this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don't warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed   !

plagiarism in the music industry ,  kayne west  rips  richard james  off

the differences  between  the pieces is interesting, kayne west's version is definitely more commercial and steps towards the consumer more, but the underlying musical theme is richard james's

his need for a wife got him  shot  and killed by his prospect !

religion, why do people fight so viciously over what doesn't matter ?

zen  ‘ enlightenment ’  is a lonely and sorrowful business, it's only failure and rejection that teaches you

u n f o r t u n a t e l y

zen  ‘ enlightenment ’  is a lonely and sorrowful business, it's only failure and rejection that teaches you

women are machines ensuring the survival/continuity of the next generation

don't be upset at being  rejected ,  this may be for one of a number of reasons including a poor complementarity of major histocompatibility complexes or because you are an an ox unfit for the burden about to be imposed on you

be a free ox !

women are machines ensuring the survival/continuity of the next generation

pushkin's  poem  to anna kern

btw his final duel was i think an unconcious suicide

why stem cell therapies may still be a hundred years away is they will need custom genetic engineering to avoid the problem of uncontrolled reproduction, ie cancer !

the secret to web research is just put in heaps of time

if you have a health problem, then do some web research and you should be able to parse out the likely area of difficulty, ie causes

this greatly expedites the approach to the needed area of attention !

a moonlit night just hanging there forever ! :o) :o( :o) :o(  :o)


a moonlit night  just hanging there forever !


a moonlit night  just hanging there  forever


a moonlit night just hanging there forever

a moonlit







forever !

a moonlit night

just hanging there








poetry is a sort of intensification, in real life poets/poetesses are not so interesting

well some are

we can both cry into our cups, but neither of us have been particularly sympathetic to the feelings and problems of the other

we can both cry into our cups, but neither of us have been particularly sympathetic to the feelings of the other

we can both cry into our cups, but neither of us have been particularly sympathetic to the other

we can both cry into our cups, but we don’t seem to be reasonably sympathetic to one another

we can both cry into our cups, but we don’t seem to be reasonably sympathetic to each other

why thyroid problems, especially in the early stages are so  significant ,  is the thyroid is involved at the most basic level in our energy metabolism with multitudinous pathways inextricably linked recursively with everything  .  .

cats are an interesting amalgam of smart and dumb, they can't crack the shell of a hen egg open, but last night, out gutting a big male bennett's wallaby that made the mistake of being in the vege garden, this is under a full moon about 2 am

i had put the guts to one side and a local semi-feral cat started to chew on the intestine wall, i always wondered how they keep from eating the lumen contents then what i saw absolutely amazed me !

it held the intestine under one paw and then pulled it with its mouth through the paw keeping the digested grass on the other side of the paw through the pressure !

i could see the intestine was beautifully clean in the moon light as it was chewing away !

interestingly the wallaby had a huge bone tumour on the underside of the jaw !

am chewing on the testicles, brains and thyroid for breakfast !


the other amazing thing i have seen with wild animals here is how ravens run their beaks under the jaw skin of a wallaby carcass to pick out the thyroids !

way smarter than today's humans, those ravens !

when we reach, the further our hand has to go, the faster we move so that the the time for the reach is the same regardless of the distance !

this does not translate well when we have to steer a large  change  in direction in an emergency situation, we do the turn too fast !

ramadan has it wrong, this is how you should  fast ,  two to four days without food to rejuvenate the hematopoietic system at the stem cell level !

thyroid problems are never minor, america is a wasteland of middle aged women suffering in this way, too stupid to ever steer themselves out of an exclusive dependency on endocrinologists, a particulary retarded branch of medicine !

you have to work things out for yourself to get better, people who just do medical don't last ! :o(

we get epigenetic changes as we get older and what were previously mild conditions slowly become more severe !

part of the immune response to the flu migrates macrophages to the gut which kills off a lot of the benign stomach flora and this is why you get loose stools with the flu !

sepehr g.   writes

I found something that helps alleviate my depression :  traditional board games.  I forgot how meditative playing chess is.  moreover, I've recently learned about Go and it seems pretty awesome.  It was one of the  4  arts  every scholar of china was expected to master

also, chess was  created  by indians and persians

I'm trying to decide what board game to invest most of my life into.  with chess, you have to memorize a lot of openings, and there is a lot of important stuff to learn about Go too.  I want to become very, very good at one of them and go to tournaments.  could you recommend which one I should give primary effort into  (go or chess) ?

I also played magic the gathering a bit in the past too, as well as chess as I've said, and it's pretty good too.  one of the few modern games that's not too bad.

I like the transformative effect games have on people's consciousness.



what a coincidence, I was playing microsoft Backgammon pro  (because of this  quote )  for a lot of yesterday, haven't played it since a teenager and one definitely improves much faster with the strategy with it as a computer game !

it's a big mistake to come from the angle of   “to invest most of my life into”

the problem with chess is the game is not really skill once you get to a certain level, but knowing the opening moves and following sequences, this was bobby  fisher's  criticism of it and one of the reasons he gave up on it !

I haven't played go but would be cautious about getting too involved in any game just like the issue I ran into with tai chi and had to give it up because to progress it just demanded more and more time . .

to do these things well one has to  “ go pro ”  really and then you have to ask “ how do I make a living from it ? ”

in terms of those sorts of games I think poker  (oops  !)  is pretty much all there is and top players make good livings, I saw a video of a child chess prodigy who had to transit to poker because of the inability of chess to support him, but I think he changed too late and while able was not a top player !

I think with both go and poker, unless one was some freak of nature, that you need to have been playing as a child to ever get in the ranks of those able to make a living from it !

I don't call teaching making a living really !

for depression exercise is helpful, just chopped some thistles ! :o)

and  supplements  . .

with the net, the whole scenario of games has changed, like reddit zen is a sort of game, I really liked the aggression and it was teaching me something, but still, like tai chi, hugely consuming and when it stopped teaching me I stopped posting . .

“ a time to walk away ”

basically you need to get into intelligent supplementation and eating and this has been your problem from day 1 of your posting here, same with zakaj and reddit zen and brad warner and the hardcore zen blog, despite being many years older than most of you, I am only increasing in the speed I am moving away from you . . it is the supplements and diet that does this, nothing else . .

well  .  .  h a v i n g  a n d  m a k i n g  t h e  t i m e  p e r h a p s

“ girlfriend had high alcohol tolerance.  she drank too much vodka one night and puked.  now whenever she drinks even a bit of vodka, she starts feeling her stomach churn and feels puky.  has she become allergic to it ?

hey guys basically what the title says  she loves vodka  is there any way to counter this ?   should she go see a doctor ?

thanks ”

my  reply

her stomach has more brains than her head ?

the  epic  of gilgamesh

well if this ain't  noah  and the ark what is ?

only it's written about 1200 years earlier than genesis and actual event is the flood that wiped out  shuruppak  around 2900BC  !

a  pedro calderon de la barca  quote

one may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it

my  replies

one may not know how to gain a victory, but how to use it

one may know how to use a victory, but not how to gain it

two ovaries, one womb

sanity is a form of insanity

its an illusion that life is coherent and makes sense

sanity is a form of insanity

its the illusion that life is coherent and makes sense

sometimes you look and look and there’s no answer except leaving

section  110  in   essays in idleness   ( tsurzuregusa )

I once asked a man rated as a champion backgammon player the secret of success

he said

you should never play to win, but so as not to lose

decide which moves will lead to a quick defeat, and avoid them, choosing instead moves which seem likely to result in a slower defeat, if only by one throw of the dice

this was the teaching of an expert in his art, the same is also true of how a man should control conduct or a ruler govern the state !

i think with a relationship breakup you have to be far more rational than your feelings

her new relationship and its various inconsistences will smart/hurt, but rationally its removing your burden of care and putting some necessary distance between you

sixteen months ago i wrote  this

i think with a relationship breakup you have to be far more rational than your feelings

her new relationship and its various inconsistences will smart/hurt, but rationally its removing your burden of care and putting some necessary distance between you

bite your tongue and look to areas of mutual interest/interest, arctic winds lash both of you, that's something in common for a start, be sympathetic and not judgmental

keep a cool head and be ultra rational, be as cool as ice

“ assaultive young males have elevated blood copper/zinc  (cu/zn)  ratios when compared to a control group of young males with no history of assaultive behavior ”


“ serum copper, zinc and copper/zinc ratio and their relationship to age and growth status in yemeni adolescent girls ”

“ special care should be given to girls aged  10 – 12  years because the results show a significant increase in the levels of copper and a significant decrease in the levels of zinc compared to other age categories.  this is adverse in this stage of life during which a growth spurt begins ”


“ the plasma zinc/serum copper ratio may be a biomarker of heavy metal, particularly mercury, toxicity in children with autistic spectrum disorders ”


julyaugustson   writes

everyone is schizophrenic ?

i know some one who's been hearing voices and don't know how to respond

i woke up once to hear that  “ wing whooshing ”  noise that is common with schizophrenics ,  but went back to sleep



the  “ wing whooshing ”  noise is  “ exploding head ”  and hypnagogic and sorta normal !

schizophrenia is in part a failure of the brain  ‘ default circuitry ’  to deactivate ,  some daily contemplative   “ alone time ”  helps and intelligent supplementation and diet is a necessity, but who does that ?

“ is american university a waste of time ? ”

debt has to be paid back, it's a crime the ease with which money is lent for education in usa and can be used for degrees which have zero job prospects and you are not  ( even !)  allowed to go bankrupt !

also the internet has completely changed the self ‑ skilling situation, some skills like programming can be self taught very effectively over the internet and in fact the arts are much better self taught over the internet ! .. .!

i cannot believe the stupidity of most  (but not all !)  people with english and philosophy degrees from the usa i come across on the internet, ignorant, bad mannered and utterly unable to take on any other viewpoint except their own !

once in, amalgam fillings are best left undisturbed and not cleaned imo until they are loose enough to be prised out with a minimum of drilling !

better not to put  them  in of course ! :o)

people seem surprised to know that amalgam fillings are  50%  mercury and require special hazardous waste disposal ! :o)

the FDA is not much  use  ! :o)


in New Zealand dentists don't put amalgam fillings in children because of the toxicity !

Sweden and Norway have banned Amalgam fillings !


mercury exposure from amalgams is a complex picture and has to be balanced up against mercury from other sources like fish and the problem of BPA leaching from composites  (some have very very low BPA leaching after the first few days of placing, others do not . . )

i think what the new  research  is showing is that boys/males especially can be genetically predisposed to not being able to handle mercury exposure !

