this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don’t warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of  the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed  !

the circular loop of r|zen

missionizing   -   conflict   -   missionizing the same content again

according to  marshall mcluhan  ,   people there and perhaps most easily seen with the notorious  “ ewk ”  the posters do not understand the limitations of the printing medium, that something in print is in itself rigid and inflexible and not of itself engaged in the process of modification and approximation that becoming truer requires   .   .

so you get a rather retarded ménage of circular stupidity as per the start of the post   .   .   .

interestingly the same thing happens with meditation, the brain running on its own circular track

to break out of this you need read around a lot to get disparate views and be able to weigh for coherency

and similarly you also need meditative or reflective time to reorganise yourself into a better understanding

what seems to universally happen is this is very rare and people either meditate in their own mind circle or read trash and revolve in the missionizing circle

the cross into reading quality AND some form of contemplative and meditative work appears to be too much for this rather stupid species !

you don’t have too much between the ears !

why it is that people like you without too much between the ears think they have something between the ears i don’t know

jikoji, long ridge preserve just out of san jose ,  love  the summer views

the monarchy is a british middle class fetish  !

the monarchy is a british middle class fetish !

the monarchy is a british middle class fetish

interesting, lanosterol works for dogs to clear cataracts  but not humans  !

all the people make  climbing mt. fuji  a hassle, but its certainly an interesting perspective !

i want to cry endlessly, its just like i have woken up from all my mistakes in the past

i want to cry endlessly, its like i have just woken up from all my mistakes in the past

i just want to cry endlessly, its like i have woken up from all my mistakes in the past

i just want to cry endlessly, its like i have just woken up from all my mistakes in the past

r|zen the



satire  is

no protection



r|zen the



satire  is

no protection



kamikaze, each one was the death of a young man while the old one still lived

kamikaze, each one was the death of a young man while the old ones still lived

kamikaze, each one was the death of a young man while the old ones lived

“ the remembrance of things past ”

the intensity of memory

“ he was saying all of this dealer lingo, i don’t know why i went through with it ”

ed.  jason on being sold a salvage rebuild misrepresented to him

honestly some of these guys can mesmerize, its almost like they hypnotise you

your reading age is plainly not up to what i write

the species loves plagiaristic mediocrity

your reading age is plainly not up to what i write

ewk, doesn’t it bother you, you put so much time into something you have so little grasp of ?

doesn’t it bother you, you put so much time into something you have so little grasp of ?

“ i happen to be the only authentically transmitted heir of the 6th patriarch ”

at least the only one you know of

the transmission implies no other, otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered, but historically none of his claimed direct heirs were enlightened

mazu never claimed to be his heir

so, no one-to-many transmissions then ?

 show the robe !  !

there was no robe and bowl, that’s just legend !

the real robe and bowl are my writings and what i say

people seem unable to understand that translations are translators opinions and that historical documents suffer from errors in transcription and copying !

in addition there’s the loss of cultural context to the words which removes a lot of the multilayered richness of what was said

what you say as the  “ masters ”  is just taking a translator’s opinion as gospel so speak, that’s even assuming  “ the masters ”  knew what they were on about and a lot of them don’t, its simply people modelling christian priests with their scripture !

r|zen is founded on using zen texts this way because its posters have absolutely no real life experience of zen with its emphasis on meditation !

your query on the use of the phrase  “ the way ”  is actually philological and needs that sort of research, not bumming around in translators opinions !

the material universe is just one type of reality, there are other deeper ones !

memory can give access to some of these !

the material universe is just one type of reality, there are other deeper ones !

the material universe is just one type of reality, there are other deeper ones

i have seen  “ the way ”  used like its a philosophical methodology rather than a state and that actually makes sense !

i make no claims to be a teacher except to myself  !

i make no claims to be a teacher except to myself !

i make no claims to be a teacher except to myself !

i make no claims to be a teacher except to myself

a vision differs from an hallucination with its synchronization with infinity !

everything else is secondary to that identity or synchronization !

mind to mind transmission is the foundation of zen and its lineage

its not my fault that i happen to be the only authentically transmitted heir of the 6th patriarch !

“ the way ”  is just another meaningless  “ meta ”  like zen, daoism, philosophy, christ, god, buddha, buddhism, muhammad  (take that ISIS !) ,  islam, tennis, tennis coaches

the list goes on !

. .



how come r|zen gets  “ yin and yang bracelets ”  ?

they scorn  the three readers a day on r|zen_mystical ?


wow ,  only $55, that’s yin and yang for sure !

not sure i don’t prefer the  marble bow ties  !

well i can see the ipad cases  selling

well that’s way saner than the usual OP, you wouldn’t be an  influencer  would you ?

will you give me a discount, i figure to be giving you at least 100 visits

“ in order to remain in the program, influencers must bring at least 60 visits to MIKOL each cycle ” 

god i hope you don’t mean menstrual cycle, they have enough identity problems there !

brad warner,  you  glorify  huike for cutting off his arm to show bodhidharma he really wanted to understand what zen was about which actually is a toxic stupid analogy so i guess your disapproval of this autistic spectrum woman with tourettes is par for the course !

“ a few months ago, a woman showed up for morning zazen at our center in los angeles who had her own ideas about meditation

to her, meditation was about sound and movement

so, as the rest of us sat quietly, she was rocking to and fro, waving her arms around, and making funny noises

we very nicely told her that that sort of thing didn’t work in our group

she left in a huff, never to return ”

what is also inconsistent is you recommending mainstream zen retreats when you know very well they loathe you !

retreats are tremendously imprinting, a couple of retreats can imprint you with bullshit it will take you the rest of your life to untangle !

you are so stupid and unpleasant, i look stupid and crazy replying to you

you are so stupid and unpleasant, i look stupid replying to you

you’re so stupid and unpleasant, i look stupid replying to you

you’re so stupid, i look stupid replying to you

look you  (ed.  Friend_Lord, in real life a tennis coach)  come across as stupid, even if you are stupid, you don’t have to come across as stupid as you do

look you come across as stupid, even if you are stupid, you don’t have to come across as stupid as you do

barbara weldens died an  odd death ,  but she performed in  bare feet  !


Millennial debating skills

1.  don’t say anything meaningful

2.  deflect

3.  never ever say anything personally revelatory

Millennial debating skills

1.  don’t say anything meaningful

2.  deflect

dongshan was asked  “ it is said, your own mind is the road to true philosophy; what is your own mind ? ”

he replied  “ you asked ”

sepehr  writes

i recently had a dream where i was walking with a friend, we went to this park, and i looked up at the beautiful canopy, golden light coming down on it.

i became aware of dreaming and remarked how all so real it was.  My friend was shocked, but then I pointed up and flew to the sky, and a darkness encased me.  I asked  “ What is Buddha ?  Who am I ? ”

and then another dream overtook me  .  .  .   after the darkness fell off

and i came to understand this fact

life is just a dream within a dream  .  .  .   endless dreams within dreams

that’s all it is

does anyone disagree with what i write ?

well we can’t understand it !

well if you could understand it would you disagree ?

this is where it gets a bit hard !

lithium  used in large amounts is a medical drug with very toxic side effects, used in very much smaller amounts that match approximately what is got in the diet and water it still has therapeutic benefits, the point of supplements and lower doses is to avoid side effects

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

taking levels of lithium that match what is in the diet is very different from the use of a drug, medical or illegal !

this is what i meant by  “ parsing ”  the different ways lithium is used, medical doses can conceivably be compared to drug use like pot or cocaine, but modulating dietary levels and natural pathways is not !

being the 7th zen patriarch simply establishes me in an authentic lineage unlike just about all zen today

the designation is going to be meaningless unless you have had authentic dai kensho’s, the vast ignorant mass simply think i am wrong   .    .

when greek philosophy meets shamanism, you get taoism

when greek philosophy meets buddhism, you get zen

greek philosophy meets shamanism, you get taoism

greek philosophy meets buddhism, you get zen

the dreamtime is without a sense of race or history, except perhaps some sense of distant time

the dreamtime is without a sense of race or history

reading age is inversely proportional to tennis playing ability ?

reading age is inversely proportional to tennis playing ability

the problem with debt is you are forgoing future income, that is at best a bad projection or you wouldn’t need to borrow !

in addition you to have to support financially those who lend the money, they are not doing it for your health !

debt is a sort of slavery !

do you  want to know  where the bomb hit ?

on the roof

life, a lot of energy not very fruitfully spent

it  passes  a - w - a - y

life, a lot of energy not very fruitfully spent

it  passes  a w a y

life, a lot of energy not very fruitfully spent

it  passes  away

mountain climbing is full of unexplainable deaths of very competent and experienced climbers

when you look at the way oxygen drops off with altitude its explainable

i would expect in addition for cumulative  brain damage  to occur

“ oxygen-induced   activation of genes  that reduce inflammation and promote cell survival ”

giovanni quirici ,  in  kinnaur ,  then dead eleven weeks later on the  eiger

life, a lot of energy not very fruitfully spent

it passes

and then

its over

life, a lot of energy not very fruitfully spent

it passes

then its


“ when false is taken for true, true becomes false

if non-being turns into being, being becomes non-being ”

when reality is taken for infinity, infinity is disguised

when infinity is undisguised

 you are a zen patriarch !

when reality is taken for infinity, infinity is disguised

you are your typical zoo viewing human !

i must be the only person in the world over 18 who has never smoked pot or taken any drug and doesn’t even drink tea or coffee !

a ditty on elbowbrunch

i’m a zen master and i’m ok

i bathe at the tassajara springs

and consort with the salinan

an epictetus quoting swine i am

 wrap it all up and put it in the can !

ewk  quotes

junfuno instructed shozan  “ about the clear mirror,   —   i would like you to have a look in it ”

shozan replied  “ not a glance ”

junfuno asked  “ why not ?  ”

shozan said  “ a broken mirror will not again reflect; fallen flowers will not return to the branch ”


r e p l y

shozan like you ewk is clearly not enlightened !

his statement is the buji or the unenlightened position, no wonder you push him as having an understanding you complete and total fraud !

broken mirrors reflect and fallen flowers return to the branch

you are the first of a new generation to face the problem of hard physical work not paying very much at all

the old hippie lifestyle is just gone   .   .


 kenya july 2017

my sister on horseback admiring the wildlife in kenya  (july 2017)

on zoom you can just see another lioness through the branches about four meters to the right of the lioness in plain view

they are very clever at setting up ambushes and chasing the prey into the ambush

most likely more around as well !

can a horse with rider run faster than a zebra ?

i don’t think so !

MRI’s cause  some degree  of brain damage, they are not safe and without effect when done to the head !

the combination of radio waves and intense magnetic field must be impose a considerable oxidative stress burden  !

apocalyptic imagery and mythology now comes from science fiction films and not the bible, which shows you how low christianity has sunk  !

apocalyptic imagery and mythology now comes from science fiction films and not the bible, which shows you how low christianity has sunk !

apocalyptic imagery and mythology now comes from films and not the bible, which shows you how low christianity has sunk !

apocalyptic imagery and mythology now comes from films and not the bible, which shows you how low christianity has sunk

this is post-apocalyptic r|zen, ewk zen won, even though the mods don’t like him, and there’s still a remnant of buddhist zen dribbling on and alan_watts zen has a presence but discordian zen has fled to their own subreddit and a few others as well

welcome to this dystopian subreddit controlled by  the fathers  who know what is best for you !

get some solitary time or go on a personal retreat, you need to get a better sense of what its all about !

bans are necessary on r|zen_mystical because we have very different perspectives on what zen is about, conflict necessarily arises from that difference and i just don’t want the friction or even dealing with more people

sleepy hollow suits me fine, i have had enough of dealing with entitled millennial brats !

you are welcome to read but not post !

the epitaph of jennifer gibbons written by her twin sister june

we once were two

we two made one

we no more two

through life  be one

rest in peace

my comment

jennifer had developed tardive dyskinesia previously from high doses of anti-psychotics, i would say her death was due to some footprint of damage from the years of medication, or at least enabled it !

words and semantics weave indefinitely, you want interesting patterns !

words and semantics weave infinitely, you want the interesting patterns !

