Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can play ?
Participation is a privilege, but players of all ages and abilities are welcome. However, due to limitations on available club meeting times and space, and in keeping with the purposes and rules of the club, the club director may regulate participation. Young children may not be 'dropped- off' without special permission from the club director.
Where do the clubs meet ?
NETTA Connecticut Table Tennis Clubs are currently operating in Fairfield and Middletown Connecticut, within 30 minutes from most of Connecticut's population . ** See the club'Homepage'at for directions** OR E-mail me at or Call our recorded club-info message number for times and limited directions at: (203)692-2055 (NEW # March 2006)
NETTA offers 'open playing sessions'. What does that mean?
Players pair off informally for practice matches or 20-40 minute practice times with partners of their own choosing. Even on the busiest nights, you'll play more than you sit and we'll make sure everyone gets their turns.
How do I know who to play with - ?
Most players come alone and find
partners at the club, but you are also welcome to bring friends. Our players range from unrated beginners and 'school or neighborhood champs' 'fresh out of the basement' to USATT rated tournament players from "0700 to 2300".
If you don't know your level yet you can watch play on 8-12 tables and 'ask for the winner' on the table where both players seem to be closest to your level.
There are so many different skill levels in our sport and our club that to maximize everyone's enjoyment of the club it is important to respect these differences.
For example, don't regularly ask for winners on a table where you aren't competitive.
Unrated ? Ask Dave or one of our 'regulars' which players are unrated or also new to the club. Rated ? / Ask us who is rated near you. As players get to know you you'll develope a group of regular partners and rivals.
What does it cost to play ?
Current fees (Dec 2007) are $7.00 per player
with 'regulars' (more than twice monthly) asked to pay $20 for 3
session passes to cut down on handling of money. Please bring the correct amount and 'sign-in' and pay on arrival if possible. Rates are subject to change
We have some 'loaner' paddles for new players.
If you become a regular we expect you'll want your own racket which can be purchased from the club director (recommended) or by mail if you choose. Sporting goods stores rarely sell rackets suitable for regular club play. Dave can help you get the right pro-quality racket appropriate to your playing style and experience at a fair price ($60 to $120). Balls and other accessories are also available at the club.
How do I dress ?
Only Non-Marking appropriate shoes are required, but comfortable athletic type clothing is also
Who can play - do you have to be a 'young athletic person' ? (Medical concerns)
Our players are of all ages, sizes and shapes. Consult your doctor if you have any illness or question about your fitness to play, and take it easy if you haven't been active for awhile.
Please wear a medical bracelet and/or advise the club director if you have any serious medical condition you think we should know about in case of emergency such as Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Disease etc. We reserve the right to limit your participation if we have concerns about your safety, but if we don't do so, we are not assuming the personal responsibility you should exercise to decide if you shouldn't be playing for medical reasons.Personal lessons can be arranged with club Pro Dave starting at $20 (35 min) and usually including use of the Newgy Robot ball machine.
Do you play year-round or only in the winter?
Since some of our players take vacations or don't play in the summer, we may have a somewhat smaller turnout (maybe two thirds of our average winter nightly crowd), but we usually continue to play on a weekly basis, though we may adjust the number of playing days.
Currently Both Fairfield an Middletown now have Air-Conditioning. !
Most of our regular players play year-round. But typically, some players, mainly unrated and lower rated 'casual' players, take the summer off from playing. so the selection of these players as potential opponents/partners may be greater when the weather is cooler. But this is partially made up for by youth and college students who have more time to play in the summer. But don't let this keep you away - the 'better' players are more likely to respect your commitment and determination and 'hit some' with you if the see that you play regularly, year-round, and some unrated student players come more frequently during the summer when school's out. (last updated on July 9 2007)
We primarily depend on everyone's courtesy and positive informal customs to
create an enjoyable club atmosphere.
#1 Don't walk behind or near any table where players are playing (wait between points).
#2 Don't create distractions or a bad image for our sport.