“ among girls, few interactions for Hg exposure and COMT variants were found

in contrast, among boys, numerous gene–Hg interactions were observed between individual COMT SNPs, as well as with a common COMT haplotype affecting multiple domains of neurobehavioral function

these findings suggest increased susceptibility to the adverse neurobehavioral effects of Hg among children with common genetic variants of COMT, and may have important implications for strategies aimed at protecting children from the potential health risks associated with Hg exposure ”

the problem with a high wheat intake are the  allergens

and bad gut flora promoting carbohydrates in it !

it's interesting that gluten proteins are about  75  percent of the total protein content of wheat grain

 Napperby Lakes by Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri, Acrylic on canvas, 1994

anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r

“ do we know everything there is to know about math ?

or are there new discoveries being made in mathematics ?

if so, what are  they  ? ”

anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r

I think  “ interviews ”  /dokusan is where  ‘suburban’  or non-celibate zen  falls apart  because no-one in their right mind would spend time helping the ungrateful . .

the degree of personal involvement and the cost to the person giving the interview is unbelievable . . .

I've had interviews with quite a few people/  ‘teachers’  and the one I liked most was dae kwang because he was the most affable, somewhat jaded and accepted you as a person ! .. :o)

“ godel's incompleteness theorem proves that for any non contradictory set of axioms that is sufficiently powerful, there will be some true statements that are not provable ”

now zen and quality mysticism argue that  (final!)  truth is provable  !

so obviously the  (for example)  reddit zen approach is doomed because they occupy the semantic space of attempted consistency of meaning, though they fail lamentably and are in fact proving truth through inconsistency . .

that is in the conventional way of final truth always escaping and one lives, is born, gets old and dies blind ..

but in reality what zen is about is the attainment of final truth, but by godel's theorem, it's not possible

but the theorem premises non contradictory and once you step into a type of quantum contradiction and fusion with truth then  ‘ truth ’  is proven

this is what i have always noticed and actually ewk and buji zen on reddit zen is rooted in the real world where only non contradictory premises are valued and through this he and others argue that there is no final provable truth ! :o)

it's interesting that joshu's koan  “ mu ”  expresses that contradiction ,  but all the stupids interpret it any way except that, forever trying to rationalize it, or create pseudo irrational emotional responses ! :o)

sepehr g.  writes

watch the film  ‘ virgin spring ’  directed by ingmar bergman

life truly is suffering, madness itself, but there is something absolutely still and infinite underlying it, a reservoir of infinite potential



it's a good/powerful film but there is another dimension !

isn't what you write a building of that church to mark the daughter's murder ?

it's like the film, the wrong space to get a meaningful resolution of what infinity is !

there's no resolution of infinity except to be with it, maybe Friday's late afternoon walk in golden summer light along the stones of the beach at east devonport . . there is nothing else to say except to be with that ! :o)

it's odd that all religion does for people is conflate them with bullshit ! :o)

it's odd that all zen has done for you is conflate you with bullshit ! :o)

odd that all zen has done for you is conflate you with bullshit ! :o)

odd that all zen has done for you is conflate you with bullshit !

odd that all zen has done for you is conflate you with bullshit

charles bukowski said that without drinking he would have committed suicide !

maudlin perspicacity

tired beyond tired

(ed. on posting on reddit zen)

maudlin perspicacity

tired beyond tired

zakaj   writes

“ nowadays I don't even drink as much as a sip of wine

complete abstinence is what works for me, to keep life in balance

i would recommend this to everyone

absolute abstinence ”



I've been a teetotaler all my life and recently I have started drinking a glass of red wine a day by adding it to cooking !

I do think about how much I am drinking in a day and am careful to cut back if necessary, but I don't think I am a natural alcoholic and more than a glass makes me feel unpleasant

my view has moved away from complete abstinence to some notion of limited experience, which is a skill of course, in my view alcoholics simply haven't mastered the skill, though for some psychological/physiological make-ups moderation may not be possible !

basically I am using red wine productively as a supplement and self medication . .  if I move out of that into organ and brain damage then that transition probably occurs past a glass and a half a day imo

while I might preach about  “ limited experience ”  yet I have stopped posting on reddit zen and there's no halfway house, zero posting full stop !

I don't actually want to post any more, it has taught me quite abit and has been a lot less painful than the sort of real life mess that sort of contact would be . .  but in the end conversing with morons has lost it's appeal ! :o)

god they are dumb ! :o)

the basic limitation is they won't go outside of zen which condemns them to be lost in the voynich that zen mostly is ! :o)

I suppose it must have some similarities to an alcoholic not wanting to drink anymore, the prospect of more drinking seems repugnant, like me with reddit zen, it's not like I make a conscious decision not to post or follow some rule except that to post again is just to invite another onslaught of that repugnance ! ?

it may be that it's a fractal explosion, that I just am too weary or bored by ,  a returning circle with not much to teach me anymore

I feel the same about psychedelics actually, they are fraught with danger and ptsd's of various sorts and have nothing at all to teach me

and actually recently I wonder a bit about myself and the huge burden of knowledge and learning I undertake . .

“ we show that mutations, although necessary, cannot promote blood cancer development without an age-altered tissue  microenvironment   [...]

we need to work on maintaining the fitness of our tissue landscape in order to prevent cancer cells from taking over   (ed.  the compendium ! )

natural selection has provided us with a very effective mechanism to accomplish this maintenance until middle age ,  what comes after may be up to us ”

there is some rather sobering research recently about brain damage from cumulative non concussive blows to the head in sports including  “ heading the ball ”  in soccer !

sepehr g.  writes

. . . zen groups and discussions are always  “about”  zen... never  “ of ”  because the rave is far more comforting to them than the infinity of the solitude that deconstructs all thoughts



good last line !

people seem unable to leave their hubric central narcissism whereby the world revolves around and for them and everything gets turned into some nightmare of  f a k e  a b o u t   to service this illusory view they have of their importance in the scheme of things

I would suggest you have an oversimplified view of the universe ! :o)

procedures and ways of looking at things should be always open to modification depending on what works !

I would suggest you have an oversimplified view of the universe ! :o)

procedures and ways of looking at things are always open to modification depending on what works !

I would suggest you have an oversimplified view of the universe ! :o)

I would suggest you have an oversimplified view of the universe !

I would suggest you have an oversimplified view of the universe

the problem with the mentally dull is they don't explore anything !

the problem with the mentally dull is they don't explore anything

they just don't look around, borderline personality explains an awful lot about reality from a zen point of view, all those bpd monks ! :o)

pointing at the moon /oatgerm posts a dialogue titled

“ how can I cope with the struggle of day-to-day life ”

some-one asked  :   life and death is here, how am i to cope with it ?

the master repiles  :   where is it

my  reply

there in the box called suicide ! :o()

some  half-arsed crap  by rumi

at night, i open the window

and ask the moon to come

and press its face against mine

breathe into me

close the language-door

and open the love-window

the moon won't use the door

only the window

my  reply

rumi  you pathetic fake ,  fell the window, crush the door

flatten the world outside and don't be a sentiment whore !

zenthrowaway17 ,  you are toxic to yourself and toxic to others ! :o()

toxic to yourself and toxic to others ! :o()

today's zen is full of frauds and stupids, what  you  think is zen is a pipe dream !

the real zen of old was celibate and a lifetime's work

that's what it takes and if you don't want to do that then better walk away than get half baked ! :o)

it's a wide fun world and suburban zen is a toxic cesspool in one little corner ! :o)


everything is process and evolution, we are locked into making this as productive as possible for our lives . .

the other option is suicide, but the road there is radioactive and not to be taken if it can be avoided ! ..

there is nothing to hold onto, but we are still here aren't we ? ! :o)

the real zen is radioactive/ Chernobyl so to speak, but no detour into suicide is taken, there is a reason for that and that is the point of zen and the crowning glory of mysticism, but it's too hard for anything except celibacy ! :o)(

you rarely hear much sense on vaccines because of the massive liability issues involved !

what dr. wakefield said which doesn't seem so radical, but got him crucified is that if the measles and mumps are caught naturally within a year of each other there are permanent gut issues and you may get a similar effect with the mmr vaccine, especially if vitamin A levels are low and maybe also vitamin D

it is helpful to have vaccines spaced imo and research every one on the web before getting !

i'm not anti-vaccine, just the intelligent use thereof and the extremes from  “nothing wrong”  to  “everything wrong”  are both intellectually lazy and destructive !

zen has the same problem as  psychedelics ,  what is that problem ?

zen has the same problems as  psychedelics ,  what is that problem ?

the first rule of enlightenment, don't give the advice of others but use your own experience !

first rule of enlightenment, don't give the advice of others

but use your  own  experience  !

pointing at the moon/oatgerm  replies


you help almost no one with your cryptic messages!

I use my own experience to determine which books are actually pretty alright.

just like you do with your reading list? eh eh?

I'm not interested in befuddling people with my poorly chosen words.

your words may be better than mine, but they have the same problem!

everyone thinks you're insane!



if you were enlightened they wouldn't be cryptic, what can I say ?

it's not that you people can't be enlightened, but simply that you do not accept you are not and there is a lifetime's hard work ahead if you want to enter the process !





say ?


the thing about my reading  list  is those on it actually know what they are on about, the problem with the zen books you recommend is they are garbled, I am not saying there wasn't an authentic tradition and the great masters didn't know what they were on about, but that the records are distorted and you will never get enlightened sticking to zen texts but need to come from quality reading of the sort in my list and after enlightenment you can begin to devoynich and make sense of zen to its hopefully in some cases authentic sayings by authentic masters !

I am happy to be thought insane here, but in reality insanity itself is not a distinguishing characteristic, only the content is

so ,  amongst the insane what is sane insanity ? :o)

pointing at the moon  replies

. . .  because they aren't going to reach your level in a single complex sentence only someone who already gets it could get !



that's well put because it highlights the problem of zen texts, that is when these old zen sayings were said they had this moiled twisting turning nightmare of associations, cross references, and ouroboros like inversion and complexity

but that is lost in translations and the recording process which was often transcriptions that surfaced centuries later !

you and others here think that by quoting these masters they are actually laying hold of something in the nature of a foundation, but the reality is because of cultural loss of their medieval society meanings, the inadequate nature of translation itself and recording biases, is there is no foundation, it actually takes inspiration to cross the gap between these recordings and what was actually said and even then you may not have a bedrock eg dogen is every uneven and some of his stuff is quite mistaken, especially the earlier work

Dylan Thomas is not voynich, yet you promote inherently incomprehensible zen nonsense as the real thing, but your autistic welsh heritage has so much going right under you nose that you won't look at ! :o)

there is one position at which you can  get  it, as for the rest it is just appears as dreams that come and go . .


