an asylum with syphilis across from the blood research laboratory she worked at in WW2, was in that mould   .   .

sadly she is gone, but she certainly was a character and is fondly remembered !

she spent many years sailing around the baltic with a friend !

do you believe in ghosts ?

what is it that you do or do not believe in ?

what manner of the world is that it does or does not permit them ?

He quotes  in close-up from a heart-wrenching sequence of letters between a farmhand, Emily Chitticks, and her sweetheart, Private Will Martin; five of the twenty-three letters she wrote were returned, inscribed KILLED

In one, she told him :  ‘ I have dreamt that you were back home with me dear and the most strange thing about them, you are always in civilian clothes when I dream of you and I have never seen you in those dear  .  .  .   I hope that will come true ’

When he was killed, in March 1917, she began the long struggle to find the whereabouts of his body

Though bits of news raised her hopes, he was declared missing along with thousands of others in the Battle of the Somme

She asked to be buried with the bundle of their letters

my  comment

the dreams were precious

fidget spinners are stripped down  gyroscopes

sorta fascinating in its pointlessness,   but hypnotic  all the same !

origins of calculus    I   II

roman science

the ancient greeks were quite into the atomic nature of matter

if zen has a theory, its says that theory is not adequate

‘ a flower blooms in the valley as an old man dies ’

who can argue ?

an old man blooms in the valley as a flower dies

‘ A flower blooms in the valley as an old man dies ’

Who can argue ?

an old man blooms in the valley as a flower dies

you need some aerobic exercise every day

lol   suggestion

what i really meant to say was sit on your arse and play games and comment on message boards all day and night ! :o)

what i find is you get to a certain point with brad warner, then he just walks away

and that i think is the difference between being in a relationship and celibate

he doesn’t have any spare energy, it goes to the relationship whereas a celibate has the energy to jump to the next level and move forward

you don’t listen because you are unable to listen

Ok tell me if this sounds crazy, our accusations of others are disowned thoughts about ourselves  .  .  .   discuss  .  .  .   or not i will take myself seriously if you do :o)

the thing about writing like this is you need to take it as an opportunity for self-reflection so if one criticises others one reflects on the criticism as it also applies to oneself !

“ what you say is what you are ! ”

not exactly rocket science except on r|zen !

its just that different mode from  “ missionizing ”  to self-reflection

once you start to self-reflect everything changes !

in addition you need to read quality or you never break out of your brain ruts !

brad warner is a good example of someone who gets stuck by not reading quality, he meditates which gives self reflection, but because he reads trash he just churns trash so to speak !

your question is genuine  “ spiritual inquiry ”  you feel you have to foil the question which says a lot about the toxic atmosphere on r|zen !

of zenthrowaway17

your writing has become sorta grey, like that of a dying man beyond hope !

your writing has become sorta grey, like that of a dying man beyond hope !

zen is much better expressed in poetry so if you don’t like or have an interest in poetry you can’t ever understand zen !

buddha said  “ i am not made up !

  no i definitely am not a crappy work of fiction ! ”

from the sutra of the 7th zen patriarch

buddha said  “ i am not made up !

  no i definitely am not a crappy work of fiction ! ”

buddha said  “ i am not made up !  no i definitely am not a crappy work of fiction ! ”

e.e. cummings

since feeling is first

who pays any attention

to the syntax of things

 will never wholly kiss you;

wholly to be a fool

while Spring is in the world

you are consigned to your own worthless oblivion, no wish for any more contact with you and your boring stupidity !

was your reply supposed to be an effective deflection ?

you, so full of bullshit about things you have absolutely no experience of  ?

buddhism and christianity are novels that are treated as real, they rely on this for veracity, otherwise you would think they were a bunch of nonsense  !

buddhism and christianity are novels that are treated as real, they rely on this for veracity, otherwise you would think they were a bunch of nonsense

the  ageless world  of bertie wooster ,  reginald jeeves never grows older

all modifications are little research projects about what works and doesn’t for the remaining life of the vehicle

‘ mystical inquiry ’  is an intrinsically sad and melancholy process because that’s what life is, intrinsically sad and melancholy

i reread what i wrote earlier and just about cried

you can read all the wisdom literature you like, but we still seem to make the same mistakes

i think you have the bad luck to have low brain-derived neurotrophic factor which means you get more brain damage from pot and concussion than usual !

join r|losers, lol, i would be an honorary moderator of that, you too !

