waves went elsewhere ...
with nodding heads
they look just like giraffes ...
long necks peering in
heads curled up in loops
violent servant of a bruised sky
churns the sea...
flinging salt water mountains
that shatter on the shore
crystals falling
breathless silence frozen
sun explodes
dazzling light
wings shatter imploding
lying on the grass
dozing in the sun
arms clasped behind your your head
so familiar
containing a universe
a history
perceptions I will never know
alive with dragonflies
the air cool and still
stars unmoving
we had carried the heat of the fields
with us all day
brushing against each other
like sun against grass
clothes we had discarded
a tangle on the ground
still held something of that warmth
I feel like
I'm falling
through space
all my fears
rush into the silence
shallow restless sleep
from the subconcious
and die
of ridicule at dawn
or haven't you heard
can't you tell
by the singing of birds?
winter has gone
and it's not too late
but there you exist
behind a closed gate
sat at your desk
no listening to birds
how you don't live
I find quite absurd
to leave you
a note
or not
to leave you
a note
or not
and offered up
I'll be dead in 5 yrs if you don't come back
he said it was a love declared
and couldn't see why I was scared
is like being eviserated
the umbilical cord
pulls your insides out
they trail forever after
the children you've born
horrified me the most
the fact that
at aged 54 he
wanted to get
a teen aged girl
or the fact
he thought
he could
she was dead
until the next
a saving grace
and I don't mean
her fair of face
she isn't cruel
unfair judgemental
not sentimental
and for her loves
she's always there
won't let them down
when needing care
because she's a jewel
she glows with warmth
like a fire fueled
an ancient soul
trapped in her eyes
just like in amber
are trapped fireflies
scouring the sand
looking for shells, pebbles
twisted driftwood
ancient treasures clutched in hand
skeins of seaweed
splayed on the beach
foaming white lace
i dance
out of reach
for a handful
of men
to feel this way
for a handful of men
is it love
or something dilute
a good neighbour
you and i
the odd kiss
occational hug
there's nothing sexual in it
no frission
no spark
it's like the echo of something
that might have been
but never will
a good neighbour
telling me what's what
and do we approve of this opinion
and do we approve of that
as if they have the right to question
everyone's opinions
to call it in as if it's wrong?
hold several vivisections
let's share our thoughts on media
on twitter tweet and 2 facedbook
then hopefully with this campaign
we'll all have the same look
of other people
of a past that clings
often leads to acts
that pave the way to remorse
a path littered
with the rotting corpses
of other peoples dreams
of other people
of a past that clings
often leads to acts
that pave the way to remorse
a path littered
with the rotting corpses
of other peoples dreams
getting all fired up
over the loss of a certain brand of whatever he likes
and this is it
but intense
but exciting
a man of his word
who listens to mine
the possible
and the impossible
all in one
why do I dream
at this age
maybe that's all
there is
but intense
but exciting
a man of his word
who listens to mine
the possible
and the impossible
all in one
why do I dream
at this age
maybe that's all
there is
in retrospect
and hurt me
in the present tense
to love one another
so intensely
yet rub each other up the wrong way
no saving us
i want to dissipate into mist
invade your pores
to love one another
so intensely
yet rub each other up the wrong way
no saving us
i want to dissipate into mist
invade your pores
We had a phone call on Wednesday morning to let us know that Pat had died in hospital on Tuesday morning
She was in hospital with pneumonia, then it was found she had a duodenal ulcer and was bleeding , but they could not stop the bleeding
on gossamer down
or dewdrops on grass
in which our souls drown
not sunlight filtering
through lacy leaves
no matter how much
such fancies please
so why do we clothe it
in white lace and roses
it's merely a corpse
that looks fine in poses
can't do this
no more
on the floor
all over
in and
drug fucked and
really a bore
can't do this
no more
on the floor
all over
in and
drug fucked and
really a bore
as fast as i can
i'll outstrip reality
and trick it
blasted apart
in an instant
random fragments of memory
then spin out of sight
permanence and solidarity
everything tissue thin
blasted apart
in an instant
random fragments of memory
then spin out of sight
permanence and solidarity
everything tissue thin
as fast as i can
i'll outstrip reality
and trick it
the second he wrote after I told him I could not countenance a reconciliation on that same days end, the third my reply to his diss of me because I would not concede
all sounds a bit self important doesn't it Lol
just a summation of human stupidity
or just self inflation in the writing of all
he smiles
and the sky ...
smiles too
he smiled
we smiled
and the day
was new
someone for pay.
someone to call
on a bad day.
someone to hold.
someone to lead on
and leave in the cold.
someone may give up.
someone may find their alone
someone might say FUCK!!!
malign if you must
I know the truth
leaves lies for dust
out in the cold
that's hardly true
when cake and good wishes
were brought to you
to live alone
is a choice
I have made
another's life
I cannot save
the second he wrote after I told him I could not countenance a reconciliation on that same days end, the third my reply to his diss of me because I would not concede
all sounds a bit self important doesn't it Lol
just a summation of human stupidity
or just self inflation in the writing of all
he smiles
and the sky ...
smiles too
he smiled
we smiled
and the day
was new
someone for pay.
someone to call
on a bad day.
someone to hold.
someone to lead on
and leave in the cold.
someone may give up.
someone may find their alone
someone might say FUCK!!!
