this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed
russian war and
early propaganda films are obsessed with executions
i wonder why ?
that powerless of the individual confronting whatever state ?
interestingly pavlov’s
ideas may have been behind the extraordinary confessions of the show trials
mikail bulgakov’s "heart of a dog" is an interesting satire, that i think alludes to pavlov
it was made into an extraordinarily good
film directed by vladimir bortko
when i look at diseases or health problems i try to find something fundamental that circumvents cataloguing symptoms, an easy way of making assessments of the severity of the problem and avenues of remedy
COVID gives more than a hint with the results
of this study , that the spike protein can enter the cell nucleus and interfere with the constant ongoing
DNA repair
it might even be a problem with the current vaccines since they generate one way or another full length spike proteins (except the novavax)
, but to me what says this is no ordinary virus is its severity which of course is quite apparent in its symptomatic effect, but probably, genetically some people are going to be much more susceptible than others
interestingly i think you can predict the moderna vaccine would be more hazardous from a side effect viewpoint than the pfizer and the novavax not hazardous since all its spike proteins are bound to a nanoparticle
oddly, i think the pfizer has done something positive for me, but i am going to space
7-8 weeks between the first and second dose
nobuyuki tsujii (blind from birth with microthalmia)
playing rachmaninoff’s piano concerto no.
when i first listened to it i thought a bit ho hum, but listening to other pianists they were not as good
he doesn’t overpower the orchestra which pianists in this work are wont to do
“ perception is
semi-controlled hallucination ”
i think you could extend that to "life is"
neither fan nor troll
the dunning-kruger acolytes
cannot cope
with ambiguity
sexual undercurrents in religious orders are usually kept well disguised
sexual undercurrents in religious orders are kept well disguised
well, we disagree
and i’m voting with my feet
a road that branches
as you look at it
despair is its name
life’s fairness
starting from conception
so uneven
it raises doubts
life’s unfairness
starting from conception
so uneven
it raises doubts
interrupt the "lotus eaters" at your peril
they will resent you
my experience of the kwan um school (chogye) is it is more institutional and not centered on individual teachers the way japanese zen is and there’s a lot of freedom in that, in hindsight japanese zen is way too "culty"
korean zen is not so much into sitting meditation, but chanting and walking meditation
but in the end they are both religions and suffer the usual problems, i think one thing people won’t pick up from brad warner because he is "solo" is the intense internal politics
zen /seon have, live with it for a while and you become oh so sceptical about the whole business
the other things that stand out are the general poor health and money problems and people putting too much of their lives into what doesn’t bear fruit for them
personally i found the people in kwan um "nicer" and less "anal" than zen, easier to get along with and more "worldly realistic", honestly japanese zen is so "fascist", full of "power mad" stupids in attitude and action
what i notice in terms of my real life zen experience which is across several different "zen" traditions is it is like a vaccination against believing any of the shit or taking it seriously and those caught in the "idealized world" of "net zen" are going to be stuck in an illusion they will never escape and to be honest, i think brad who also lacks much experience of "zen institutions in the real world" is also mired in this bog
different experience is such a fundamental divide, its interesting, real life experience of anything breeds scepticism, without it you are dreaming which of course most of the posting on brad’s vlog is
zen is not a "philosophy" but an "institutional/cult product"
r|zen is a bunch of dreamers if there ever were, they strenuously avoid any real life zen contact, i guess because the maintenance of "the dream" is what is really important to them
i suppose i should take my exit from here, real life versus "the dream" is very clashing and no bridge can cross it and i have seen what the real zen life is, poor health, being broke and wasting your life in a sterile avenue
everything has phases
even the phase
the unchanging view
cannot be
hume had an interesting take on "miracles"
they could only occur where there was no other explanation
this "slash of occam" is very clever and eliminates everything, even the bible
its a tautology
everything has an alternative explanation
a couple of hours each day
doing nothing
opens the brain
to "grooks"
"seekers" seeking
lookers looking
doers doing
yet the three
doesn’t cover it
they read rubbish and think they know something
what they know
is rubbish
bound up in words
they think they have an answer
to what question ?
the stupids abound
stuck in the mud
“ no attainment with nothing to attain ”
no attainment with something to attain
i’ve been following this question of psychedelics and mystical experiences for years and never come across anyone having done that develop any true "mystical understanding", on the contrary you just get a bunch of gabbling idiots who can’t hear anything they don’t want to hear
surprisingly ayahuasca seems to give more utility because it involves memory more which is a step in the right direction, whereas
LSD, besides the risk of permanent brain damage just makes for a type of "madness"
the "benefit" of "mind altering" drugs would be in the area of
PTSD, not criticising that, but the sheer quantity of all the fake "drugged " mystics are like a virus infecting the web
there’s no such thing as "samadhi" or "enlightenment", there’s just this process of understanding, a path that dissolves as you walk on it, its cognitive and no drug even slightly mimics it
chanting, meditation and ceremonies do not cut the ice
you know this dissolving path when you are on it and are competent to deal with people who challenge its and your validity
pretenders don’t simply abound, but infest in plaque proportions, the
dunning-kruger stupids
his friends run away from him
yet his enemies show no fear
does he ever ask himself
what is going on ?
well that’s experience for sure to take time for difficult problems, these days i try to look ten ways at something before doing anything, the devil is in the details, but so are the angels
dementia is more uneven that people make out, for instance i have been demented for years
on a closer look
doesn’t happen
a verse from sylvia plath’s poem
lorelei , one of the greatest poems ever written imo
promising sure harborage
by day,
descant from borders
of hebetude, from the ledge
for all their lauding of wagner’s opera "the ring"
the nazis paid no attention to the ending
“ the special time between asleep and wake ”
where the brain breaks down or wakes up
not quite this world or the next
something seeps through
i went over some
old poems yesterday, its actually quite beneficial, nostalgia in that context is productive. one looks at how one’s approach has and hasn’t changed
if i was fighting a war and you were on my side, you are so inept i’d be worried
i’d rather you were on the other side
wait, you are !
writing "grooks" like i do
is like travelling in a landscape
provided you keep moving
is always opening up
and is limitless
there are those who
not wanting to understand what i write
pluck a few words like a "lucky dip"
make their own projection
then proceed to tell me what i wrote
that corner of the universe
so stupid
is surprisingly wide
there are those that hurt their friends and benefit their enemies
better to be hated by them than liked
i wouldn’t go chasing wisdom
it shatters on the touch
its a large world
paring the useful
from the trivial
is half its trouble
some moods
like moving through treacle
they pass, thank god
the dissonance of a person on youtube separated by several years is interesting, i think we find such a rapid and noticeable change traumatic
a woman can wear out a man
a woman can wear out a man
to no effect
tunnel vision
vision in a tunnel
vision is the tunnel
the sky cracks open
a rainbow effusion
is of the world
not of the world
the vulnerability of an alcohol problem extends way beyond the overt to the more subtle like bad "timeline choices"
why carry the footprint of alcohol damage with you for the rest of your life ?
the problem with "marxism" is it can only work in a world where the implementation is by supercompetent and unbiased committees with no shade of personal interest making decisons about the allocation of resources that are premised on an untangled notion of fairness that in fact can never exist
the actual implementation was an inverted travesty so bizarre and murderous it beggared belief
the world is wide
thought is wide
experience is wide
yet it all
is not so wide
our geography is now bounded
the once mystery of archipelagoes
vast stretches of the unexplored
a delirium of what might be
no longer "might"
but circumscribed
back to the beginning of time
where is the unknown ?
what it always was
one or two dreams in a life
i remember
the house i was living in
being swallowed by the sea
we escaped through a window
one or two dreams in a life
i remember
the house i was living in
being swallowed by the sea
i escaped through a window
so full of contradictions
you don’t know where to start
Whoever is without love does not know
God, for
God is love ”
love and god
god and hate
the devil and evil
with a mailed fist
well i have had my first vaccine, the pfizer, some side effects, mood swings a bit and bad migraines, but on the whole i feel better than i did before the vaccine, apparently it can "reset" the immune system, however i did "isolate" myself for seventeen days after the vaccine to maximise its effect
“ the philosopher is trying to dispel illusion ”
the problem with that is the dispelling of illusion is an illusion
a gwendolyn macewen quote
but it is never over
nothing ends until we want it to
look, in shattered midnights
on black ice under silver trees
we are still dancing, dancing
my reply
midnights don’t shatter
they absorb and spit you out
that corner of the universe with the most stupid people in it
you are also stupid
because you go there
an emoticon
so innocent
behind its smile
or frown
lies vacuity
before and after
after and before
you can’t shut
a revolving door
how things look different
at the end of life
than the beginning
the middle aged couple
her hair white, his grey
their parked
BMW convertible
roof down
don’t match
trying to understand what cannot be understood
even if "you" disappears
you still have "understanding"
then meaning has to go
so what have you then ?
non being
a bunch of recursions
disappearing up each other’s arse
evolution is a quantification
it only cares about one thing
how many children you have
and their survival
driving past an irrigation pond
the sheen
calling me
to wander in the infinite
the jigsaw of life
one day
too many pieces
but i can’t give up
chasing the "present"
they devalue the past
and muck-up the future
jacques derrida making
a criticism of the assumption of "the presence of the present"
you think you are "correcting"
but all you are doing is giving them the energy to continue to be a pest
the human whirl
a busy-ness of occupations
that condenses to certain clarities
in life
xyz is no stalin
look - alike
he kills by ones
a number
josef would find
beneath contempt
what is empty
what is abandoned
that feeling
of past activity
or driven
away from
having no point
except the gap
left afterwards
i’m not a person
who carries the dead uneasily
they are gone
i notice their absence
without worry
except one woman
a friend, not a lover
a likely suicide
i don’t know why
dogen treads on shit
its not a dream
its buddhism
horror fiction
tortured convolguingies
only meaningful
in a
migraine-free world
“ 26 year old female. Dealing with advancing depression. I don’t want to end up like my mom . . I know things got bad around this time for her . . Trying to see what my wonderful girlfriend sees in me before I go off the rails . . The drinking isn’t helping ”
the brain needs physical exercise, not excessive, but some
krill oil can help
“ I’m
16 and my biggest problem right now is probably my drinking. I get blackout drunk almost every single night and I don’t really know how to stop at this point ”
its a systemic poison and permanently damaging your brain
you future is being destroyed
drugs and alcohol, seen so many talented people crippled by this
an interest in the arts and literature helps, not the university taught crap, that’s just crazies blabbering
you will find this interesting,
gwendolyn macewen had a dazzling career cut short by an alcohol related illness
clearly it matters whether jesus, muhammad, moses and buddha exist in an historical sense because if they don’t then you can see the world is
mind-bucklingly crazy as the norm
historically, especially christianity and islam you have to add murderous
the present melts
a glass gold watch
the slow tick
ed. the above poem was inspired by the lines below in gwendolyn macewen's poem "solar wind"
The past and the future are burning up; the present
melts down the middle, a river of wind,
wind from the sun, gold wind, anything —
And suddenly you know that all mysteries have been solved
for you, all questions answered.
her reading the poem
41:24 and another one of hers i liked
31:06 "dark pines under the water"
he studied zen and learnt not to think
thinking that
so he became a boor
the emoticon bandits
robbers of your attention in the wrong way
for thought
people have a position
where their brain places them
they can’t go outside it
a child has no miracles but is natural in everything
which shrinks to effectiveness
wise is an illusion, age flounders
i am surprised by the severity of my reactions to my first pfizer dose two weeks later, bad headache, vomiting and fatigue, prior to that feeling "overwell" and a week before a rash over the vaccine site
they tried to push me to the second vaccine in three and a half weeks, but my reading of the research is ten weeks retains the memory effect better so will do at least seven
when we are younger we care more but are less wise, at least in that wisdom which tells us to avoid trouble
the problem with artistic talent
is it is only
modern education tries to shoehorn
.1% into
with predictable results
monique andrée serf (stage name babara) was a slow developer
she is most famous for her song "göttingen" beautifully sung
here by claire pommet
the original version with english subtitles
sung by babara
french light music is very sophisticated, but never seen in the anglophone world for some reason
les choristes
vois sur ton chemin
shiba-inu cryptocurrency
29/1/21 1 x 10E-12 usd cents volume $523
today’s (31/10/21) value 6.2 x 10E-5, with an astounding volume of $7.69 billion
that’s a gain of 62 million in 9 months
if you brought a thousand dollars worth at the end of january, it would be worth 60 billion dollars now
i think that beats the tulips, south sea and anything else by a long long way
Buterin "burned" $6 billion of shiba he owned
its actually
quite interesting , basically its an etherum "smart contract"
the only historical equivalent would be the conquest of persia by alexander
those bogs were
swimming pools , not puddles,
4 wheel driving and surviving is as much about what you turn back from, as going through
another tip is just because you can get there, doesn’t mean you can get back
wow, slow to .