i don’t ever meditate intentionally,  just go onto red light a couple of hours before bed and you can’t do much under that light

when i go to town i spend an hour or so by the sea in the evening

a quote from r. h. blyth’s  ‘ zen and zen classics ’  volume 3

one day mazu (baso)  asked xitang (seido)  :  why don’t you read the sutras ?

xitang replied  :  what is the difference between the sutras and zen ?

mazu said  :  even so, you should do so for the sake of other people

xitang said  :  i think a man’s illness must be cured by the man himself.  how can one do things for others ?

mazu replied  :  in later years you will set great rivers on fire

my  re – translation

mazu told xitang that he needed to read around more !

xitang said, hey i’m the original solipsist

mazu replied that it doesn’t work quite like that !

xaitang replied  “ really ? ”

mazu knocked his king over !

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

What is the difference between the sutras and Zen ?

that’s a good translation and has subtle meaning you  (ed. theksepyro)  won’t understand unless you are enlightened !

“ do you read classical Chinese and have the source text for this ?

If you do I’d love to hear about it ! ”


i go from being enlightened and know what it must be

hint :  zen could be better put as real life zen

schopenhauer put it this way

you can read all the wisdom literature you like, but we still seem to make the same mistakes

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

you  (ed. theksepyro)  are in denial about the importance of enlightenment in zen and actually this koan is about your lack of real life zen experience making anything you try/do in zen very flawed

you and ewk and countless/many others sit before the same barrier

real life zen is just as vicious except its done more politely and on longer time scales, just like real world politics

its that money and resources are so short that things get way more vicious over nothing !

investing in idiocy really !

real life zen is just as vicious except its done more politely and on longer time scales, just like real world politics

the commonality of real world and r|zen is both are for chronic losers

real life zen is just as vicious except its done more politely and on longer time scales, just like real world politics

you got caught in a cultural shift where relatively unskilled manual labour was worth something whereas now its worth nothing

you got caught in a cultural shift where relatively unskilled manual labour was worth something where now its worth nothing

jason  writes

actually i told my friend who is training to be a nurse that it wasn’t a good profession to go into and she got pretty offended, i said it like two months ago and she’s still sort of upset


r e p l y

nursing is the worst they are low in the medical status hierarchy, do a lot of hard manual work, have a lot of chronic immune excitation exposure and seem to develop health problems at a far higher rate than the general population

jason  replies

yeah my friend got pretty offended when i told her nursing wasn’t a great choice, maybe because she’s already five years into it !

with lots of money spent on the education

you gave her good advice and she ignored it, just sit back and see what happens

ed.  of a young women going into med school in new york and being advised against it

same for Jacklyn and the smoking

nothing in a box

is unboxed



a box

is unboxed

nothing in

a box

is unboxed

mental illnesses exist regardless of whether or not they are diagnosed, diagnoses simply have legal and social welfare ramifications !

conditions exist regardless of whether or not they are diagnosed, diagnoses simply have legal and social welfare ramifications !

i think brad warner is mentally lazy and covers it with dishonesty

he has too much wrong shit with the right !

i think brad warner is mentally lazy and covers it with dishonesty

i think he’s mentally lazy and covers it with dishonesty

he has too much wrong shit with the right !

i think he’s mentally lazy and covers it with dishonesty

to read a translation is to read the translator and not the person or work he is translating

to read a translation is to read the translator and not the person he is translating

ewk  replies

sounds like something you made up ?


r e p l y

that’s the thing about great quotes, at some point some-one made it up, me in this case !

. .



to read a translation is to read the translator and not the person he is translating

you have some bizarre agenda with me and like ewk try to twist reality to suit !

you have some bizarre agenda with me and like ewk try to twist reality to suit

it is the nature of the mentally ill that they go in circles

that’s why they are mentally ill

it is the nature of the mentally ill that they go in circles

your problem is that of schizophrenia, you don’t quite synchronise with reality in a useful manner

like you have said something, i am sure you feel it is meaningful, but is it ?

generalities are wonderful for escaping criticism but that doesn’t mean they are beyond criticism !