I think I exist, but I am just a type of dream !

i think i exist, but i am just a type of dream !

some-one was complaining about the  “ cutting ”  in  this  brad warner video

my  comment

his background is the film industry so i think he’s going to do it in a  “ filmlike ”  way

i must admit you mentioning it made me look at the cuts and as you say there is an element of deception in the way he does it

but look at  pewdiepie    .   .

that’s very cut and since he makes the money, i would say it defines what is acceptable !

do you believe everything pewdie pie says and share it on a forum that is in search of the truth of all things ?

i was just thinking you are too black and white which is what brad warner was saying, your idealisation of  “ zen master ”  is just to be sucked into the hagiographies !

what do you do in this search ?

nothing, your mentality is that of a consumer, it needs to be laid on for you in perfection !

i think you need a lot of observation on what psychosis is to make sense of how i use the term !

words and semantics weave infinitely, you want the interesting patterns !

we think we exist, but we are just a type of dream !

i had dai kensho at about age 7, from the perspective of dia kensho the world shows its true colours as insane, everything is the effect of a more ultimate cause and that cause can be seen

so you’re the sane man in the mad house !

zen and mysticism is really about this seeing and recognition of infinity and that takes a long long time to clarify   .   .

then you write the words others quote and are not some regurgitating puling rumi, alan watts or blue cliff record or mumonkan sychophant !

why do you use the word  “ insane ”  to describe the world’s true colors ?

because  “ normality ”  is truely psychotic !

that’s a life observation that gets more certain as you get older !

the psychoses of the different genders is obvious to the other, but not at all clear to themselves

we think we exist for a start, but we are just a type of dream !

“ do you think i could be good at law enforcement ? ”

a lot of it is good people skills

“ if you want to comment  here  you really need to be in agreement with what i am OPing and saying, ie you accept that i know what i am on about to a large extent, i don’t claim perfection but this is a life’s work for me and i need to have got it right !  ”

what is meant is that it needs to be right because that’s what i have spent my entire lifetime sorting it out

people like yourself never get past the 30 seconds of thought they have put into the matter as being adequate !

i don’t fear having it wrong, its just shifting the perspective to yours that if i have it wrong then i would be psychotic !

the inconsistency is on your part, you clearly think i am psychotic, so why do you follow what i write with such interest ! ?

ewk who is psychotic has no interest for me except the compression of such a huge span of mild co-morbid conditions, its just again he follows me around replying to my comments !

r|zenners vote with your feet, if you really think i am crazy which actually you don’t, but if you really believed that then ignore me, i assure you i ignore you morons to the extent possible, its you who seek me out, not me you !

say something of your own with some insight !

you can’t, you just regurgitate the crap of others !

“ then he should read a zen book ”

all you are getting is a bunch of translators opinions about what was probably wrong in the first place

zen is a special transmission outside the scriptures that doesn’t fit in your suburban world !

room  at the table ?

 arthur rackham

christina rossetti’s  goblin market

there’s something about this poem/story, i don’t know why ?

a.e. housman had a  talented  sister and brother

the more i understand r|zen, the weirder it looks, something like the majora’s mask variant of the zelda legend series

the majority of its posters are mentally ill and after a while of posting there, you become mentally ill too

you can’t just up and leave and similarly writing involvement has a preparatory period of reading

if you read, then you will end up posting  .  .  !

you actually have to prepare to leave and it can take several days and you have to want to leave in the first place

so i have gone through this cycle of entering and leaving quite a few times and have come to see the full complexity of the process !

if i am now leaving permanently then its because the deconstruction process involved, the restatement of the nonsense posted in a dogen-like rectification is not the best way to go

eihei dogen reforms voynich

i think eihei dogen is unnecessarily complex and obscure because of the problem he faced having to re-image buddhism and what passed for zen into something truer

that is, from practiced voynich, he had to write in its vocabulary what would be far more simply represented as per  the tsurezuregusa

the irony is today, that translation has consigned eihei again to voynich and attracts every halfwit from the north to the south pole singing misguided translations as some sort of  “ answer ”  !

so a lot of the back and forth of what he writes is a deconstruction of some buddhist or zen term followed by a reconstruction that is truer or true !

with a break-up women seem to take another lover pretty quickly or even before and their psychology is such that her intimacy with that lover puts a huge distance between you and her

just be aware of that distance and everything will flow smoothly, or as smoothly as can be expected  !  :  o )

basically when the relationship is over you are reverting to a normal distanced social relationship and the usual standards of propriety apply   .   .    !

you sound on the verge of mental illness !

persist with zen or marvel films and you too can become fully mentally ill !

hybrids will be less reliable, have high magnetic fields and lower power to weight ratios

i encourage  you to put  on the glove  !

“ fine, i’ll do it myself ”

sickening really

if it sounds like charles bukowski, it is because it is charles bukowski !

sickening really

if it sounds like charles bukowski, its because it is charles bukowski !

surprisingly  effective ,  i think because it doesn’t deviate from poe and is dramatized with insight !

you cannot tell the insane they are insane, that is why they are insane !

you cannot tell the insane they are insane, that’s why they are insane !

you cannot tell the insane they are insane, that’s why they are insane

hongzhi and  “ silent illumination ”  is clearly psychotic !

hongzi and  “ silent illumination ”  is clearly psychotic

hongzi was yet another schizophrenic zen dreamer !

hongzi was yet another schizophrenic zen dreamer

more than any other book i have read, alphonse daudet’s  “ letters from my windmill ”  takes you into another world

there’s obviously a lot of astute buyers in new york city, vehicles priced close to market value go almost immediately

the vast majority offered on craigslist is well over priced, but as the ads are free it doesn’t hurt the owners to take their time !

people can say anything when selling a used car ,  its your assessment of the car that matters

people will say anything when selling a used car ,  its your assessment of the car that matters

people say anything when selling a used car ,  its your assessment of the car that matters

people who just read zen seem to develop some sort of insanity which comes from assuming that reading covers real life !

it doesn’t !

real life zen is a very flawed, stupid and dangerous animal, just like everything else in life !

brad warner knows the reality and is very cautious about it !

people who just read zen seem to develop some sort of insanity which comes from assuming that reading covers real life !

it doesn’t !

yeah, i keep meaning to leave r|zen, but then i get another bit of good writing or processing from the sub !

i don’t think its entirely healthy to only read a sub, one gets too dissociated from the reality of it

ewk, you have a personality disorder, almost a form of multiple personality, some facade or mask you present here on r|zen ,  only once or twice have you ever permitted a glimpse of the real you which is a person somewhat and justifiably confused !

you can’t go there of course, the illusion would shatter !

you can’t summarize truman capote, you have  to see him  to truely capture the flavour !

ewk, you are as insane as any yeller from a soapbox  !

ewk, you are as insane as any yeller from a soapbox !

you are as insane as any yeller from a soapbox !

you are as insane as any yeller from a soapbox

i think the stability of this planet in terms of asteriods, the sun, solar storms and magnetic fields is unsually fortuitous and while the universe may be teaming with life, technologically advanced civilizations are exceedingly rare

not falling on one, many arise

not dividing two, one is known

falling on one, many arise

dividing two, one is unknown

fundamentally ignorance

something falling, something arising

this very phenomena   —   rattling on

fundamentally no ignorance

nothing falling, nothing arising

this very phenomena, awakening

fundamentally  ignorance

something falling, something arising

this very phenomena  —  going to sleep

“ when the road looks rough ahead and you’re miles and miles from a nice warm bed ”

song  by claire and dad

the world is not black and white, fluency is not built by creating rigid boxes and saying this fits here, that there and this doesn’t

rather it is built by handling all the variations profitably !

you gonna do a mumonkan case ?

this  is a  “ 7th patriarch case ”

NegativeGPA asks  “ How real is too real ? ”

and then gets told about his own suicide !

jason got a pair of orange tinted uvex glasses and says they work well

“ instantly when i put them on i wasn’t as  ‘ awake ’  ”

my comment  :   just having the light more brown  (warmer colour temperature)  and dimmer helps as well

jason  writes

rina got a silhouetted airplane tattooed on her wrist  (ed. black or purple)  and she said  “ planes make me feel like i could get away ” 

i think i told her about my dai kensho


r e p l y

sorta sad really isn’t it !

black is bad for nanoparticles, god know’s what is in the purple !

since you will have warned her that’s diagnostic of a degree of schizophrenia !

in actual fact the motivation is schizophrenic

she is also obviously suicidal !

brad warner  is saying zen is self-taught which is also my experience  !

i have never checked  blow by  when evaluating used cars, the more fool me !

the dalai lama is apparently very very wealthy, over $10 million dollars in personal assets

yes let’s listen to him for business advice, the main one being, be paid to bullshit, don’t do it for free like you and the rest of r|zen  ! i don't see that his marketing is much different from

muhammadism boils down to

really really dumb aggressive young men thinking that there is an afterlife that has a bevy of virgins that will wait on them

judaism boils down to

let’s ignore that the holocaust means god has a really really fucked up attitude to jews !

christianity boils down to

 you can make a good living pushing a fairy tale !

the whole  xinxin ming  boils down to this

be objective and you will see things more clearly !

big deal huh !

“ words !  the way is beyond knowledge !

for in it there is

no yesterday

no tomorrow

no today ”

what crap ,  ‘ the way ’  is actually knowledge and experience applied !

all the zombie brainless flock to some retarded version of zen called  “ grunt zen ” 

pigs wallowing in their own hubricity glorifying being closed, ignorant and dumb !

glancing at a man and his girlfriend at a table as i walked past the pizza place

he had beady eyes

a man and his girlfriend

beady eyed fools


are the tears and trauma

 worth it ?


tears and trauma

relationship  :   tears and trauma

my vision with the 6th patriarch is the classic zen dai kensho

visions are different from hallucinations, you are toxic so you twist !

if  you  have any real life zen experience you would know its all about dai kensho and mind to mind transmission, since i had it with the sixth patriarch and he had no successors, that makes me the real life 7th zen patriarch !

if he had any successors i wouldn’t be !

you meanwhile cludge about in  ‘ voynich ’  pretending it to be zen !

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it really happened and so is not a claim !

however i can’t prove it to you except you might infer something happened from my writing which is the writing of a zen patriarch !

the thing about dai kensho, even though something similar  (non zen)  happened to me as a child, is you will not believe it until it happens, so being rubbished by wrong minded idiots like yourself is to be expected, until it happened i would not have believed it !

then the decades to work things through   .   .

brad warner and eihei dogen had similar experiences, when it happens to you, you can tell it in others

see the nature of the experience is so different from the bullshit around, even the total psychotics can’t make it up, their versions are always stupid clones of something !

theksepyro  replies  :   brad warner and dogen were full of it also as far as i'm concerned.

my reply  :  

this  “ you ”  has a hubricity born of cognitive style failures !

i have been very very wrong about a lot of things in my life, but being the 7th zen patriarch is not one of them !

you are wrong about  brad warner  and eihei dogen, they are very mixed bags however and it takes discernment to penetrate

you unfortunately lack discernment !

the cognitive style problem you have dogs you at every word, your notion of me trying  ‘ to sell ’  you something is mistaken, or rather you are twisting things again, very ewk that, can’t say a single thing to him without him making some new twist out of it that skids erroneously off topic !

lisa cairns posted very recently that she was in love, then deleted it because she didn’t want to upset her male supporters

that’s basically what you are dealing with

the post was taken down pretty quick, another female reader would have warned her, women stick together !

it was luck i saw it

its a very depressed thing to pay for a retreat when your  “ spiritual understanding ”  is way better than hers !

also retreats are very  “ imprinting ”  so you pick up a lot of garbage that will never be washed out again !

you have a lot of immediate stuff to focus on, health, kicking pot, car, don’t be distracted !

jason  writes

i want to see the car start cold since  oldskoolfunk  says that’s when you’ll see if a car has problems

that subaru i saw made some very funky noises when starting

oldskoolfunk also said don’t look at a car if it’s wet as it’ll hide imperfections, guess what they did to that toyota i saw the other day !