“  . . if your intention is to communicate your understanding, you aren't doing a good job! ”

it's a mistake to ever  “ intend ”  to improve another's understanding, one simply follows one's own interest, not intending development, but that may happen or one may be going relentlessly down a futile and barren road ! :o)

first rule of enlightenment, don't give the advice of others but use your own experience !

first rule of enlightenment, don't give the advice of others but use your own experience !

his_conscience  asks

does enlightenment  =  the end of suffering . . .

or does it mean the acceptance that suffering will always be there ?



it's not that suffering is always there, but  ‘reality’  by it's nature is incomplete !

being incomplete it is always searching for completeness which it never finds and this doesn't change for anyone, thing, or animate object ! :o)

joshu /zhaozhou starved in his last years, what does that tell you ?

it's quite simple really, meditation is a  beginning  stage that broadens into  a  “ contemplative tableau ”  !

‘ the east and west  mountains  walking on water ’  and  ‘ as the fragrant breeze comes in from the south, it is pleasant in the palace pavilion ’  are the same thing !

showmethemoons  asks

andrew, care elaborating what  ‘ mountains walking on water ’  means ?



so just this evening the east mountain was walking on the water  . .

on dusk or past sunset there was a huge frontal bank of clouds across the sky going north to south and traveling that way too . .

towering up like a long cliff or escarpment in the evening light

the wind whipped a bit but i zipped up my jacket and stayed and looked and looked  . .

it's quite simple really, meditation is a  beginning  stage that broadens into  a  “ contemplative tableau ”  !

‘ the east and west  mountains  walking on water ’  and  ‘ as the fragrant breeze comes in from the south, it is pleasant in the palace pavilion ’  are the same thing !

it's quite simple really, meditation is a beginning stage that broadens into  a  “ contemplative tableau ”  !

‘ the east and west mountains walking on water ’  and  ‘ as the fragrant breeze comes in from the south, it is pleasant in the palace pavilion ’  are the same thing !

oatgerm /pointing at the moon   writes

internal looking -

see far in.

look to the repetition;

of the same thing.

cyclic nature,

cyclic thoughts,

break the cycle !

back to nought.

prunck  replies

if you're back to nought, where did this poem come from ?



what is his poem that it came from somewhere ? ! :o)(

naught and not nought

prunck is caught ! :o)

a buji spewer sick in his cups

wanking to death

expecting no

s l u t s ! :o(

oatgerm /pointing at the moon   writes

internal looking -

see far in.

look to the repetition;

of the same thing.

cyclic nature,

cyclic thoughts,

break the cycle !

back to nought.



the pattern is the repetition

not the same thing at all










that would be the  rave  scene all over wouldn't it ! :o)

the euphronios  krater

F A K E S   L I K E   Y O U   J U ST   K E E P   L I N I N G  U P   F O R   M O R E

the truth is what you write is such bullshit even your brain rebels and is drawn to my stuff like a parched man to clear cool water ! :o)

the truth is what you write  (ed.  dry_erase_board)  is such bullshit even your brain rebels and is drawn to my stuff like a parched man to clear cool water ! :o)

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving   !   : o )

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving   !   : o)

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving  !  : o)

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving  !  :o)

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving ! :o)

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving ! :o)

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving !

putting your finger in a pond is not the same as free diving

i have walked over the farm alongside the inglis river at wynyard /table cape in tasmania that frederick matthias alexander grew up on, wonderful place to live if a little windy ! :o)

he certainly led an active and  interesting  life  !

a koan from the shinji shobogenzo,  book  3,  case  19

when master kyozan ejaku was master of tohei temple, master isan reiyu sent him a letter along with a mirror

the package arrived at the temple and master kyozan took it with him to the lecture hall, held up the mirror and said to his assembly

“ students, master isan sent this mirror and it has arrived here.  now i would like you to discuss this for a while

is this mirror isan's or is it tohei's ?  if you say this mirror is now tohei's, I will say it is a present from isan.  if you say it was sent from isan, I will say it is now in the master of tohei's hand

if you can show me the truth I will keep the mirror, if you cannot show me anything I will smash the mirror at once ”

he repeated this three times. none of the assembly could answer so the master smashed the mirror into pieces



what did the smashed mirror show  ?

monks on /r/zen, solve this for me, for joshu's sake  :  joshu gave out three problems to his monks

“ a mud-buddha cannot pass through water, a metal buddha cannot pass the furnace, a wooden buddha cannot pass through fire ”



you're just the usual zen wanker !

a bullshit Buddha passes through bullshit


alas, your apple cart is always upright ! : ~~~ o ( )

alas, your apple cart is always upright !

alas, your apple cart is always  upright

experience of other people  (ed. centers and hermits)  is always helpful, just keep your mouth shut about your real views that's all !

experience of other people is always helpful, just keep your mouth shut about your real views that's all !

a correspondent  asks

why is celibacy important ?

will i ever be enlightened ?



most people take their life's meaning from their families, relationships and children

if you don't have those then what meaning has life

so you start looking  . .

a correspondent  asks

why is celibacy important ?

will i ever be enlightened ?



most people take life's meaning from their families, relationships and children

if you don't have those then what meaning has life

so you start looking  . .

the church never recovered from the failure of the crusades, which was basically a lot of europe's best fighting men dead for the control of a bunch of stones

islam never suffered that sort of failure and doesn't have that background of discreditation amongst it's adherents !

hagiographization  is the unreal glamorization of the lives of supposed  “ holy figures ”  in a way that grossly distorts historical reality

so that idiots can live in some dream toxic fantasy of unreality  .  . :o) 

hagiographization is the unreal glamorization of the lives of supposed  “ holy figures ”  in a way that grossly distorts historical reality

so that idiots can live in some dream toxic fantasy of unreality  .  . :o) 

what about the wall you have built around yourself and the slave you have become to the idea of zen you have sculpted ?

what about the wall you have built around yourself and the slave you have become to the idea of zen you have sculpted ?

 pope francis addressing the curia december the 22nd 2014

those who build walls around themselves and who increasingly transform themselves into slaves of the idols they have sculpted with their own hands

from pope francis's  ‘ 15 points of criticism ’  of the curia christmas 2014


it's a bit late francis/jorge, look at the age of all these old  fogies  you are talking too !

zen has the same problem !

smellephant   replies

he forgot the disease of holiness



I don't think the curia suffers from that problem ,  it's  a  “ boys own club ”  !  :o)

I relate to francis/Jorge, he's wasting his time, the ship is already sunk, like spending time on reddit zen really ! :o)

those who build walls around themselves and who increasingly transform themselves into slaves of the idols they have sculpted with their own hands

from pope francis's  ‘ 15 points of criticism ’  of the curia ,  christmas 2014

Buddha is the  euhemerization  of the upanishads  “ brahman ”

basically Buddhism is just a cribbing and rehashing of the upanishads . .

grimm's is more real than that shit ! :o)

Buddha is the euhemerization of the upanishads  “ brahman ”

basically Buddhism is just a cribbing and rehashing of the upanishads . .

grimm's is more real than that shit ! :o)

Buddha is the euhemerization of the upanishads  “ brahman ”

basically Buddhism is just a cribbing and rehashing of the upanishads . .

grimm's is more real than that shit ! :o)

I may have done 40 feet once free diving, but basically the  “ le grande bleu ”  is about the deliberate damage of your brain and organs !

buddha /god /brahman are much more of the pysch ward than the normal world ! :o)

buddha /god /brahma are much more of the pysch ward than the normal world ! :o)

buddha /god /brahma are much more in the pysch ward than the normal world ! :o)

buddha and god are much more of the pysch ward than the normal world ! :o)

buddha and god are much more in the pysch ward than the normal world ! :o)

buddha is much more in the pysch ward than the normal world   !   : o )

buddha is much more in the pysch ward than the normal world   !   : o)

buddha is much more in the pysch ward than the normal world  !  :o)

buddha is much more in the pysch ward than the normal world ! :o)

buddha is much more in the pysch ward than the normal world ! :o)

buddha is much more in the pysch ward than the normal world !

buddha is much more in the pysch ward than the normal world

the secret of making message boards productive is to extend yourself each time you post so you leave a different person than before you made that post !

an exploration of what you don't know, rather than a reinforcement of what you suppose you know !

the secret of making message boards productive is to extend yourself each time you post so you leave a different person than before you made that post !

an exploration of what you don't know, rather than a reinforcement of what you do know !

by the lights of normality what i write is bizarre,  by the lights of infinity,  it is normal  !  :o)

by the lights of normality what i write is bizarre, by the lights of infinity, it is normal  !  :o)

by the lights of normality what i write is bizarre, by the lights of infinity, it is normal ! :o)

by the lights of normality what i write is bizarre, by the lights of infinity, it is normal  !

by the lights of normality what i write is bizarre, by the lights of infinity, it is normal !

by the lights of normality what i write is bizarre, by the lights of infinity, it is normal

60 million years to  evolve  from nocturnal to daylight  vision  !