“ None that I know of ”

that doesn’t make it  “ none ”  does it, you most complacent of the ignoramuses !

i love the way maezumi roshi died drunk in a bath to cap off a career as an alcoholic and predator of young women and sasaki roshi’s spectacular life as an embezzler, geisha client and centenarian sex maniac

zen has so much to recommend itself !

joshu had to resort to outwitting his students verbally to win fruit off of them, not everyone wants to live in that degree of poverty !

when they can’t beat you verbally, they downvote !

when they can’t beat you verbally, they downvote

well i have visited many zen centers and teachers, unlike anybody else i have ever come across !

the really hard thing to understand about zen is 99% of the people involved are clueless, this includes zen masters !

go along to a zen sit, you need some experiential background at this point !

95% of people of r|zen have zero experience of real life zen and actually deny its important !

What is dharma ?

anything you want it to be but commonly assumed to mean something like“ truth the way i think it should be ”

by and large most zennists are very stupid, seems to attract them for some reason

tobacco is a drug designed to give you cancer !

tobacco is a drug designed to give you cancer

Sepehr advises why psychedelics are bad with a story

One hobby I really enjoy doing is walking with curiosity through antique stores

There are many good ones near me, and they tend to have small compartments, like a cubicle, separated from each other in a long-winding hall-way, but with occasional open clearings where you’re surrounded by a panorama of doodads

In most of these compartments, you find a general theme with interesting figurines, artwork, but normally, you also find trite things like pictures of Diane

Granted, since these stores tend to be big, you could meander for two hours and still find many cool things, some of which I have personally found include a tattered screen door with Victorian and Edwardian era stickers of kids frolicking with cats and dogs  (can share a photo of this one) ,  a Maxfield Parrish painting, cool owl and cat paintings and figurines, plates with anime artwork based on Belgium classic The Dog of Flanders & A Boy and His Rascal, and much more

It is as if each compartment has mysteries in every corner that transports you into a new world

One of mysteries, always something new and unexpected !

I avidly remember one dream I had where I was exploring another antique-like store

In this dream, things proceeded normally, until I found a wormhole somewhere else

In this wormhole, I saw flashes of my memories, the Cosmos, plants, and much more

It made me appreciate the diversity and complexity of life in this world more, how its a projection of my mind largely

Drugs tip you too much into the unreal

Actually contemplating your own experiences and lucid dreaming can help unreal and real synchronize, if temporally

Point is, you come to appreciate life and its mysteries more, developing more creativity in the long-run

the big thing with plugs, nuts and bolts on automotive is not to damage the heads or strip the threads

you don’t need a torque wrench but don’t overtighten

ewk, you work at being more stupid, what can i say ?

you work at being more stupid, what can i say ?

brad, buddhism is mangled philosophy, you are  reading  something into it that is not there !

now that i think about it, that’s a very soto thing, eihei dogen took upon himself the task of deconstucting buddhism and reconstructing it into something coherent from a philosophical and mystical point of view !

one thing i took from yoshida kenko’s  “ tsurezuregusa ”  written 80 years after dogen’s death was that an ordained buddhist monk born and living in kyoto very interested in zen type philosophical observations makes not a single reference to eihei dogen and shows no sign of any familiarity with him which says dogen had become completely obscure   .   .

there’s very little public appetite for this religious deconstruction/reconstruction and having read the  ‘ tsurezuregusa ’  which deals with the same sort of observation and working out mode without the labour of de/reconstruction and is vastly more popular i have to ask what you are doing with your attempts to rectify a religion only too happy to pinch your intellectual efforts at the same time as rubbishing you !

brad warner replied

who rubbished me ?  i couldn’t follow that part

as for dogen’s obscurity, i’ve written about that a lot

his writings essentially almost disappeared for several hundred years

very few people read them between the time he died and the early twentieth century


r e p l y

i don’t think you have picked up the main points of what i wrote !

its disappointing !

i would actually go so far as to say your reply was deceitful !

brad warner gives me his usual brush off



r e p l y

i reread what i wrote and the main point stands out to me, that you are re-imaging buddhism in a similar way to what dogen did with rujing and buddhism

in the end its just your reimage, like dogen’s work is his reimage and is too obscure to be popular

you can’t reimage buddhism, its just an incoherent plagiaristic mass so i was wondering why you do it ?

a computer generated koan

‘ a small young master wanted a small white gnarled bowl.  “ how can we learn and understand without study ? ”  the young master asked a large confused master.  the confused master walked from a brown hard mountain to a white soft mountain with a small red stony bowl.  the confused master saw a red soft hut. the confused master wanted the hut.  “ why did bodhidharma come into china ? ”  the confused master asked a large enlightened student.  “ the peaches are large ” ,  the student answered the confused master.  “ how can we learn and understand without study ? ”  the confused master asked a large old master.  the old master walked from a white stony mountain.  the old master got lost ’

his eminence the 7th zen patriarch took pity on the small mindless program churning away seeking an answer and replied

you only ever learn and understand without study

it takes intelligence to be beaten in an argument

you can always be right

  but you will go backwards !

