I said ,"Ty-Nip." I saw a
movie once and heard this name. I liked it. Ty is now 1 1/2 years old. She is my friend.
She is black, white and orange. She lets me know when she has had enough of me. Nipper
chases me and paws at me. I run as fast as I can, but she still beats me.
She likes to drink water from the tap in bathroom.
She sleeps on my bed during the day, and if I open a dresser drawer she
hops right in.
She is happy in anything she can hide in.
She hides under my bed and swats at me, or in my toy box in the closet.
She sits in the window if we go out and waits for us, giving us nose
rubs when we get home and come through the door.
Nanny is writing this for me but she asked me to tell the story. I took
awhile to tell it, because
Ty-Nip is important to me. I love her.
Thanks Nanny for getting me my kitty in a box.