malign if you must
I know the truth
leaves lies for dust
out in the cold
that's hardly true
when cake and good wishes
were brought to you
to live alone
is a choice
I have made
another's life
I cannot save
he smiles
and the sky
smiles too
he smiled
we smiled
and the day
was new
in a brown
although it isn't true
re creating history
is what he likes to do
it some how makes him feel good
as he would rather be
the man who has a perfect brain
no need for him to see
i wonder why he does that
i really couldn't say
should i just ignore it
and go my separate way
sitting in the waiting to die room along with all the other birds of a feather if you don't feel concern it's probably too late already
although it isn't true
re creating history
is what he likes to do
it some how makes him feel good
as he would rather be
the man who has a perfect brain
no need for him to see
i wonder why he does that
i really couldn't say
should i just ignore it
and go my separate way
lack of empathy
care too much?
what crap
what experience do you personally have of them?
does she impress you so much you have to
bullshit AGAIN
just to look good to her
why do you flick off bullshit you have not experianced
living in la la land you
do yourself and
everyone else diservice
when will you learn
when you write
your poems
he asked
as if they were
more than
when you write
your poems
he asked
as if they were
more than
prepares you
the bloody decrepitude of old age
an obscenity of
plastic bags for urine
plastic bags for vomit
fear of losing
your teeth down a drain
egg white and crackers are all you keep down
grumbling old hags in the coffin queue
waiting for the shroud
wrapping the ceilings
hot water cylinder
rusted to usless
old nickle plated
green tarnished teaspoons
food scraps that lurk
on on ancient linolium
a sprouting of mushrooms
under the cooker
bin bags all spilling
jumble sale clothing
death a relief
only imagined
wrapping the ceilings
hot water cylinder
rusted to usless
old nickle plated
green tarnished teaspoons
food scraps that lurk
on on ancient linolium
a sprouting of mushrooms
under the cooker
bin bags all spilling
jumble sale clothing
death a relief
only imagined
and noticed they have gone
i've also done an absence
not the only one
exchange a thought
ours spirits get renewed
I wouldn't feel quite this way
if your poems i hadn't viewed
and into some jeans
altho i obey
don't know what that means
my life does unravel
undone at the seams
i prefer life by night
under moon beams
that's just how it is
don't let it offend
don't get in a tizz
i do not reply
to many a bod
there is no offence
it's just that i'm
you've all been so kind
i have to agree
please don't be upset
with me just being me
she takes on new
winged form
in flight
to the sun
her wings will melt
she takes on new
winged form
in flight
to the sun
her wings will melt
as if all the answers
to all the questions
are to be found
in the dregs
full of air and grace
dragged into the daylight
they wear a clown's face
those desperate eyes
have traveled the globe
for many a mile
with laughter loud
as thin disguise
there is no hiding
his desperate eyes
and golden elm
is shedding her summer dress
the ground beneath her
soon a mess
you know the one
where you just die daily
don't get to play super hero
or soar thro redditzen7thpatriarcterritory
blazing imaginary tales
jackboots on or is that Doc Martin's
a celibate giving relationship advice
a non believer asking for belief
a blaze inglorious
still still dies out
you know the one
where you just die daily
don't get to play super hero
or soar thro redditzen7thpatriarcterritory
blazing imaginary tales
jackboots on or is that Doc Martin's
a blaze inglorious
still dies out
you know the one
where you just die daily
don't get to play super hero
or soar thro redditzen7thpatriarcterritory
blazing imaginary tales
jackboots on or is that Doc Martin's
a blaze inglorious
still dies out
you know the one
where you just die daily
don't get to play super hero
or soar thro redditzen7thpatriarcterritory
blazing imaginary tales
jackboots on or is that Doc Martin's
a celibate giving relationship advice
a non believer asking for belief
a blaze inglorious
still still dies out
sorta is but not enough
didn't even see it
why do I do this
every night
and wake up
full of
didn't even see it
why do I do this
every night
and wake up
full of
any advice
about infinities rewards
there are none
there's the sun
the moon
and stars
deciduous trees
any advice
about infinities rewards
there are none
there's the sun
the moon
and stars
deciduous trees
into the room
your ego follows
all too soon
you feed it till
it swells and grows
and pretty soon
it's all that shows
why haunt me so
just let go
I have no time
you win the war
I shut and bar
the door
why haunt me so
just let go
I have no time
you win the war
I shut and bar
the door
is in
that I am
still here
is in
that I am
still here
it caresses my face with gentle fingers
lifting and playing with my hair
whispering sweet poetry in my ears
calling me to come down
and embrace in final ecstasy
but not today
I turn and walk away
it caresses my face with gentle fingers
lifting and playing with my hair
whispering sweet poetry in my ears
calling me to come down
and embrace in final ecstasy
but not today
I turn and walk away
what a strange combination
of commonplace
and extraordinary
what a strange combination
of commonplace
and extraordinary
unfolded like a carpet
rolling away to the horizon
horses grazing
in far away meadows
clouds moving
like mountains across the sky
unfolded like a carpet
rolling away to the horizan
horses grazing
in far away meadows
clouds moving
like mountains across the sky
a man i didn't know
came up behind talking of queensland
and riding the surf in cyclones drunk
a man i didn't know
came up behind talking of queensland
and riding the surf in cyclones drunk