it takes intelligence to be beaten in an argument

you can always be right

 but you will go backwards

Z   writes

sorry sepehr and andrew to hijack this thread; however one thing i wanted to say is that the last time i was on a psychedelic i could understand how the transmission from 6th to 7th patriarch is possible even though there are centuries in between

now i can’t understand again, but just knowing that there was a time when it made perfect sense, opens a window of possibility

as zhuangzi said  —  in a dream/simulations, whole centuries pass in the blink of an eye

i am getting sick of the work i am doing, i need a break.  man cannot live on the quantitative alone.  it is poverty; the spirit is not in its own element

i need to take a break and spend some time in not-doing


r e p l y

why not travel locally a bit, you live in a beautiful country

as a side note, you use semi-colons very effectively, much more so than english as first language writers !

i think why i like writing poems is you can go into the poem and be free there, whereas you are not free in much else in life

that would be why charles bukowski wrote, to map out this space of timelessness and infinity !

i think why i like writing poems is you can go into the poem and be free there, whereas you are not free in much else in life

eileen  i’ve done a lot for you over the years, i must say you are particularly ungrateful, you return help with dissembling   .   .

quality reading is various unities ,  if you read trash then you will think as the hoi polloi do !

quality reading is various unities, if you read trash then you will think as the hoi polloi do !

quality reading is various unities, if you read trash then you will think as you do !

“ meditation makes you sane 

 people are naturally raving loonys ”

but the problem is that without quality reading it doesn’t !

people just become engraved in their own loops, you can see it on r|zen, ewk for instance has become way more diseased and now is some pathetic bot clone from engraving himself to a standstill !

the engraving of the same content is the problem, posting on r|zen or meditating

the real process is unstably and life threateningly dynamic, that’s why i say only celibates should attempt it !

“ what do you think of my theory ? 

 that zen is inherently corrosive to normal society and people ? ”

its actually hurtful and people do find it hurtful

that’s why all the pretence and avoidance of  contemplative time

so all this proxying into  “ scripture ”  on r|zen is just an avoidance device and they are so set on it they can’t be told otherwise

the true mysticism has always been like this

that r|zen is cosplay

cosplay for the druggies actually

atheists go to non-existence

buddhists go to buddhist hells

christians go to purgatory

 me, since i don’t believe in any of those i go to heaven ! : o)

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

zen masters don’t understand this but patriarchs do

a moss lined brook overhung by trees sparkling in the highland sunlight !

we don’t live so how can we die ?

we don’t live so how can we die

atheists go to non-existence

buddhists go to buddhist hells

christians go to purgatory

me, since i don’t believe in any of those i go to heaven ! : o)

i am just being continually wrecked  from one day to the next


there’s lots of things that could be but never happen


there’s lots of things that might be  that never are


the strangeness of being defeated by life




i would rather not have been born, but once you are, what can you do about it ?

you are locked into some arc or trajectory of minimum pain ,  maximum benefit and this persists for as long as the organism can support !

i would rather not have been born, but once you are, what can you do about it ?

you are locked into some arc or trajectory of minimum pain ,  maximum benefit and this persists as long as the organism can support !

i would rather not have been born, but once you are, what can you do about it ?

you are locked into some arc of minimum pain ,  maximum benefit and this persists as long as the organism can support !

“ i had incredible opportunities,  i was able  to attend to the dalai lama for a period ”

0:31  of   3:27

convents have traditionally been sex clubs for the elite !

smoking cigarettes means you will die of a smoking related disease   .   .

hookah is just as bad and vaping is also problematic

you should step down off the habit over several weeks to allow the gene expression to normalize

sepehr  writes

i know psychedelics can break down connections among the parahippocampus and retrosplenial cortex, messing with global functional connectivity

i never have been interested in drugs, and feel enlightenment has to be in synchrony with one’s life in order to be worked/sorted out as andrew once said

to me, that’s common sense, and too many times i see drug users fetishize their experience and treat it as something separate from life and good artwork

in fact, i think they may have mental disorders that have not quite been defined yet by the medical community  .  .  .