started it up before i got there  (even though i asked him not to)  and wet the car

thing is the good ones are in other states   .  .   i was listening to syntheticones advice on going farther for a standout car and i suppose i still am just none of these are exactly standout

my father was almost completely fooled by these used car lot salesmen last weekend, they are big liars

i don't think everyone is setting their odometers back but they could've bought a car with a rolled back odometer without knowing

scotty kilmer says he likes the  ford focus


r e p l y

wow, the toyota  tercel  seller as good as told you he was a crook !

starting a car tells you as much as a mechanics inspection because the oil is still not really flowing around the engine when you start so you can hear everything !

noises and driving handling tell a lot about a vehicle !

a basic rule is that sellers will never go below 2/3 of what they are asking, chrisfix went in at 1/2 on that jaguar and ended up with 2/3 but the seller almost didn’t sell !

if you get a quarter or a fifth off you are doing well, so it the advertising price has to be pretty close to what its worth, otherwise walk away !

i think being an automatic is a fairly strong negative for a used car !

p5p b6 is actually the best form of b6, the only problem is that it is to some extent destroyed by stomach acid so what you actually absorb seems to vary a lot depending on how much makes it through the stomach

definitely worth a try imo !

koan does not mean puzzle

as if your saying so makes it so ?

look up the definition !

koan simply means puzzle over something you don’t understand and has a deeper meaning that will open up

the majority of so called koans in zen can be puzzled over because they are nonsense and so one can puzzle forever without making sense !

i think zen’s facility with this voynich is from the import of taoism !

zen is mangled indo-grecian philosophy, cut to suit buddhism and the taoist art of bullshit all combined and leaves millions of retards puzzling about nothing in its wake over the centuries


zen is mangled indo-grecian philosophy, cut to suit buddhism and the taoist art of bullshit all combined and over the centuries in its wake leaves millions of retards puzzling about nothing your lack of real life zen experience and just going from books that suit what you like to believe shows !

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no wonder you are so protective of ewk, you have the same psychosis of thinking book reading is adequate and don’t see any disability in having no real life experience  !

the definition is much more broad as goggle shows

“ a paradoxical anecdote or riddle without a solution, used in zen buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning and provoke enlightenment ”

in fact its moved even beyond zen as the word has moved into the public domain and to most people doesn’t relate so much much to zen as a religion at all !

the common understanding of koan is simply some sort sort of paradoxical puzzle !

philosophy is not short of these puzzles of course and that’s zen all over, mangling philosophical tropes in the pretense there is some deeper understanding to zen !

you also don't seem to understand that words have more than one definition and the common use is also what defines it, the definition you give while not incorrect is verging on archaic !

you, like ewk are just in some projective fantasy, whereas i have put the work in !

i can tell ewk and others that its psychotic to think you have an understanding of something without any real life involvement, i can say it, but it doesn't sink in because that’s the nature of psychosis !

i wrote it to you just now, but similarly you won’t get it !

being narrow minded is not an accident but a misdeed !

ewk, your style is similar to alan watts, you paste stuff together without any regard for inner coherency

your style is similar to alan watts, you paste stuff together without any regard for inner coherency

your style is similar to alan watts, you paste stuff together without regard for inner coherency

zen is a pseudo-philosophic religion for life failures

how many of you have a religious background ?

i never thought of myself as having a religious background with my father a not quite atheist and my mother a nominal christian  (both however the product of church boarding schools) ,  but i spent almost my entire school life in anglican  (episcopalian in the usa)  church boarding schools and i think it gives an insanity you can never shake !

what miyamoto musashi  is saying  is the  “ meta ”  should come from the skill, whereas in zen, most people try to derive the skill from the meta like you do and it doesn’t work !

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miyamoto musashi is the role model for the hero of spaghetti westerns, amazing, but true !

he’s absolutely unique amongst sword fighters for his insight, writing and art and his life is well worth researching and somewhat disillusioning  !

maybe ewk is right about dogen being the original faker, pulling in the suckers with his indo-grecian philosphical tropes welded to buddhism !

five years have passed, to spend all this time doing what ?

getting older

ogg       mp3

zen only makes sense if you are celibate !

the promiscuity of western zen is one reason its so crazy-degenerate !

can you explain why ?

what about those crazy zen monks who hung around brothels all day ?

what crazy zen monks ?

all the great masters were celibates and certainly did not hang around brothels all day, the one exception is ikkyu but in fact he was celibate up until about thirty and actually while good is not quite up in the joshu area !

what zen is about is extraordinarily difficult and takes a lifetime’s complete focus, obviously sex and family doesn’t permit that sort of  attention !

western zen is not real zen at all, but a political construct from the japanese meiji era when monks were forced to marry so they were no threat to the ultranationalist state emerging then and was to give so much trouble later !

the subtle reading of layman pang is his wife and children committed suicide   .   .   a cautionary warning, rather like job, don't mess with what will always be beyond you unless you are prepared to pay the price !

a different species like elephant or whale thinks less different than the opposite gender  !

a different species like elephant or whale thinks less different than the opposite gender !

a different species like elephant or whale thinks less different than the opposite gender

my retranslation of a homily in thomas cleary’s  ‘ teachings of zen ’ 

joshu/chao-chou was asked  is it possible to teach a normal person ?

he replied,  who can go through that door ? !

the monk asked,  wouldn’t such a person be sunk beyond help ?

he retorted,  that’s a fine  “ normal ”  !

can a person on r|zen be taught ?

no, they are all goblins ! what ?

 gobble  gobble  gobble  !

can a person on r|zen be taught ?

no, they are all goblins !

what ?

 gobble  gobble  cobble  !

you are a freeloader i kicked off the bandwagon and i don’t feel bad about it !

dillon123  replies

Kick out the bottom of your bucket already ,  the water’s stale !

Kick out the bottom of your bucket already ,  the water’s stale !

Kick out the bottom of your bucket ,  the water’s stale !

Kick out the bottom of your bucket ,  the water’s stale !


r e p l y

 see you love my repetition ! : o)

 the waters slosh in the stale bucket !

. .



you are a freeloader who got kicked off the bandwagon, i don’t feel bad about it !

you are a freeloader i kicked off the bandwagon and i don’t feel bad about it

you are a freeloader who got kicked off the bandwagon, i don’t feel bad about it

honestly you just ramble bullshit !

can’t see it can you ?

ewk, you have repeated stuff to yourself so often you have started to believe it !

you have repeated stuff to yourself so often you have started to believe it !

is r|zen a trope of stupids trying to fool themselves that verbal and writing incompetence is some sort of entrance to a real understanding of life ?

the anti-intellectualism and dumbing down so the dumb can look good makes me wonder ?

mods what are you really ?

reject bots keeping the world looking the way you need it to be ?

ewk, why do you missionize badly worked out nonsense  ?

to be fair, you could just as easily ask that question of the pope !

ewk, why do you missionize badly worked out nonsense  ?

ewk, why missionize badly worked out nonsense  ?

why missionize badly worked out nonsense  ?

a heap can always be  less one particle  of what it is by virtue of it being a heap, but you cannot have an iterative process reducing the heap and always maintain that what is left is always a heap !

what is the contradiction in that ?

there is nothing to say the result of an iterative process is necessarily continuous !

that is, there are discontinuities in the world and why should iterative processes be excepted ?

so basically the notion of iterative process breaks down and you have that an iterative process is not an iterative process !

there is a relatively recent sophisticated mathematical proof done by abraham robinson on  the validity  of infinitesimals, that is, that is infinitesimals work and are valid mathematically, i suspect its the same sort of thing !

“  Using these methods, he found  a way  of using formal logic to show that there are self-consistent nonstandard models of the real number system that include infinite and infinitesimal numbers ”

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i think a heap is a type of self supporting structure contingent on its particulate nature

there’s structural emergent properties of a heap not addressed by the iterative particulate process !

heaps have a clear definition !

its the emergent properties from particulars combined that create the semantic snarl

zen is just a game of mashing philosophical tropes to fool easy to fool idiots and cowards from what i have seen on r|zen actually

sleazy aggressive dumbarses who delete their OPs and comments whenever they think they look bad !

or the really quite mad who so persist !

“ philosophy is a sort of mental masturbation ”

‘ metas ’  on philosophy are inherently philosophy

‘ metas ’  on philosophy are inherently not philosophy

and so it goes on

philosophy is a sort of mental masturbation

‘ metas ’  on philosophy are inherently philosophy

  “ philosophy is a sort of mental masturbation ”

philosophy is a sort of mental masturbation

depression, its almost like everything has worn out and ended

its almost like everything has worn out and ended

mp3       ogg

eileen, your craziness consisted not just in your dealings with me, but your dealings with yourself    .    .

eileen, your craziness consisted not just in your dealings with me, but your dealings with yourself

your craziness consisted not just in your dealings with me, but your dealings with yourself

want to buy  a station  in new zealand ?

sold  !

that tattoo  is black which is very high in nanoparticles, other inks like red can have mercury in, tattoo inks like cosmetics are totally unregulated from a toxic substances point of view !

the process by which a tattoo ink is preserved in the skin is an immune response, like people today need more allergic heft !

go figure !

the problem is not flipping per se, but that ,  like a used car dealer he has put work into it that he needs to recover cash on so he won’t come down to a realistic price level

yeah, that’s the flip game, a very well dressed car means watch out !

he is in effect a car dealer !

its an illusion that western buddhism is  anything like  asian buddhism !

its an illusion that western buddhism is anything like asian buddhism

the points system decoys the  15%  of redditors who are toxically stupid

these people think they have done something with a downvote and having done this then go away, otherwise they feel an unmet need to punish and pursue other avenues to flagellate more vigorously

i have noticed my best OP’s and comments are usually downvoted, but not always, they can be upvoted or ignored

reddit never made any sense to me until they published some stats, say  .1%  of redditors post  10%  of the content, you know these vociferous idiots arguing and disagreeing in an obsessively and traumatic way with anything of sense seem to be dominant, but its domination by the sheer volume of posting or focus

so the vote system decoys these people somewhat since the next step they would take is campaigning for removal by the admins etc or more posting to try to  “ swamp by content ”  or  hassle  !

the other interesting thing is people find high reading age or confronting ideas offensive, even though well worked out but are simply against conventional social norms

i think they try to punish this as well because the implication is, their value houses are built wrong !

so three cheers for downvotes !

and the spell checker ! : o)

suchness fuckedness

pusness vomiting


you’re the usual mentally disenfranchised sannyasin ?

the problem with used car dealers is they only ever sell at above market value

the problem with dealers is they only ever sell at above market value


the religious have no religion

the buji’s play games and call that zen

the stupid entrain themselves !

why do you write meaningless junk ?

why do you write meaningless junk

there’s something about diane arbus that  makes me weep

a woman says, if you want to breed you have to go through me


i don’t want to breed

woman disappears






don’t you feel an idiot for pretending  this nonsense  means something, or joke of jokes you actually think its something more than a dull psychosis ?

