

bruce ames and triage theory

the blood group diet

some sense on blood types

the gut/brain connection

leucine as an appetite suppressant

the glycemic index is flawed

fodmap: fermentable oligo- di- and mono-saccharides, and polyols

albumin, protein quality and fluid retention

gelatine, broths, grape juice, phenols and albumin


problems with kefir and fermented vegetables


a good  description  of what happens in fasting

“ fasting is an adaptive state of metabolism when exogenous nutrient intake is limited

in mammals, a drastic shift in metabolism takes place under low nutrient availability

skeletal muscles undergo protein breakdown and provide amino acids for the liver to implement gluconeogenesis, producing glucose to maintain appropriate blood glucose levels

in parallel, the liver performs ketogenesis to supply ketone bodies to other vital organs, including the brain, by harnessing free fatty acids from adipose tissue ”

i seem to remember elaine gottschall as not keen on fasting and i only ever  fast  in an indirect way when i have a virus and don't feel like eating at all, i might drop one to nine meals, however i am not overweight

fasting cycles induct regeneration of the  white blood cells  and the  islet cells  in the pancreas

17th october 2017, i have just had a bad migraine/virus and didn't eat for three days, there's a flu going around so severe it can actually kill people i read in the news..

i didn't have loose stools or stomach pain, dry retched once, but all in all was reasonably comfortable which i attribute to the not eating, i also very distinctly did not feel hungry

i feel the fasting period did me good, the secret is to keep a lining of sugar on the stomach so you don't lose your good microbiome, i do that by boiling water and adding 50ml of coconut water (no more !), a teaspoon of jam and possibly a teaspoon of cream ?

i think there is something to fasting when ill or to lose weight or induct regeneration at the stem cell level of the immune system, one of the suprising things about holocast survivors is an unchanged life expectancy for women and even slightly increased for men !

there are so many overweight young women about now thinking their condition is revresible, but the skin stretches creating a nightmare and possible need for surgery when weight is actually lost, fasting is a very effective way of losing weight if done with care !

its also recommended as a way to  "reboot"  the immune system after chemo !


the triage theory is that the body   triages  it's supply of nutrients to deliver to the  essential proteins first  and to non essential but supporting much slower aging proteins last !

you can be short of a nutrient and get by, but you age much more rapidly !

this theory is strongly supportive of the combined compendium and BCD approach as the compendium attempts to meet as broad a spectrum of mineral and vitamin needs as practically possible while the BCD supplies a more comprehensive range of nutrients, sugars/carbohydrates and proteins in a fashion that tamps biofilm but provides superior nutrition !

one of the things bruce  ames  says is that the RDA range of vitamins and minerals is only what is needed to supply nutrients for essential functioning, that to to get out of the area of accelerated aging there is another huge partially unkown range of food factors (like new work on polyphenols and anti-oxidants is beginning to show) that you need !

neither the compendium or the BCD by themselves are sufficient, but together they are mutually reinforcing !

people who select or eliminate food on an irrational basis varying from any number of stupid weight loss diets, supposed health diets, fast foodism, raw foodism, veganism (unless you are donald watson lol),  fruitarianism , to the various permutations of anorexia are driving themselves into metabolic syndromes of various sorts and an early death or long and painfull disability from their weakest link

unfortunately the above applies to the way most people eat now !


R.  asks  (july 06):

I am almost afraid to ask but I need to. Someone on pecanbread mentioned that I needed to avoid the avoids for my son's blood type.

I looked at the book. My son is type A. Which is basically a grain based diet. The only meats not on his avoids are chicken and turkey in limited amounts. He is supposed to pretty much avoid eggs as well-- low protein, low fat. Take out grains, take out protein, take out fat, take out lots of fruit and all sugars and you have...not enough to sustain a two year old. I guess I am hoping there is nothing to it.