75 and david linden
sounds normal and sir. paul (a new zealander) slurred
i have been all around scotland and had almost no trouble understanding the locals, except i never visited glasgow, electing to go to edinburgh instead where the traffic and one way system was the most intense i have ever come across
baubles for idiots
what constitutes "precious" in
the land of the long white cloud ?
vain sixteen or thirty year olds ?
that brittle suburban milieu ?
being on two islands in the middle of nowhere ?
no its the endangered bird you identify with
which is better
the kakapo or albatross
tidy towns, your time is gone
look for the wandering kaka-poo
a painting is a poem
but is a poem a painting ?
a poem is many paintings
What took you an embarrassing amount of time to figure out ? ”
Something specific to
German : "
Mir ist erst neulich aufgefallen, dass ein
Wecker heißt, weil er dich weckt"
"i just noticed the other day that an alarm clock is called an alarm clock because it wakes you up"
me thirty seconds ago on google translate
i think you can infer from it "alarming you" that it wakes you up
it was a surprisingly good google translation
“ what took you an embarrassing amount of time to figure out ? ”
that paintings of jesus were not true to life portraits but the artist’s imagination
might have been
25 before i figured that one
then later the whole caboose, that moses, buddha, muhammad and jesus were all badly written scripts in soap operas and had no historical reality at all
to compensate i now spend my entire life living in fiction
the wisdom of patience
is waiting for the stars to align
and then act
well that’s the theory
talking nonsense
claiming sense
well its not nonsense to claim sense
out and out
some imagined centerpoint
of non-existence
or existence
that’s stasis
or not
some imagined centerpoint
of non-existance
or existance
that’s stasis
or not
going forward
going backwards
you need to do both
to arrive at the truth
way to fill the space between the ears i guess
not for me
let the idiots proselytise it
his spare time he spends
fixing the "blinders"
any light from coming through
“ the ultimate path is without difficulty, just avoid picking and choosing “
the "ultimate path"
an illusion
traversed by idiots
hanging in air
they can’t perceive
their insubstantiality
life and death
trying to make sense of this world
and the next
you can’t
women are in constant competition with each other
for that lousiest of prizes
the male
why the delta variant
is different and an informed target on the spike protein for future vaccines
so i would guess mid
2023 for the distribution of much more effective vaccines, we just have to hang on to then
“ what else has to be done ”
eating the lotus
time passes like a breeze
afloat we drift on
but is this life ?
the meaningless faces of the internet
not real
so fake
there’s something about rudyard kipling’s
own drawings for the
just so stories, which are bedtime stories told to his daughter, josephine, who insisted they be "just so"
she died aged
7 from pneumonia and his son jack died on the front in
WW1 leaving one daughter, elsie to survive the kipling’s
he had no grandchildren
the art and stories are totally "out of this world" in a way any great art is, a wonderful natural talent
the wikipedia entry on him
is good
the kolokolo bird
so exotic
not of this time
the kolokolo bird
so exotic
wearing out a zafu
or their bums
they go in circles
returning from where they came
the same as before
more engraved
unpicking ourselves
an imperfect operation
at best
you have a much higher chance of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease in particular if your
vitamin D levels are too low (deficient is defined as less than
50 nmol/
i take
3000iu of the blackmore’s vitamin
D3 a day and one capsule (
90mcg) of the carusoe’s vitamin
K2 (
i think the
K2 is necessary with taking vitamin
D, what’s the best ratio for you will have to be worked out
my claim to fame for health is to have a blood pressure for my age only seen in remote amazonian tribes, in the area of
8 days after my first pfizer vaccine i have a rash around the injection site, its a bit itchy and later feeling quite fatigued
the day after the vaccine i was fatigued then seven days later i had a bad headache, all this seems typical and indicates my immune system works on an average schedule
so its a "significant" vaccine, the immune system does react, i presume i am starting to build antibodies causing the rash so its a good sign
oddly on balance i have been feeling very well since the vaccine, its the first vaccine any of us have ever had that addresses coronaviruses so maybe its also knocking back remnants of coronavirus infections of any shape or colour so to speak ?
the research saying that a longer "wait" between the first and second vaccines gives better long term immunity
“ the long dosing interval resulted in
2x higher neutralising antibodies against all variants of the virus tested, including the
Delta variant, compared to the short dosing interval
absolute numbers of
T cells to spike were lower after the long interval compared to the short one, but the
Tcell response had more characteristics of a helper response promoting long term memory and antibody production ”
if you think about it, its the principle behind of the booster dose, otherwise it wouldn’t be necessary
breathtaking scene near the dragon lakes in the zagori mountains, greece
for sheer waste of time
nothing beats
buddhist chanting
if only i knew what day it was
yesterday was saturday or monday
maybe its sunday
could be tuesday
if only i knew what day it was
ed. it was tuesday
if only i knew what day it was
yesterday was saturday or monday
maybe its sunday
if only i knew what day it was
the wrong place to be
message boards
waiting for the next move and analyzing
the past one
you only have to look at the conflict between the bolsheviks and mensheviks to understand how insane ideologies in the struggle for power can be
"woke" is no less insane but fortunately lacks an overt secret police to implement their ideas so inevitably are defeated in the inconsistency of their "doctrine"
with boshevikism and an unbelievably efficient secret police it took several economic collapses and a hugely attritive war for the fundamental inconsistencies to be exposed
the crusades were a similar event for christianity and since islam never failed in a similarly spectacular way and indeed is only starting to fail now with the dissonance with modern technological life, there is a much stronger cultural belief in it
i always had this image of the book of genesis being set in some distant unfathomable past and actually that sort of defined the limits of the past for me and how far back one could go
then over the last decade i have discovered that its basically a group of rehashed babylonian myths
from this perspective you get a much more "archeological" view of history, events and places and myths bleeding from historical events all over the place eg the
flood of noah story being taken from the epic of gilgamesh relating to flooding of the euphrates and tigris rivers
moses crossing the red sea being a butchered version of the egyptian pharaoh ramesses
II forcing the hittites across the orontes river in the battle of kadesh
i’m not sure what the distant unfathomable past is now, but really its just an image and one is left with the hanging question of how real the past actually is
one goes in circles
and keeps going in circles
and that never changes
but the spiral of aging
the various health regulatory authorities have not got to grips with the mutation speed of covid and its ability to outpace prevention measures and the need to fast track
re-designed vaccines
basically we should be all getting boosters designed to address a much broader spectrum of variants especially delta and i am sure such designs are in the works but face a long approval process
what must be a robert’s
44 sailing , everything seems so familiar, boat’s motion, wind direction, the way she heels, islands, headlands
being something
looking like something else
a life skill
its not a coherent world
there are gaps to slip between
“ only a trained technician/whatever can tell you such and such ”
obviously that’s not true since
some-one trained the technician
or we have an infinite regress of trained technicians training technicians terminating in genesis where on the eighth day god created trained technicians
you half see something
ten years later you
three-quarters see it
when you fully see it
you are dead
the normal state of human affairs is wars/civil conflict and exhaustion from wars and civil conflict with intervals of relative peace
if you are not in the first two situations you are doing well
a man searching
trying to understand things
but understanding never folds back into itself
except occasionally
as the day goes on
getting more tired
once i could walk
for a day
and still have energy
in the evening
i don’t always look at the moon
nor does it always
see me
i hope
i am more
than snow dusting
the buller river
i hope
i am more
than snow dusting
the river
the requirement of "woke" that it and its favoured ideologies escape from rational criticism is i think evidence of increasing levels of public schizophrenia like in
30’s germany and after
WW1 in russia
the trains of story books for sure !
time is a construct
what does that mean ?
how do we look at the past and future ?
i don’t know
carl jung was
a reasonable man , he changed his opinion on better information, i notice with zen, that dogen is always represented as infallible despite the clearly changed views from the shobogenzo to zuimonki, ie from his earlier to later work, the "disciples" just take what suits them and ignore the contradictions
"timelines" are an interesting
sci-fi concept, i have seen a physics theory that says time travel can occur, but necessarily will only occur where no paradoxical conditions are created which if you think about it is actually our experience
i can time travel by reading say sappho and know her and times a bit from the limited fragments of her writing available (everything was lost in the great fire of of alexandria, the library of which was the ancient world’s "database") but have absolutely no influence on her or her times
i don’t think her influence on our time is paradoxical since the information is already out there, whether discovered or not, in other words, it doesn’t feed back to her
i think there is some validity to visionary experiences in terms of this
its also interesting to bring the notion of "timeline" to our own lives, that we can find ourselves on lines we project to be problematic, but our habits and interests tie us in to them, like being on a train we think has a likelihood of crashing that we can’t get off, marriage, finances, health and so on
the trouble is outcomes are very uncertain and notions of "right" and "wrong" directions cannot be discerned clearly at all
charles bukowski was an alcoholic and genius, had he not been an alcoholic i think he would today have the stature of goethe with writings to match, but he dissipated his powers though the toxicity of alcohol and the sort of women he associated with, however he said that without the alcohol he would have committed suicide
really the path wanted was no alcohol and no suicide, but apparently that was too difficult to steer and to be honest his poetry as it is, suits me, the life he lead was what created the deep insights
i feel the future is a process of discovery and a careful feeling our way testing our projections is the only sanity, if you jump too discretely into suppositions you will end up in trouble, however, changes forced on you are different because they are beyond our control, its what’s in our control that we need to be wary of being over certain about
very fit people seem to be at a higher risk for covid vaccine complications, especially damage to the heart
to my mind we will all have had the delta variant to some degree in the next six months
i had my first pfizer last tuesday, it went well, i was careful to have them use a short needle (i don’t have any fat on the deltoid muscle) to reduce the chance of penetrating a blood vessel and while they want me to be back in three and a half weeks for the second dose, i will delay
6 to ten weeks for maximum benefit from the vaccine
also by then the "authorities" may have caught up with the latest research and permit a different vaccine to be used
my arm hurt and i was a bit tired on the day after the vaccine, but i’m feeling pretty good now, its the second vaccine that has more side effects apparently
"woke" is a "meme" or virus that exploits weaknesses in intellectual culture, beliefs and attitudes
which would have to be the problem of today’s education system in spades
thoughtless acquiescence in idiocy
nelson’s column
a reminder
if you get killed in battle
you have lost the war
let the lions at the base
remind you of
intelligence is more varied than an
IQ test,
IQ measures a type of intelligence and the nature of ability in one area can be deficiencies in others which "mensa types" are somewhat notorious for
dying flowers
in a vase
have their own dynamic
they pay in compliments
not cash
thinking the smile of their beneficence
and perhaps it is
the dead
no longer accessible to us
what did we inherit from them ?
something of themselves i guess
that we were changed by
ed. i wrote this after reading some lines of hart crane, the second line refers to a coffin and/or bed
His thoughts, delivered to me
From the white coverlet and pillow
I see now, were inheritances —
Delicate riders of the storm
happy endings
are a construct
see past the construct
i think dame judy dench is a good example of a very uneven intelligence
in many respects she comes across as "normal"
, not a great thinker "out of the box" or even a thinker at all
however her ability as an actress and facility in picking up and learning "the craft" is like a tower, going straight up dwarfing everything around it
its an avenue that was open to her and not to others and she has walked in and taken up residence
intelligence is not like a pyramid, a very small number at the top and the vast unwashed at the bottom
rather it is a landscape, multivalent with undulations, chasms and peaks and to a degree
self-similar in the sense of a person as a whole and their "aspected" intelligence
and i don’t think you can separate it from life experience, some of the most "mature" and sane views, way more mature and sane than mine i have come across are in the so called "retarded"
IQ measures a type of intelligence, that is all and for those who claim einstein had a high
IQ (despite his being expelled from school for being backward)
, he was never tested
so someone was arguing with me, that you couldn’t say jordan peterson was "crucified" in that he didn’t die from his benzodiazepine withdrawl, that "near death" is not actually "death" and crucifixion requires actual physical death from which there is no recovery, a claim somewhat contrary to the culturally ingrained christian story
my reply
that’s an interesting question, do "near death" experiences actually involve being dead ?
there’s lots of ambiguities here, crucifixion as an adjective rather than a noun and if you make yourself familiar with what happened to
JP you will see the fit
i guess i should do the honours,
JP became heavily addicted to benzodiazepines, so heavily it was impossible to take him off them as if this was done the withdrawal symptoms became life threatening so his family went to a clinic in russia that put him into a coma for eight days so the withdrawal could happen safely, it sorta worked, but he’s not the same today as you might expect
you have to be relatively blasé about crossing boundaries to understand life
if you feel the crossing in any depth, which most do, then you will never understand because you live within rather than outside life
below is my reply to brad’s vlog about a
hatchet job being done on him at a conference
you are dealing with a form of
i get pestered here (ed. brad’s vlog) by "belligerent man" because i don’t conform to whatever "woke" views he has (which are obscure)
, as far as i can work out his goal is to save the "zen world" from me
there’s something wrong with their heads because they are utterly unable to dialogue or negotiate
everybody here (ed. the vlog comments section) has very different views, but most people can discuss differences at least, "woke" weaponizes viewpoints which are not negotiable and you can see this in political extremes like nazism and
the mistake is to try to understand it in the everyday context of constant negotiation, but in fact they just use "negotiation" to try to harm you because the reality is the weaponization of opinion and in different sorts of societies especially historically, you would run the risk of being assassinated
"true mysticism" is always in conflict with the overt semantic vehicles of religion
being unable to argue content
they argue "on the person"
and can’t even get that right
meditation and prayer
the christian and zen crazies made crazier
calling it sanity
as if a lifetime of missing the point is that
well they think it is
theological squirrels
burying their nuts everywhere
well paper
won’t feed
over winter
the distance between truth and falsity is lost
glowing moons are glowing moons
so what ?
zen and prayer
christianity and meditation
they try to fill your mind
with junk
some time
just not reading
letting what comes together
and what falls apart
fall apart
is enough
is still monotheism
one god or two
ego or non ego
the understanding lacks
what it has no experience of
and god can’t give
the voice of the rabble
is still the voice of the rabble
philosophy tries
and fails
religion tries
and murders
i try
when i don't have to
not understanding what he reads
he pretends to have an opinion
why not ?