“ say 

a Kaddish please ”

didn’t the holocaust shake your confidence ?

ewk, you’re the epitome of hubricity

you’re the epitome of hubricity ewk

you’re the epitome of hubricity

jason  writes

laying on my bed

thinking in and outside of myself

i don’t know what will happen in five minutes

and i’m still trying to figure it out

life is an image in the mirror, evanescent as snow melt

an image in the mirror, evanescent as snow melt

“  we have to be ready, you me and the others, there’s  an attack  coming from far away   .   .  ”

when the false is taken as true, they will see the true as false

non-being twists into being  and being  untwists into non-being

sluicing  for mammoth tusks and woolly rhinocerous horns in siberia

 who am i ?

who is who

he is the shoe

 who is he ?

 he is the sea !

who am i ?

who is who

he is the shoe

 who is he ?

 he is the sea

i quite like watching climbing videos ,  first light ,  you can see what its about !

i feed some feral cats to keep the rats and mice down and snakes away and i have a rule not to let them in the house, my neighbour, a woman of about my age encourages the quite small kitten to go into her house so now when she has gone away for a while it now comes into my house when an opportunity presents itself

as i carefully lifted it out for the third time, i thought, what a nuisance this woman is, interfering with a stable situation for some bizarre misdirected maternal drive !

women are biological breeding machines and they have imperatives they very strictly obey, no matter how distorted they seem at times

women are biological breeding machines and they have imperatives they very strictly obey

the patriarch’s dilemma

if you say i’m crazy

why are you here ?

if you say i am not crazy

why don’t you take on board what i say ?

the patriarch’s dilemma

if you say i’m crazy

why are you here ?

if you say i am not crazy

why don’t you seriously take on board what i say ?

the patriarch’s dilemma

if you say i’m crazy

why are you here ?

if you say i am not crazy

why don’t you take on board seriously what i say ?

my being patriarch upsets them on r|zen

i wonder why


versus rubbish

i’d say

you say i’m crazy

i say you’re crazy

maybe we are all crazy pazy

only ultimately

i am


friedrich holderlin’s famous poem

the lines of life are different, they sever

just like the roads, just like the mountain ranges

what here we are, a god molds there  -  and changes

us toward reward and joy and peace forever

my re-translation

the lines of life are different, they part like roads, like mountain ranges, oh god the changes !

the real cost of a used vehicle is what it has cost you after two years of ownership, ie  price paid  +  repair costs  =  real cost

i think i get treated unfairly

and if i point out that i get treated unfairly then the demons start to come out of other people

“ i think i get treated unfairly ”

the problem is your pot smoking and incidents like drift turning that now defunct BMW !

i still can’t believe the drift turn thing ! : o)(

also you are very hubric and slow to see essential things because it doesn’t suit you !

you have your own demons !

i don’t think anybody gives a shit about you appearing to avoid your father’s wife !

we both have strong streaks of schizophrenia, our lives are spent working past them

the whole damn stupid species is strongly schizophrenic of course !

you don’t have the skills to look after a house by yourself, nor at this point is your pot smoking sufficiently under control

you can see the lack of skills problem with assessing buying and running a car, an area you making good progress on this though !

you father is no fool, to have respect for his judgment is to begin to have respect for your own !

 who am i ?

who is who

the man in the shoe

 who is he ?

 the man in the sea !

who am i ?

who is who

the man in the shoe

 who is he ?

the man in the sea

vladimir nabokov on  philistines  and the vulgar/poshlust

a philistine is a full-grown person whose interests are of a material and commonplace nature, and whose mentality is formed of the stock ideas and conventional ideals of his or her group and time

there is a genetic basis for considerable differential susceptibility to mercury and leaching from amalgam fillings is another mechanism of release in addition to vapour !

no amount of mercury is acceptable imo !

the people  most affected  of course in the days when nothing else was used were dentists and their staff !

its not schizophrenic to want to change gender, but the pragmatic health realities of transgender operations and hormone treatment and the deleterious disrupted developmental train make it schizophrenic to have these operations and treatments !

a good  ‘ simple ’  explanation  of block chains that if i was given the text would have taken me a minute to put up on the web, but goldman sachs have no doubt spent $10,000 to make it almost unreadable !

these funds can swing huge sums in seconds so i feel that cryptocurrencies will be a dangerous playground with them, but money can be made !

good charlie rose  interview

i can see i am going to have quite a ban list on r|zen _mystical eventually as all the fakes trapse across from r|zen, choking on their own vomit and looking for relief

well die you bastards !

you are  banned  !

hostile fuckwits like you with not a single original thought are ten a penny !

“ one  challenge  facing any communication system is how to prevent individuals from sending dishonest signals that will benefit themselves at a cost to others

for instance, in some bird species, up to two-thirds of predator alarm calls are false, intended to scare conspecifics from preferred feeding or mating opportunities ”

“ unfortunately, a lot of contemporary philosophical scholarship is a decadent maze of involuted, introverted, and sterile conversations about narrow and artificial topics ”

god,  look  at this !

r|i _am_a_cliché and don’t like it pointed out !

men never understand with women they are simply a means to an end, children  !

men never understand with women they are simply a means to an end, children !

men never understand with women they are simply a means to an end

grace slick  singing   ‘ white rabbit ’  with her voice isolated

a rare song of semantic genius !

raekwon_el_chef complains my banning him from  zen_mystical  was unfair !

my  reply

to get unbanned you have to email me explaining you understand why you were banned and you won’t do it again !

in fact r|zen with its constant and protective retardation is more your scene

goodbye !

portugal is probably a good idea, but you are autistic and anything like that has trauma

zen is a natural quarantine for anti-artistic retards  !

zen is a natural quarantine for anti-artistic retards  !

zen is a natural quarantine for anti-artistic retards !

zen is a natural quarantine for anti-artistic retards

life is fucked because there is too much learning curve involved !

everyone is the same, stuck in the middle of nowhere without a clue !

life is fucked because there is too much learning curve involved !

everyone is the same, stuck in the middle of nowhere without a clue

life is fucked because there is too much learning curve involved !

life is fucked because there is too much learning curve involved

“ you’re just too real for me  ”

go back to the  “ real world ”  of your gaming where killed men arise again and never lose body parts or get brain damaged from concussion !

lol, a bit like NFL actually !

. .



your root problem is low reading age, i wrote something readable by the  sophisticated  reader or one able to spend a few hours doing background research, both of those seem to be utterly beyond you !

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the proof of the pudding is you can only speak in generalities because you are too fucking dumb to understand what i wrote

its a wake up call to you unbelievably mentally slack millennials that there is a world of intelligent comprehension out there that you are not privy to because by your lights, there’s nothing outside the stimulation of gaming and media !

my challenge to you is address what i wrote and give me one specific instance of how it is wrong

you can’t can you !

your reading age can’t take you past the first three words and you put all your dumbarse energy into trying to harass me !

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the interesting thing is how fake you are, your  “ idol ”    ‘ raekwon the chef ’  is a thoughtful nuanced person

you should look more  closely  since you claim an affinity

to quote him

“ everybody needs a little knowledge in their life before its too late ”

you know heidegger and kierkegaard are real persons and what they say is accessible, but keep to your games   .   .

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“ one can get the gist of your OP simply by knowing what  ‘ semantic ’  and  ‘ pragmatic ’  mean ”

and what do they mean ?

the way the term is used, it implies some cognizance of semantic - pragmatic space, what is that ?

well over your stupid head !

why don’t you read the interview, can’t even read your hero you ratbag, just so full of the fake its unreal !

“ raekwon also sold drugs and had sex and stuff, so I’m not sure you want him on the pedestal you worship ”

can’t even read me straight, did i put him on any pedestal  ?

again your chronic dishonesty !

TL;DR is unable to say what is wrong with my OP and lies LIES about what i say !

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

unreal , you still haven’t read what is a very good interview of your  ‘ hero ’ ,  shows the sort of low life idiot crap you are, always trying to con people eh !

you’re a fake and its easy to pretend you are more on r|zen !

raekwon is a creative artist, you are just some young consumer turd who thinks listening to music and spieling bullshit is where its at !

sadly, you and a generation peg themselves !

a lot of drug brain damage in part !

don’t tell us ! : o(

you fucked your hippocampus with pot and can’t even be dishonest effectively

your reading age for sure you fucked !

could be another drug of course, what was it ?

just more deflection by the drug fucked  “ anticreative consumer ”

god you guys are scum !

am i going to have to bite the bullet on r|zen ?

so i have been commenting and now the  2nd OP  i have done got deleted, i had forgotten how aggressive in the pursuit of stupidity the mods are,   this OP  must have made them twitch so the 2nd Op was doomed, its just a returning circle and also in comments the game playing retards get way upset over anything with a reading age above seven or eight   .   .

to bite the bullet is that simply stopping posting is not enough, i have to stop reading

the trouble is reading leads to posting comments, posting comments leads to making OP’s and the moderation aggressively downsizes the reading age with young men whose entire experience of zen seems to be some concoction grafted out of their gaming experience   .   .   acting aggressively  to suppress what upsets them    .   .

yes i am going to bite the bullet   .   .   !

i think basically if you are going to read you are going to OP at some point and this is the kicker, the mods, if they have perfected one thing, its the skill of subtle rather than overt banning of viewpoints that upset them, just OP deletions, that sort of thing, and to be fair they do it well !

r|zen is deliberately dumbed down they want it that way and also real life zen is like that, crawling stupidity glorified !

as far to the south the ocean roared

and as far to the north the mountains  didn’t care

sorta  a sadness  to it

existentially something that might have come into being   .   .   .   didn’t

yeah  “ lying by omission ”  really hurts when its done to you !

some words sting, why ?

some words sting, why

the r|zen four statements of zen

the separate transmission outside the teachings,

not based on the written word,

points directly at the human mind

you see your nature and become a buddha.

my  comment

its not based on the written word because dia kensho is not based on the written word

its also a separate transmission outside the teachings

the remaining two items are voynich

you’re another

“ i know the meaning of twenty words and anything else is intellectualism ? ”

jason  writes

yeah the rush thing is a common tactic for salesman

i learned my lesson when i was about ten years old and playing a MMO called runescape, i had a  ‘ shield ’  that was valuable and another player approached me with a trade offer for another  ‘ shield ’  that i knew nothing about but looked cool, he said  “ hurry up i have to go, trade now or else you’ll miss it ”  so i made a quick decision and traded with him

i traded then he logged out, well to put it simply the shield was worthless compared to the one i traded him

the trick with philosophy is you can study one philosopher for a lifetime and most of them are difficult to read, schopenhauer is an exception

so reading or viewing summaries by other people is a shortcut

how does the real zen differ from kierkegaard and hiedegger ?

basically they are trying to make sense or derive rationality from a quite articulated semantic - pragmatic position without really much success

the mystical zen viewpoint abandons that semantic - pragmatic position for much more fused yet evasive co-ordinates and to the average person will not make sense at all

so this is why there is so much fraudulent stupidity on r|zen, idiots chasing semantic coherence with faux incoherence

millennial valley and unfortunately, older retards !

both kierkegaard and hiedegger suffer from the same problem, the voynichating of the  “ you ”  viewpoint

simply put, the perspective from  “ you ”  disrupts any potential coherence !

kierkegaard and hiedegger both suffer from the same problem, the voynichating of the  “ you ”  viewpoint

simply put, the perspective from  “ you ”  disrupts any potential coherence !

both kierkegaard and hiedegger both suffer from the same problem, the voynichating of the  “ you ”  viewpoint

simply put, the perspective from  “ you ”  disrupts any potential coherence !

both kierkegaard and hiedegger both suffer from the same problem, the voynichating of the  “ you ”  viewpoint

simply put the perspective from  “ you ”  disrupts any potential coherence !

both kierkegaard and hiedegger suffer from the same problem, the voynichating of the  “ you ”  viewpoint

kierkegaard and hiedegger both suffer from the same problem, the voynichating of the  “ you ”  viewpoint

both kierkegaard and hiedegger both suffer from the same problem, the voynichating of the  “ you ”  viewpoint

r|zen is full of the dumbest of the dumb who utterly cannot get that translation and the original always differ considerably

keep your millennial dumb arse intellectual virginity !

never ever research or think and you will remain undisturbed !

keep your millennial dumb arse intellectual virginity !

never ever research or think and you will remain undisturbed

keep your millennial dumb arse intellectual virginity

never ever research or think and you will remain undisturbed

bodhidharma was indo-grecian so zen is basically greek philosophical tropes blended with buddhism and daoist voynich

buddhism itself has a similar mangle of these tropes and  memes, but with a lot more historical and mythical literalism !

bodhidharma was indo-grecian so zen is basically greek philosophical tropes blended with buddhism and daoist voynich

buddhism itself has a similar mangle of these tropes and  memes, but more historical and mythical literalism !

its psychotic to think you can understand something with a complete absence of real life experience, that is actually psychosis  !

