purple cone flvr Mona's Place

Hello, if you are looking for flower photos for your page, you've come to the right place. About.com has offered three pages of free flower clip art photos. The urls are a bit difficult for us Webtv users to extract for uploading. Therefore I have written a short tutorial on how to get the urls for the photos. This page also includes two extractors, and the Freeloaders for uploading the photos to your files.
New Check out the WebScissors.com page, your can find the gifs, and direct upload to your Scrapbook at the Pagebuilder. I hope this helps.
Greetings from Mona

purpleconeflowers pic

Purple coneflowers and others.
This is an example of one of the free photos.
Click below to see the pages.

About.com, Free Photo Page

How to cut and paste urls.

Click on the page you want to see. Click on the
key on your keyboard. Click on
Click on
Show Current
cmd & a
Then click
cmd & c
Come back to this page, and paste the url into one of the extractors here.
Click on the link, delete the information in the text area. Paste the saved url by hitting
cmd & v
Go To Page
Save the url of the jpg by repeating the process, then use one of the Freeloaders to upload the photo to your files.

purple cone with bf

You can find the gifs, and direct upload to your Scrapbook at the Pagebuilder with this tool.

purple cone with bf
New URLs


Freeloader,psws. net

Url Extractor-Domania
Place the url of a page in the text area, and all the links on that page will show up.
Cut and paste the link, then come back and Freeload it to your files.

Domania.net,URL Extractor

purple cone with bf
Filedex View Image Files of the page entered

Click on this link for Filedex, delete the http:// in the text area, then paste in your saved url, by hitting c+v on your keyboard.

FileDex,URL Extractor

flower cart
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