he pretends to be some-one
when the sun rises
it seems sensible
when a hundred suns rise
what then ?
when they speak in emoticons
you know
their reading and writing age
tight knots
through hardship
and necessity
the dreamers dream
doesn’t untie
nooses of ineptitude
they write in a fantasy land
unable to discern fact from fiction
they step into the unreal
non-existent steps
going nowhere
no wonder
“ belligerent man ”
for whom sex was an answer
turned out
to be an answer
but another
paws stuck in pitch
yet still he thinks
that baby face
is real
tangled in words
he imagines unwinding
but the snarl gets worse
unlike br’er rabbit
when they get stuck on the tar baby
its forever
the buddha dharma cannot be known by a person
the buddha dharma can be known by a person
jelly beans
from the mouths of idiots
the horizon
like the end of the rainbow
is never arrived at
why can’t you get there ?
well you can’t get to where
what is defined to be at a distance from you
its these "distances" that seem to be most attractive to us
but least attainable
spring leaves on a copper beech
an unattainable colour
i won’t attempt to name it
we don’t understand
we are the most marvellous construction
following a pattern
not of our making
and beyond our control
brevity versus utility
brevity and utility
brevity with utlilty
comprende ?
brevity versus utility
brevity and utility
brevity with utility
brevity versus utility
brevity and utility
comprende ?
a galaxy
covering the lawn
a galaxy
on the lawn
a galaxy
covering the grass
a galaxy
on the grass
surprisingly, bob dylan’s nobel acceptance
speech is better than most, more real
the "supposed" chinese propaganda film
battle at lake changjin is actually subtly
"anti-war" in that you would never want to be part of what occurred on either side
if you dig
a bit deeper , it was in a fact a pivotal battle that so weakened the chinese military that the south was able to maintain its territorial integrity in the longer term
i bet its not being shown in north korea, whose missile program is not to antagonise the west, but keep out the chinese who considered invading it around the year
what did cleopatra look like ?
it seems certain she had
red hair
you try to figure something out
but in the end
there’s nothing to figure out
you try to touch it and the point of touch evaporates
leaving you
there is a wide open book
it can fall open at any page
and swallow you up
a traveller i am
to other realms
it seems to me
i have travelled across glorious seas
to glistening isles and fairer lands
than is in one’s ken
to understand
the asynchronous man
out of touch with himself and reality
projects his version
across everything
khatia buniatishvili
rachmaninov concerto
adagio sostenuto
different composers suit different virtuoso performers
i have yet to come across one virtuoso who spans all composers evenly
to hear the best the performer has to match the music
this is one of the best
the weakness of "interpreting" the writings of the dead
is you are relying on them being dead not to contradict what you say
a flaw to the claims of validity
so big
its outside the universe
the bleakness of on and on
the slow failure of the machine
what is sere
tears apart
i don’t
100% agree with sigmund freud’s "thought is action in rehearsal"
in terms of oneself, thought is action
i like this other quote of his
“ the first indication of stupidity is a complete lack of shame ”
one sees that all the time on the web
i was always a bit negative on freud, then i realised that there is something to the division between the conscious and unconscious mind, he is very ineptly presented by his highly
agenda-ed supporters so you have to see past that
i love the story about his daughter anna, getting picked up by the gestapo in austria soon after the german annexation and being taken to the local gestapo headquarters and just left there to wander about
there had been "disappearances" of jews and political opponents of the nazis so what she figured was they would come back that evening for her to take her away and kill her
fortunately for her there was a room of jews and others waiting for interrogation about their
anti-nazi activities, so she slipped into that group and was interrogated with the rest and so able to leave with the others
the "woke" mob
the talentless
trying to justify an arts education
yet clearly
not coping
with the arts
the past can’t occur in the way we think it does
its too big
there must be another way of organizing or conceptualizing it
since we can only observe and not participate in it, there must be some quantum multiplicity of indeterminism
that is, though the past looks real. it isn’t, but rather a multiplicity of narrative
if you are engaged in correcting people
you are also shaped by their errors
danger !
my reading of new and emerging
research indicates the public health advice about getting the
2nd covid vaccine the same as the first is wrong, that
"the combination of two different vaccines may thus induce a particularly strong immune protection against
SARS-CoV-2 variants"
most likely the booster should be different again, the novavax is looking like it will be a good booster, having the entire full length
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a nanoparticle
an interesting
application of vilfredo pareto’s rule
75% of western roman emperors were murdered, killed in palace coups or in battle, or committed suicide (usually forced)
25 percent died of natural causes
the actual rule is
80/20, but close enough, it should indicate something fundamentally structural which you can of course see with roman emperors
@Muho Nölke ok, to your credit you take a reasonable stance on the subject of kodo sawaki’s apologist dismissal of zen’s support of japanese imperialism
this idea that leading figures like sawaki and dogen are flawed and can be very flawed, to just about everybody in zen is sacrilegious, but one needs to see sawaki and dogen as just people and not gods and that’s actually what defines a religion, its leading figures are literally "foundational" and can’t be criticized
the most interesting thing about eihei dogen is the voluminous nature of his writings, its obvious he spent most of his time writing and giving talks and was not some silent meditating ascetic
writing is actually an important part of one’s "development" but soto seems to totally miss this
i think i would count vlogs as writing
what dogen is about is universal in nature and the moment you start "idolizing" people like him and sawaki and ignoring great "mystics" like goethe, robert walser and sa’di, then you are making an unrecoverable mistake, which is in my opinion what the soto training does and all you get is just a lot of narrow minded stupids
when you start to look at the "mystical panorama" you really get a sense of "nothing" or "meaninglessness" in terms of any pursuit or aim of a "goal", there’s very little that makes sense in terms of "crossover" except active inquiry in what might be termed "wisdom", something that falls apart as fast as it can be put together
within the whirlwind
yevgenia ginzburg’s account of her life and years in the gulag
an interesting
perspective on the gulag
job’s ending is more than a fiction, its malign deception
the ability of popular culture to avoid anything of historical insight always amazes me
why is it nobody talks about
WW2 in zen ?
i feel sawaki is mendaciously tightlipped on the subject
its a facile world
the speaker’s illusion
about the adequacy of his experience
sotheby’s has the best racket going
all legal
its stock in trade is the gullibility of the super rich when it comes to art
a pit which has no bottom
but credit where credit is due, banksy is a masterful publicist with his "everyman kitsch" persona
so much of what we do
does it go anywhere ?
do we ask ?
they understand recursion
they don’t understand how to get out of recursion
theologies are endless
so they make new ones
why ?
because theologies are endless
the greatest gift of the catholic church is the absurdity of its beatification process
if you are a believer, it has to be a foretaste of the bureaucracy of heaven
if the brain doesn’t have enough to work on
it will spin uselessly
the fakes
warn other fakes
be warned
in the "enlightened"
no brain
no brain
words rattle like stones in a tin
the dumbstruck
can’t address content
indulges in personal attacks ?
what a fraud !
whenever i go to donate blood (its not simply a charity, there is benefit to lowering
brain iron as you get older) they ask if i have low blood pressure because its in the area of
99 -92 / 66-62 ,
but in fact its not low but healthy and the "normal range"
is unhealthy
“ normal blood pressure is defined by pressure below 120/80, whereas an optimal and healthier blood pressure is closer to
110/70 ”
having no defence
he is caught out
and can’t disguise the fact
though he tries
the fools
resting on the reasoning of others
come to grief
“ jordan peterson doesn’t seem particularly "spiritual" to me ”
he’s the newest jesus, crucified by benzodiazepines and the "woke" mob, so "today"
eihei dogen must have friction burns from so much turning in his grave from the business of "interpreters" making claims for what he really meant
well the dead can’t argue can they ?
this is the fatal attraction, but really, work it out yourself and you won’t be blockaded behind the errors of others
this is what i noticed in zen years ago, once people started to use their own words, their understanding was so poor it was apparent they were talking nonsense, no wonder they stuck to the "record" stories and quoting
this observation slipped past me in my christian school years, i think because it was so obvious they were talking nonsense one never questioned it
he talks names
names talk him
all rubbish
my reply to brad warner’s vlog on "everything is alive"
you might say "mountains and rivers are alive" because they are equally or even more "you" than "you"
but you can’t say a chair is alive from the perspective of being a chair because it is missing the interactive dimension of exploring "what it is"
alternatively you could say the chair was alive because it is part of your "markov blanket", that is
, it is both animate and inanimate
so i think this notion of the "inanimate" being unqualified "animate" is not true, that is not to say it is not true in some contexts, but its really a matter then of definition like a children’s story
interestingly another "markovian"
re-definition is animal into human intelligence eg "alice in wonderland" and the hallmark of a well written children’s story is it seems quite natural ie already part of our markovian blanket
if you go further, you can extrapolate any story as being alive in the sense of being part of your markovian world and in that sense its both real and unreal, but again the qualification is its a type of reality from your perspective, once you move into a more objective frame then it ceases to be real
to me, what is highly significant is the "quality" of the unreality, poor quality "unreality" eg, watching a bad film (aren't they all ?) or listening to unintelligent music which degrades the value of consciousness, compared to say something like reading sappho, bukowski, catullus or emily dickinson which raises the value of both conscious and unconsciousness
i guess one escape from poor quality unreality is to analyse its flaws, you could say doing this is being "enlightened"
in terms of zen or christianity, meditation or prayer without intelligent/quality reading just degrades and one sees this all the time, of course intelligent reading explodes the boundaries of the religion so the religions themselves carry this inescapable flaw of preventing what they might be truly about to be authentic
heresy and schism in this context is inevitable, an attempt to break these bonds, but gets caught recursively in the same problem
everything is fantasy
but when fantasy straddles the real and unreal coherently
then you have something else
the road to heaven
to those who dislike my writing and "grooks" please move on to whatever 'bad film" you are missionizing, it is so tiring to reply to those who get upset with their not being able to understand what i write, your low reading age and ignorance is not a problem i can solve
as a btw you are not going to have a clue as to what this is about without researching what a "markovian blanket" is
but hey, that would be quality reading, too much of a transition from the usual popular sugar and chocolate tastes of most
the wings of love
like those of life
the wings of love
like life
ed. words most likely not to be tattooed on a teenaged girl’s arm ?
“ in my mind
in my head
this is where we all came from ”
shuffle dance
song history
which comes first ?
you have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles
across shell sharded rocks
your knees bloody and the skin hanging in tears off
this is my criteria for forgiveness
which is why
i have never forgiven
“ everything is found within ”
within the without
“ everything is found within ”
within "the without"
CCP is basically a "bolshevik" party
if you understand the implications of that, you would run a mile
the russian bolsheviks took one of europe’s most vibrant economies and trashed it
CCP went through a menshevik phase with deng xiaoping and now its going more "bolshevik" again
north korea is a good example of what total "bolshevikism" does, what path china treads will be interesting to see
“ telling the truth ”
what is the truth ?
everything stops
time evaluates
"gifts" and otherwise
and ourselves
the burning of writing
voids you
building a stairwell
going somewhere
you don’t know where
and you know this
and you know this
so many times you are arguing with someone and you could add the above
there’s actually not much
we don’t know
about ourselves
blind as we may act
when the bad happens, religions like job, teaches us it is good
well the happy ending of job is a story
stories can say anything
between a cursory look
and a deep one
can be a million changes
of opinion
you know what the burden of age is ?
old tracks
that deepen
when new ones need to be found
our models theoretic
are we
asail in the sea of being
a wake carving existence
that melts
back into the sea
the past is immutable
but can be viewed with changing perspectives
but basically its immutable
food, diet, exercise, sleep are essential for mental health but i am much more wary of people, everyone is following their own agendas and some can be bloody cunning about it, like sharks that smell vulnerability miles away
i like this
poem by charles bukowski
in the final analysis one needs to be "adaptable" and that’s the divide between functional and
non-functional mental illness and really its the only distinction society makes, the former it calls "normal" and the latter "abnormal"
the whole secret of life is to be the latter passing as the former
the story of alison gopnick’s
discovery of the jesuit connection between hume and buddhism
religious orders
in movies of belief
ring ring
“ hullo ”
“ hi, i’m amy from the mastercard and visa security department ”
no mention of my name and a lot of background noise like what you expect from a busy scammer call center and the huge giveaway of not understanding visa and mastercard are separate companies, she got greedy in covering too many bases
“ why are you calling me amy, i don’t have a mastercard or visa ”
“ oh ”
she hangs up as i say "happy scamming amy"
a new life skill is identifying scam calls and email, almost got caught on an email once, didn’t check the web address
it always surprises me how upsetting it is, i think its because of our need to anticipate problems or benefit, this scam is keyed to propel us forward into some minor disaster, its our own actions that take us into trouble
the question before the question
takes the answer before the answer
if you know what i am talking about
why then you are a sophosmancer
the question before the question
takes the answer before the answer
if you think you know what i am talking about
why then you are a sophismancer
what’s happening ?
what can happen ?
why am i complaining ?
the secret of travel as i am sure you know is each day must be as sustainable into the next as possible
why is entertainment so convincing ?