its psychotic to think you can understand something with a complete absence of real life experience, that is actually psychosis !

its psychotic to think you can understand something with a complete absence of real life experience, that is actually psychosis

you can’t be argued out of psychosis !

well you can’t be argued out of psychosis !

psychotic like ewk, well you can’t be argued out of psychosis !

what georges  danton  should have said

in a moment all the power of a man goes, i shall be nothing

what georges danton should have said

in a moment all the power of a man goes, i am nothing

what georges danton should have said

in a moment all the power of a man goes, i will be nothing

the way people price on ebay has never made much sense to me

1.8, small engine plus turbo  =  rapid wear

kate tempest raps  the gods

martin heidegger  argues  that humans through language have a knowing relationship to non existance or at least the potential which as we know is very rarely realised !

zen in theory is about this  “ knowing relationship ”

not a bad  summary  of heidegger if you ignore the atrocious visuals !

martin heidegger argues that humans through language have a knowing relationship to non existance or at least the potential which as we know is very rarely realised !

zen in theory is about this  “ knowing relationship ”

‘ henry brocken ’  is one of the great works of english literature, yet hardly known at all !

i don’t know why walter del la mare has fallen  out of fashion ,  he has a lyricism sorely missing today   .   .

the listeners

jason  writes

so ruth paid me and there was like two dollars, then she pulled a five dollar note out of her pocket and said  “ take this too and buy a car, you know like one of those hot wheels at toys r us ”

i didn’t tell her i needed a car but she saw my father’s jeep that was parked in front and must’ve assumed

i get a free comedy routine when i deliver to her, i was seriously crying and hurting i could hardly look at her

hubris imposes a ceiling of  mediocrity   !

 hubris imposes a ceiling of mediocrity !

hubris imposes a ceiling of mediocrity

jason  writes

ruth  (ed.  greenstein   I  II )   says she still does a show in las vegas once a year and she said if i'm ever in las vegas while she's doing the show to not go

and she's writing comedy still for other people, 93 years old !

she told me this story that she was once in the catskills planning to do a show and was staying at a hotel where another famous movie actor was staying, both she and the movie actor were sitting on a park bench in front of the hotel and they were talking and people were asking for his autograph

they were jumping out of their cars to get his autograph and she was saying how wonderful that is, he was a big time actor and he asked " may i have your autograph ? " and she said " i don't have any paper ! " so he picked up a leaf off the ground and had her sign it, and he signed one too for her, she said she wouldn't forget that feeling, i was talking to her for more than an hour while i was working and eventually she was showing me photos of herself and family and she had multiple prints for printing so she asked me if i wanted an autograph and i said " yes ! "

i had three deliveries in the car as i was talking to her so i got pretty nervous when i pulled out my phone and saw three missed calls from the restaurant  .  .  she showed me a spider that's been outside her door for weeks and told me to say bye to it and she said to the spider " say bye alphonse ! "

the restaurant ended up not being upset and the customers weren't too upset either but i shouldn't do that again

jason, you are like me, too easily absorbed into other peoples lives

you are like me, too easily absorbed into other peoples lives

i remember a vivid dream years ago, eileen and i were in a house on the sand and the tide came in and engulfed the house and that dream came true   .   .

“ it takes the stomach around four to six hours to empty a full meal, and then the small intestine takes about six to eight hours to squeeze out all the nutrients and empty into the colon

the remains linger there for another one to three days, fermenting and being formed into what ultimately is flushed down the toilet ”

powell and pressburger’s  ‘ the  tales  of hoffman ’ ,  a bit different from charles bukowski’s take !

newly  restored

jacques  offenbach

the last temptation of christ, so a man  stands alone  admidst the crowds   .   .  !

the film is based on the book of the same name by nikos kazantzakis who also wrote  ‘ zorba the greek ’ !

the last temptation of christ, so a man stands alone admidst the crowds   .   .  !

don’t marry, you’ll stay saner  !

don’t marry, you’ll stay saner !

don’t marry, you’ll stay saner

that’s where her life’s gone, into her two sons, left her and  the writing  a bit vacant imo !

jason, who has met her son says he is not as sharp as her !

both sons live within five minutes walking distance of each other and the one son jason met is in the same complex as her !

her other son is currently writing for some big hollywood movie !

snow tyres offer  benefit  up to 7°C/45°F

all wheel  versus  front wheel drive !

even  rear wheel  drive is ok with the right tires ?

251 thousand views, a  skilled  driver ,  how many accidents has he caused with people trying to imitate him ?

janis joplin  dead  in fifteen months, dick cavett had electro convulsive therapy in  1980 !

history is full of absurdity in politics, there is no right or wrong ,  just power  !

danton is directed by andrzej wajda based on the danton case by  stanisława  przybyszewska

history is full of absurdity in politics, there is no right or wrong, just power !

history is full of absurdity in politics, there is no right or wrong, just power

funny ,  what i love  which is travelling by myself i won’t do anymore, too wearing or traumatic, easier to sit in what is effectively a hermitage with most of my time on the net ! ?

steak, brussel sprouts, cooked radishes, chilli peppers and parsnip peelings (not the skin!) for dinner !

one of the bad side effects of zen is it makes you naive .

too much  “ milk of human kindness ”  nonsense !

zorbas, it helps to see the  instrumentation played  !

the composer,  nikos kazantzakis ,  led an interesting life, we live tamely these days !

charles bukowski saying  something  !

is english your second language  ?  the way you write seems ,  if you will forgive the expression,   “ retarded ”  !

at the least the sense is jumbled up or the intention of what is said is never quite got to !

you really have to go into auctions accepting that a bid if won is final and there’s no recourse

my experience of ebay auctions is people hang on till the last second, you have to be there as it times out and the final result is partly luck !

years ago on a mid to late afternoon i drove eileen along alexandra road to the beach west of buttons creek, a straggled group of adolescent girls were walking along the road and i noticed two of them holding hands as they walked

eileen and i walked out to the beach and i noticed those two girls go into the marram grass on the dune on the other side of the creek and then disappear down into it and one could see clothes being removed as they showed above the grass

i mentioned it to eileen and she said i notice things no-one else ever notices

years ago on a mid to late afternoon i drove eileen along alexandra road to the beach west of buttons creek, a straggled group of adolescent girls were walking along the road and i noticed two of them holding hands as they walked

eileen and i walked out to the beach and i noticed those two girls go into the marram grass on the dune on the other side of the creek and then disappear down into it and one could see clothes being removed as they showed above the grass

i mentioned it to eileen and she said i notice things she never noticed   .   .

the childhood  home  of charles bukowski

  quite a bit different from what i imagined it !

do an image search on chippendale furniture, i was brought up with that style and it is still pervasive !

time warp, a 1950  interview  of ernest hemingway and his wife, mary !

i feel basically i was treated badly by zen, why should r|zen be any different ?

i feel basically i was treated badly by zen, why should r|zen be different ?

i feel basically i was treated badly by zen, why should r|zen be different

i was lying on my bed, about 6:30pm, too late for my afternoon sleep and i was feeling abit distressed about my ex and was sorta asking  “ help ”  and a vision of emily dickinson appeared sitting on my bed, there was some sort of fusion, maybe sex but maybe a bit different, then she leaned over to me, her face coming close up and large and the eye and socket expanded and swallowed me up   .   .

i thought, that’s really the only help, to observe with her eye, the eye apparent in her poems   .   .

i was lying on my bed, about 6:30pm, too late for my afternoon sleep and i was feeling abit distressed about my ex and was sorta asking  “ help ”  and a vision of emily dickinson appeared, she leaned over to me, her face coming close up and large and the eye and socket expanded and swallowed me up   .   .

i thought, that’s really the only help, to observe with her eye, the eye apparent in her poems   .   .

the problem with these lower cost used vehicles is they don’t really justify the cost of a mechanic’s inspection, which is the really useful thing !

i think you have to make your own assessment of the mileage and make an offer based on that, just adjust the offer, don’t offend the owner by hinting you think the odometer is reading low, their reaction may be not to want to deal with you as too knowledgeable !

quite the poker game used car buying !

toni packer, ug and jiddu krishnamurti all loved switzerland, with its  vistas ,  it is easy to see why !

i was brought up with  this song  at school, interesting to find out it was composed by  william crotch

the dead are not absent through their words

elizabeth hastings is jane eyre in a  parallel universe

when you hear someone speaking english as a second language it may sound a bit funny but they are already doing something at a skill level way above you if you only speak english !

rice ,  seaweed and uncooked fish would have to be one of the the  worst foods  possible from a SCD and BCD point of view !

dillon123   asks

what conversation were you genuinely wanting to spark ?  what did you expect ewk to latch onto in that video, and what discussion did you hope would arise from it, but knew would be eschewed from the start ?


r e p l y

the only rule i have about posting is does it generate good writing material or in some other way advance my experience and knowledge !

so for instance what i am now writing is going into  “ the record of the 7th zen patriarch ”

OPing that  video  of brad and the hostility of the response to it confirmed to me that r|zen has shifted even further into the buji camp and really its views are quite incompatible with mine and setting up r|zen_mysticism was the right thing to do and i should just go my own way with less emphasis on zen !

also you are very buji and banning you was the right decision, i have no expectation you will ever be anything but bound to nonsense !

i was thinking about dogen’s transmission and since we now know he never got transmission from rújìng since rújìng was dead against it and dogen’s famous transmission document was forged that the whole dogen’s descendants thing is screwy

but i can see in one of dogen’s visions that would be transmission, so in fact his transmission was the same as mine, visionary !

interesting to work through that

that really is the only way authentic transmission comes, through a vision !

do you see how i am using the post to think, i have no concern for how it is received or influencing people or even that it is read ?

 brutal  !

for a tinder or a singles ad ?

jason thinks it might be for snapchat or instagram !

ah well, it will work !

zakaj  on  decred

this struck me as very important, what he is saying you need to judge the teams and technology and if you do this, cryptocurrency investment will be targeted and not random !

“ so, to an experienced eye that can judge where decred should really be positioned considering the tech and the team behind it, its easy to see it should be valued at least 10x higher than it is now ”

the person who best knows the car is the owner and if you listen and ask carefully he will probably tell you a lot

keith johnstone, he seems to  emanate  relaxation

i was about to say i haven’t had any visionary experiences recently, but in fact i have and they have been very disturbing, no beauty to them just masses of people which i find a bit ominous !

a criticism i made of r|zenners was their lack of real life zen experience means they are just concocting some scriptural fantasy !

dharma transmission is a literal bolt of lightning when it happens to you

you will know when it happens

you don’t need anybody to justify it, indeed only the phonies do that !

jason writes that scotty kilmer replied and told him

car lots are all rip offs basically

my  comment

 its good scotty replies to you !

lana del ray  is a writer  before being a singer, you can actually see it, her singing has really developed compared to when she first started, very autistic that, not a huge natural talent, but intelligence and work takes you somewhere !

her weakness is in the entourage especially the band, they seem to continually overwhelm her very good voice with their banging and crashing !

the french are so emotionally sophisticated compared to the english, nagui gently  roasts her

as with any investment advice, you make your own choices and take the consequences which can be positive or negative !

xyz, i don’t think you should mention you have done well as there are nasty people scouring the web for indications of people with cryptovalue and targeting them in real life and also by hacking !

a good rule in life is if you have money is to always appear broke !

“ so cryptocurrency really isn’t about making money quick, waiting for something like bitcoin to happen ?

it’s more like trading the smaller deals ? ”


jason  writes

they are savvy on craigslist, overpricing so negotiation goes their way and washing their car to perfection to take pictures

my  reply

everyone a mini used car dealer ?