“ Got sick of Zen, what now ? ”

neo-advaita and non duality are just as valid repositories for the time of idiots as zen !

why don’t you actually answer what i ask rather than paste your projections everywhere ?

why don’t you actually answer what i ask rather than paste your projections everywhere

eihei dogen was hardly magnetic, forgotten after his death

dillon123_idiot  pules

nothing to change, nothing to improve !


r e p l y

so that’s what the stone says

 not how human reality works though !

when you are enlightened you can see where dogen was right and wrong, that’s a big difference from the dogen is  “ all right ”  and  “ all wrong ”  people !

his emphasis on zazen is simply because he had dai kensho while in seated meditation, toni packer was the same, me i never did so just value solitude and retreats !

the puling morons think quotes and bullshit are the hallmarks of a real zen master, never understanding its the process of unwrapping that matters and if you do that, then one day   .   .

“ as dogen said  :  what a pity that your eye is not yet open, that your mind is still intoxicated ! ”

its not a pity

its the beginning of sanity !

your eye isn’t open !

how wonderful because that distance between us teaches me without penalty

your unimprovement is my improvement !

if the net closed down tomorrow, what do you take away from it ?

what do you take away from a tennis match

the real pros take their improved skill and experience so that even in tennis, so dependent on youthful vigour and agility some older players still have winning form !

you sound like you got burned by  “ mental health professionals ”  ?

they are pretty wrong minded !

apologetics boils down to  “ we know its wrong ”  but we support it anyway

  “ suburban materialism ”  is an hallucination !

  “ suburban materialism ”  is an hallucination

actually faith is a form of extreme religious disbelief

you know the crap you believe in won’t stand up to the light of day so you have to consign it to the  “ unknowable ”  so it can’t be looked at !

why hallucinate  suburban materialism  as some sort of real understanding ?

zen is crazy for anyone except celibates !

zen is crazy for anyone except celibates

i’m not saying the internet is bad, its just one should be careful to make it useful !

people on r|zen seem not to develop their understanding, but just missionize viewpoints

for what

 that’s really really crazy !

you talk too much on the net to be any sort of quality tennis player !

teaching what you are not too good at

the zen is life is full of these sorts of inconsistencies and we should have the stomach to acknowledge them !

there’s a certain type of thinking women cannot do and are dependent on males to do it for them

“ it’s like a mathematical truth that you can’t utilize to leverage your subjective preference ”

the problem is the leveraging just about always goes wrong !

otherwise the life of  “ zen masters ”  would be  “ easy street ”  ,  but actually when you look at their lives, they are often chronic disasters !

adhd is not a condition of mental health, but a developmental problem like being on autistic spectrum, its part or actually, who you are !

mental illness is something different, its a dysfunctional reality orientation that leads one to adverse consequences that make no sense at all !

the artistic world is full of talented people with adhd and on autistic spectrum and its always been this way, leonardo da vinci and albert einstein are very autistic !

houhora , we used to anchor there on our summer holiday sailing around northland  on thetis ,  got stuck on the mud flats once and had to take another anchor out in the dinghy and winch ourselves off, it was a serious business to be stuck on the mud flats with the tide going out !

i have no expectations of people on r|zen, i use it for writing material !

the only people that will talk to me usefully in this way are lunatics and the stupid, i don’t like it, but its all i can get !

herekino ,  i stopped at the end of the road and asked a nice maori woman in the house almost on the sea if i could continue a walk past their place around to the headland !

she seemed a bit bemused i would ask permission !

origin_unknown ,  you don’t understand what you read and are always responding to something different

you don’t understand what you read and are always responding to something different

you are in complete denial about something that’s really basic !

you are in complete denial about something that’s really basic

infinity is around

not long or short

and a round



  short !

infinity is around

not long or short

and a round





infinity is around

not long or short

and a round




i can’t justify what i do at all

its not justifiable

i can’t justify what i do at all

there is energy in conflict if you care to use it, most don’t and only concentrate/focus on winning !

or on running away if they are losing !

not everybody runs away of course !

there is energy in conflict if you care to use it, most don’t and only concentrate/focus on winning !

or on running away if they are losing !

there is energy in conflict if you care to use it, most don’t and only concentrate/focus on winning !

or on running away if they are losing

there is energy in conflict if you care to use it, most don’t and only concentrate/focus on winning !