well, from the point of view of the markov blanket, its not different from reality
same with religion and mental illness
just shows how fundamental the "free energy" principle is
words hit him
between the eyes
of his pain
but not
low reading age
i’m not in the business of explaining anything to anyone
least of all
axel munthe really was from a different planet
“ nordstrom always used to say that i had two different brains working alternatively in my head, the well developed brain of a fool and the undeveloped brain of a sort of genius ”
218 , first page of chapter
20 titled "insomnia" in "the story of san michele"
, an unbelievable
83rd printing
a walk down the
phoenician steps the illiterate maria used to struggle up twice a week to deliver the post to anacapri, it must have done her good, she lived to
the suicidal
the conventional
you would think the prospect of death would open windows
but it doesn’t
education is just so much
a natural home for
the net
ordinary minds do what ?
a hundred million salesmen
mired in
their ordinariness
their gurus
their mothers
their nonsense products
think this is normal
and perhaps it is
the surprise of existence
we are not "surprised"
after all
we are we
the surprise of existence
we are not surprised
after all
we are we
tik tok
those brief seconds
problem solving is never perfect, but you need to solve enough of a problem for it not to be a problem
i read covid research and my views at this point are as follows
blood type
O is somewhat protective against respiratory disease, but its a case of "ceteris paribus"
severe disease is a genetic lottery of the immune system to a significant extent
the moderna is currently the most effective vaccine (novavax is another contender)
the astrazeneca vaccine has a dangerous design flaw that has been known about for a decade with adenovirus vectors that can result in blood platelets "locking" together
these first generation vaccines are not the answer to covid, but they do provide effective protection against hospitalization and severe disease for up to
six months after the second dose
ed. just when you think you have it down pat, up comes another
there are second and third generation vaccines in the works, hopefully one day covid will be eliminated
supplementation like adequate vitamin
B6, vitamin
A and germanium (occasional use) can go quite a way to reducing severe disease risk
mono-theism is a failed theory of reality
basically it argues that "god" is some sort of "singularity"
that is, unexplainable in the final analysis because at the point of singularity there is nothing or at the least no conditions for survival
however the "true" mystical doctrine is there is a road and alignment at the "final reality"
that what theoretically is "not known" is in fact known and accessible to us
unfortunately, culturally we are taught to accept and value the nonsense of monotheism or one of its many guises, reading into bullshit what is not there
its generally not possible to understand philosophers completely
they have spent their lives avoiding clarity
western philosophy has carried a heavy dose of buddhist influence since "hume" who was influenced by jesuit missionaries, that’s
250 years which is why a lot of buddhism seems natural to us
its because its already embedded in the culture
“ generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous ”
people claim to understand "depression" but that’s not the point
depression is not really survivable long term, one needs to address diet and exercise so one is less depressed
my reply below to
some-one in a youtube comment, people seem to get very defensive and missionary to others they have no real life connection to, a mismatch between the degree of involvement and relation
you don’t have to sell an idea to me, really what we do is what we do, the net seems to create an illusory closeness
the problem with joint injuries is the original stability of the joint is gone forever and normal use now contributes to ongoing damage
where did sylvia plath get her imagery/interest in the holocaust from ?
well she was taught by anthony hecht at smith college and he had been involved in the liberation of the flossenbürg concentration camp
more light
and i really like this poem of his
death sauntering about
blossom in a vase
starting to brown
tuberculosis was endemic in medieval japan and
eihei-ji was a most unsuitable climate for its victims to live in
this notion of dogen spending twenty or thirty years dying of
TB doesn’t fit well with soto hagiography
TB is even a problem today in japan
predicting the future
easier said than done
what we call "the present"
is engraved with the future
and past
predicting the future
easier said than done
what we call "the present"
is engraved with the
future and past
every now and then in a youtube video you come across a scene for a few seconds that really captures something
in this case after a long day on her motorcycle ride through the skeleton coast national park in namibia and staying for a night in really basic accommodation, but right on the sea kinga tanajewska has a thoughtful relaxing moment
this is the
pic , the light and mood are just right
epistemological discovery combined with pragmatic action, while fraught can be much more effective than separating them
on the other hand "fraught" can be "dimensionally difficult"
education is the illusion that "separation" is a substitute for "combined"
at the end of the road
you poke the ground
you look ahead
just scenery
well that’s not much
then you notice
oh its the end of the road
and the ground opens up
and swallows you
english is the "borg" of languages
another way of looking at what’s happening to the maori language in new zealand is its dying and in its last breaths its porting a few words into new zealand english which is all that will be known of "te reo" in
100 years
there’s a ten percent rule, that if a language is to survive it has to be spoken by at least
10 percent of a population, interestingly welsh fits this and will be around for a while
just in my lifetime australia has lost or is losing three or four hundred aboriginal languages
how meditation can go wrong is that the default mode network gets super engraved
what meditation should do is show you its patterns and being more aware, you can work around them, this is actually much more difficult than it seems
highly "engraved"
DMN patterns are really a form of mental illness and you see a huge amount of this is in "spiritual" cults/religions including zen
most people are unequipped to handle meditation, its a necessity to read widely quality "literature" to prevent deepening of "engraved patterns", of course religions/cults restrict the reading so its not wide enough so the deepening of the engraving is along the lines of the cults "doctrine"
11 is really about forcing an upgrade to cpu’s with better internal hardware for security
basically you need a new motherboard and cpu
i’m in no hurry at all, maybe mid next year or later ?
andy clark on what
consciousness is
head bobbing improves depth perception in chooks
you can see the need actually, they have to pick things up with their beaks at quite a precise depth and position with a lot of force, so overshooting risks damage to the beak and undershooting misses the bug or whatever
what we all need in our lives is a little
circadian autophagy
in english its better for your health to go to bed a bit hungry
we don’t really have any theory of mind to accommodate the level of deceit in cultural ideas
the question of whether the universe extends forever is interesting, its not known whether its infinite or bounded, the problem being that bounded can look like infinite since for the bounded state you can still walk an infinite path
san michele
the ghosts of
axel munthe
neither was particularly "safe"
memory is a strange thing, what we think we ought to remember is gone a moment later, yet unbidden we recall something we paid not much attention to six months, years or even decades ago
its like my brain has a whole life that i can’t see, chock full of thoughts, images and memories garnered unbidden by me over the years that basically comes out in my writing and knowing myself its entirely characteristic to fruit at the wrong end of my life when it is now no use to me, yet the source flows with the full rush of a rain burdened stream
unbinding the shackles of conventional thought
invisible chains
that wear the soul away
you need to read across translations and the truth will come to you, that what you read is not the author, but a translators opinion/interpretation
the problem with having an opinion about heidegger is you first have to read him
fast forward twenty years and you still can’t work out what he is saying or if indeed there is any value in what he says at all
voynich that’s not quite voynich
interesting lyrics
an spailpín fánach
ed. the itinerant labourer
i think from the fifties until the eighties there was a period of unusually high financial value to unskilled labour which has now gone the other way back to its historical norm of low value
there’s something fake about being a teacher
of anything
“ i think therefore i am ”
where does teaching fit into any of this ?
lacking god
lacking christ
lacking buddha
lacking muhammad
lacking moses
lacking the church
lacking faith
lacking heaven
lacking hell
lacking the moon
lacking the stars
lacking life
lacking death
all the absences
that make one bereft
key points
all knowledge twirls around
ourselves, our sense of being
twirl around
conundrums evermore
end to end a puzzle that cannot be broken
from finer than quarks
to larger than brane universes
what can we say ?
spinning circles of speculation
about what ?
between "i" and "is"
man is in a tizz
restless searching
is the answer to his quiz
yet the question’s flawed
the sum of being
is not adored
that being the case
we climb an endless staircase
that goes up and down
and around and around
seeking meaning
in that circular town
self drawing itself
until it stops
in that day
absence appears
well beyond this feeble pen
to sketch beyond the final ken
not gooks
an interdimensional semantic field
stretching in all directions
philosophers wave from the sidelines
the religious from a darkened room
scientists from their lab benches
the grook alone reigns supreme
and free
“ ambiguity is a form of openness ”
well i did wonder
i come from a different perspective on languages
which is the relative disposability of languages
and instead of value per se look for utility in context
and this means no multiplication outside of necessity
the failure of today’s education system is its ubiquitous "prescriptive nature"
children have their brains run through shoe horns to a certain toxic shape
the source of today’s social evils
the young sent limping and malformed out into a predatory world
free energy principle = maximising marginal likelyhood = minimising free energy
this world where we are models, modelling to maximise probabilistic gain to maintain time continuous validity of the original model, in short the creation and maintenance of existence
very recursive
no wonder the species is so obsessed with sex, a ball is set rolling in the court of existential validity
hmm, so death is the other side of
non-dispersion, alive we build coherence, dead the context of self has vanished and the former entity now disperses, what was inside the markov blanket, is now part of the markov blanket
you have to interact with things or in situations to understand them
this is why "wisdom literature" is descriptive, not prescriptive
why can’t you add incompatibles ?
nothing makes sense until you do
is not a mystery
its the same ideas
ad nauseam
ad infinitum
the very wealthy act like the very wealthy
normalcy on steroids
with taste to match
the cheap seats
chime in
the cheap seats
chime in
some children
finish something
adults don’t even start on
there are several huge "discoveries" that have yet to work their way through to academic philosophy
the first is the consciousness is explainable as a
self-referent artefact of the broadcast of information in the brain, basically all modern work on consciousness is based on "the broadcast theory" though each new study claims to be originally sourced
the second is "the free energy principle" developed by
karl friston (andy clark is a leading exponent with good youtube videos) which says the brain is primarily a prediction machine creating its own reality
what these both do to a large extent is unify a philosophical approach to "reality" with modern science in a way that has not been possible before
some of this new work looks very similar to eastern philosophy
where "zen" fits in and actually any religious mysticism is the brain as a prediction machine tunes its parameters to better predict reality, but the "mystical approach" at least in its "authentic" applications (which are few, there is a vast swamp of nonsense out there) alters the model itself, and actually properly understood is a process of alteration rather than any final "shape"
all religions assume a final shape and miss, nay even crucify the dynamic and "zen" is no exception
the basic argument of the authentic mystical approach is the model itself is flawed and in scientific terms its because it an an evolutionary machine designed to replicate itself and this is actually why you can’t separate authentic mysticism from celibacy, although this has grey areas
reason with what ?
the quantum atom
sits on top
far down below
many worlds begin to glow
to evaporate
into non-existent air
so many bald heads
from pulling out their hair
many physickers
reason with what ?
the quantum atom
sits on top
far down below
many worlds begin to glow
to evaporate
into non-existent air
so many bald heads
from pulling out their hair
brainwashing is not some mystery
its ideas expressed
ad nauseaum
cast before me the sands of time
100, thousands
a few coloured ones
their rainbow hued sparkle
such is our lot
cast before me the sands of time
100, thousands
a few coloured ones
such is our lot
sylvia plath
flailing on the edge of suicide
her words transcendent
how do they go together ?
life as we want it
but isn’t
at ease
how can we be so mistaken ?
the advantage of extremities is you see things more clearly
the disadvantage is their destructive natures
the advantage of extremity is you see things more clearly
the disadvantage is its destructive nature
two poems
almost the same
one evolves from the other
as necessary
driven by the desire to say something profound
we falter
because nothing is profound
driven by the desire to say something profound
we falter
because there is nothing profound
living in a world of projections
untempered by feedback as to what works
they founder
religious chants and songs are part of the brainwashing, one chokes on the idiocy of the wording
oddly the small zen group i was initially involved with had the best chanting i came across in my travels because a musician with a good ear was a senior figure in the group
i never realised how privileged we were until i came across the usual awful chanting in other groups
when i was travelling around scotland years ago, people seemed to assume i was scottish or
celtic rather than english, based on the way i look i guess, certainly not the accent
needle length for the covid or any vaccine is important, you want the vaccine to be injected into muscle and not the blood vessels near the bone, so too long a needle is problematic as is conversely too short a needle
they actually specify needle length by weight for the moderna vaccine (
page 2)
, i’m pretty light so i might even have to go to a
5/8th inch length needle, depending on if they pinch the flesh to insert it
from my reading of the research, if you inject into blood vessels (veins?) rather than the muscle, you are likely to get severe problems, this is a well known problem in medicine, in fact some of the deaths and bad reactions from the covid vaccine may be due to this
there’s quite an argument about whether
aspiration is necessary
a quote from the comments section of the above video
“ I’m a cancer and reconstructive surgeon. The nature of my subspecialty means that I have a better working knowledge of muscle anatomy than just about any other physician or surgeon outside my subspecialty.
In the deltoid, the large veins are only found on the deep aspect of the muscle where the blood supply enters the muscle (ie: the neurovascular hilum). The large vessels arborise very quickly into much, much smaller and finer branches such that nearer the muscle surface (the area where most IM injection needles would get to)
, there are few if any veins of sufficient size that cannulation could occur leading to an inadvertant intravenous injection. This risk is reduced further if the site is pinched during needle entry (collapses the blood vessels).
That said, I have never understood why present day training seems to advise against aspiration prior to intramuscular injection in both medical and nursing courses. Perhaps I am a bit of a dinosaur (graduated medical school in
, so I still do it the traditional way. I know full well that the likelihood of inadvertant
IV injection with the short, fine needles (as used with Covid-19 and flu vaccination) is practically zero. However, it does no harm to aspirate, seems entirely logical and sensible; and is hardly a huge extra task in the process.