If there is...should I forget SCD with him?

my reply: 

in theory a certain blood type predisposes you to accepting certain antigens as per what is on the red blood cell, as self

stretching that to cover possible food antigens getting into the blood by promoting certain food groups compared to others is the usual insanity i've come to expect from the urban nutrition mythology that prowls around the web

a diet relating blood groups and food is nonsense because you cannot create categories of antigenic specific foods

this study  showed no difference between type A and type O eating a plant based diet

interestingly dupont has  probiotic product  it claims is bile and acid resistant and capable of enhanced binding to A, B and/or O blood type antigens, which by its mucosal glycan targets shoots any blood type diet down in flames !

quoting from the dupont  patent

“ it is thought that as the glycan structures of the ABO blood groups are abundant in the mucosa and serve as bacterial adhesion sites and nutrient sources, stronger binding to one or more ABO antigens by a probiotic bacterium will improve its colonization of the bacterium in the gastrointestinal tract by enhancing its interaction with the mucosa

the probiotic bacterium may also demonstrate enhanced health effects by blocking the adhesion and invasion of certain pathogenic microbes which also bind to ABO antigens

a probiotic bacterium which adheres to an ABO antigen could also enhance the probiotic responses by providing tighter and longer-lasting contact between the host cells and probiotics

it could further provide the host easier access to any beneficial metabolites produced by the probiotics when probiotics are colonized tighter and more long-lasting ”

covid-19  differentiates  between blood types

the easy way to start the BCD is to eliminate grains and potatoes and start working enzymes in, the houstonni zyme prime and maybe candex and oreganol for intestinal yeast

food has to be sourced and evaluated according to a number of factors, not just scd sugar propensity if you are to get adequate nutrition for your child

just start doing a few things, forget the introductory diet and you will make progress

also get some whole body exposure of high solar noon sun

october 2008

d'adamo, his blood type diet must have run out of  flakes because he's generated a new slant   genohype *

if the  BCD  ever appears in the daily mail endorsed by a celebrity, shoot me, the body snatchers must have entered my brain

september 2010

now i know my blood type

from donating blood

as a help to lower my iron levels

O  positive

which according to  d'adamo  is the hunter type


know he's screwed because i do better on medium to low protein and low iron in my diet





: o )

i'm not saying there's no sense to what he says, it's a bit like astrology, sometimes sensible advice given in a random context !

if you disregard what he says in the sense of relating to a specific blood type but rather apply it generally, pretty much like good astrology you may get some benefit  ; o )

however the  theory  behind the blood type diet is invalid !



there are surface antigens on blood cells and they are used to identify self

different antigens and combinations will alter the contrast to the antigens of different viruses, bacteria and parasites and hence offer differing levels of assistance to the immune system in identifying certain pathogens compared to others and also affect autoimmunity selectivity

regional distribution of blood types is a combination of migration, disease and autoimmune selectivity

histo-blood group antigens promote binding of norovirus and helicobacter pylori cells to intestinal cells and recently it has been  discovered  that blood type A may predispose to some rotavirus infections

blood type O has the lowest risk of  pancreatic  cancer and type B has the highest risk

  “ compared to people with type O blood, those with type A have a  32%  higher risk of pancreatic cancer, those with type AB have a  51%  higher risk and those with type B have a  72%  higher risk ”

type O blood cells bond weakly to the RIFIN protein  secreted  by the malarial plasmodium falciparum parasite, thus giving people who get infected by this parasite with type O much less clotting and a huge comparative advantage over people with type A in this situation !

In people with blood type O, scientists found that cholera toxin  hyperactivates  a key signaling molecule in intestinal cells.  High levels of that signaling molecule lead to excretion of electrolytes and water  -  in other words, diarrhea.  Cholera is marked by severe diarrhea that can lead to dehydration, shock and even death.

so basically there are differences in immune and other functions and cellular responses between blood types, none of which seem to particularly relate to  d i e t  !  : o)

some  good news ,  i’m  O+


as far as i can see the connection is really biochemical, that is, the brain evolved out of the gut and there is a huge amount of common chemistry for example, serotonin and the fatty nature of both tissues and its no wonder microbiome tap into signalling paths to their benefit !