there is energy in conflict if you care to use it, most don’t and only concetrate/focus on winning

the door is open even on a crap-arse forum like r|zen, it is never closed, its just the winds through it are a bit  “ wuthering ”’ that’s all  !  !

the door is open even on a crap-arse forum like r|zen, it is never closed, its just the winds through it are a bit  “ wuthering ”’ that’s all !

the door is open even on a crap-arse forum like r|zen, it is never closed, its just the winds through it are a bit  “ wuthering ”’ that’s all

ewk, your  “ suburban materialist ”  world view is an hallucination !

truer views are more beautiful

ewk, your  “ suburban materialist ”  world view is an hallucination !

truer views are beautiful

your  “ suburban materialist ”  world view is an hallucination !

truer views are beautiful

your  “ suburban materialist ”  world view is an hallucination !

a day on r|zen

my doctrine is right

no, my doctrine is right

his doctrine is right but i am such a stupid mouse too scared to say anything i will just up or downvote

i am such a hubric narcissistic twit, i will quote bad translations of nonsense and pretend my   “ priestly ”  pontifications mean something which of course they do, me being a brain dead retard !

ewk, examine your assumption of the internet world being trolls  (people who disagree with you) and non trolls (people you agree with, umm   .   . )

“ the great way is not difficult, just avoid picking and choosing ”

examine your assumption of the internet world being trolls  (people who disagree with you) and non trolls  (people you agree with)

“ the great way is not difficult, just avoid picking and choosing ”

religion involves taking standard philosophical concepts and voynichating or muddifying them and calling this enlightenment or holiness  !

religion involves taking standard philosophical concepts and voynichating or muddifying them and calling this enlightenment or holiness !

religion involves taking standard philosophical concepts and voynichating or muddifying them and calling this enlightenment or holiness

objectivity comes with emotional distance from one’s own situation and life and there is much greater clarity in this !

however life to be lived effectively is mainly close up !

objectivity comes with emotional distance from one’s own situation and life and there is much greater clarity in this !

objectivity comes with emotional distance from one’s own situation and life and there is much greater clarity in this

rather than move forwards in the wrong direction, slowly move backwards correcting wrong assumptions !

rather than move forwards in the wrong direction, slowly move backwards correcting wrong assumptions

from the pupil

black stream purling

ink is liquid

seeming dreams

from the pupil

black stream purling




seeming dreams

from the pupil

black stream purling




dreaming seems

from the pupil

black stream purling

ink is liquid

dreaming seems

one of the problems with zen and that sort of thing is you lose touch with real world consequences

its part of life

we make bad decisions and have to live with the consequences

its part of life. we make bad decisions and have to live with the consequences

its part of life, we make bad decisions and have to live with the consequences

raphael captures the personalities of the women he paints well

raphael seems to capture the personalities of the women he paints well

raphael seems to capture aspects of the personalities of the women he paints well

i have no clear idea about who i am, what i do or my life !

i have no clear idea about who i am, what i do or how i have lived !

i have no clear idea about who i am, what i do or my life

i have no clear idea about who i am, what i do or how i have lived

‘ breakfast  at  tiffany’s  ’  never made any sense to me until i had investigated truman capote’s life !

now it makes sense, you can  see him  in the dialogue and story !

“ the moon is slowly receding from the earth at a rate of four centimeters per year

once the moon moves far enough away, its apparent size in the sky will be too small to cover the sun completely

about 600 million years from now, earth will experience the beauty and drama of a total  solar eclipse  for the last time ”

all the previous solar eclipses are still occuring !

whoever wrote the tempest was an extremely unusual person

it crosses the border line between imagination and reality

in the whole of english history, only one person could have written that and it wasn’t a  quasi - underworld figure from stratford !

whoever wrote the tempest was an extremely unusual person

it crosses the border line between imagination and reality

sometimes in my dreams i end up having arguments with my ex, or sometimes we’re just talking and it’s lovely

last night’s dream was the worst, i never let go of her last night, i was constantly hugging her and kissing her

she hated that stuff but in the dream she didn’t mind it so much

i was thinking about her the whole day and i honestly couldn’t say that i don’t love her anymore, but the thing i’m certain about is that i don’t want to see her or talk to her anymore

“ I don’t want to see her or talk to her anymore ”

its interesting  the  dream  did that for you !

all women are very good liers by omission

all women are liers by omission

“ from your repeated lies and addiction ”

sorta go together don’t they !

and the lying by omission