I have seen enough freak events happen over my many years of work that I rather not take any chances. I also do not understand the seeming active resistance that some medical and nursing practitioners have when asked by patients to aspirate prior to
IM injection. There’s no need to be difficult for something so simple and if it affords the patient a measure of reassurance, surely we should just do so rather than be a**hats about it. ”
squid game
mild of course
compared to what went on in
and after the korean war
various massacres
swept under the carpet of course
not a peep out of those publicists for inanity
the media
sanitists of history
pretend mirrors
are better
in their book
i love whangapeka (ed. retreat center)
, stayed there for a while several decades ago, the "teacher" was away, the moment he turned up again it all went sour and i left
take what you will from that experience
there’s these "panegyrics" to anthony bourdain around
here’s a more balanced view
not the first pot induced suicide i have to say
when you hammer a nail in, it takes quite a few blows
comprende ?
cultists have flawed gods
haven’t you noticed ?
fakes support fakes
ask yourself
what’s their skin in the game ?
there’s always something
everyone bound in the same mistakes
you don’t have to be
what is fascinating about real life zen is it is a complete political universe, running the gamut from tyranny to bureaucratic democracy, i don't think you can distinguish this "political" aspect from the ritual, its just as well killing is illegal because there would be bodies everywhere and in actual fact historically religions were murderous and warlike
what i did take from my involvement in real life zen was improved "political" and social skills, particularly getting along with people you don't agree with and being able to dialogue issues through, the lack of this sort of experience really shows in the online world of zen messageboards and its all or nothing "wolf warriorishness"
what i would say against ritual apart from it being a waste of time is it keeps things that are too disparate together, that really the group is so divided in opinions and approaches it should have disbanded
it is in effect a sustainer of illusions and without it, the "emperor" does not look very impressive
other people’s writings are not your own
they say something
but they are
some hills in the distance
call me back
to where i’d rather be
summer seems far away
sunlight flecking through the leaves
a dream
i always find i think better and write better when i am angry
it has a
physiological basis
better blood flow to the brain
inane you tube links on message board comments are more than a signal for "low reading age" aren’t they
in what world does the glorifying of "the dumb" wash ?
net message boards that’s what
literary sophistication and artistic skills are an unknown dimension to the disney watching hoi polloi
more than being stuck in the past
the recreation
of a new
teaching is not necessarily that productive an occupation, a lot of "people factor" and most seem to have no compunction about wasting your time, actually on both sides of that coin
very able people can get spread too thin, sylvia plath would be one of the more tragic examples
a certain scepticism about the claimed benignness of the world goes a long way
if you read me closely, there is always an ambiguity about what the critique is and of whom
there are other very different worlds
why do we always act as if ours is the only one ?
i have always had a concern for the toxicity problems of nail salons from my experience with some of these chemicals when i worked in electronics manufacturing
a reading by ocean vuong concerning the hazards endured by vietnamese immigrants to the
USA forced by necessity to work there
out of a dark cave
something trundled
half monster half man
what made him like this ?
well, he watched a lot of disney
hergé, interestingly was ahead of his time and film technology in what was effectively writing film scripts
action scene ever
direct can get you nowhere
that indirect can go
a vast array of synchronicities
a lifetime to add them up
the answer is . . . ?
a vast array of synchronicities
a lifetime to add them up
and the answer is . . . ?
a vast array of synchronicities
and a lifetime to add them up
the answer is . . . ?
a vast array of synchronicities
and a lifetime to add them up
and the answer is . . . ?
the maze of language
its labyrinths
what does it mean to be real ?
you interact with the world in a way to improve its reward to you, whatever that reward may be, but it does need to be "reward", otherwise mental illness would involve real behaviour when its defining characteristic is unreality
of course "real behaviour" is not a bottom line or all there is by any means, the ability of "mental illness" to step over boundaries is important to understanding what we call "the world"
you can’t outsmart a car dealer
they are spiders who have laid a very proficient web
the bottom lines for buying a used vehicle are price, condition and fitness for your needs, dealers would die before giving a good price, i don’t even bother now
you have to be able to assess the vehicles condition or pay to get that done
any work needed on a diesel engine is very expensive
i have seen some extraordinary buys, driven once a week by a retired person sort of thing sold for a song
cars only depreciate therefore don’t get into debt buying one, debt is not a good tread mill to be on
i hate to be a drag but black tattoo inks are very high in nanoparticles, the inks are totally unregulated and some are quite toxic, imo they are a health hazard, the art of course is a matter of opinion and the stability of tattoos is a consequence of immune system activation which is not necessarily a good thing in the long term
i occasionally post this advice on the message boards and it earns me a lot of hate
i don’t think generally people respond positively to tattoos either, our biological brains are adverse to anything that could be interpreted to be skin disease
on the plus side you would think people with tattoos do not anticipate any run in with the the law because you couldn’t otherwise identify yourself so completely
you will be arrested for buddha tattoos in sri lanka and in south america you better hope what you have can’t be interpreted as a gang patch
wisdom is a type of stupidity
a belief in its rightness
w. b. yeats is a poet who has grown on me, of course there is his famous unrequited love for
maud gonne so one has this picture of him pining away in lonely celibacy, but this was not the case at all, he married a very much
younger woman (52/25) who he had two children with and was a very competent executor of his literary estate
surprisingly given his age he was not faithful
he is more understandable as poet and person with this information
god is "multiplication beyond necessity"
i think "monotheism" is like a foil, a deliberate "dissembling"
, like how can one be multiplication, but one implies two which is easy to see in the supernatural entourage of supposedly supreme gods
god is a bad soap opera character dumped with conceptual rubbish of various ages
god is a soap opera character dumped with conceptual rubbish of various ages
i was listening to sylvia plath
reading a poem and thought it was her poem and felt it lacked, but in fact its another’s poem
there’s some magic divide between poets of her quality and the rest
god is a fiction, what is there to have faith in ?
offical health guide lines
don’t die
if you must die, don’t blame us
our shoe fits none is our motto
the industries of interpreting the dead
free carried nonsense
the time warp of alma deutsecher
elmayer waltz
drawings by hokusai
people claim to pluck the moon from the sky
they can’t
what i notice in brad warner’s vlog comments section on you tube is some people there are chasing
the same dream , to do something worthwhile and the way they do this is by missionizing some guru, thich nhat hanh, joko beck, rajneesh, any useless flake, they take the lowest position on some religious totem pole missionizing nonsense which is actually inappropriate on brad’s vlog and you can’t tell them they have a problem, just to mention it or contradict them, they can’t even manage a realistic dialogue but are aggressively defensive
its a form of toxic depression, and actually others there have a different form of it, "over sentimental " and lacking discrimination is another dream that can’t pan out
there’s a desperate grasp for self esteem, but self esteem can only come from doing something worthwhile and living in a fantasy land of "spiritual enlightenment" or whatever is the opposite of worthwhile
and of course they never do any reasonable amount of "contemplative work" which is to see the "fantastic nature" of so much of our thought and actions
a fool goes through life
thinking he can change people
“ my wife ”
times change
and change again
the shimmering waters
under the moon
under nothing really
just shimmering
the branching arms of thought
this way and that way
the right way and wrong
the branching arms of thought
this way and that way
the wrong way and right
huh, herman melville in his famous story ascribes a human intelligence to its hero
apparently sperm whales learnt to escape by swimming away upwind from sailing whaling ships which couldn’t follow them
kefir is a "polysaccharide biofilm" basically bacteria and yeast in a "sugar building", you can tell with the grains, they have a squishy "structure" unlike yogurt which pretty much flows
yogurt doesn’t have the yeast or "building"
you have to be careful with kefir, that the grains don’t get too much e. coli, bad yeast varieties or similar, its really quite a skill to make and keep the biofilm suitable
i think the commercial kefir product you buy is actually more like a yogurt without much or any biofilm, be warned, biofilms can be loaded gun, i found out the hard way, made a batch with bad grains, took my stomach months to recover
in general fermented foods are not necessarily a universal good because of this problem
yogurt made from a quality starter culture is generally the safest bet (not from a supermarket brand) and can be quite a bit better than store bought yogurt since the store yogurt bacterial compositions are usually not very intelligent
store bought kefirs i do like
childhood patterns
to our detriment
old roads travelled on
get covered by the new
then discovered again
where we once went
lot’s wife looked back
who can blame her
heading out into the desert
a pillar of salt she became
i’m not sure who would do that
god or men ?
i think the weakness of nominalism is the denial of valid forms of existance except for what we call "reality"
abstractions, including "abstract" itself do exist and the abstract space, while not directly tangible, is still in fact tangible and existent
these missionizers forever
for whatever deranged and lunatic text
they promote
there’s not even any place
there’s something you may know
and that’s it
those who prefer
a plethora of shallow understandings
to a single
in depth
the harp
inducts a mood
fragile temporary
the moon’s wisdom
ed. debussy’s
clair de lune played by héloïse de jenlis
if when going forward
you grow multiples
be wary
what does and doesn’t work
creates a path
we follow
one thing easy to miss in "the wind in the willows" is the magical resurrection of the baby otter "portly" who is as the story hints killed by a hunter’s trap and mole’s and ratty’s journey to the place of pan to find him and bring him back
there’s three types of insanity
outpatient medicated
persistence wins where a lot of other things fail
now you being an apologist, i’ve seen all the tricks, you by your own actions see yourself at the bottom of whatever totem pole you are promoting
no matter what you say, you can’t escape the pattern you are subject to
you do something
and everyone notices
this is not the way to go
you make a change
and nobody notices
this is the way to go
a grook for my birthday
past my heyday
hooray !
“ no multiplicity beyond necessity ”
i would rephrase as
inner coherence has its own voice
how pathetic
to make one’s role in life
to be a missionizer
for pretenders
and idiots
the nonsensical
how pathetic
to make one’s role in life
to be a missionizer
for pretenders
and idiots
and the nonsensical
in your face and aggressive
deceitful and
the warning signs flash loud
having no understanding themselves
they promote nonsense
thinking it sense
these "readers" who never sort anything out for themselves
and just accumulate
tomes of other’s mistakes
these readers who never sort anything out for themselves
and just accumulate
tomes of others mistakes
the fools pursue explanations
only to find
the explanations pursue them
within the whole
is something that is more than the whole
hard to explain
what is not inside or outside
any notion of "substrate" is a form of monotheism which is what western zen is and monotheism is "multiplicity without necessity"
william of ockham developed this principle as a way to handle the turgid mess of late medievel/early renaissance theology, not appreciated by the church of course, in actual fact the moment you apply the principle to any religion, the religion "disappears"
so you have to work out how fundamental the principle is
i think its so powerful because a repetition itself adds nothing useful since it is just a repeat, but however in addition it adds a layer of interaction its impossible to see past, that is, its necessarily obfuscating
the idiots follow and make
that works or doesn’t
that’s a conundrum
you can’t persuade
a dishonest person to be honest
at best
or is it worst ?
they will adopt a mask
to fool you
these people who read nonsense
believe nonsense
take goethe’s advice
one look into a book
three into life
so many people on message boards give you the usual "borderline personality" runaround, concealing, personal attacks, avoiding any real content, deflection
these people advertise themselves as lacking personal honesty
a "grook" by piet hein
put up in a place
where its easy to see
the cryptic admonishment
when you feel how depressingly
slowly you climb
its well to remember that
the more you know about jane austen’s life, the more its apparent that her writings are a sort of remediating dream of hers
jane’s dream
imo joko beck was developing dementia from about
1986 on, the book you "recommend" (ed. "nothing special") was published well within the later stages in
1993, i spoke by phone to her about
1992 and she was having "difficulty" then
her zen is a sort of "dead craziness", not saying any of the other zen teachers were better, if you have any real life experience of zen, you know its just thick with "mental illness"
to be fair to her she was addressing the problem of people going wrongly theoretical, but the answer wasn’t right
if something is well written, you can’t really analyse it or break it apart
it is what it is
for instance this sentence by william blake
I was walking among the fires of
Hell, delighted with the enjoyments of
Genius; which to
Angels look like torment and insanity
wheels of return
back and back again
our brain
people with tattoos don’t realise they are an intrusion on others, we are hardwired by evolution to be alert for skin diseases so a tattoo is an in your face disruption of attention
similarly obesity is interpreted as a disease which in fact recent science has shown it is
new mechanism for obesity, ie its what and not how much you eat
the essence of being
circular lives
across the generations
this species
god must roll his/her eyes
at the
peregrinations in reification
of humans
The trick is to remain open minded when approaching ancient spiritual texts ”
you claim to be open minded, but actually you are giving credit where the opposite is due, they are just all rubbish with a few exceptions, "people are crazy"
another way of looking at it is "wisdom" itself is a "fraud"
koans aren’t just wrong, but they are "evil" and "toxic" and actually so is "zen" or any other religion
this may seem extreme to you, but is the result of many years of consideration and dealing with supposedly "enlightenened" and wise people
insanity masquerading as sanity is the norm
actually there’s valid zen koan describing the situation
"don’t be fooled by others"
so there are exceptions, for instance i particularly like works by the sufi mysitc sa’di, but by and large these "ancient texts" are the usual deceiving rubbish by the usual rubbish deceivers
yeah, its a hostile extreme world when you scrap the appearances off, charles bukowski was right there
the wisdom in the mistakes of others is not really wisdom per se, but the correction of our mistakes which is pragmatism and penal but that’s life, the "treacle of being"
the future is so uncertain
we need to wait to see what it is
we call this "waiting"
the future is so uncertain
we need to wait to see what it is
piet hein
a grook
ed. interestingly he claims to be the direct descendant
of the man who pulled off what may be the greatest heist in history, the capture of the silver and other valuables of half the spanish treasure fleet
piet hein
a grook
there is such a thing as being right, but out of phase
its a bit different than being wrong, though to all practical purposes it is
questions they ask
comments they make
anything but engage in real activity
the bald heads studying koans
turning them in their minds
projecting sense on nonsense
thus they pass their lives
the world
concerned with perpetuating itself
it will end one day
just not today
the curve of the earth
matches that of the moon
the oceans curl
you can’t
lose weight by eating less, rather by reducing consumption of processed, rapidly digestible carbohydrates
these foods cause hormonal responses that fundamentally change our metabolism, driving fat storage, weight gain, and obesity
this is not going to be a popular message for sure
“ high
glycemic load foods foods include processed grains, potato products, and foods with a high free sugar content ”
i think the "free sugar" is an absolute killer since it is in everything from fuit juices to just about every processed food
interestingly the increased insulin secretion from eating these foods will also damage the pancreas, hence the association of diabetes with excess weight
much as we wish for things to be different
they continue as they have already done
small changes
accreting to larger ones
are permitted
“ how would you change the world to make it a better place ? ”
i wouldn’t change the world, just to think about it is already too much
in the land of possibility
the walls
maze like
enforce a tortuous route
a sense of grief about this and that
to be displaced by
a new this and that
yet the grief
is constant
a sense of grief about this and that
to be displaced by
a new this and that
yet the sense of grief
is constant
what can and can’t be done
to look across the gap of limitation
is mortifying
looks out at the world
from their own point of security
money, family, social status
those they know
none asks
what other views are there ?