the amino acid leucine and a higher proportion of protein in the diet is an appetite suppressant

an enzyme pathway in the hypothalamus regulating appetite servos on protiens especially leucine

so the brain is actually looking for protein satiety

the ratio of leucine in meats say compared to wheat is 5:1 so you can see that with a high carb/low protein diet you are never going to feel full cause you will be craving more protein and leucine from the servo mechanism in the hypothalmus going open loop


“ It appears that leucine stimulates a signaling pathway somewhat like the hormone insulin It has been debated whether the action of leucine was simply confused with the action of insulin. Our research shows that there is a unique role of leucine, and that it runs almost parallel to insulin. It appears that leucine stimulates the first step in protein synthesis. ”     study

leucine is a branched chain amino acid

as an amino acid supplement it appears to have the usual amino-acid biofilm feeding issues so is not recommended as an amino acid supplement or filler in capsules e.g. the allergy research niacin


it doesn't apply in real life because we always eat foods combined with other foods !

e.g.  fruit with cream  (double cream yum!)  which radically changes the sugar absorption profile and glycemic heft !

the glycemic index is a carbohydrate ranking system and typical of the pseudo nutritional science that can emerge from the university nutritional schools

the media have been pushing this nonsense for years and when a  study  comes along that shows different people can have very different, even opposite glycemic responses to a particular food with the microbiome as an important factor, nary a peep is heard ! : o(


the glycemic index is flawed because the way it is tested is unnatural and doesn't match the real world conditions of eating and gastric health

the fruit/vegetable concerned is given by itself after a 12 ? hour fast and then the blood sugar measured.

to give a fruit or vegetable after a fasting period like that is going to promote bad gut flora which will promote early release of single sugars, in fact what the glycemic index may be measuring is fruits and vegetables that are more resistant to consumption by gut biofilm

other huge variables are the degree and type of cooking, the stage of season that the food is harvested, how long it has been stored and any pre processing, all of which can change the glycemic index in the order of  10  to  100%

In real life, fat and protein with the meal/fruit/vegetable, and adequate trace minerals like chromium strongly modulate blood sugar and insulin levels favourably

there is something to the idea of the zone diet in reducing insulin peaks, but it all boils down to eating protein and fat with fruits and vegetables to slow the insulin rise and reduce the peak.

again chromium gtf is instrumental in reducing insulin resistance.

i always have additive free double cream with cooked/pasturized fruit

they have the wrong model of the digestive system, like the stomach is a vat only controlled by human digestive juices

what about biofilm and the microbiome?


the insulin  index, while better than the glycemic index also suffers from not accounting for food combinations and biofilm


glucose  profile,  yet another index!

they just try and create this single measurement dimension but in fact there are a hundred significant ones, bet they are not measuring biofilm toxins or an allergenic response to pasta for a start!


good pages  [ I    II ]  on what it is or might be !

it's a maladapative plagiarism of the SCD diet and at an abstract level is similar scientific theory to the SCD and BCD diets, however the way it is implemented is crazy, food exclusions are based too much on theory and guesswork and not practical results, any food is such a complex interaction of many factors that practical effect  (though guided by theory)  has to be foremost !

one fundamental difference is the BCD and SCD diets focus on the exclusion of fermentable long chain sugars and the inclusion of short chain sugars . . FODMAP has some sort of scattergun approach it's hard to work out the reasoning  b e h i n d ! . .  !  : o ) (

  “ the diet in part involves cutting back on wheat, onions, milk, icecream, apples, honey and stone fruits. legumes were also found to cause pain

often they are sugars and carbohydrates that are not absorbed when they pass through the bowel and when they get into the colon they can ferment and produce gas and pain ”

above quote from dr. richard gearry, otago university new zealand

the fodmap hypothesis

my comment:

i am looking further at this but the implication for BCD appears to be that there is an upper limit to the quantity of pasturized fruit eaten which i do find to be the case from both a blood sugar and gut health point of view, but with the compendium and BCD i do seem to be able to eat quite a bit !