“ the experimental and quantum chemical analyses show that  4,008  of all  5,040  possible evolutionary trajectories  (ed.  of the conversion of the UV sensitive pigment to blue absorbing )  are terminated prematurely by containing a dehydrated nonfunctional pigment ”

the approval of the world is meaningless,  the disapproval is not  !  : o ) (

the approval of the world is meaningless,  the disapproval is not  !  : o )(

the approval of the world is meaningless,  the disapproval is not  !  : o )

the approval of the world is meaningless,  the disapproval is not  !  : o)

the approval of the world is meaningless,  the disapproval is not  !  :o)

the approval of the world is meaningless, the disapproval is not  !  :o)

the approval of the world is meaningless, the disapproval is not !

the approval of the world is meaningless, the disapproval is not

the sun spews me and the moon spit me   !   : o )

the sun spews me and the moon spit me  !  : o )

the sun spews me and the moon spit me  !  : o)

the sun spews me and the moon spit me  !  :o)

the sun spews me and the moon spit me ! :o)

the sun spews me and the moon spit me ! :o)

the sun spews me and the moon spit me  !

the sun spews me and the moon spit me !

the sun spews me and the moon spit me

quote  from the vivekachudamani

brahman is the only truth

the world is unreal, and

there is ultimately no difference between

brahman and atman, individual self



brahman is bullshit

the world is real and unreal

there is ultimately a moiled difference and indifference between brahman, atman and our individual selves    . . 

we imagine we are in a common reference frame we call reality, and not /but not a swirling moil of an impossible combination  (synthesis /syntheses !)  of several conciousness's  . .

we imagine we are in a common reference frame we call reality, and not /but not a swirling moil of an impossible combination /synthesis of several conciousness's  . .

we imagine we are in a common reference frame we call reality, and not /but not a swirling moil of an impossible combination of several conciousness's in one ghastly and fragmentary co-incidences  . .

we imagine we are in a common reference frame we call reality, and not /but not a swirling moil of an impossible combination of several conciousness's  . .

we imagine we are in a common reference frame we call reality, and not /but not a swirling moil of a synthesis of several conciousness's  . .

a yunmen  quote

.. idle away your time bumming around in the provinces and loitering in the districts, wandering thousands of miles with your staff across your shoulders, spending a winter here and a summer there enjoying the beautiful mountains and rivers and doing whatever you feel like, being provided with plenty of donated food and easily obtaining worldly possessions . . .

my  reply

that would be the enlightened life ! :o)

a yunmen  quote

.. idle away your time bumming around in the provinces and loitering in the districts, wandering thousands of miles with your staff across your shoulders, spending a winter here and a summer there enjoying the beautiful mountains and rivers and doing whatever you feel like, being provided with plenty of donated food and easily obtaining worldly possessions . . .

my  reply

that would be the enlightened life ! :o)

man in front of a chopping block saying his last words to the crowd

what meaning has life that it ends like this, everything ceases  !  : o()

man in front of a chopping block saying his last words to the crowd

what meaning has life that it ends like this, everything ceases ! :o()

man in front of a chopping block saying his last words to the crowd

what meaning has life that it ends like this, everything ceases ! :o()

huis  clos  /in camera / no exit  (1964,  harold pinter as garcin, jane arden as inez, katherine woodville as estelle, and jonathan hansen as the valet, very good  production ,  being in english helps alot !

holy    fool

dumb as . .

shakyamuni is just a fairy tale character . .

just endless made up stories over many many generations

all as boring as s h i t ! : o(

it's best to  taper  off smoking and not go cold turkey !

running a buzz saw through your gene expression is not healthy !

tapering is a basic life skill ,  we all do it even those abstinent or moderate in use  !

addiction is not addiction per se but having inadequate tapering skills  !  :o)


the basic upshot is that the gene expression is hugely changed to minimise the damage due to smoking so you need to step quietly back out so there's no buzz saw effect !

very similar to alcoholism and the need to taper off !

having been a teetotaler all my life and now including up to three quarters of a glass of cabernet sauvignon in cooking, I notice my tapering back and forth between larger and smaller amounts and think this is the natural process of a non addict with respect to chemicals, not my hyperlexia of course ! :o)


since a lot of the epigenetic changes are tied up in smoke combustion products, it is likely that vaping is far less inductive of such changes !

“ the epigenetic modifications are likely not caused by substances in the tobacco, but by the   hundreds  of different elements that are formed when the tobacco is burnt ”

epigenetic changes are a bit different from more reversible gene expression changes, but are an indication of the areas of remedy

the best endpoint for some smokers may not be complete abstinence from tobacco but low dose vaporization use

it's best to  taper  off smoking and not go cold turkey !

running a buzz saw through your gene expression is not healthy !

tapering is a basic life skill ,  we all do it even those abstinent or moderate in use  !

addiction is not addiction per se but having inadequate tapering skills  !  :o)

it's best to taper off smoking and not go cold turkey !

running a buzz saw through your gene expression is not healthy !

tapering is a basic life skill, we all do it even those abstinent or moderate in use  !

addiction is not addiction per se but having inadequate tapering skills  !  :o)

it's best to taper off smoking and not go cold turkey !

running a buzz saw through your gene expression is not healthy !

tapering is a basic life skill, we all do it even those abstinent or moderate in use !

addiction is not addiction per se but having inadequate tapering skills  !  :o)

it's best to taper off smoking and not go cold turkey !

running a buzz saw through your gene expression is not healthy !

tapering is a basic life skill, we all do it even those abstinent or moderate in use  !

addiction is not addiction per se but having inadequate tapering skills ! :o)

it's best to taper off smoking and not go cold turkey !

running a buzz saw through your gene expression is not healthy !

tapering is a basic life skill, we all do it even those abstinent or moderate in use !

addiction is not addiction per se but having inadequate tapering skills ! :o)

the secret of making message boards productive is to extend yourself each time you post so you leave a different person than before you made that post !

so that you develop a bit !

the secret of making reddit zen productive is to extend yourself each time you post so you leave a different person than before you made that post !

so that you develop a bit !

the secret of making reddit zen productive is to extend yourself each time you post so you leave a different person than before you made that post !

you have  developed  a bit by saying that, the secret of making reddit zen productive is to extend yourself each time you post so you leave a different person than before you made that post !

do you notice how you just have opinions and understand so little of what you might reason internally that detailed comment is beyond you ?

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction   !   : o (

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction   !   : o )

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction  !  : o (

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction  !  : o )

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction  !  : o )(

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction  !  : o)(

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction ! :o)(

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction !

i'm like a perseverative train going 90 miles an hour in the wrong direction

my  reply  to susan mccallum of the springwater zen center

today's younger generation are so wrecked by drugs, poor diet and hubricity that centers will be hard pressed to get enough new staff to survive

zen has collapsed and teachers in the neo-advaita/ non duality area/arena/spectrum are taking most of what interest there is

springwater needs a strong web presence and to be well known to continue . .

it never ceases to amaze me the way things have changed in 20 years . . :o)

the problem is that those not being enlightened don't know what is consistent in terms of enlightenment and what is not !

the problem is that yourself not being enlightened, you don't know what is consistent in terms of enlightenment and what is not !

I trust dogen more on rujing than rujing's students who by and large will be the distorting idiots of the type that infests reddit zen ! :o)

stylistically dogen  “ scripts ” ,  I don't think you can call that plagiarism

therapy is just a chat with some-one who understands less about you than you do ! :o)

zen is so rotten with borderline personality schizophrenic's ! :o(

zen is rotten with borderline personality schizophrenic's ! :o(

you're another borderline personality schizophrenic that zen is so rotten with ! :o(

you're another borderline personality schizophrenic that zen is so rotten with ! :o(

you're another borderline personality schizophrenic that zen is so rotten with

ewk  this  is what I mean by you  not researching properly !

there is no reason to question eihei dogen's account of his travels in china and they were likely sponsored through a leading political figure as befits his extremely good clan connections !

I don't think in any sense you can call dogen a  “ con artist ”  except in the usual sense of partially enlightened people thinking dia kensho can be trained or brought on by some system ..............

you just don't like dogen because of his visionary nature and emphasis on dia kensho which you have never had and so blather around like a retarded dimwit try to fit zen to your Judeo-Christian scriptural template !

yes I know  “ retarded ”  is not politically correct ! : o ) (

enlightenment is simply understanding how life really is, but the catch is you have to come through the hoop of  “ right structured abnormality ”  and not the usual suburban path the fools think they can take ! : o (  )

you are enlightened when a pack of twits follows you around on reddit zen and votes you down to try and get you to leave ! : o )

enlightenment is simply understanding how life really is, but the catch is you have to come through the hoop of  “ right structured abnormality ”  and not the usual suburban path the fools think they can take ! : o (  )

zen has always been too obscure and contrary to ever have popular appeal, so historically it was embedded in Buddhism and to some extent Daoism

contexts change and today's world with the internet and a hermitic ability that doesn't need a monastic environment you can pretty well decouple zen from buddhism !

it's not how you think it should be, but how you find it  !  :o)

it's not how you think it should be, but how you find it ! :o)

it's not how you think it should be, but how you find it !

it's not how you think it should be, but how you find it

when writing you just have to let go what you think you understand and let the real stuff flow which often will not make sense to you or even seem contrary to how you think it should be !

clever and well  done ,  however I preferred the previous  poem  as less fitting the usual bullshit zen/non duality template you seem to roll in you just have to let go what you think you understand and let the real stuff flow which often will not make sense to you or even seem contrary to how you think it should be !

today’s younger generation are so wrecked by drugs, poor diet and hubricity that the smaller buddhist and similar centers will be hard pressed to get enough new staff and members to survive

zen has collapsed and teachers in the neo-advaita/ non duality area/arena/spectrum are taking most of what interest there is and they are usually based in their homes

i used to listen endlessly to toni packer’s talks until I started to understand where she was coming from, the fluidity of no fixed position

the criticism of toni i might make is the way she volunteered her life away for the center, but that’s a life issue with all who get involved in this sort of thing

she actually cared about staff at the center and was an extremely competent  “ business manager ” ,  and very open to discussion on issues, not usual attributes at these places

one interesting thing was she hated publicity and valued her privacy doing very little in the way of promotion of herself and the center !

there is always the weirdness of her having lived through  WW2  in germany as half jewish  ( her father being the german half kept her mother from the gas chambers, the other way around was much more  problematic )

i remember being with her and kyle on a hill near where they lived looking at of all things  a  B-17   ‘flying fortress’  bomber flying in the distance and wondering how she felt about that ! ?

she did say the family discovered after the war that their names were on a  “ death list ”

the reality of  “ teachers ”  or  ‘ teaching ’  is more the deafness of the so called students   .   .

my honest opinion is you actually cannot teach, the requirements for progress are way too demanding for the usual life attitudes and the degree of life involvement required, and  “ teaching ”  just degenerates into some fancy show of endless bullshit   .   .