. .



yeah jacklyn will make more sense as you move further along the lifelong process of understanding women, i am still learning about my ex, women are brutal in placing their own needs first, men are the sentimental ones !

one thing that is hard to get is there is often no explanation except complete stupidity on their part, i think i am getting more savvy about taking advantage of that when it happens !

lisa cairns is broke and homeless, you want to go down that road as well ?

ed.  jason on intending to go on one of her retreats when the opportunity presents itself

the thing to dealing with salesmen and a lot of other similar situations is to win by getting something out of their time from them making you more familiar with their process or product and not returning anything by purchasing

when i get cold calls on the phone, i just talk to them to get experience in dealing politely with con artists and never buy ,  they have given me free their time !

jason  writes

i was surprised to see how much the guys at the restaurant know the jockeys, they say a jockey is really important and they know who usually wins !


r e p l y

yeah, charles bukowski has a poem about where the result was clearly prearranged a month ahead !

jockeys don’t get paid much but i would be sure their wives or  “ associates ”  place bets for them

also a lot of criminal shit will be going on

as charles bukowski pointed out, the average punter pays for all this and despite his claims i would be surprised if he did very well out of it !

interestingly my father told me a story about my great grandfather owning a very good horse that raced in the wellington cup, but just before the finish line he saw the horse pulled back by the jockey and another horse won !

he never said anything and never raced a horse after that !

jason  replies

even the guys at the restaurant know when a race is fixed, when a horse is clearly set to win and somehow they lose maybe with a jockey doing something purposefully stupid

the problem with car dealers is they are like spiders in their webs, very difficult to beat, they already have you wrapped up when you enter the lot !

there’s some good videos and info on the web about dealing with car dealers, they are tricky as hell, all sorts of hidden clauses

andrew’s r|zen law

the more intelligent the OP the increasing probability the mods will remove it !

jason  writes

i talked to scotty kilmer through email, he said to stay away from swapped motors as  “ they are often bad ”  and he also said volkswagon’s are a money pit

he says to go toyota or honda

my  comment

 i think mazda are ok too !

the advantage of celibacy is you get the time and lack of distraction to work things out that otherwise never could be worked out

the advantage of celibacy is you get the time and lack of distraction to work things out that otherwise you would never be able to work out

the advantage of celibacy is you get the time to work things out that otherwise you would never be able to work out !

the advantage of celibacy is you get the time to work things out that otherwise you would never be able to work out

buddha is but isn’t and of course that is isn’t and isn’t is

though i’d try some dogen stylistic  !

buddha is but isn’t and the is isn’t and isn’t is

us old buddhas  !

buddha is but isn’t and of course that is isn’t and isn’t is !

though i’d try some dogen

buddha is but isn’t and the is isn’t and isn’t is  !

us old buddhas  !

buddha is but isn’t and is isn’t and isn’t is

this  exactly what is wrong with zen

fakes giving transmission to fakes, interminably long training periods  ( 27 years in jody kimmel’s case)  wherein the trainee comes out more stupid than they went in   .   .

as for the lineage, maezumi an alcoholic predator of young women and a lineage of imperial japanese war criminals before that   .   .   .   .

no wonder zen went belly up   .   .

what i have found with zen, is coming from within it, you can’t understand it because it is too voynichated

if you come from outside it through literature and mysticism you can understand it !

so any stuff that clearly is blinkered to only viewing zen is psychotic, what’s there to understand about that  ?

where dogen shines is he was visionary, not many of those in zen !

the visions inform his best work, a lot of the other stuff, i agree with ewk, he was making a religion and never quite connected the spontaneity and essential uncausedness of his visions with all the nonsense about practice and zazen !

its unfortunate he got tuberculosis, it caused him to regress in his last years and die too young for the semantic-pragmatic aspect to develop better !

jason  writes

women can spend so much time everyday getting their make up on, doing their hair, etc.

since their number one priority is breeding its not a big deal for them !

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

i’m not someone to keep on the back-log

i’m not someone to keep on the main-log

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

i played soccer last thursday, it seems like people at least subtly know that heading the ball is concussive

whenever the offensive team has a corner, no-one wants to defend our goal which usually involves heading the ball away

they’re less avoidant on an offensive corner but still there’s reluctance to head the ball

i just jump out of both boxes when there’s a corner, i played forty minutes and only once lightly head the ball but i even regret that

my  comment

you should be looking at cars, not playing soccer !

yoshida kenkō and eihei dogen were both sons of kyoto, the way they wrote and used  japanese  is surely very similar ! 

eihei dogen and yoshida kenkō were both sons of kyoto, the way they wrote and used  japanese  is surely very similar ! 

perhaps yoshida kenkō’s book should be called  “ observations n’ reflections ”  ?

perhaps yoshida kenkō’s book should be called  “ observations in reflections ”  ?

there is an intrinsic transience to beauty ,  not necessarily in the object, but in our ability to behold it  !

there is an intrinsic transience to beauty ,  not necessarily in the object, but in our ability to behold it !

there is an intrinsic transience to beauty ,  not necessarily in the object, but in our ability to behold it

it is perishability that makes for beauty

a sobering thought !

just a lot of words mangled together, as i said ,  psychotic  !

just a lot of words mangled together, as i said psychotic !

“ so, actively  craving pain  is the action that must be taken to experience bliss ”

that’s really quite psychotic, be careful !

neo advaita/non duality took the zen audience and has made it what it is now, an obscure backwater !

r|zen ,  losers all   .   .

ultra-violet  triggers  a release of nitric oxide into the blood stream which in turn induces suppressive regulatory T cells and a clinical improvement in eczema correlated with an increased ratio of  Tregulatory:Teffector  cells

nitric oxide has powerful anti-inflammatory properties

in the over fifties club there’s plenty of sex around if you want it, its just not the way for me !

if you’re interested in eiehi dogen, there’s something really odd about not reading the tsurezuregusa of yoshida kenkō

which makes all of zen really bizarre !

the donald keene translation of tsurezuregusa of kenkō which being set in kyoto only eighty years after eihei dogen’s death really gives a flavour of the manic religiosity of the culture dogen was brought up in and btw is a book way more  well known  than anything of dogen !

you will never meet such a bunch of retarded ne’er do wells as in zen !

you will never meet such a bunch of retarded ne’er do wells as in zen

a yaunwu quote

zen teachers should be compassionate, gentle, and skilled at adaptation, dealing with people impartially, minding their own business and not contending with anyone


r e p l y

and devote their lives to improving the lives and understanding of arseholes and idiots, dying younger than they should from various ailments and dead broke because of the way they have wasted their lives effectively being the pawns of the aforementioned idiots

nagarjuna is less than a genius, he has stylized some greek philosphical tropes into what is essentially meaningless triviality, of course the way people are, this is the bullshit that gets glorified into religion !

the agenda that drives women, could they understand it would seem quite insane to men  !

the agenda that drives women, could they understand it would seem quite insane to men !

the agenda that drives women, could they understand it would seem quite insane to men

so i haven’t looked at my  twitter account  for a very long time, so i reset the password and found that some-one had hacked my account and made me follow 325 various idiots that i had to laboriously unfollow !

so this is obviously how you can buy followers, some-one hacks inactive accounts to sell followers !

janey godley taking  the mickey  out of gwyneth paltrow

scotty kilmer doesn’t like  mercedes  or  jaguars  !

why luxury cars are  expensive  to fix !

a key to understanding eihei dogen is he was very autistic and scripts a lot !

zen in recent years seems to have become a dogma based scriptural religion like christianity

gwen john, her  paintings  have good insight into their subjects if you look closely !

on female behavior

the breasts are for feeding babies and to do that she needs to be fed

the breasts are for feeding babies and to do that she needs to be fed

mormons and jehovah’s witnesses are being severely disadvantaged by the web because with not too much research you can see how truely crazy and controlling they are !

man  this stuff  about joseph smith who was a true fruit loop and prepared to die for it !

these cults have a malevolency that can be seen in how sneaky they are in hiding the outright insanity !

because you are insane

the ultra sanity of what i write

attracts you

because you are insane

the sanity of what i write

attracts you

to r|zen

because you are insane

the sanity of what i write

attracts you

r|zenners, because you are insane the sanity of what i write attracts you

because you are insane the sanity of what i write attracts you

jason  writes

i was in the same class as this guy who pretty often comes into the restaurant with his family, he’s pretty autistic and a high status jew, we got along pretty well

he dresses people who have a lot of money and celebrities, i saw his snapchat and he’s hanging out with players from the soccer team that just won the big championship of the year

my brother was good friends with a jew whose father did the same sort of job and they had millions of dollars

my classmate usually gives me a limp handshake, he says i’m looking good and to message him about going running together

gael likes  breakfast  in persia

“ brain cells from mice fed diets enriched with extra-virgin olive oil  had higher  levels of autophagy and reduced levels of amyloid plaques and phosphorylated tau ”

i fry onions in EVOO trying to keep the temperature below 120°C

the  goal  of memory is not to transmit the most accurate information over time, but to guide and optimize intelligent decision making by only holding on to valuable information

the car was  advertised  at $700 and said that he absolutely wouldn’t go below it, but he sold it almost immediately for $650 which is 7% below, so even a rock bottom price is negotiable down a small amount !

“ the boss has a jaguar now and he had that jaguar i just showed you on craigslist, he says he loved that car ”

some people can’t tell anything straight even if you paid them !

you gotta  invest  in property man, you gotta protect your wealth from inflation man

sometimes i think the world is nothing but full of crazy people who expect you to shoulder their burdens !

sometimes i think the world is nothing but full of crazy people who expect you to shoulder their burdens

you can take being precious to the grave

what good does it do?

people really don’t get that translations are not the original writer

they want to get off their prosleytizing arses and do some translation, quite possible with google translate !

you really don’t get that translations are not the original writer

you want to get off your prosleytizing arse and do some translation, quite possible with google translate !

i had a bit of an odd day, dropped something off at the exe’s

she wasn’t there, i walked around the garden, brought back a lot of memories   ̲   ̲   ̲  

the memories   ̲    ̲  ̲ 

bit disturbing really  

i had a bit of an odd day, dropped something off at the exe’s

she wasn’t there, i walked around the garden, brought back a lot of memories   ̲   ̲   ̲  

jason  asks

is it rude to ask the low functioning autistic if he has autism ?

i want to tell him i do as well !

ed.  at work

my  reply

be smart and don’t alienate him, keep off the topic imo

too much reality is hurtful for most people !

the used car market undervalues vehicles in really good condition for the price range and overvalues junk, i think the secret of used car buying is to get a vehicle that  ‘ secretly ’  is in comparatively good condition, so you effectively pay market value for a much better vehicle !

lordgoblin  asks

what‘s fully enlightened?   returning dharmakaya to the void?   seeing your true face?  deathless consciousness?   reunification of enteric and central nervous systems in the body resulting in physiological changes?   replicating consciousness?   omniscience ?


r e p l y

true enlightenment is a composite of dai kensho and a lot of ongoing almost philosophical discursion and observation about reality !

true enlightenment is a composite of dai kensho and a lot of ongoing almost philosophical discursion and observation about reality !

birth and death is the furnishings, essentials, of the buddha house   —   eihei dogen

birth and death are nothing but another illusion !

my vision with the 6th patriarch is a  naked singularity  not quite in this universe and that is the whole difficulty !

my vision with the 6th patriarch is a naked singularity not quite in this universe and that is the whole difficulty

my neighbour’s car won’t start, its a 1999 ford fiesta  (same as the mazada 121)  and i have always thought it was a good vehicle, never seemed to give trouble and started first kick

i charged the battery and its working well, holding voltage when cranking

the next step was to clean the plugs and they were an absolute revelation of the cylinder conditions, black oily  (compression?)  and one of plugs had heavy grey deposits indicating a number of cylinder or valve wear options

in addition one of the front cv joints needs replacing

appearances can be deceptive, its reached a wear stage where its very questionable to spend any money on it

the problem may be a fuel problem, not sure if i want to put any more time into it !

what i really learnt is to look at the spark plugs if you are buying a used car, they tell a story as effective as any testing !

she misinterpreted something i said as offering $500 for it and turned it down and i thought, well i’d offer you more than $500 for it if i wanted to buy it, but now having seen those plugs i realize its not a vehicle its sane to buy !

i was cursing the involvement and she is not very appreciative of the work i  am doing, but i really learnt something !