2. Make or answer calls away from the tables where your conversation
won't distract others. Make the call very short or take it outside or at
least into the the hallways, especially in
#3 Respect the equipment and other players
#4 The club director may set rules for participation and use of tables based on
the situation- the number, interests and skill levels of players present or expected.
Regardless of any stated rules, players are encouraged to consider others in sharing our table tennis facilities.
Our rules are mostly common sense oriented towards creating a safe, friendly
and enjoyable environment for all players and the club director may modify
or expand on them for that purpose at any time.
An example is the informal practice during 'open play' of
requesting 'winners' on a table (where either player should be near your level).
-Players are NOT forced to play with anyone, only to share available
table time fairly, but players are encouraged to play those who ask .
Skilled players may suddenly move 5 or 10 feet either from side to side or back 'to the barriers' (court dividers) to play a shot - so don't
cause distraction or risk a collision. Wait and let them retrieve your ball 'between' points.
Don't linger in the 'shared' space between adjacent tables
Complete Silence, like at Golf or Chess tournament isn't required, but
please avoid shouting , excessive celebrations during games or unnecessary talking to anyone while they play, or loud or prolonged conversations at or near the tables which is distracting.
Due to proximity of chairs to the courts in Fairfield, please speak quietly or
take long conversations into the hallway there when sitting close to an active
Also please keep language and conversations 'family friendly'
especially when kids or new players are around - think 'PG' movie.
CELL PHONES: Please minimize distractions to others caused
by your cell phone or pager.
1. If you get regular non-emergency calls, either keep your phone
with you, including at the table, or better yet turn your ringer off when
playing and check for calls to return, or voice messages between matches.
- including consideration of others who are waiting for a table or a partner near their skill level to play with. Don't be a 'table-hog' when others are waiting, or leave a player near your skill level as 'odd man out' when he doesn't have other suitable partners at his level. Also don't hit/kick or otherwise abuse tables or barriers - they are expensive to replace !
Bringing food or beverages into the Gym is a (revocable) privilege based on your
willingness to clean up after yourself including not leaving trash or a mess
GLUING: Because both gyms are now air-conditioned, and therefore
the doors are now usually closed, players are asked to use any glues for
attaching rubber at home or outside, particularly if using a speed-enhancing
glue with added solvents. Non-ITTF approved (safe) glues may NOT be used at the
#5 Playing time is shared, so players can not expect to play 100% of the time when others are waiting.
Matches or practice time should usually last 20 to 40 minutes (total
with each partner) especially when others are waiting for a table or to change playing partners. Our goal is that on busy
nights you will still be able to play 2/3rds of the time you are here .
#6 Coaching and equipment are available from the club director.
Paid coaching, equipment sales, or any other sales or promotional activities or distribution of ANY materials or solicitation of contact information from players is prohibited without advanced/expressed permission from the club director.
This is based on Dave's agreements and responsibility to the hosting
facilities and helps keep basic playing fees affordable by generating other
sources of income to support the ongoing club program.
#7 Scheduled club hours are often extended for an extra 1/2 hour or hour during sessions with a large turnout, especially on weekends.
Please don't assume this though, and arrive late expecting us to always run past 'posted' scheduled hours, this is connected with player participation and cooperation as outlined below.
#8 Players are also expected to sign-in and pay at the beginning of the session, or as soon as the club director is available after their arrival.
This allows Dave to participate as a coach or player later in
the session without avoidable interruptions. Players using 3 for $20 playing
'passes' are asked to sign-in and leave their playing pass 'self-serve' on the
sheet, if Dave is unavailable when they arrive.
#9 All players are expected to assist with equipment setup and/or tear-down.
Specifically, players arriving during the first hour of play are expected to pitch-in and help with set-up.
Players present near (or especially playing after) 'posted' closing times are expected to assist with tear-down and storage of our equipment, especially if they didn't assist with setup.
Cooperation with this benefits everyone and, along with player turn-out has a bearing on availability of 'bonus-time' after scheduled hours for the group and the individual
privilege to play beyond 'official' closing hours.
10.Players assume ALL personal risks to health and property
related to their attendance, travel & participation in this voluntary athletic activity.
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