  “ fructose. this is present in the diet as a free monosaccharide, as a constituent of the disaccharide, sucrose, or polymerized as fructans.

when fructose is ingested as sucrose (table sugar is sucrose), or in equimolar combination with glucose, it is absorbed with an efficiency estimated to be 85% that of glucose because it is of high capacity and glucose-facilitated.

fructose in excess of glucose (free fructose) can also be absorbed by a low-capacity glucose-independent facilitated transport.

if the load of free fructose is sufficiently large, malabsorption of fructose is universal. however, about 30% of the population exhibits a very limited ability to absorb any free fructose  ”

when i look at the foods excluded or  preferred  on the low fodmap diet, it's sorta half ways sensible, but no more than half !

i strongly suspect it to be an attempted medical answer to the SCD, but they have chosen the wrong end of the band of saccharides as fermenting and basically is a quite dated pre-enzyme approach that as per medical versions of anything, makes sure they don't lose custom !


just researching on ricotta cheese and its made by using heat with the possible addition of vinegar to precipitate out the remaining albumin protein from the whey left over from making lactic acid/rennet precipitated cheeses

what interested me is that when i have added vinegar to warm wallaby carcass broth you get the same effect of a white albumin precipitate

one function of albumin is to control the 'osmotic pressure' that keeps fluid in the blood and out of tissue

it is made by the liver on demand and presumably dietary albumin also is important

low albumin causes endema or fluid retention and people on low protein diets are particularly prone to developing this because albumin manufacture by the liver is very sensitive to protein quality and completeness

in fact having seen how trim people become eating high quality protien and getting good protein completeness and balance from different sources of protein like different meats from different animals and dairy cheeses and also whole carcass broths and possibly wheys (wheys have digestion issues), most people today are suffering endema to some degree and its part of the obesity explosion.

i suspect that the notions of essential and 'inessential' proteins become blurred in this and for adequate albumin production many of the so called 'inessential' proteins are 'essential'


a post titled 'grape juice contians genotoxic substances'

i have a bottle of Llyods organic harvest muscatel grape juice and will try a small amount diluted in water and pasturised to about 75C ----------------------------

Mutagenicity of white grape juice in the Ames test.

Patrineli A, Clifford MN, Walker R, Ioannides C.

Molecular Toxicology Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

The mutagenicity of commercially available white grape juice was evaluated in the Ames mutagenicity test. Grape juice elicited a positive mutagenic, response in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA104 and a weaker response in strains TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA1530. The mutagenic response was evident in the absence of an activation system and inclusion of such a system did not influence mutagenicity. The grape juice-mediated mutagenic response was not due to histidine residues in the juice or likely treatment with sulfite. Moreover, freshly prepared grape juice displayed a similar mutagenic response. Three different brands of commercially available white grape juice were investigated in the Ames test; they all provoked a clear positive mutagenic response, but the degree of mutagenicity differed and could not be attributed to differences in the content of solids. It is concluded that grapes contain direct-acting genotoxic component(s).

Mutagenic substances in red and white wine in Chile, a high risk area for gastric cancer.

Bull P, Yanez L, Nervi F.

Chilean home-made and commercial wines were analyzed for the presence of mutagenic substances using the Salmonella mutagenicity test with preincubation. Strains TA98 and TA100 were used in the absence and in the presence of S9 mix. 90% of red wines from a total of 30 samples and 54% of white wines from a total of 22 were found to be mutagenic. In all cases, S9 mix did not affect the mutagenicity of the samples. At least in one case, more than one mutagen was present, since the mutagenicity with TA98 could be selectively inactivated without affecting that with TA100. This study supports the hypothesis that wine consumption may be an important risk factor for upper gastrointestinal cancer, particularly for adenocarcinoma of the stomach, which is highly prevalent in Chile.


ouch the bioflavanoids in wine (rutin) are genotoxic


Mutagenic activity in the wine-making process: correlations with rutin and quercetin levels.

Rueff J, Laires A, Gaspar J, Rodrigues A.

Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNL, Department of Genetics, Lisbon, Portugal.