‘normality’  is just a perspective and often a very wrong one

r1            r2

blueledbulb  asks  for the forth line of this gatha

there is a turtle-nosed serpent in the pool of fang-shui monastery

if you approach it with intention you will be laughed at.

who can pull out this serpent's head ?

my   reply

xuan wu stumbled backwards, tripping over the turtle nose !

ed.   ‘ one  allusion  of the turtle nosed serpent refers to xuan wu or the black  warrior  in chinese mythology  (black tortoise entwined with a snake; one representing longevity, the other,  wisdom - prajna) ’

blueledbulb  states / asks 

interesting.  what happened next ?

my  reply

that's the completing fourth line ! :o)

800 years  later  ! :o)

one emerges from the enlightenment experience with a very changed outlook, nothing can simulate it  !  :o)

blueledbulb  replies

talk about the change in the outlook

my  reply

now toni packer had dai kensho, look at the  video  and she how she approaches things, very fuzzy and non definitive, testing out the shapes of sense and meaning !

reading john of the cross really helped get me enlightened  !  : o )

reading john of the cross really helped get me enlightened  !  : o)

reading john of the cross really helped get me enlightened  !  :o)

reading john of the cross really helped get me enlightened ! :o)

blueledbulb  replies

share with us your enlightenment verse

I would like to verify whether your enlightenment is fake or not



well being enlightened I can tell not only are you not enlightened, but you never will be . .

there have been words with most enlightenment experiences I have had, but never verses

the words that came with the 6th patriarch dai kensho were

“ all things are a manifestation of the buddha dharma  ”

which basically means this/the world is a manisfestation of infinity, it is important to understand that this is very different from identity which is the usual Buddhist and neo advaita/non duality claim !  . .

all the fakes pissing into their mouths like you ! :o)

and for ewk who asks sometimes if it was in 7th to 8th century chinese, the vision is something that opens up and then collapses and you are left holding some words in English ! :o)

one emerges from the enlightenment experience with a very changed outlook, nothing can simulate it ! :o)

reading john of the cross really helped get me enlightened ! :o)

reading john of the cross really helped get me enlightened ! :o)

sepehr g.    writes

my dreams have taken me to that  direction  but not my physical body's actions in waking life, so what does that mean?

I have lately had unfathomable dreams... one of them involved me experiencing everything from my dream characters' perspectives, such as their feelings and sights. I hear poems too in the dreams and so...



well this being able to have dreams that are sort of rational from the view of thought processing  is  something I have only experienced recently and supposedly is sorta super advanced from a spiritual point of view . . .

so in that respect you have a savant ability in which case you can only see where it leads . .

the less optimistic side is that remembering dreams and being a bit conscious in the dream state is a symptom of sleep not being deep enough . .

just keep writing stuff down ! :o()

songhill  quotes  from a sutta   (M. i. 283)

“ he beholds the self purified of all these evil unskilled states, he beholds the self freed ”



“ he beholds himself somewhat skilled in sorting out what life is about and this is freedom of a sort ! ”

just as well you have a genuine enlightened being to clarify this for you ! :o)

huangbo is like dogen, uneven !

“ people complain that I  (ed.  ewk )  condemn religion, but this isn't accurate

I just say that religion and faith are not zen ”

religion is a heath robinson machine claiming to be more

than a heath robinson machine  !  : o )

“ people complain that I  (ed.  ewk )  condemn religion, but this isn't accurate

I just say that religion and faith are not zen ”

religion is a heath robinson machine claiming to be more

than a heath robinson machine  !  : o)

“ people complain that I  (ed.  ewk )  condemn religion, but this isn't accurate

I just say that religion and faith are not zen ”

religion is a heath robinson machine claiming to be more

than a heath robinson machine  !  :o)

“ people complain that I  (ed.  ewk )  condemn religion, but this isn't accurate

I just say that religion and faith are not zen ”

religion is a heath robinson machine claiming to be more

than a heath robinson machine ! :o)

“ people complain that I  (ed.  ewk )  condemn religion, but this isn't accurate

I just say that religion and faith are not zen ”

religion is a heath robinson machine claiming to be more than a heath robinson machine ! :o)

toni packer and joan tollifson in  conversation

“ the self is just a construction of thought ”

an  upset  songhill   replies

“ he beholds the self purified of all these evil unskilled states, he beholds the self freed ”



“ he beholds himself somewhat skilled in sorting out what life is about and this is freedom of a sort ! ”

just as well you have a genuine enlightened being to clarify this for you ! :o)

toni packer and joan tollifson in  conversation

“ the self is just a construction of thought ”

shikantaza meditation is a combination of just observing /noticing what happens and thinking things through !

it needn't be seated at all and could be a walk !

unless you are also doing some   quality   reading to give perspective you will get really screwed up and as hardly anyone does any quality reading but wallow in the likes of bullshit artists like alan watts, most get really screwed up ! :o)

a particularly good  documentary  on massai lion hunters, i don't know why it is so good, perhaps because what is effectively an iron age culture is in drastic transition ! ?

it follows the intiation of a new generation of massai worriers and lion hunters who are no longer allowed to hunt lions !

already the lions numbers are down so low that the distinct genetics in this area are severely compromised ! :o(

when the tongues of flames are in - folded

t.s. eliot   ‘ little gidding ’

when the tongues of flames are in-folded

t.s. eliot   ‘ little gidding ’

when the tongues of flames are in ‑ folded

t.s. eliot   ‘ little gidding ’

when the tongues of flames are in-folded

t.s. eliot   ‘ little gidding ’

from d. t. suzuki's translation of bodhidharma

[...]   when your mind is like unto a straight standing wall you may enter into the path

my   reply

joshu's stone bridge, sorta, maybe not as elegant !

: o )(

“ looking for zazen instructions in ch'an/chinese zen ”

站 在 你 的 頭

“ new floor covering can lead to breathing  problems  in babies

pollutant levels before birth are apparently more critical than after ”

I think the problem with enlightenment is the real process  is to step entirely into the whirling swirl of insanity that life really is

it is an estrangement from social boundaries and personal borders

little wonder so few are prepared to step there ! :o)(

I think the problem with enlightenment is the real process is to step entirely

into the whirling swirl of insanity that life really is

it is an estrangement from social boundaries and personal borders

little wonder so few are prepared to step there  !  :o)(

I think the problem with enlightenment is the real process is to step entirely

into the whirling swirl of insanity that life really is

it is an estrangement from social boundaries and personal borders

little wonder so few are prepared to step there ! :o)(

I think the problem with enlightenment is the real process is to step entirely into the whirling swirl of insanity that life really is

it is an estrangement from social boundaries and personal borders

little wonder so few are prepared to step there ! :o)(

“ late clamping of the umbilical cord increases the anti-oxidant capacity of mature newborns, and the moderation of inflammatory effects in the case of those born from induced labour ”

2  minutes  versus  10  seconds  !

‘ retarded ’  is also a  relative  term in relation to ourselves like  “ I must have been retarded to do that ! ”

“ anti-intellectualism ”  for example is not stupidity or unintelligence per say, but a blinkering so as not to see an important and wonderful aspect of life . . !

when people diss  “ the four quartets ”  which is a koan even in the title and promote pissy translations of mazu over eliot the what other word is there apart from retard ! ?

I can see and accept the retardation in myself and observe it in human life as a whole so I have no issues with the term, you don't which is why it snarls on you !

smellephant  replies

[...]   that toleration of its use  ( ed.  of the word  ‘retard’ )  here in the forum has been held up as an example of the overall failure of moderation to promote healthy discourse



the discourse on reddit zen is by and large extremely toxic and unhealthy, just endless blather and crap while claiming to be about zen

the use of the word  retard  by contrast is extremely healthy, useful and to the point

you are plain retarded crazy, not only have you got what zen is about wrong, but you move fast in the opposite direction while flinging out the bullshit like you just wrote

you're a sick mentally ill animal, what can I say ?

get enlightened . . then 30 years later you will have a few clues !

there's this very fundamental grand canyon between us, me who is enlightened and knows what it about and you moving in the opposite direction ,  r e a l l y  w h a t  c a n  I  s a y ?

you see it in the masters dialogues, there is no compromise between the enlightened viewpoint and the crazy  ‘ retarded  ‘ stupidity of the unelightened . . .

reddit zen is a forum of unenlightened slack arses pretending to be enlightened, well . . .


from the enlightened viewpoint you look plain crazy

from the suburban viewpoint it's you who look sane and me crazy

does that make it clear to you ?

basically you and almost everyone else here says I am crazy and they speak from the suburban  “buji”  viewpoint

and I speaking from the enlightened viewpoint am saying you are all crazy . .

no-one speaks for and from infinity, I feel I have to do it . . .

if you are not enlightened you won't understand this :o(

reply  to healthspin

god I hope this gets through to you, no point in going through life like  TRAVIS

healthspin  replies/asks  in his phoney way ! :o(

is there a way of going through life in which a  “ point ”  to it is created?

there's a problem to be solved and it's solution gives a  “ point ”  to life as you put it, it is not all vacant nihilism at all !


travis is the human condition it speaks volumes that you still haven't looked at the video yet, like travis you think that your own views are sufficient and always right ! :o(

joshu spent a celibate lifetime travelling and working this out, but the geniuses on reddit zen have an instant understanding which apparently comes in the short break between taking drugs, drinking or smoking pot and not playing some computer game

  bethells beach ,  west coast, auckland, new zealand

i think i walked up to where the photo was taken from

rather unique that area

your so called zen is just a moron clod buried in decaying refuse with a monkey pimping seagulls that fly away ,  their beaks grasping decaying human flesh

everything is about you and your blinkers

t. s. eliot  reading  his four  quartets

go, go, go, said the bird  :   human kind

cannot bear very much reality


and the lotos rose, quietly, quietly,

the surface glittered out of heart of light

and they were behind us, reflected in the pool

then a cloud passed, and the pool was empty


burnt   norton

there is a striking lack of originality in religious people

we are just machines designed to perpetuate ourselves

the sewer of what some do with their time and their own hubris have created traps for them

i have been doing some research on borderline personality disorder, it fits some people i know and to a lesser extent myself, sorta the florid side of autism so to speak !

god is beyond god

people's appetite for rubbish is no more amazing than their dislike for what is not rubbish

the human animal in the social context is a murderous bullshitter, by themselves they are not so bad

just fuck  off, i’m sick of  BPD stupids  like you, no understanding of zen let alone any real life experience and taint my good writing by appending their semen and urine to what I write

the words of another coming across time and space

are illuminating

they don’t put bread on the table

they take it from the table

but those realms take us from the crowds and are of infinity

the words of another coming across time and space

are illuminating

they don’t put bread on the table, indeed the opposite

but those realms take us from the crowds and are of infinity

a  hafiz quote

‘ last night, from the cypress branch, the nightingale sang

in old persian tones, the lesson of spiritual stations ’

in the moonlight

from within the cypress

ancient tones, the cycle of life reoccurs

a  hafiz quote

‘ because of the cycle of the universe, my heart is bleeding ’

the universe topsy turves, wrecking me

‘ because of the cycle of the universe, my heart is bleeding ’

the universe topsy turves, leaving me wrecked and bleeding

reading won’t save us from death

and reading won’t free us from want

so why this love of literacy

the literate are better than others

a man unable to read

never finds any peace

squeeze garlic juice in your crowfoot

and you’ll forget the bitterness

red pine’s translation of stonehouse

can reading save one from death

can reading free us from want

so why this love of literacy

the literate are better than others

a man unable to read

where can he find peace

squeeze garlic in your crowfoot

and you’ll forget the bitterness

marker’s modified translation

my   ‘ re-statement ’

the words of another coming across time and space

are illuminating

they don't put bread on the table, indeed the opposite

but those realms take us from the crowds and are of



“ now some zen monks have asked me  (ed. stonehose)  to record what I find of interest on this mountain

i’ve sat here quietly and let my brush fly  .  .  .  suddenly this volume is full

I close it and send it back down with the admonition not to try singing these poems

only if you sit on them will they do you any good ”

he means contemplate and think about them, some of these translators are retarded !