when starches like rice and potato get cold the internal structure changes and they become less digestible so you want them to heat them up to boiling again to open them up, but they are never as digestible as still hot the first time they are cooked !

oh the mods woke up on r|zen

12 hours of my posting is a bit much for them so they removed my last post, i think i should take the hint   .   .

yes what they removed, so evil and sinister   .   .    take that you old fogey

well the poem came back if it was ever deleted, who can say ? !

oh i’m a little millennial

entitled as hell

if there’s a bell

ring it for me

.   .   you know its a bit strenuous       

the way i write, the sense is more indefinite or has more multiplicity than people are used to or can handle !

the way i write, the sense is more indefinite or has more multiplicity than people are used to or can handle

well i’ve seen a few beheading videos, even one guy cutting a woman who was likely his wife according to the comments  (he was mexican and claimed it was cartel) !

that was the most shocking video i have seen, she was there on her knees pleading one moment then half a minute later her head had been severed, she was a very relatable women maybe in her early thirties ?

the only thing that makes r|zen meaningful is the constant slaughter

. .




the only thing that makes r|zen meaningful is the constant slaughter ! : o )

jason writes that

an opportunity that i missed out on was working at  “ the country store ”  which was a town over from where i was living in massachusetts, i could’ve been a cashier or maybe worked in the kitchen   .   .   and the place was charming

the owner was a chef and owner of a successful business in the town that i lived in which he sold to open the other place

his children were dressed well and behaved with a lovely wife too



this is  startlingly  like charles bukowski's experience

schizophrenia is the severe lack of reality coupling

schizophrenia is the lack of reality coupling

schizophrenia is simply the lack of reality coupling

schizophrenia is simply this lack of reality coupling

interestingly the origins of zen are indo-greek or aristotelian philosophy, sisyphus is an appropriate analogy

interesting the origins of zen are indo-greek or aristotelian philosophy

the price of addiction is getting your life fucked up

i actually think that writing can be an addiction, but not quite !

the price of addiction is getting your life fucked up

i actually think that writing can be an addiction, but not quite

i really like the chrisfix videos, to me he is saying you really need to calculate the work needed on the vehicle and price on that and walk away from any deal if they don’t come down to that price

all the stuff on the market is overpriced by over twice down to one third !

really worth  watching

some of my writing will appear too  ‘ severe ’  to some

its looking at the really hard edge of life

which is cruel beyond unpleasant

go back to your comfy social world please !

some of my writing will appear too  ‘ severe ’  to some

its looking at thereallyhard edge of life

which is cruel beyond unpleasant

 go back to your comfy social world please !

you are mentally ill

what can you say to some-one who is mentally ill ?



 why they are mentally ill !


you are mentally ill

what can you say to some-one who is mentally ill ?



 why they are mentally ill !


you are mentally ill

what can you say to some-one who is mentally ill ?









how to  negotiate  a private used car sale, bit of a revelation actually !

ryokan’s death poem with my reply

now it reveals its hidden side

and now the other

thus it has fallen,

 an autumn leaf.



a confused descent

why am i




the real zen is always upsetting to the fakes !

the stupids need the world to be as stupid as them !

the real zen is always upsetting to fakes !

the stupids need the world to be as stupid as them !

the real zen is always upsetting to fakes like yourself !

the stupids need the world to be as stupid as them !

yellowclaw are hypnotic

red bull, for reasons best known to themselves took down the full clip

edc, las vegas 2017

I     II

see already we are  arguing ,  there’s no reconciliation and never will be and i have better things to do than be in combat with the clueless !

it simply takes too much mental energy to deal with the degree of conflict that arises when opinions and views are too divergent which we are !

a useful guide  to checking  a used car !

jason  writes

i went to the grocery store today and outside of work its where i see the most people on a weekly basis

anyway i’m just looking around at produce and the grocery store usually has a higher proportion of women

there’s this youngish one a bit taller than me with darker brown hair wearing yoga pants and she’s clearly the best looking woman in the store at the moment, we make eye contact for a second but i’m just trying to buy food and get out of there

so i’m looking at some blueberries and there’s a bit of a jam with the shopping carts and people where i’m trying to get around and she’s trying to get around so i just stood there waiting for her to make a move

she goes around the stack of food and gets so close to me i can feel the heat of her body, she had more room to not get so close

yeah that happens every once in a while, a woman gets so close you can feel the heat coming off of them

young women have the power of their hormones, things look very different when the hormones start to drop off in the mid thirties and remember the mid thirties is what you have to live with most of your life !

i think in general with used vehicles, people ask too much and that is in your favour as a buyer, it means you don’t have much competition !

i have just always paid too much for the used vehicles i have bought, constitutionally unable to ask for less !

i think in general with used vehicles, people ask too much and that is in your favour as a buyer, it means you don’t have much competition !

its a real eye opener about a woman when you watch the idiots she has preferred to you over a while !

buying a used vehicle ?

women are the used vehicle that buys you !

for the sake of sex, you end up spending the rest of your life with a different species  !

for the sake of sex, you end up spending the rest of your life with a different species !

for the sake of sex, you end up spending the rest of your life with a different species

you have to move out of your old patterns into productive new ones !

you see the pattern of how you think and behave, that seeing starts to modify it !

let it modify then, i’m tired of my own shit

basically you see the shit later, then steer a slightly different course !

alexander the great, aristotle, the terracotta warriors

aristotle was alexander the great’s tutor and corresponded with him later in life, there was obviously a strong bond and influence there

a little more than a century later, the  terracotta warriors  were heavily influenced in style by greek statuary and seven to eight hundred years from the height of alexander’s empire the indo-grecian bodhidharma started a new religion based on the aristotelian sophistical and anti-dogmatic rhetorical style in china














the stars








and moon



zen_mystical  is not like r|zen where everyone has a different point of view and disputes, and that’s mostly what it is, endless roughhouse !

the real zen is no different from mystical traditions in christianity, sufi, islam, literature and even pop culture   .   .

if you want to comment on r|zen_mystical you really need to be in agreement with what i am OPing and saying, ie you accept that i know what i am on about to a large extent, i don’t claim perfection but this is a life’s work for me and i need to have got it right !

as i say if you don’t think i have it substantially right then there’s r|zen and other battlefields with their own way of looking at things !

a way to encapsulate the r|zen viewpoint is they regard huang po and dahui as being a valid scriptural source, but in my view neither is fully enlightened which is quite a big difference from them !

huang po and dahui do the deconstruction of dogma very well but they are missing the next step and actually their idea of the next step is wrong !

to say what their idea of the next step is and how they are missing the real next step is too difficult to answer without a lot of work and the problem is you are always dealing with translations and the veracity of transcriptions !

case three of  ‘ the iron flute : zen koans ’

nan-ch‘üan’s stone buddha

upasaka liu-kêng said to nan-ch‘üan :  “ in my house there is a stone which sits up or lies down.  i intend to carve it as a buddha.  can i do it ? ”

nan-ch‘üan answered :  “ yes, you can ”

upasaka liu-kêng asked again :  “ can i not do it ? ”

nan-ch‘üan answered :  “no, you cannot do it”

my reply, the problem is being in the house or even that there is a house !

when you test drive you want to see that the car runs straight ie the chassis is not out of line and so pulls to one side

its part of your insanity that you expect people who are authentic to be insane !

ewk, its part of your insanity that you expect people who are authentic to be insane !

its part of your insanity that you expect people who are authentic to be insane

ewk, its part of your insanity that you expect people who are authentic to be insane

i don’t listen to music as i sleep and in fact hardly ever listen to it

4wd/suv is four times the maintenance cost from experience

i want a subaru, nissan, honda or toyota but i looked through craigslist for hours today and didn’t find much

that means you are on the right track, all the bmw etc is there because its not selling quickly for a reason

“ okay i am almost a delinquent with a pot problem and no job prospects, but i have a lot of good qualities too ”

you are like carrie fisher, an exceptional philosophical intelligence which like her you are fucking with drugs

pewdiepie/felix has something i don’t though, high family status  .   .   his father is CEO of a clothing company i think and his mother is some executive position at some company

your problem is pot and what drives the need for it, sleep, mood and diet problems

its cost you five years, so you are well behind now

behind what ?

what i could have been ?

as you get older you will start to understand you have the competence to have been quite a big deal in the world, but your life is mostly failure

this life failure is what mysticism is, successful people are not mystics though ultimately success is a bit of an illusion, all the same their lives are comfortable and they are productively busy !

“ anything you see is your function ”

anything you can’t see is your function

“ anything you see is your function ”

anything you see isn’t your function

shaun greenhalgh, a half-hearted forger

I     II

its very  educational  to see how an electronic odometer can be wound back !

my motherboard has a serial port header on and at the cost of a day or two i could do it, the guy in the video being all set up and experienced would do it in two hours i think !

“ is mood addressed with supplements ? ”

yeah K2 and lithium are important for mood

life is full of sadness and stupidity, our own mostly, that’s just the way  it is

i have  pissed away  my life uselessly

why i am the 7th patriarch

none of the  claimed  successors to huineng were enlightened and mazu daoyi who was enlightened, never had transmission from him nor did he claim it !

there you are, the first real descendant of huineng alive and preaching to you in this age !

when it comes to entertainment ,  people just want to be cocooned in illusions  !

when it comes to entertainment ,  people just want to be cocooned in illusions !

when it comes to entertainment ,  people just want to be cocooned in illusions

i was thinking, because it seems certain you have low brain-derived neurotrophic factor, you have absolutely no prospects in life while you smoke pot !

therefore you are compelled to address the factors driving the addiction; sleep, mood and dietary problems or face dereliction once the protective bloom of youth disappears !

charles bukowski must have had freakishly high levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor to retain his poetic smarts with his alcohol abuse and many concussive events !

one of the very few occupations i would have ever been happy with would have been a gossip writer, and here on pending poems or r|zen_mystical, i can do it !

lana del ray doesn’t  hide it ,  but in her younger days she lived a promiscuous alcoholic life with  “ sugar daddy’s ” ,  being very attractive, intelligent and having  “ that voice ”  she emerged surprisingly undamaged, she was lucky it was before the current STD explosion   .   .

there’s quite a strong sense of wastrelism which colours her artistic work

 all the same it has a  missing  dimension .   .    probably  the limitations  of the alcoholism damage   .   .

there’s something really zen about lana del ray, why not think about it ?

“   the hypoglycemia  usually happens when i eat a large volume of carbohydrates at once, where i go from one extreme  (hyperglycemia)  to hypoglycemic after a few hours

when eating normal portions my blood sugar is normal, but i tend to feel drowsy and fatigued after eating, which i assume may be related to an insulin issue(?), so i typically just do intermittent fasting and save most/all my calories for the end of the day ”

the large insulin pulse to tap the sugar out of blood into tissues after eating the large carb meal is very stressful to the beta cells and potentially in the long term could damage them !

a small amount of protein  (pasturized yogurt ?)  with the carbs  will help  with the drowsiness, without the dietary protein, orexin in the brain becomes down regulated !

“ they  discovered  that amino acids stimulate orexin cells.  previous work by the group found that glucose blocks orexin cells  (which was cited as a reason for after-meal sleepiness) ,  and so the researchers also looked at interactions between sugar and protein.  they found that amino acids stop glucose from blocking orexin cells  ( in other words, protein negated the effects of sugar on the cells ) ”

“ female ”  is the   “ why ”  of the necessity of celibacy !

“ female ”  is the   “ why ”  of celibacy !