Mutagenic activity was monitored during the time course of the vinification process of a Portuguese red wine using the Ames assay. Dependence upon faecalase treatment for detection of mutagenicity was evaluated concurrently with HPLC analysis of the flavonoids rutin and quercetin. Rutin (quercetin-o-3-rutinoside) is liberated from the grapes during the first 10 days of the process and is hydrolysed as the vinification process proceeds. This explains the levels of the free quercetin in the wine and mutagenicity in the absence of faecalase treatment. Mutagenicity in the presence of faecalase during the first 26 days of the process correlates with the levels of rutin, and in the absence of faecalase the highest mutagenic activity detected (160th day) coincides with the highest level of free quercetin. Our results do not rule out the possibility that other mutagens are present in wines, in particular oxidative-type mutagens.


glycosides hydrolysised to mutagenics by gut flora enzymes

Many substances in the plant kingdom and in man's diet occur as glycosides. Recent studies have indicated that many glycosides that are not mutagenic in tests such as the Salmonella test become mutagenic upon hydrolysis of the glycosidic linkages. The Salmonella test utilizes a liver homogenate to approximate mammalian metabolism but does not provide a source of the enzymes present in intestinal bacterial flora that hydrolyze the wide variety of glycosides present in nature. We describe a stable cell-free extract of human feces, fecalase, which is shown to contain various glycosidases that allow the in vitro activation of many natural glycosides to mutagens in the Salmonella/liver homogenate test. Many beverages, such as red wine (but apparently not white wine) and tea, contain glycosides of the mutagne quercetin. Red wine, red grape juice, and tea were mutagenic in the test when fecalase was added, and red wine contained considerable direct mutagenic activity in the absence of fecalase. The implications of quercetin mutagenicity and carcinogenicity are discussed

M. replies in a post titled 'gelatin and phenols'

I know andrew has discussed gelatin in previous posts. I was reading about wine and it seems that gelatin is an agent used to reduce phenols in wine and juices. I also read it as one of the substances to be used in case of accidental phenol ingestion:

"Victims who are conscious and able to swallow should be given 4 to 8 ounces of milk, egg whites, or gelatin solution; if the patient is symptomatic, delay decontamination until other emergency measures have been instituted"
culled from: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mhmi/mmg115.html

"Question: How do I use gelatin? Answer: Gelatin is used in juices for reaction with polymeric phenols at dosage rates of 2 – 8 ounces per 1000 gallons. A 5% slurry is better for adding gelatin to the juice. The gelatin should be hydrated properly in water with slow mixing."
culled from: http://www.filtermaterials.com/Gusmer/techsupport/FaqList.asp?deptId=3

Everyone in my family is reactive to phenols. I wonder if these same chemical principles gelatin is used for the above items would also work in the body. Egg whites were also mentioned frequently in reducing phenols (albumin). Phenols must rapidly denature these proteins?

I wonder if joint problems are due to being phenolic sensitive (impaired) and the phenols are bonding to the collagen sites of the body, such as joints,synovial fluid,etc. My daughters both walked on their toes and my youngest one still has a rigidity to her limbs. Perhaps increasing gelatin consumption would be an interesting experiment.

This denaturing of proteins may also explain the genotoxicity of grape juice and wine. The article andrew posted did mention querceting and rutin (both highly phenolic).

Maybe people taking those people taking turmeric pills should reconsider that too.

my reply

phenols are aromatic alchohols and probably toxic as a class which would be abated by predigestion in the gut by no fenol or enzymes from gut flora

have you tried the houstonnni no fenol?

phenol problems would be tautological with leaky gut and gut flora dysbiosis

phenols preciptiate protiens by binding to them making gelatin an effective remover of them

that would be another reason why broths were used as a food for the ill and the elderly with thier errant gut flora and leaky guts

broth with a meal would bind up phenols

bit of course todays soups are not broths but sewerage

it would be interesting to know if phenol issues were related to fluid retention since phenols in the blood might bind with albumin

so broths might reduce fluid retention both by removing phenols while in the stomach and also being a source of albumin

my exerience of gelatin is its not the real mcCoy and whole carcass (wallaby lol) broth is needed with all the other food factors

gelatin just does not seem to cut the ice

yeah the gelatin broth helped my back a lot i think, the disk was goign awol when i had a preriod of going without the broths cause of the hassle making them

my reply

scd, grape juice and gelatin

its interesting that gelatin could 'filter' phenols in grape juice and that scd emphasises both

i wonder if thats something sidney haas worked out experentially

my reply

i wonder if you'd get away with gelatin if you took some b vits

a b multi with maybe some added b6 to help the body process the gelatin

houstonni pep can help to

unfortunately having feral broth makes you realise how poor these store bought animals are