‘sit’  is the borderline personality disorder modification since they (you !) cannot understand external works and objectification they think everything has to revolve around them, so stonehouse's poems are mutated into some bizarre travesty of what is quite straightforward !

chachuu  replies 

agreed.  those who sing think they are contemplating as well, but sitting on them makes it even more embodied !



can't stop you being stupid or bpd can I ?

by singing he no doubt means the stupid chanting that people must have tended to do then !

‘ embodied ’  is just more bpd crazy, some imaginary bedroot or toxic rock of stupidity !

“ now some zen monks have asked me  (ed. stonehose)  to record what I find of interest on this mountain.  I've sat here quietly and let my brush fly.  suddenly this volume is full.  I close it and send it back down with the admonition not to try singing these poems.  only if you sit on them will they do you any good ”

he means contemplate and think about them, some of these translators are retarded !

‘sit’  is the borderline personality disorder modification since they (you !) cannot understand external works and objectification they think everything has to revolve around them, so stonehouse's poems are mutated into some bizarre travesty of what is quite straightforward !

huh,  tilopa  was a pimp and visionary ! :o)

“ tilopa started to work at a brothel in bengal for a prostitute called dharima as her solicitor and bouncer.  during the day, he was grinding sesame seeds for his living

during a meditation, he received a vision of vajradhara and, according to legend, the entirety of mahamudra was directly transmitted to tilopa ”

joshu's  bow

a monk asked  :   when the mind does not dwell upon anything  ‑  what is that like ?

joshu replied  :   it is living.  it is not being taken in by distinctions

the monk asked again  :   how can one manage not to be taken in by distinctions ?

joshu immediately bowed his head

yoel yoffman  ‘ radical zen; sayings of joshu ’  saying  366

someone asked  :   how is the mind when it does not stop and does not reside on anything ?

the teacher replied  :   it is alive.  it is that which does not cause mind nor knowledge to exist

the person then asked  :   how can one achieve  ‘ not causing the mind nor knowledge to exist ’  ?

the teacher then bowed his head

‘ truthier's ’  translation



to be vacant and drift with the breeze is to live and not die . .

bowed by circumstances, all things collapse ! : o(

I think it would be of benefit to you  (ed. has autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis with only  .5%  B-12  absorption and pancreatic cells growing in the stomach!)  to do some web research as to what people living with the condition do, there may be simple things like trying to always keep food in the stomach  (I have no idea !)  to complement the medical interventions you are already getting !

my own experience is that seemingly intractable medical conditions are reasonably plastic and responsive to a broad based approach that includes intelligent dietary and lifestyle changes with supplementation as appropriate !

my own experience is that seemingly intractable medical conditions are reasonably plastic and responsive to a broad based approach that includes intelligent dietary and lifestyle changes with supplementation as appropriate !

it's quite interesting with the new research showing how literally physically damaging poor quality and insufficient sleep is to both the body and brain !

the basic principle of the  scd  and  bcd  diets is that grains and potatoes and some other foods become an energy source for bad gut flora

this happens in people who have poor control of their gut flora !

so you have to greatly reduce or even eliminate foods that do this !

I really would suggest you look further into these diets because medicine simply has no real answers for this problem !

you can spend a lifetime trying to sort this out yourself, I know it's disturbing to find yourself on the edge of a major health issue, but this was situation I found myself in and it has taken many years to sort out, but instead of IBS I am doing well ! :o)

yup, would be interested in how it goes for you :o) ,  looking at stools is quite important, that's the real guide to how well you are doing !

another thing to watch is bad viruses usually cause stomach and digestive upset as well, makes it harder to tell what is actually happening, enzymes do make this sort of disruption shorter !


there can be a lot of hostility especially from medical quarters to this approach, but the meds and operations approach that medicine offers is crucifying and when you can, with the work and attention the BCD and SCD approach requires, get a near normal life then it's a no brainer !

basically you have a life long problem and it's always going to require a lot of attention and work, if you don't do that the consequences are not nice, a slow downward spiral . .

understand the theory, try things, be experimental, you have been set on a different road, it needs to be made to work . .

don't expect any support from others and in fact people can be quite anti . .

interestingly these people so promoting of the medical model which often includes the gfcf diet don't realize it is a stripped down version of the scd diet, but stripped in a stupid non working way !

“ zen and christianity, how is budhhahood different or similar from sainthood ”

was mother Teresa a saint or a buddha ?

or a festering atheist sore the catholic church is keen to get rid of /bury

or an enlightened sage that has all the answers for the future direction of the church ?

chachuu  answers/states

she was a financial advisor who allocated the funds of the wealthy towards socially acceptable, tax protected ventures

my  reply

catholic church finances are mafia like and she was certainly part of the machine, but I think you are doing her an injustice, there really was something to her and the church has no intention of making her a saint because of her atheism despite popular demand !

to me she's a modern saint/buddha, very ambiguous and flawed, but all the same free because of her celibacy to sort things out as she developed only to become trapped in what she had created !


I do feel her heart was not in  helping the poor  so to speak, that is her life's work was an unhappy situation for her, something she got locked into and couldn't get out of . .

sort of a mimic of the christian saints like Teresa of avila but not in the right way.  .

in short an utterly screwed up life, you have to have seen this happen to yourself to relate to it . .

I don't expect reddit zen to understand her as an enlightened zen master, but she w a s !  . .

the hubricity of reddit zen is all ego projection and denial . .

was mother Teresa a saint or a buddha ?

or a festering atheist sore the catholic church is keen to get rid of /bury

or an enlightened sage that has all the answers for the future direction of the church ?

a quote  by  marsha linehan

dialectics is an assumption that the fundamental nature of reality is change and process rather than content or structure

quite a good  read ,  drugs, sex, Buddhism, bpd and dialectical behavior therapy !


the brain tries to  fit  sounds to sounds it already knows, the unusual silence may have upset the normal processing and one of the most common sound images you know got triggered ?

when tapering off an alcohoic habit you get a feel for how fast you can go, no point in it being unpleasant !

with alcoholism you are self medicating, maybe one or two standard drinks a day with large meals is beneficial, just taper down to that over several weeks or so if you are able to

red wine is the healthiest drink and freezes really well into an ice slush and alcohol rich liquid, you have to take evenly from both to get your  ‘ standard drink ’

eating too close to bed is bad news

“ zen  :  a coherent theory of reality ”

chasing the ouroboros tail  !  :o)

it's the motion that defines it  !

: o)

“ zen  :  a coherent theory of reality ”

chasing the ouroboros tail ! :o)

it's the motion that defines it !

: o)

“ zen  :  a coherent theory of reality ”

chasing the ouroboros tail ! :o)

it's the motion that defines it

“ zen  :  a coherent theory of reality ”

chasing the ouroboros tail ! :o)

joshu et al don't say ,  ‘ the old masters said ’ ,  they say investigate and speak from your own insight and contact with infinity . .

that contact is un mistakable . .

when you have that contact you will be able to handle me, not before ! :o)

the basic zen experience  ‘ dai kensho ’  is visionary, what can I say  ?

the basic zen experience  ‘ dai kensho ’  is visionary, what can I say ?

the basic zen experience    dai kensho   is visionary, what can I say ?

the basic zen experience    dai kensho   is visionary, what can I say ?

the basic zen experience  “ dai kensho ”  is visionary, what can I say ?

there's an entire  branch  of therapy founded on a visionary experience, it's actually pretty zen like ! :o)

dialectical behavior therapy

“ one night I was kneeling in the chapel, looking up at the cross, and the whole place became gold  ‑  and suddenly I felt something coming toward me

it was this shimmering experience, and I just ran back to my room and said ,  ‘ I love myself ’

it was the first time I remember talking to myself in the first person

I felt transformed ”

plasticbuddhajesus  replies/asks

isn't dialectical behavior used to treat borderline personality disorder ?  interesting



the recovery process is exactly the same as zen, the structural brain differences that give rise to these  “ disorders/reorders ”  require constant lifelong work to create new more functional theories of mind to get past the non functional hubris that for example ,  the posters on reddit zen are so typical of !

I think the difference with zen is that reconstruction extends into creating a more /ultimately coherent theory of reality !

marsha linehan is catholic and really she is speaking straight from john of the cross and other mystics !

when you get hit  between  the eyes, it's like stripping the varnish off, one/you see what's underneath  !  :o(

when you get hit between the eyes, it's like stripping the varnish off, one/you see what's underneath  !  :o(

when you get hit between the eyes, it's like stripping the varnish off, one/you see what's underneath ! :o(

when you get hit between the eyes, it's like stripping the varnish off, one/you see what's underneath

why you  (ed.  ewk)  don't like hakuin is he blurs art and zen !

see in the end it's all blurry, art and zen, writing and zen, poetry and zen/ch'an, philosophy and zen, quality mystical religion and zen /ch'an . .

the only thing really unique about zen is a smattering of long lived, life time celibate monks who who have worked things out with diligence and know how to talk about it !

hakuin was one of those !

your own normality is an illusion I am afraid  !  : o )

your own normality is an illusion I am afraid  !  : o)

your own normality is an illusion I am afraid  !  :o)

negativegpa  replies

I'd call normality more of a construct than an illusion



a construct of what ?

a non illusion of what ?

your own normality is an illusion I am afraid  !  :o)

your own normality is an illusion I am afraid ! :o)

your own normality is an illusion I am afraid ! :o)

your own normality is an illusion I am afraid !

your own normality is an illusion

“ don't downvote andrew

he isn't any more delusional than the rest of us ”

my  reply

it's because I am not delusional that I get downvoted  !  :o)

“ don't downvote andrew

he isn't any more delusional than the rest of us ”

my  reply

it's because I am not delusional that I get downvoted ! :o)

who'd be a warthog ?

all the time you have to avoid being eaten !




who'd be a warthog ?

every day  something  is trying to eat you !