the answers can intrude
to everyone’s
“ reality versus our ideas about it ”
well "reality" is itself an idea, its not solid
the superiority of the web as a publishing medium is illustrated by this
half an hour to write up and edit
upload to my account
up for the remainder of my life for a cost of fractions of a cent
the deep joy of doing one’s own editing and not have to conform to another’s ideas just to be printed
limitless space so material never has to be trimmed
the advantage of not having to go through the problems of editions and being in and out of print are llttle understood
the level of meaning in language
but there’s another level
that sound and sense
together create
the level of meaning in language
but there’s another level
that sound and sense create
going sideways
you go sideways
but that may contain
a necessary
the "moralists"
prescribe the other’s morality
their own
never having been stressed
they have no question about
i think entertainment depends on a "not too close look"
if it survives a "not too close look"
then its more than entertainment
there is no "spiritual path"
, so many are tangled in the usual delusions
there is no "spiritual path" , you are tangled in the usual delusions
sylvia plath is a salutary lesson
a different order of writing
one of the greats
up there with milton and dante
cut down in her prime
an unfriendly world
only too happy to suck her blood
after she is dead
grace slick’s song
white rabbit is great, but is also an explanation of her "damaged" later life, drugs are not harmless
joko beck in her later years was rubbished by some of her "disciples" as being literally ;"demented"
i never ended up visiting her, but i might have, she never really made sense to me, she was struggling with dementia in the later stages of her life, but there’s more than a touch of schizophrenia in the earlier stages
i don’t want to be misunderstood here, exactly what i don’t want to be misunderstood about i am not sure, but i have to be honest and say she didn’t make a lot of sense to me, the "meditation till you drop" is crazy
the problem with being "a teacher"
, is its really traumatic and i think the better quality souls get adversely affected, i saw it in toni packer and would guess joko had problems as well, its so severe its not sane to do
i think "dementia" is uneven, really she sounds quite "compos mentis" in
this documentary , but i disagree with a lot of what she says, yet agree with some of it
so many notes to myself
the writing
at the back of my mind
something to do
i dredge it up
before it escapes
do it
and hit it
when you write the script
like l. ron. hubbard
there are always people
who will treat it as real
even to their own detriment
the toxic
when i write
its not like a novelist
its like a crossword puzzle that i continually solve
of course its upside down
given the answer
what are the clues ?
zen drove joko beck and makes others mad, be involved in real life zen for a while and you will know what i mean
different moods
our different moods
different realities
well we think the disorder is order
but its not
reading the writing of others palls
doing your own writing never palls
though you may be
so many years of falling into other people
they go their own way in the end
its not my way
you always get called back to yourself
because there's
unrequited love
the best sort
unrequited love
the best sort
meditation is not an end in itself, so if its not an end in itself it must have a context and in that case what is the context ?
i know the conventional view of soto is that meditation is an end in itself, but actually eihei dogen spent most of his life writing, there you are, message boards are the new soto
with both toni packer and joko beck, i feel their personal lives and development suffered, that they would have had been happier with no involvement in zen
heaps of money gone
into everything except paying for decent scriptwriters, absolutely no zing
the core of any film is the script, but of course the various managements are in denial about this, a not unusual state of affairs in the film industry
i guess i have just written a review
its very hard to get descriptions of moderate/mild covid on the web, but interestingly ellen degeneres (aged
62) who is blood type
O gives
a description , she hadn’t had a vaccine, i think there is something to type
A getting more affected, ceratis paribus
she’s not much shakes as a stand up comic and in my observation women rarely are, no wonder she shifted to being a talk host
i did have a phone conversation with joko beck years ago, she really was quite old and tired and sounded like it and probably starting to lose some of her mental faculties, i was young enough not to appreciate the problems of aging
its like toni packer, i don’t think zen was necessarily a good idea for her
my own view is that "meditation" is a beginning stage and at some point you have to walk away from it into a more general "contemplative mode", i’m not sure what her view was in that respect
however, unlike most zen teachers she did have a genuine enlightenment experience which she described as like being at a train station and all the trains whizzing past, then
, one day unexpectedly, one stops and you get on
i have an ongoing problem with being a magnet for people with mental health problems on the web, its so bad i would be concerned for my safety if i lived in the usa
so i’ve got yet another
this is from my reply to him
“ i can’t do anything about your mental health problems, just suggest you attempt to "dialogue" which means treating the person you are replying to with respect and not personal abuse ”
i don’t want to be too negative on "mental health", i have known quite nice people with issues and probably if the truth be known is i am not so far away myself, but the way i get focused on by some aggressive/stupid types is disturbing and i can see in real life, it suits me to keep a low profile, the moment you get into the public domain, you can become a focus of very disturbed people totally unknown to you, which i guess is what happened to john lennon and interestingly toni packer had an attempt on her life who you would think would be the last person for this to happen to
when you have to force some words
time to pack up and go away
falling down interminable stairs
becomes falling down interminably
ed. i had a migraine and was nodding off to sleep when this this "vision" occurred of continually falling down some stairs that stretched down interminably and i was really getting knocked about by the continual falls, it seemed significant so i dashed out to write it down as otherwise i would forget
i know some of the theory of migraine
cortical spreading depression, excess brain chemicals, prodrome
that sort of thing
but what does it feel like ?
"death" seems too abstract and not quite there
purgatory might be close
because it ends
what happens in purgatory ?
i'm expiating the sin of life
I’ve brought
a link that’s likely useless but possibly isn’t
Maybe one might have use.
I have bunches of art apps but only two get use.
But, could not use them until
I found them ”
my reply
But, could not use them until I found them"
there you are, you have a theme for a poem
let’s have a go
what we don’t know
we can’t utilise
we need to find it first
let’s hope we know what we are looking for
manic pixie dream girl
it starts with manic
and really you should just stop at this point
any further is a form of death
but let’s go on
your dream or hers or the writer’s ?
usually the writers and you know what fakes they are
yours or hers means you are already in the wrong alternate reality
so, next "pixie"
well the step mother clipped the pointed ears
do you really want to deal with that ?
now, finally "girl"
leave the world to be in its own way
do you want to perpetuate it and your troubles ?
if in life you strike any of those terms
one will call in the others
like a hunter calls in birds
ed. my reply to olivia gatwood's reading of
her poem , i researched the term and it turns out to be a recognizable film trope
time stitched so it looks continuous
but is it ?
cats have nine lives
but no more than nine
ed. in memory of the "old cat" who didn’t make it past nine
so, an afterlife
magical thinking
or any sort of life but this life ?
men hide behind beards
women hide behind
there are two worlds
heaven and earth
leaving one world
and another
let them sing
their nonsense
well i got a reply
let us sing a song
to hungry ghosts
and rising incense smoke
Nagarjuna and
and everything in between
my reply
you can, me i don’t proxy but do things myself
a song of hungry ghosts
coarsened by smoke and mirrors
nagarjuna and picasso puke
the talentless will never understand
asking him to think seems to have caused the bird to fly
the mimics
say the words
with no understanding
the problem with age is we look more and more in terms of what we can do
rather than what we should do
there’s the negative and the positive
its the nature of religion and the world
to jump into the positive
but all i am saying is the negative
our own experience is everything
but the world being the way it is
we overwrite it with the nonsense of others
so many pivot points
but when the vectors are in the wrong direction
we get hurt
so many pivot points
but when the vectors are in the wrong direction
it hurts
what writing is
the sound of something
mice scurrying
across the page
you can’t sum people
in any meaningful way
if you could that would imply
god or a "ground of being"
and there is none
commonality is a believable illusion
but there is something that is not an illusion
what it is
i cannot explain
the journey of life
and it is a journey
it has a beginning and end
how little we cognize it
the journey of life
and it is a journey
it has a beginning and it has an end
how little we cognize it
the last paragraphs from sylvia plath’s
story "johnny panic and the bible of dreams"
basically describing her experience with
electro-convulsive therapy
at the moment when i think i am most lost the face of johnny panic appears in a nimbus of arc lights on the ceiling overhead
i am shaken like a leaf in the teeth of glory
his beard is lightning
lightning is in his eye
his word charges and illumes the universe
the air crackles with the blue-tongued,
lightning-haloed angels
his love is the
twenty-story leap, the rope at the throat, the knife at the heart
he forgets not his own
ed. one motive behind her later suicide was a fear of her likely committal to a public asylum in london
a doomed star
the writers lot
it pays generations later
the flare as it falls
“ and he knew it wasn’t going to be ok and he told me it wasn’t going to be ok ”
the above is a quote by richard silken, don’t know why it appealed to me, but it does
take a leaf out of my book, i have never met you and don’t know anything about you and neither hate nor like you and have no opinion on whether you should post a comment or not
ed. my reply to an aggressive young commenter on reddit, what i have noticed is the moment you start to force them to interact with you in a realistic way, they disappear
when the young are brittle
and the aged flexible
its not such an inversion
as it appears
ex alcoholics
may be reformed
but they can’t reform how the alcohol has left them
the hours tick like seconds
the years pass like days
this panorama of time
is called aging
a little beauty eases our days
rocked in the dream of life
the imprints of drug culture are low reading age, gaslighting and evasion, its right through the "normative" world now, the new "low trust" environment, alcoholics were far easier to pick and you knew pretty well what you were getting
where do you draw the line ?
some-one is half sincere, half gaslighting
the sincerity is actually a mask, a very convincing cover for the gaslighting
gerard manley hopkins would unequivocally have been better to steer clear of catholicism, the tangle of theology didn’t suit his poetry nor the living conditions his health
i’m coming up with a new phrase which addresses a problem not covered in the english language
"chronic compromises"
this is when the compromise is maladaptive, evil even and you are better to walk away, often very hard to do and actually the perception of the "chronic nature" is difficult
i’m a great fan of watching
dash cam videos to keep me on my toes, anticipating and avoiding problems when driving
i really think it is an important part of driver education since in real life you may hardly ever see what the cams show
also i have to say from watching these videos that some people don’t understand looking ahead, defensive driving and keeping speed down in areas of higher risk and the wet and night
also you can see the outstanding advantages cams offer for insurance claims and police prosecutions
its very difficult to get good criticism
everyone criticises, but
no-one hits the nail on the head
love is something seen in hindsight
the look back says it all
the present is no guarantor
druggie lowlife’s are everywhere on reddit, thinking a few words changes anything
the desperate search for validation by these people always surprises me
not something alcoholics suffer from so much for sure
other people
are other worlds
we may be surprised by similarity
but that is like seeing hills on a horizon
what else is there we cannot guess
where there is dissimilarity
our projections are agape
we cannot see or feel
the voidness
the hours tick like seconds
the days like years
this contradiction confusion
leaves me in a daze
the hours tick like seconds
the years like days
this panorama of time
is called aging
Would you agree that silence itself is far better a teacher then any religion or teachings ? ”
there’s something else entirely going on that its all about, i don’t talk about it because people just mimic and essentially you have to discover what it is by yourself anyway
things change from beginning to end
and when you get to the end
you are swallowed up
emily dickinson and more subtly lewis carroll are really better than just about anything else you can read in the "spiritual context" particularly that you can read them without translation so you don’t get mired in translator’s bias/ hubris/ missionizing
they are "pre-eminent"
you cannot avoid the
pre-eminent in any subject without going way off track, there’s something fundamentally wrong underneath and religion is that because its literature is restricted to its own works
blinkered in other words
you cannot claim to see "everything" without taking the blinkers off, but of course those making the claims are not even aware of the blinkers
in remedied religious terms "practice" could be the removal of blinkers, the usual nonsense of "teachings", teachers, ceremonies etc is to just widen the blinkers and consequently narrow the field of view
its helpful to develop an awareness of the
uncertainties of living that can only come from the endless experience of things not turning out right and hopefully making you open to necessary changes
there is a modern disease of not reading what was written, but picking out a few words and then constructing their own take on what was said
when pulled up in this, they still refuse to read the actual text
“ do you have a spiritual practice and if so, what does it look like ? ”;
i have many decades of involvement in this sort of thing which gives a perspective quite apart from all the claims (and bovine dung!)