J. writes in an openblooms thread entitled "Anyone testing ph levels?"

My daughter's stool was alkaline on her stool analysis testing. Which in the presence of all the yeast and bacteria was not a good sign. I have not tested her since then. That is interesting that supplementing in an alkaline environment is not good. I think I should probably test her ph. Where are people getting strips? Which is better urine or saliva or maybe do both?? Also, anyone hear of Liver Life - I know SCD illegal, but another product I have heard people use.

my reply:

look you have a problem skipping over important concepts and its messing your application of problem solving

what you skipped over was the notion of 'servo'

the water level in a lavatory (bathroom? in the usa) cistern is a servo

the water level rises until the float turns it off, that is, it works to keep a certain water level in the cistern

its the same with body and PH, there are a multitude of biochemical servo systems maintaining different ph's in different body and biochemical compartments and in general the ph is a secondary and not primary effect (except with the stomach and upper intestine) all you are doing with ph testing is saying the servo systems are not working..................

you already know that

you are better to focus on causes like gut bacterial and flora dysbiosis

you cannot rectify servo systems with alkaline or acid supplements

with the exception of the stomach and upper intestine where they may be of some use but really its better to use the servo's like optizinc helps turn on stomach acid

lihtium acts as an anti servo turing down stomach acid

the human craving for over simple theories and remedies is an endless reef of destruction as history shows

enjoy the reef, its better to be sailing though


an abmd cross thread titled " Casein-free kefir grains? "

C. writes

I've used a variety of fermented vegetables, kefir, and kombucha tea to get probiotics. I finally figured out that we were having an adverse reaction to all fermented foods, kefir included.
Too bad - we really liked them and there should be a lot of great health benefits.

Anyway, you can get kefir culture from a website for the Body Ecology diet. I would think that it's water grains since they use it to culture young coconut water. Also, I've read that you can use milk grains to culture non-milk beverages. The first few batches take longer to culture. There's more info at Dom's kefir site.

S. replies

I should mention that we also had a range of reactions to 6 months of probiotic foods, none of them good. We used cultured veggies and coconut kefir cultured both "wild" (from the native flora) and with our own probiotics. The reactions ranged from "nothing" to a severely acid gut condition. My son ended up with a d-lactate condition, an acidifying of the gut which can lead to pancreatitis. He also wasn't digesting all the raw cultured veggies very well - his digestion just wasn't that strong. We switched to SCD and easily digested foods, and he did much better.

Elaine Gottschall says to avoid "wild" cultured foods, and after our experience I agree.

Also, be aware that the BED cultures aren't dairy-free.

S. writes

Re: Casein-free kefir grains?

I was able to find some water grains on a kefir board. It made "okay" kefir using water with dried fruit and sugar, but since my son is allergic to all fruits, and sugar gives him yeast, I was never able to give it to him. The kefir never reached the point of having all the sugars digested by the kefir grains without much of the kefir turning alcoholic. It was always too sweet or too alcoholic. It seemed like it always had some amount of alcohol, which I was not comfortable giving to my 3-year-old.

Another reason I hesitated was that there was no way to find out what was in the grains. At some point they're derived from milk grains. These are completely homegrown, with no documentation of what's in them. That made me nervous too

my comment:

veges have microbial accessible sugar and the flora you ingest with the fermented vegs is going to be very good at biofilm construction

and kefir also is entirely biofilm, if you have ever pushed a kefir grain around with its squishy polysaccaride walls

yeast seems to be intrinsic to biofilm construction, or at least biofilm of any interesting 3d complexity

interesting to compare with yogurt which is not biofilm

coconut kefir could be downright dangerous, being breed as it is in the microbial resistant enviroment of coconut

integrating biofilm understanding into scd very much improves its coherence and functionality

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