“ sleep  deprivation  causes the damage to cells, especially in the liver, lung, and small intestine

recovery sleep following deprivation heals the damage  [ . . .]  restores the balance between, among other parameters, DNA damage and repair ”

annemarie  schwarzenbach ,  an ada   [   I ,  II   ]   like life

carson mccullers had an unrequited love for her ! ..

nietzsche likely had cerebral autosomal dominant  arteriopathy  (with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)  and not syphilis !

his father died at 36 of a similar condition !

i think carson mccullers suffered from a similar condition. .

being doomed colours your outlook  (on life !)  i guess ! :o)(

chalres bukowski's  poem  on her, interesting because it is not factual about her death, but sorta  (of !)  traces out the  more real space of it ! :o()

nietzsche likely had cerebral autosomal dominant  arteriopathy  (with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)  and not syphilis !

his father died at 36 of a similar condition !

smellephant   writes

there is a lot of anti-intellectualism in western zen though and it is a big problem.  I don't think the work can be done without having some intellectual background.  there is a big problem here that the  “ just sit ”  soto types turn their backs on   [...]



yeah eihei dogen is very very intellectual and really the great masters  are all performance art ,  hakuin i find very interesting because he took upon himself the mission of rescuing zen from obscurity and trying to wrest congregations from pure land Buddhism which seems to be an ongoing historical struggle of sorts . . . : o)(

the problem with zen and its constant historical bedevilment with  fakes  is that narcissistic and borderline personalities take zen to be some hubric aggrandizement/validation of themselves because of the intense solipsism which zen is at its core and famous for . .

so people  “ just sit ”  or whatever and being their narcissistic selves, this is somehow sufficient . . .

but actually zen done truly is both a combination of this and external works

which is really really not understood or liked . .

this can be anything, from an intelligent home life on the suburban side and the performance art of the old zen dialogues between master and student . .

but all the same there is this competence of  “ external works ”  (failure of course too and maybe even in the major part ! )

but today's hubric and narcissistic personalities just collapse into a hopeless nihilism, like there's   ‘ nothing to do ’  with the subtext  “ my narcissistic and bpd self is wonderful and the world is so right if I just continue with my usual crap . . ”

reddit zen just gets a constant influx of these people who have read a bit of alan watts or whatever and have found a  “home”  . .

“ however his  career ,  which was started rather late, came to an unfortunately early end when he died at the age of  49

the circumstances are described by macfarlane in as follows  :

one day in  1864  he walked from his residence to the college, a distance of two miles, in the drenching rain, and lectured in wet clothes

the result was a feverish cold which soon fell upon his lungs and terminated his career ....

what macfarlane fails to say is that boole's wife believed that a remedy should resemble the cause

she put George Boole to bed and threw buckets of water over the bed since his illness had been caused by getting wet ”

the big question I have about drugs is their effect on what science is showing to be a reasonably plastic brain

observationally I have never seen or come across a case where it gives the sort of understanding of what zen is about, tho the use of mdma, ayahuasca and perhaps other hallucinogens for pstd and that sort of thing is probably more in that area !

the hubric egoicness of humans never seems to break and just results/creates more tangles, the delicate construction and deconstruction required in zen is a long and relatively conscious life process that the random nature of biochemical spruiking by drugs can't approach !

i   write

ox head school, I don't feel it is  real  zen ! :o(

smellephant   writes

it's got a weird zen meets platonic dialogue vibe.  it's a bit pedantic.  it doesn't really encourage the intuitive leaps that the case work of the other schools promote.  still, does not really deviate from bodhidharma's  “ I don't know ”  and non-seeking.  it doesn't seem to go as far as saying the mind is buddha though, which could be a good thing



I really think people lose sight of what zen is about on reddit zen, except that irl zen they don't seem to do much better, wether bodhidharma  “ knows or doesn't ”  or what school promotes what . .

“ what is said ”  should be synchronous and identical with  “ the special transmission outside the scriptures ”  but everyone jumps the gun thinking that has happened when it hasn't and they are  “ enlightened ”  when they are not !

they haven't put the work in, are not really interested and certainly not prepared to pay the price/s required and accumulate crappy knowledge and clichéd phrases like obsessive children with toys

this may sound unfriendly, but it is the case, why people cannot and don't want to see what is so obviously malfunctional in the lives  I  do  n o t  k n o w  !

ox head school, I don't feel it is  real  zen ! :o(

odd to read something that got  lost  for 1300 or so years. . .

science fiction really, a dying settlement in the middle of an arid nowhere, someone cared enough to wall up these manuscripts in the hope they would be found later, and they were ,  1000 years later !

no crazier than the pyramids i suppose ! :o)

why be a celibate monk working all your life on what zen is about when you can be a musician,  do drugs and groupies and put up a music video and get the adulation of of the hubric twits on reddit zen ?

and be paid ?

the net is plus and minus, your problem is you won't take the plus which is useful supplement advice

you  (ed.  zenthrowaway17)  are actually pretty similar to me healthwise and probably reality wise ! :o)(

nutritional  lithium  really works for anxiety and mood swings !

_mindpalace_   writes

I taught myself to be a lucid dreamer when I was 9.  now I'm pretty much always lucid, though it might take me awhile sometimes to realize that I'm dreaming.  the problem with being a lucid dreamer is that you don't /always/ have control over your dreams, you're just aware that you're dreaming.  so nightmares can almost be worse.  my theory is that lucid dreamers tend to be more likely to experience sleep paralysis as well.

my go-to escape route in a bad dream is to open up a secret passageway in the wall somewhere  (or in any object really, could be a tree or a tunnel in the ground)  and I will use that to escape into another, nicer dream :o)



ah, you've fucked up your brain with lucid dreaming really bad news ! :o)

from age  9  for gods sake !

god what the liberal arts universities spit out nowadays in the way of graduates, retarded clones without an original thought in their head !

reddit zen seems to be gathering more pyschward schizophrenic wreckage of late ! :o(

time to get out ?

your  (ed.  _mindpalace_)  problem is being dull, UNSKILLED and stupid cuts it on reddit, but irl it doesn't does it ?

your problem is being dull, UNSKILLED and stupid cuts it on reddit, but irl it doesn't does it ?

I've had lots of very positive feedback on  this ,  except from brad warner

who tho I am sure he has seen it has made no contact ! :o)

it is clever and hits the spot ! :o)

just to be clear that is my video I made and anybody with slightest the sense and is not some bpd/narcissistic arsehole can see what it is about !

I used free animation software, so what ?

I think you  (ed.  _mindpalace_)  are in the usual zen clone space where one just quotes the usual rubbish and try to ignore the real zen which  is being creative so you just  “down”  on it and that's what upsets you about me !

I think you are in the usual zen clone space where one just quotes the usual rubbish and try to ignore the real zen which  is being creative so you just  “down”  on it and that's what upsets you about me !

why zen is so attractive to people with borderline personality disorder and narcissism is that the zen acts like a container for the self absorption and egocentricity, they just are themselves with no works and no doubt the cynosure of their own and many other eyes !

in a way that is not without merit from the solipsistic point of view, but the reality of real dealing is that it keeps us sane and in touch with our inadequacy and imperfections . .

you have more than a  touch  of BPD and this  “ zen is myself ”  with no works really suits you, too bad it just makes you more of an arsehole :o(


you are pumped up little prick standing on their own shit heap spouting piss and pour it all over anyone who does anything real ! :o)

you have more than a  touch  of BPD and this  “ zen is myself ”  with no works really suits you, too bad it just makes you more of an arsehole :o(

to be dissed by a fool is to be gloried  by  g o d   !   : o)

“ how many of you do/ have done LSD ?

how much has that affected your interest in zen ? ”



I think drugs show you that the world is unreal, but really art shows you that as well . .

I always knew the world was unreal, but it's the work of many lifetimes  (ie eternally unfinished)  to untangle that and make it coherent. .

that again is the glory of zen/ch'an, these records of lifelong celibate monks and often from an early age who can give us their lives of u n t a n g l i n g  . .

the issues with drugs are permanent brain damage and that they become an escape and just a circulating dead end    imo

the highly bpd  _mindpalace_   writes

“ your bizarre sentence structure gives me a migraine ” 



the writing style is poetic, with layers of meaning, what is said is really quite dense with meaning and to do that you have to blurr grammar quite bit and even sort of read backwards and forwards . .

I agree it's not easy, sometimes even I have to read it two or three times to understand what was said ! ...

the original zen records would have been like this, but because everything is read in translation, we are only reading like  10%  of what is said and in fact since the people posting on reddit zen seem to almost totally avoid quality and highly dense english writers like Emily Dickinson and moon over retarded idiots like Thomas cleary and his limited translations it says everything about their screwed and stupid approach to zen, but you can't tell  m o r o n s  c a n  y o u ?

the highly bpd  _mindpalace_   replies

sorry, I have too hard of a time taking you seriously when you write like that



to be dissed by a fool is to be gloried by g o d  !  : o)

figures ,  two languages screw up your use of both languages and the extra language is a huge tax on scarce neural resources

the press has been giving us this crap about the so-called advantages of two languages for years !

let them speak english ! :o)(

amazingly there is ten times the levels of   antioxidants   in oranges  in the fiber  compared to the juice, i am simmering the orange segments for say 5 minutes before eating and i think this makes the anti-oxidants in the fiber more bio-available !

the world has changed yet  again









: o)

“ penicillin attacks  enzymes  that build the bacterial cell wall

[ . . ]   penicillin and its variants set in motion a toxic malfunctioning of the cell’s wall-building machinery, which dooms the cell to a futile cycle of building and then immediately destroying that wall

this downstream death spiral depletes cells of the resources they need to survive ”

zenthrowaway17   writes

i bought a six pack of angry orchard  (ed. hard cider 5% abv)

at least it's gluten free

don't worry, I'll stay hydrated



have with food and absolutely no more than 200 to 300ml a day, if you can do that you get the benefit without the alcoholism

excess alcohol is a  contributing  cause of neck and throat cancer !