, christian, new age, flavours of buddhism, zen, you name it, there’s varying levels of sincerity, outright lying and disaster
anyway the notion of "spiritual practice" is quite wrong in whatever religious or otherwise vocabulary its couched in
its hard to explain the basic problem but its that there is a very wide world of this sort of interest, in particular literature, if you are not familiar to the level of "close reading" with emily dickinson, sa,'di, lewis carroll, cao xueqin and others then you are involved in something perverse, not just wrong, but really screwed up in the head
what is called religion is in fact just "the literary" made concrete, the outstanding example of this is religions like seventh day adventists, mornons and jehovah’s witnesses which are heavily indebted to milton’s poems
even on his vlog, brad is not so much a zen master since by and large conventional zen rejects him, but a writer looking for an income from zen having had the misfortune to write in a time when the print publishing industry collapsed
i was involved with "buddha at the gas pump" early on but was eventually banned, so i have had a cursory interest for years and it has surprised me how consistently the people interviewed are so clueless and lacking any integrity in what they say
if there is such a thing as practice it is not in the worship of god, buddha, nature spirits whatever but semi random observations made about life, that is all
i have certainly been through various religious mills so can be said to be "looking for something" but in the end nothing made sense except my own observations worked out over quite a while and that's where it stops, not in monotheism and its various guises like the buddhist "absolute nature" but what is in effect a patchwork quilt of badly matching fabric pieces of one’s own observations
"buddha at the gas pump" is selective for mental illness
huh, how the term "knot" for the speed of a ship
was derived
in the end
does make a quilt
and is not that dissonant
and has a life of its own
in the end
does make a quilt
and needn’t be that dissonant
and have a life of its own
out there somewhere
something more
something less
the conundrum of wanting
old light
old sight
nothing fades
like it should
going in circles
the man with no memory
i don’t think i am going in circles
and neither does he
when conversing with
some-one, do them the courtesy of listening to what they say, dialoguing is a skill we all need to build and its an insult to the person you are talking/writing to not to attempt to understand their point of view and what they are saying
leave personal criticism for the one or two occasions in life it has some point
Created a
Universe in
Create the
Universe ”
what i create i create and what i create that excludes me i don’t have much interest in
as i get older, i ditch theoretical ideas about life more and more, its not interesting and go with observations on what’s happening
the odd thing about writing is if you do a lot of it, the skill slowly builds even though you pay no attention to this
two paintings by the canadian painter lawren harris i like are "pic island" and "ice house, coldwell, lake superior"
, both linked near the bottom
of this page
the rattling bog , irish folk song
sir walter raleigh’s words on the scaffold
i approach that great mystery
now i am, soon i will not be
“ if a writer were a free man and not a slave, if he could write what he chose, not what he must, if he could base his work on his own feeling and not upon convention, there would be no plot, no comedy, no tragedy, no love interest or catastrophe in the accepted style ”
quote by virginia woolf in her
1919 essay, "modern fiction"
not the way i would put it, but to earn a satisfactory income from writing requires donning the straightjacket of being entertaining and comprehensible
perceived incomprehensibility can excite violent responses by readers who struggle to grasp that something can be written in what seems like plain english that could be understandable but they can’t
a little rush to build coherence
that dissolves and falls apart again
a little rush to build coherence
that dissolves and falls apart
the complete inanity of "getty images" and its ilk and the inability of journalists to have pictures that are informative about the article are a constant trauma to this reader
the interesting thing about archaeology and its ability to bring the past back to life, is how much has occurred and how isolated we are from what has occurred
its a basic principle of injury, that there is instability in the repair and/or there is a continuation of the underlying structural issues that gave rise to the problem in the first place
in other words, there is always a long term vulnerability that comes with the injury even in its repaired state
it was a trope in days gone by
to imagine oneself in a grave looking at the sky
the centuries pass held in infinities palm
but how so now when ashes lie
cooped in an urn or scattered wide
being burnt in a furnace is modernity’s farewell
it was a trope in days gone by
to imagine oneself in a grave looking at the sky
the centuries pass held in infinities palm
but how so now when ashes lie
cooped in an urn or scattered wide
being burnt in a furnace is modernity’s goodbye
the bitter
wasting their lives
look back
poison drips
from their fangs
at anything
that shows them up
ed. try reading this poem in an abstract way rather than taking it personally, its a comment on life, some will fit the shoe quite well and others not, but everyone will relate to it
some of what i write can be hard to take
even i find it hard to take
without the net i don’t think i would have ever published it
an interesting thought
i do think you need at least one other reader
apart from yourself
to keep the interest up
a lot of proverbs are covered by this one sentence
people are intractable
almost like charles bukowski
minus the booze and radio
sitting down
only i publish everything i write
pessoa’s trunk in my case
is digital
you can only do what is possible
possibility can be stretched
impossibility can't
a few words
light into a sentence
then extinguishes
no joy
nothing to prime
the nothingness of no god
only yourself everywhere
all you see is yourself
a pebble on the beach
beaten by the surf
submission is an empty question
death is not
i find the question of lyrics versus poetry quite interesting, in the end they are somewhat exclusionary of each other which
this song by bob dylan shows, he is using a literary trope, but its not internally coherent enough to work
it doesn’t even work as a song, but it actually can’t work, because the moment you make it semantically coherent it can no longer be put to music, the music can’t track the sense in the way necessary
words like scrabble
going nowhere
shifting them back and forth
writing without inspiration
when you jump to the end
rather than going there by stages
it can be a disaster
because it sounds better than
its actually a sort of inversion, the glass being half full rather than "half empty"
present use beats future potential
religious "practices" are ways of wasting your time
travelling in remote areas gave me a better feeling for aboriginal art,
tied to landscape, its an experiential thing, a sense of the timeless so to speak, particularly the voices of those who lived there a long time ago which grows on you
childhood’s hour and day and months and years
the adult’s
the patterns are subtle
but there
the lady of shalott
slain by love
the bier was beautiful
the illusion vanishes
death of a different sort
overtook her
loreena mckennit
sings tennyson’s famous poem, the full poem is in the introduction (
one of the interesting things about foreign policy is its binary nature, its usually done very wrong or very right
when its done right there is a huge amplification of positive consequences, but when done wrong (vietnam, iraq, afghanistan) its very destructive
in recent years it has amazed me the number of times the west has ended up fighting what in geopolitical terms were its true friends (which would include saddam hussein)
international politics is brutal and not necessarily rational, sentimentality has no place in it
if you don’t think china’s territorial aggression is a problem, the reason the
US and allies are vacating afghanistan is to focus on china, though of course it was just crazy them being there in the first place, just how crazy the next couple of years will show when they become buddies with the taliban since that’s where the geopolitical interest lies
politics is so imperfect a beast, it can never be got right
“ i alone am the world honored one ”
no world, no honour, no i
checkmate you old fraud
the unenlightened
meander all their lives
in a swamp
thinking it the sea
they neither listen
conventional life
though it has its own illumination
is surrounded
by a very deep
a singularity is like a stop sign
you can ignore and move on past it of course
and the millions backed up behind it
thinking they can go no further
the net
immersive realities
to life
the net
immersive realities
32 27-
its hard to come to any conclusion about moses, except that he was a psychopath
god’s justice is a basic problem in any theology, that the world doesn’t work by the "morality" of the religion, that "the good" can come to a sticky fate, stickier even than "the bad" so you have the necessity of an afterlife where the good are rewarded and the bad punished
this passage from exodus is interesting because it completely abandons any recourse to a remediating afterlife, but implements a slaughter/civil war to enforce a doctrine, you see barely how it really works, a lesson islam was not slow to pick up on
a lot of the old testament is this problem that judaism has only vague notions of an afterlife, that since "god’s justice" has to be visited in real time, then you have a literal holocaust of plagues, infectious diseases, battle and war defeats, massacres, you name it supposedly enforcing god's view of how things should be
in terms of the "tanakh" there would be only one way to view the twentieth century holocaust, but there seems to be a total absence of jewish theologians willing to address this, instead the mantle seems to have fallen to hannah arendt to explain it, even the unrepentant nazi martin heidegger (and astoundingly an ex lover of the jewish arendt) with his "it was a pogrom that got amplified by modern technology" gets an oar in where rabbis’ fear to tread
a way of looking at judaism is in religious terms its archaic and overly tribal and didn’t suit empire or large central governments or any sort of government given their tribulations with the romans and you can even argue christianity and islam are "patches" to solve this theological deficit of no reward or punishment in the afterlife
a meme that was doomed
if you look at videos of the untouched countryside in modern israel, you realise the crusaders must have been asking themselves what they were doing there, no loot, just dirt, rock and death
is death a singularity ?
that is, an inaccessible closed point with infinite sums within ?
or is it something else that can be known in life and walked through without the meaningless infinite sums ?
you do better with your own words
interesting article about the origins of the universe, basically that the origins are not a singularity which means that in a sense there is still something there and you can in effect "walk around in it" and it changes
unfortunately notions of "singularity" bedevil the current philosophical landscape, it is in effect "a bottom turtle" that is closed off to the observer
this is the whole point of "spiritual investigation", that reality has no bottom turtle and you can literally walk around in it in both a philosophical and personal sense
this was a big discovery for me because the conventional wisdom/theology is all singularities
so not only are the results of our models of reality error prone, but the models themselves are in error and particularly what they model, ie reality is also in error, and you really have to ask yourself, where do you stand ?
its a big deal to be able to stop looking for bottom turtles because there are none, as contradictory as that sounds
, (ed. address to brad warner) buddhism, buddha nature and dogen are
non-existent "bottom turtles" its beyond wide out there, why we need blinkers is hard to understand
i get a reply from eli lopez
Words and phrases, etched with gold filigree,
fashioned into hollow barbs.
Alas, at the stroke of midnight turn back into pumpkins;
mice scurry back into the shadows.
my reply
he claims midnight
a singularity
i know better
and dance with the mice
and pumpkin
the inflexion point
never to be seen
the prison walls of life
things have a certain shape
it can’t be otherwise
conclusions matter
don’t matter
the misunderstood
too dry
even for the dry
too dry
for the dry
the problem is you don’t reply to content, but do the usual "arguing on the person"
ed. its so tiresome on message boards, the hostile commenters who being unable to respond to your content, immediately descend to argumentum ad hominem
the old cat is dead
i don’t know she is dead for sure
but infer it
she wasn’t holding her food down
and wasn’t able to chew properly
her body will be lying lifeless somewhere
gone except for her memory in the form of her kittens, grandkittens and great grandkittens
and me
distance creeps up on us
if we let it
move us
away from where we are
to different centuries
from those
we know
to say what the world is
and god is
requires traversing
an escherian landscape
that may be truer
than this world
ed. go suck eggs gerald manley hopkins
in the beginning was the logos
my retranslation
in the beginning was text
over the top praise
like too severe criticsm
brad has his cap out for money
they pay in praise
so syrupy
its offensive
ed. i just donated $30 to brad warner, i think people treat his vlog as a public forum for their own benefit or even opportunity to missionize whatever bizarrity they specialize in, but actually its private and done for income and if you post there, you need to be responsive to that, over the top "praise" is not payment and is actually offensive
the modern disease
various forms of meaninglessness
presented as meaningful
an art form
the handling of knowledge
knowledge handles us
the power of unpacking the misinformation in our life
stretching way back
but so rare
the inclination or opportunity
when you get somewhere
and the view’s not what you expect
an empty feeling
disorienting and discomforting
i don’t know what the future holds
the slow approach
like a ship inching to its berth
only it moves faster than you think
but the miracle is
after a sea voyage of many thousand miles
that it has arrived at all
things don’t add up
sums with no rational answer
my day to day existence
the book of revelations is a political story/fable, if you think about it, its obvious given the background of who would have written it and the politics of the time which were fatal to direct criticism
its carefully crafted fiction given the semantic coherence, detail and length
its not a vision
ezekiel next
i’m not finding any answers in terms of people
people promote the "mahayana" but
no-one dares quote from it
because, umm . . .
it looks bad
folks, the the nature of "psychiatric medications" is to have bad long term side effects, you can’t be that differentiated when you mess with brain function
its very easy to get caught in failed circles of inquiry
the solipsists
below is my retranslation of a poem by seo jeong ju from south korea, see the poem and explanation
a leper’s life is grim
by night a child is eaten
the blood from tears
splashes everywhere
the problem is zen is a literary device, like buddhism, they are stories
they are novels
awakening, being enlightened, a great master, all the work of fiction
a sticky trap for the dull and
they don’t disagree
but they don’t agree
and so it doesn’t go any further
packing up
going away
the unfinished
left behind
gnostic atheism
agnostic atheism
so many rabbit holes
alice came back
what i have noticed is that when people get into too idiosyncratic and semantically inconsistent a definition of a word away from common usage you are entering the area of the brain not being "well arranged"
ed. i posted this on r|zen which deletes any words associated with
"mental-illness" so i have to use words with a degree of "indirection", you can take not "well arranged" as being "deranged"
i think its to some extent permissible if there’s a logical "coherence" to the new definition, or it says something worthwhile, however i don’t feel the r|zen definition is coherent, you can’t really divide off the sense of the word from from "soto" as soto apart from the general sense of the word as "serene", is the most commonly understood meaning of it
this question of "not well arranged" is to discount the social world overmuch and indicative of what i can’t say here (ed. r|zen) without being deleted
to me the strength of soto is its emphasis on meditation, i’m not saying its not highly flawed in some respects, but at least its not so tangled in zen being a philosophy as one see so much of on the net
without a substantial background of meditative or contemplative experience you are just going to in philosophical — literary — theological circles forever
well, history does
repeat itself
foreign policy advisers never seem to bone up on a countries’ history before going to war do they ?