“ female ”  is the   “ why ”  of the necessity of celibacy

“ female ”  is the   “ why ”  of celibacy


cot cases

  babbling  !


cot cases


jason  writes

jacklyn reminds me of  marzia  bisognin, pewdiepie’s girlfriend

they’ve been dating for six years, pewdiepie is twenty-seven and when he started talking to marzia he was just getting popular

the story goes that marzia’s friend was telling her to watch this youtuber, she liked his videos and reached out to pewdiepie through email

my  comment

she’s a good example of  “ female ”

so do i have a two hour window on both the circadian rhythms of sleep and eating ?

like if i normally go to sleep at 12am i can go to sleep at 10pm through 2am ?

half an hour really and less really you want to be within five minutes

unless you are ill in which case sleep more

i want to go to sleep later, i’m used to falling asleep at 11:30pm, how do i shift ?

its the same as jet lag, light modulates the rhythm, at 11.30 each night i without fail go onto the red light of my headlamp so in theory i can go to sleep from then on, but in fact spend a couple of hours just sitting or wandering around in a sort of meditative or contemplative mode, if the weather is ok, i go outside for a bit, surprisingly a bright moon can desynchronize the circadian rhythm !

you need to understand what  ‘ colour temperature ’  is ,  ‘ cooler ’  has more blue and less red and  ‘ warmer ’  has more red and less blue

the body clock naturally moves forward half an hour a day !

so if you went to sleep at 12 tonight you’d go to sleep tomorrow at 12:30 ?

i would want to, but since this would screw up the timing of the next day too much we reset every day by getting up at the same time

it matters more what time you go to sleep rather than what time you wake up ?

what matters the most is the light changes matching the natural cycle, red rich tones before bed and to a lesser extent such as would occur at dawn in the morning

my sleeping hours are not that stable, but the one thing that works as a rule is to either go to dark or red light at 11.30pm and when i get up, if its early try to keep things dark !

sometimes i will stretch the 11.30 to 12 and exceptionally to 12.30am

you can actually feel when your circadian rhythm gets disrupted by light with too much blue in at the wrong time !

her life is her books to an unsettling extent !

her life is her books to an unsettling extent

i watched the little mournful procession the length of the street and when it turned from my sight, i had  lost her forever

jane austen’s sister cassandra on jane’s final journey !


and she disappeared around the corner to be seen no more

the term  “ god ”  is designed to be reflexively validating and since you can’t validate any term reflexively, it is at best nonsense, and more realistically a deliberate deception and voynich !

the term  “ god ”  is designed to be reflexively validating and since you can’t validate any term reflexively, it is at best nonsense, and more realistically a deliberate deception and voynich

religion is simply an exercise in making fiction real, because that empowers a priestly cast who continue the persistence of believing the fiction real !

there is a stupidity to  trajan’s  and marcus  aurelius’s  column’s ,  the friezes are too high to see in any detail !

an interesting  view  on suicide   .   .   chromosome stress !

small shifts in telomere length and mitochondrial DNA copy number would lead to the majority of the population being suicidal or the other way, hubrically manic !

the rattle sounded like it was in the engine but i don’t know if it was on the engine

i just called our insurance company and we’ll probably know within the next three days if its worth fixing, there’s body damage and engine damage but i don’t know what engine damage exactly

i’ve had two bad accidents, i’m actually not a very good driver, but i learnt, nothing is worth a car accident so now i am much more careful !

in both those accidents i could have killed people and was lucky not to !

weirdly the first accident was late at night after a dance and i made the other two passengers put seat belts on but didn’t myself, if i hadn’t made them do that  (this was in the days before compulsory seat belts !)  there’s a good chance they could have been killed or severely injured   .   .

you are now stuck with the sadness of having lost a good vehicle through stupidity !

women are very specialized breeding machines  don’t expect them to do anything else  !

women are very specialized breeding machines  don’t expect them to do anything else  !

women are very specialized breeding machines  don’t expect them to do anything else

a reddit  askdocs  !

College student just diagnosed with HIV.  Are there any cutting edge treatments on the horizon, regardless of a potential exorbitant cost ?

I am a 22 year old gay white male who was just diagnosed with HIV.  Otherwise, I am incredibly healthy  –  6  feet tall, 150 lbs, athletic, etc.  I was even on PrEP and almost practiced safe sex, except when I was dating someone.  However, I missed a few days of PrEP while vacationing in April, and had unprotected sex with one person, and partially protected sex with another  (I made him put on a condom part way through, as I was too drunk to realize he was not wearing one at first).

I have informed my parents, and they hired a consultant to find the best doctors in my hometown (Manhattan).  My question is this  –  are there any cutting edge treatments that are available, even as just a clinical study ?  I recall reading that there was a  study  in Sweden where the participants no longer needed daily drugs, and were essentially  “ virus-free ”

The reason I ask is that my father is very independently wealthy.  His net worth is above $50 million, and I know for a fact that a great portion of that money is liquid.  I am lucky to already have health insurance, but are there any treatments not yet approved that could offer me a better prognosis ?  I mean, what is the use of having all of this money if it cannot help me at all in this sense ?

I don’t want to start a health care debate, as I believe diseases like this highlight why universal healthcare is important.  That said, is this really a situation where money cannot do anything, even though we are making daily break throughs with the treatment of this disease ?



you want to contact the researchers  (Dr. Beatriz Mothe ?)  and try to get on their testing program, make it clear you are going to offer funding to them, how much you will have to work out !

“ Yes, I want to lose weight ”

well i have heaps of wallaby thyroids at the moment i am eating !

i think buddhism and zen are life pacifiers, dummies plugged into the mouth to stop the baby crying !

i think buddhism and zen are life pacifiers, dummies plugged into the mouth to stop the baby crying

i donated blood yesterday, took a very small amount of B6 earlier, seemed to make for less fatigue and greater robustness afterwards !

i left the stretchy bandage on for at least six hours which seems to heal better !

the odd thing is today i feel  “ pyschologically disturbed ” ,  not myself somehow ! ?

viruses from shopping afterwards ?

ah, floury potato from lunch !

carneades  says justice is inevitably problematic, and not a given when it comes to virtue, but an uneven compact device necessary for the maintenance of a sufficiently ordered society

the kwan um zen school turned out to be just another  sex club !

i can’t believe i got so conned by zen, and me , its only celibate !

i wonder if being manic is being unable to account reasonably for things going wrong  ?

i wonder if being manic is being unable to account reasonably for things going wrong

 if i am driving and feeling a bit out of it, lack of sleep, virus, post blood donation etc  .   .

i am extra careful



 if i am driving and feeling a bit out of it, lack of sleep, virus, post blood donation et cetera  .   .

i am extra careful



 if i am driving and feeling a bit out of it, lack of sleep, virus, post blood donation etc.   .   .

i am extra careful



“ was bukowski a derelict  ?   i think so

 i don’t want to be a derelict ”

alcohol made him a derelict, pot makes you a derelict

neither of you slept well and that’s the root cause !

“ was bukowski a derelict  ?   i think so ”

“ i should be in jail right now, i was smoking pot while driving and i got lucky   .   .   the tow truck driver said most people would be locked up after something like that

i tried to do a drift turn, lost control and hit into the guard railing

the crash happened today and last night i only slept three hours ”

so if you had slept decently you wouldn’t have crashed ?

lack of sleep damages the brain, what can i say ,  you have a problem that is crippling you, yet you won’t pay adequate attention to it !

to not have a migraine is more comfort than any woman  !

to not have a migraine is more comfort than any woman  !

to not have a migraine is more comfort than any woman

cool, video processed  reconstruction  of the ara pacis augustae

what  it  was  !

michelangelo’s  panther riding drunks ,  i don’t know why this appeals, but it does !

the new  “ paint 3D ”  with the latest version of win 10 makes it easy to crop and resize  photos

my mother’s  take  on picnics in iran !

“ researchers  examined what kinds of dairy each person consumed, including milk, cream, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter, margarine and sherbet

they then looked at whether full-fat dairy, as whole milk, was associated with a risk of parkinson’s disease; there was no association

however, those who consumed at least three servings of low-fat dairy a day had a 34 percent greater chance of developing parkinson’s than people who consumed less than one serving per day

the researchers also found that when looking specifically at skim and low-fat milk consumption, there was a 39 percent greater chance of developing parkinson’s for people who consumed more than one serving per day compared to those who consumed less than one serving per week ”

“ the  study  was a meta-analysis which compared the results of hundreds of studies where sugar concentrations were controlled and sugar type was the variable

It turned out that fructose is no worse for you than other sugars and in fact in terms of your blood glucose after eating, which is what particularly diabetics are concerned about, it is actually quite beneficial

this is because fructose needs to be converted by the liver first which creates a time lag before it can affect glucose concentrations in the blood ”

christianity is basically a socially approved schizophrenia !

it hurts to be sane !

christianity is basically a socially approved schizophrenia !

it hurts to be sane

christianity is basically a socially approved schizophrenia !

christianity is basically a socially approved schizophrenia

there is a disturbing side to writing well, it means you are not going to be much good at, or interested in other things, which in life is a bit limiting

there is a disturbing side to writing well, it means you are not going to be much good at, or interested in other things which in life is a bit limiting

night-time emissions are sign of good health !

night-time emissions are sign of good health

“ she takes anxiety medication and something for her add, maybe i heard her say another one.

i wanted to ask her what were the names of the meds but probably not anymore ”

she needs to look at the meds and side effects, inevitably if she consistently takes them over several years she will develop significant health problems from them

if she is prone to anxiety then you are going to have to be careful in your dealings with her !

if there’s one thing women can be vindictive about, its any intimation they are  “ damaged goods ”  !

the meds are huge deal, the net is full of women whose health has been wrecked by long term use of pyschiatric meds

she wants to do some research on the side effects of the meds she is taking, i think its fair to tell her that, most likely she won’t, but she has been warned !

i don’t think she suits you personality wise, she’s a bit stupid and not wanting to get wiser, a bitch and materialist !

small social bet debts should be asked for and paid !

a habit of making bets and not paying will lead to trouble one day !

small social bet debts should be asked for and paid !

small social bet debts should be asked for and paid

a compendium of recent  ‘ jason  writes ’

life is not glamorous

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when i was seven years old and in school we began to learn cursive, somehow i managed to completely avoid the exercises that we used to learn it

now i now only know two letters in script;  “ j ”  and  “ d ”  so i could have a signature, and i only learned that when i was eighteen !

i was put into a special class called  “ reading ”  when i was six because i was behind in my reading ability, i only left that extracurricular class when i was about ten

and now with learning other languages i’ve given up, i know a bit of spanish and portuguese but i refuse to learn any more

it was all too much effort and when it’s too much effort i let it go !

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public school teacher’s have little capacity to listen to their students

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me asking a waitress after arguing with a delivery driver

don’t men have the biggest egos ?

her response  :

he thinks he’s the last bottle of water in the desert !

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what is reality ?

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reading ,  studying ,  thinking

that’s not an  ‘ at least ’  situation for most people, its an  ‘ at most ’

if he’s smoking pot he’s going to be trouble, you are right to be wary !

if he’s smoking pot he’s going to be trouble, you are right to be wary

though it will have cost them millions to get this far, for free i can tell coca-cola amatil what their useless overpaid ceo obviously wasn’t hearing about  “ no sugar ”

aspartame is neurotoxic

and empty calorie sweeteners  mess  with the sugar metabolism by signalling sugar but not providing it !

another  “ not going to go viral ”  i am afraid !

waiting  for execution

haruhiko kawaguchi

it takes a minute or two to sort out  the semantics  of what you see !

how  he does it !

humans often take a thing and push forward from that expecting some certain result ,  but everything is uncertain and what you push forwards from may well push back itself !

humans often take a thing and push forward from that expecting some certain result ,  but everything is uncertain and what you push forwards from may well be pushed back itself !

humans often take a thing and push forward from that expecting some certain result ,  but everything is uncertain and what you push forwards from may well push back itself

humans often take a thing and push forward from that expecting some certain result ,  but everything is uncertain and what you push forwards from may well be pushed back itself

the  gospel  of peter

excised and destroyed from the christianity we know because of its docetism

its funny how the weak points of the jesus story always were weak points !

i suppose i should stop gloating about leaving r|zen, its like leaving a battlefield where everyone is attacking themselves, all you have to do is leave and watch from the sidelines   .   .

what i am finding fascinating is the cognitive style  errors  these  “ warriors ”  display are the same as  aristotle  deals with in his attempt to get a handle on the public forums of his time !

the whole problem with the web is the idiots are disproportionately noisy !

the whole problem with the web is the idiots are disproportionately noisy