“ the genetic accelerator of cancer in  Fanconi anemia  is the same as the cancer-causing mechanism of alcohol

in both cases, the cause is partially metabolized alcohol

the body metabolizes alcohol by converting it first to acetyl aldehyde and then the body uses aldehyde dehydrogenase  (ALDH)  to further convert it to acetic acid, which is excreted

the partially processed state of alcohol, acetyl aldehyde, is a carcinogen and produces cross links  in DNA ”

ideally you would open several bottles and pour the contents into a container and freeze it then you can use say 100 ml  (of the icy slush and liquid)  added to cooking near the eating time, provided it's not boiled for too long just about all of the alcohol is retained !

that is actually what I do, as I tenderly step out of teetotalism ! :o)

it's so simple, but appears to be so hard for most, just pare the medicinal aspect from the obsessive consumption, the french have done this for generations with a half to three quarters of a  glass of red wine with a meal !

zenthrowaway17   replies

I look forward to the day when I have the self-control to consume alcohol healthfully



just start trying what I suggest !

you can do or you can talk ! :o)(

there's no such thing as self control, there's experimenting and working through things !

I've been quite interested to read r/drugs recently and it's the same there, the survivors are experimental, really quite tuned to what are the more toxic drugs and what are not and moderate in use and particularly teetotal with certain ones !

of course purity and adulteration is a nightmare !

never been tempted to do drugs, but get migraine so badly that without vitamin e/k2 solving that for me ,  I might have looked at low dose lsd or psilocybin which is supposed to help !

it is an eye opener for me the huge extent of a very varied drug use now, it's a total social phenomena  . . 

what is the sound of a plastic bag flapping ?

zen master zibo zhenke  (1543 - 1604)  got caught in a power play between the emperor and the empress dowager over which son  (the emperor preferred the son by his favourite concubine compared to his first wife)  would be the designated heir and this of course was chinese political culture at its best and nastiest

also likely was a rather large embezzlement scandal involving printing buddhist books

he was basically wipped to death, he died about a week after the whipping, didn't seem too fazed about it

all the same he wasn't enlightened ! :o)(

too much a man of the world and works of improvement ! :o)

he was loyal to his friends and didn't incriminate anyone ! : o)

zen is all about going outside boundaries, I take it you  (ed.  healthspin)  can't handle this but the reality is that boundaries are in constant   flux  anyway !

you really don't accept that zen is about something difficult to work out, but can eventually be  r e s o l v e d ! . . .

I think you are actually trying to impose a therapeutic perspective on me, but that is not zen ! :o)


yet you have zero real life experience of zen !

you pontificate about what it is about being totally in error through this lack of real life experience and as I say project your therapeutic background onto it !

that really is your BPD all over, any person not totally bound up in themselves and with some experience of life would not think they know much about anything without years of practical and real life experience !

what is also very BPD about you is the way you ramp up something  (claims I am stalking etc)  into a chimera that only exists in your own need to retain your malfunctional personal boundaries !

the real zen is meditative and contemplative work .  . would this unhinge you, perhaps it would . .

maybe reddit zen and its unreality is your sane  “ insane asylum ”  and who am I to want it to be different !

I was looking through your recent history and a very substantial portion of it is your dialogue with me, perhaps if we weren't separated by an ocean I would be more concerned by your persistent following me around here!

I think I would in fact, you are have that dangerous cast of blindness and the wanting to suppress what tests your malplaced boundaries ! :o(

just reading me is always going to angst you, I would suggest you stop reading me !

at the least I would suggest to balance up your dialogue with making most of it with others here, I certainly would feel more comfortable with that !

the problem is i am very uneven in ability and skill, somethings i am really good at, somethings i really suck at ! .. :o)(

gesshin, you must be a chronic  depressive  giving space that you need to publicize yourself to what is very inferior writing to your own !

you need the money not her

and it's just sentimental bullshit !

where you are at is I am the real zen and I am blocked from posting tho I do understand why, still your track is f a k e ! :o)

now i think about it, you are probably just doing some pragmatic trading of  ‘ favours ’

huineng never had any dharma successors until the real 7th patriarch  !  : o )

huineng never had any dharma successors until the real 7th patriarch  !  :o)

huineng never had any dharma successors until the real 7th patriarch  !  :o)

huineng never had any dharma successors until the real 7th patriarch ! :o)

huineng never had any dharma successors until the real 7th patriarch !

huineng never had any dharma successors until the real 7th patriarch

ok, you  ( pointingatthemoon aged 20 )  are from the  “entitled generation”  a less  “entitled”  person would go some way to working out what I might mean before asking so that I am not endlessly   telling   you stuff that you ignore !

to be  “ enlightened ”  in zen or religious mysticism requires a level of personal deconstruction that is not possible and distinctly unsafe in suburban and relationship contexts !

it is distinctly unsafe anyway, but being celibate and without family responsibilities and ties allows one to step into there ! .. : o)(

since zen became a  “married with kids”  religious paradigm with the meiji edict of  1872 ,  zen has just been a mass of tangled wreckage which would have to include japan's entry into ww2 ! :o()

a good example of where it goes wrong is brad warner who i feel is talented and has a realistic understanding, but from being a sort of middling competent and never making it to good or great, he is hamstruck by a succession of relationships from ever getting past his chronic  nostalgia  and narcissism ! :o(

i'm not trying to be mean to brad, but he did ban me from his blog for saying this sort of thing, maybe sensible from a certain perspective , but not the the  “ go all the way ”  celibate zen ! :o)(

“ note  :  why would that question  choke  the life out of people ?

isn't it obvious when a door is open or closed ?

what's the point that p'u-chi is trying to make ? ”



you are not willing to be the life choked out of you is your problem !

just one  closed  door  !  :o(

in all my years on the web I have never had any trouble  (ed. net stalkers etc)  with the zen/poem/writing side, but oddly it's the health writings and message boards that have in two instances given real life problems, people getting really upset over contrary views, in one case a death threat, in the other an actual move into attempting to create a real life hassle !

a group of pro chelation mums did get together at one stage to get me banned from various health message boards . .

actually the writing/poetry has given a problem , women ! :o(

bit of a learning curve that ! :o()

there's a lot to be said for misogyny !

impo, reddit zen does not represent the slightest real life hazard, people here are too prone to talk rather than do ! :o)

I think by misogyny, I mean a weaker version of it, just a wariness by the male of women and their predatory relation to men which I find women don't dispute !

it's sort of a user from the point of being used and yes it goes both ways ! :o)

the male female thing is basically warfare . .

however if you are in a relationship one should do one's best to make it productive and fair both ways and I certainly do not condone violence in any form ! :o)(

from a zen and celibate point of view I am saying the battlefield is too traumatic and confusing to ever be clear as to what zen is really about ! :o)

btw zazen over about age 35 imo can be dangerous from a circulatory and cardiovascular point of view and any form of lotus posture regardless of age damages the joints !!

well zen is in the public domain now fit for any idiot to kick around and impose their s h i t  o n  i t  !  :o(

well zen is in the public domain now fit for any idiot to kick around and impose their s h i t  o n  i t  !  :o(

well zen is in the public domain now fit for any idiot to kick around and impose their s h i t  o n  i t

it sucks to be female, by  40  their brains start to go .  . evolutionary d e s i g n ! :o(

pointingatthemoon  gags  on this  ( he in his own words  a baby-faced 20 year old  and probably upset his mommy won't be able to look after him forever . . )



wait until you are 50 ! :o)

for women it gets worse ,  my mother at 80 or so has a very large portion of her friends now in various stages of dementia, she appears to be the exception, with two long lived and in very sound minds parents I may be around for many years yet ! :o)

I am actually a pre-internet generation, on-line still seems slightly absurd to me ! :o)

by thirty-five you will wonder how you can have been so naive in your views, but this hubric uninformedness you spout is typical for your age . .

the problem women face from 40 on is the drop in those supercharging  hormones

pointingatthemoon  replies

I dunno, what hubric uninformedness am I spouting ?



ok, you are from the  “entitled generation”  a less  “entitled”  person would go some way to working out what I might mean before asking so that I am not endlessly telling you stuff that you ignore !

pointingatthemoon  replies

cop out



you live in a world where everything is done for you . .

if it's not done for you, it doesn't h a p p e n ! . . .

that's the quality of your zen I am afraid ! .. :o(

see even the reply  “cop out”  is just you pushing buttons to get me to do the work .. .

sophisticated  m a n i p u l a t i o n  o r  the  b p d  so characteristic here ! :o(

it sucks to be female, by 40 their brains start to go .  . evolutionary d e s i g n ! :o(

most of the posters on reddit zen have zero real life zen experience, yet think they know it all . . what can I say ?...

you  (ed. kaneckt)  have zero real life zen experience, yet think you know it all . . what can I say ?...

you have zero real life zen experience, yet think you know it all . . what can I say ?...

the real lesson of layman pang/the story is not to mix a celibate tradition with married life if you are pursuing understanding and  (reluctantly !)  living what zen is about !

the main points are he went broke and had to engage is mindless manual labour to get by, his children committed suicide and he became demented with visiting zen fakes and repeating mindless bullshit like it meant something !

zen/ch'an's crowning glory is its many centuries of lifelong celibate monks, of whom a very tiny few reached a true understanding, seems like it takes an awful lot of that sort of culture and history to generate the very small amount of true understanding, but that's the way it is !

the apex of the crown of zen is that there is a point to existing, not human existance tho . . , what is that point ?

kaneckt makes his  lame reply

I didn't take that away at all



not celibate r u?

condemned to the same stupid fate as layman pang ! :o(

he could have been a financially viable happy family man, surely a better fate than the crappy suicide of his children et al !

reddit zen is your type of hubric bpd idiot and no doubt you are proud of it ! :o(

kaneckt with his usual l a m e n e s s makes this  reply

If your whole point is to tell me that I'm  “ fucked ”  when it comes to zen, then cool

it's not like I haven't told myself that before

my  reply

look you can't address what I say, am I saying you are fucked, that's not what is said at all, what I am saying is you, like layman pang have a bad mix of zen/ch'an which is celibate and your suburban life !

there are way better mixes, but you, like a dumb animal have fallen into a spiked trap and wounded and impaled lie on the bottom of it yelling out stupidities to any passers, saying how great your situation is !

the real lesson of layman pang/the story is not to mix a celibate tradition with married life if you are pursuing understanding and  (reluctantly !)  living what zen is about !

the main points are he went broke and had to engage is mindless manual labour to get by, his children committed suicide and he became demented with visiting zen fakes and repeating mindless bullshit like it meant something !

zen/ch'an's crowning glory is its many centuries of lifelong celibate monks, of whom a very tiny few reached a true understanding, seems like it takes an awful lot of that sort of culture and history to generate the very small amount of true understanding, but that's the way it is !

the apex of the crown of zen is that there is a point to existing, not human existance tho . . , what is that point ?