9 dash line and designs on taiwan make a lot of sense if you can see it has
re-entered one of its many imperial phases and has only ever been stopped by defeat in battle, though the "battles" may have a different character today, a more subtle use of force like conscripting reefs as military bases and cyberwarfare
the nature of censorship is this
an argument without a counterargument can/usually appears convincing
i wish
after probing the well of explanation
that it went somewhere
and didn’t go on forever in the same way
to break through into some promised land
but alas
its just falling forever
actually my experience of real life zen is soviet russia is not such a bad comparison with the degree of misinformation, structural poverty, doctrinal adherence and "top down control"
virginia woolf and sylvia plath are of course famous, but for a reader its hard to handle what happened to them
what you read or listen to is that person, and then you know the fate
you can see in the second half of
to the lighthouse , what reformed would become "the waves"
but its extremely depressing to know this physically very strong woman and swimmer had to fill her coat pockets with stones before she jumped in the river, this same woman who was writing the words of her book as you listen to them
the poem
lesbos by sylvia plath and
the story behind it
guy williams
in takaka
its mocking, yet there is a sympathetic air to it
by the million
by the dozen
they can’t think or write
but are happy with themselves
and their puling
there’s quite a big jump from the common use of the term "enlightenment" as in "i found his explanation of how to read virginia woolf enlightening" to the idea of some substrate of existence being exposed to the "enlightened' as opposed to the "unenlightened" person not having this "superpower" which is common in zen, new age, advaita and other spiritual nonsense
so the whole idea of "enlightenment" in the "spiritual context" is premised on some "ultimate bottom turtle" really being there, which is not the case and i’ve looked at this problem for many years
no buddha, no god, no "enlightened masters"
the recidivists wallow in the trash heap
singing its virtues
to write something
without imagery
is to work
without skills
to write something
without imagery
is to work
without skill
the moon controls the tides
the sun the orbits of the planets
wars the spectre of death
what do we move around ?
boundary conditions of reality
a good poem
also contains an unwritten one
not all glimpsed
but all the same
startling when you see it
the moonstruck magpies
what is it they say ?
“ it seems like day, but its not ”
“ the creative spirit ”
the dreams of the purblind
the limits of creativity don’t compel
there’s something else
what is it ?
is ariel a demon
or benign spirit ?
what you can’t control
have no opinion about
the writing of semantic meta
a shape defining what ?
or really
a transport
into what it is about ?
the slow unwrapping
of everything in your life
that has occurred before
their true
discovery that fades
and doesn’t
the hagia sophia
the blue mosque
tired dream
the hagia sophia
the blue mosque
empty dream
well, you are being an apologist
the problem with being an apologist is there is something to apologise for that can’t be changed, otherwise you would just make the needed changes
its out of your power to change, we most commonly encounter it as people defending doctrinal problems in christianity
its not exactly being free or truthful is it ?
there’s no answers in terms of "collective ideologies", whether its communism, buddhism, christianity, neo-liberalism, fascism or whatever
anything of this nature viewed historically turns out to be very messy and often bloody
the flowers of time
brilliant in forms and colours
is there some sacred garden
where they grow and are tended ?
or cast to appear
in alien ground ?
because duelling has been banned for a few centuries now, we don’t understand what a menace it was, the best and brightest killed
pushkin and lermantov are egregious examples, there are many others
sometimes to sit in an abyss of nothingness
for a little while
its not so unfamiliar
its what’s there
the familiar
we swing with them
their different realities
define us
so much in life
second hand
one’s own experience
is missing
i have learnt to wander
too far and wide
with just one step
i lose my bearings
i have learnt to wander
too far and wide
with just one step
i have lost my bearings
starless, fatherless
sylvia’s dark water
submerged her
the world views its loss
its not soundless
as the dolorous hooves
galloped off
ed. i wrote this after
reading "sheep in the fog"
the world hopefully becomes narrower as i grasp more of it
the grasping
always expands it
beyond my comprehension
words wind in the wrong direction
people are clowns laughing
when they should be crying
come and go
come and gone
only in absence
do we feel depth
this is what russians watch on new year’s eve which is their big holiday, not christmas
"the irony of fate, or enjoy your bath"
, what we would call
a rom-com
the link is what we wouldn’t get in the west, a very famous poem, by
bella akhmadulina , the "settings - subtitles" translation is ok
there is a surprising intellectual sophistication to later soviet popular cinema, i suppose a reflection of the underground dissent that became more permissible after stalin’s death
if life doesn’t seem to have enough dimensions, there’s always poems like bella akhmadulina’s
your house
there is no closure
just one thing
supplanting another
one of the main plays i have seen on message boards is the losing side in an argument trying to force moderator intervention in their favour which is not difficult since a lot moderators can’t handle any thing that makes them think
i have seen so many subs taken over by the people least suited to run them
our death
leads to the collapse
of unsolved sums
they seemed important
at the time
so many lives
your own life is the one that matters
don’t be fooled
into sacrificing yourself
for any form of "collective"
mimic worlds
however well crafted
these paintings are interesting, the art of the insane, they don’t look insane to me
august klett
der würgengel [the exterminating angel] by franz karl bühler, prescient of the holocaust and his own being gassed in
1940 as a
"mental defective" by the nazis
i never lose any sleep over the adequacy of any
re-translations, translations or "interpretations" i make because there’s severe limits on one’s ability to capture the thought of another in another language
that there’s some limit to universality, there’s no complete objectivity underlying all things as common to all things
i would say this is a fundamental philosophical truth, any "theory of everything" is naturally deficient
reflection can break a returning circle
across two and a half thousand years
a few voices speak to me
that is all
i don’t say it should be that way
but it is
illness can place people in strangeness
you may not recognise the world
when and if you come back
illness can place people in strange places
you may not recognise the world
when and if you come back
clumner bluff
where the magic flowers grow
i can hardly remember it
except some condensation
in the telescope of time
clumner bluff
where the magic flowers grow
i can hardly remember it
a red haired sylph
smooth cheeked
oblivious to her own biological agenda
which will reach up and strike
a different person
a different perspective
a different
its been a wet winter and early spring
the cattle yards are covered in the light green of new growth nettles
they like the shade of the macrocarpas
with gloves on i pick them
3 minutes boiling for dinner
i eat well
i think its a reasonable inference that the
siege of troy actually happened, with even the possibility of helen as a mycenaean princess or queen
people always sell vehicles for a reason
and the reason is hardly ever in the favour of the buyer
being in favour is so rare its almost mythological, but i have come across first hand accounts
what is correct
and what is incorrect
those who
pooh-pooh the distinction
are trouble
if you want to know what madness is
sit by yourself not doing anything
for quarter of an hour
the vacuity of our own thoughts
is astounding
the ending goes back to the beginning
the hills crowd the valleys
the valleys tear down the hills
the sky blinks clouds and tears
the mists shroud all
my retranslation of
wang wei’s "written on crossing the yellow river to quinghe"
my boat
sweeping downstream
the river end met by sky
a settlement intrudes
the banks lined with houses
i can see a teeming market
looking back whence i came
clouds and mist
a loneliness descends
there’s something about a long look,
20 to
30 years
that delineates
everything in perspective
the dead who burn us
i can’t say why
the slow combustion
that never ends
the dead who burn us
i can’t say why
the slow burning combustion
that never ends
did text create the world ?
sometimes i wonder
the three stooges and the marx brothers are a satire? on immigrant life ?
there’s so much "flakiness" and unreality in the "supposed spiritual"
so attractive to people whose purpose in life is to try and put one over you
call them on it and see the fires ignite
first rule of life
never try to "straighten out" a woman
other lives
so many lives
stick to your own
time shows you all the dodged bullets
and the ones
not dodged
something tries to form
but can’t
the step ahead is too statistical
to form
without guidance
the maison de santé
at the table
the masks come off
the barely suppressed
into danger
true horror
seeing where we are
engraving the useless deeper
engraving the useless
emotional intensity
turns out to be not so intense
cardboard cutouts
play punch and judy
elvis presley impersonators
one wonders why
until you realise
this is how the world is
the clouds drift
the sea rolls
the mist shifts
the clouds roll
the sea shifts
the mist drifts
the clouds shift
the sea drifting
the mist rolling
the clouds drift
the sea rolls
the mist shifts
the clouds roll
the sea shifts
the mist drifts
the clouds shift
the sea drifts
the mist rolls
new horizons
new thoughts
wandering across the landscape of being
yet what changes ?
still wandering
and one day
it will end
i can’t say forever has an end
or a beginning
but surely there is a "not forever"
where does that fit ?
ted hughes recounting
a dream of a fox
sylvia plath
she’s dead
the pain of absence of being
hurt spread across the generations
what you can and can’t do
don’t ignore the wisdom of this
journalists these days
bossy dunning kruger stereotypes
beating up
whatever nonsense they can
the hubris so thick
you can cut it
they would close down the net
in a wink of an eye
if they could
if you look
at the stems they are very neatly cut
, scissor cut i’d say
for all the noise of the lives of the famous
poets, generals, kings, artists, political leaders, mathematicans, scientists
they were mostly concerned
with the everyday
glimpses of which
are revealing
this plagiaristic world
before an idea is even born
it is copied
what exists
what doesn’t exist
our dreams
our longings
what exists
what doesn’t
our dreams
our longings
neither ted nor their children had that spark or flare of genius sylvia had
how transient the
the world is sad for a reason
media manufactures the world for us
a fat purse
full of goodies
that burn
spit poison
when handled
the gas of illusion
flooding out
making for a new undead
stuck in unreality
i have never written a poem before
all don’t mean anything
to me
“ can any creed, philosophy, system, or culture endure the test and remain unmolten in this fierce focus of human life ? ”
he’s asking if any philosophies or creeds remain unchanged, well its a bit of a nonsense question
it doesn’t go anywhere, its circular and returns to itself pointlessly and interestingly that addresses his question/statement, a recursive loop that doesn’t escape itself
well we disagree and neither of us is granting any validity to what the other says so it stops at this point
its hard to define nonsense, but basically no matter how impressive it sounds, it just doesn’t go anywhere
its circular and returns to itself pointlessly
a recursive loop that doesn’t escape itself
english, you can make yourself understood from namibia to india to detroit to norway to kenya
this unappreciated miracle of life
i think you must be a writer
when people want to kill you
for message board posts
to read a book or poem crosses you into the writer
a lot of trouble comes of this
there’s no answers
“ what does that mean ? ”
that you spend your life dragging through everything looking for answers and finding none
that is "no answers"
its does not mean there are no answers, but that a process is void and the process has to be lived
death is open ended, you never cope with the loss of a person close to you
its as simple as that
a commenter on brad warner’s "haredcore zen" vlog writes
I wish
I could meet up with you irl . . . and give you a big hug
: o )
my reply
yeah, look this is the net, we are all strangers, look at the other side like i don’t want to meet you in real life, let alone hug
brad’s vlog should be called "the interpersonal boundary problem" blog
people here get offended simply by encountering what they disagree with, surely "the zen way" is to look at that disagreement and see what needs modifying instead of getting intensely tangled in personal conflict
you need help
lol, you are an activist for something
, passionate writing indeed !
why shouldn’t the shift to the net be permanent and there is movement away from real life institutions to skilled individuals based on the net
educational institutions used to have control over "publishing"
, but not any more
all that is happening is covid is forcing rapid social change based on improvements in communications technology
fiction blended into true
you can’t peel them apart
to get the past and a story about it
fiction blended into true
in the past
you can’t separate them
trying to contain the world by knowledge
but the world
outgrows knowledge
the shulamite maiden
pursuing or being pursued by who ?
in the end
distance palls
the disrupted cycle
leaves messiness everywhere
yet strangely
the dissonant beauty
ed. the song of solomon has several interpretations , there are likely textual problems with it, but one way to take it is lovers who must part, perhaps for class differences or the woman is an unloved concubine, who knows ?
the strangest thing is it being the only lyrical poetry in the bible/tanakh
a heart of stone
works better
than one
roads we can’t see
that others have travelled on
not many
but true
they take us
roads we can’t see
that others have travelled on
not many
but true
they take us
the universes of me
are many and varied
makes me wonder though
what it is all about
all the fake condolences,
no-one gives a shit, how can they? the web is full of this nonsense
pretend involvement in the lives of others you do not know in real life at all
condolences to strangers are a completely inappropriate social form
the big deals today for the usa and allies are protecting taiwan from china and the usa needs to drastically upgrade its cybersecurity, it should be a huge deal that the russians penetrated the usa's nuclear missile control as they did a little while back
the major powers are already in a sort of cyberwar and business is being dragged into it, the usa needs to import more programmers and fund a major defense software effort
this is
a good video explaining what went wrong in vietnam and actually its also what went wrong in afghanistan
julius caesar should never have invaded spain, but should have let his enemies (the optimates) remain there out in the open, rather than get stabbed to death by them a year later
the battle of thapsus
5000 years of mother’s
with sons at war