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lyrics from 12 guage VP

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It's the season
for no treason
where ash has spilt
I am grieving
he see's decieving
when you turn grey
The light is dying
He hears lying
If I seize the day
You are the frame
in the circle of shame
where angles fall and
life crawls
innocence won't last forever
My heart has gashed
Pain is stashed
Now he fades away
you wanted to finish
I hope he's with this
Words are in clay
You are the frame
in the circle of shame
where angles fall and
life crawls
innocence won't last forever
I wish that I could go
Its just love anyway
You're ways distorted me
I could never go back
You make me always fear
Im begging you
Free me From me
Free me From me
What Choice did I have?
Have to regret everyday
You said I should go anyway
I cant read minds
Your hate makes my binds
Please Now
Free me From me
Free me From me
(solo with bend)
What Should I had to say
I would get hurt anyway
Your lips are my bliss and yet
My poison causing me to believe that mark
My eyes will bleed when you turn dark
Free me From me
Free me From me
Its pointless
Its pointless
its pointless
its pointless
its pointless
Afterglow Reflections
As my heartbeat dies
I've just realized
you are the only one to me
you made I become us
help turning our lives free
I want you now
no matter how
you'll make my life again
i don't have much time
Please stop me from losing you again
You are my world to live for
Marking your name into my flesh
Destroy me if you want
I want you now
no matter how
you'll make my life again
i don't have much time
Please stop me from losing you again
It your choice
your choice
your choice
your choice
your choice (fade)
Sound to your head
You shatted my fixed heart
It's your crime
I can't stand this pain my life
logs were always nice to link
buckets of ash on the stove
I hope that us will be over soon
seeing the life pass before me
If I can't get her so be it
I am leaving now from this town
It's my choice to avoid her frown
And who really cares for you
Will from now to eternity be you
And guess what....
I don't care anymore
I'm sick of fighting for something that tears me away
from this girl
I see her walking down our street
the place where we began to meet
Looking at her now
i know that she's worth it
And guess what....
I don't care anymore
I'm sick of fighting for something that tears me away
day by day
from this life i always wanted
Jonny's ride
Everyday i feel blue
anyday i'd die for you
Going downtown in jonny's ride
said yesterday tried to suicide
because hes not the right one
we are lost ones of the generation
wheres jonny gonna go?
we're in a generation
where theres a viberation
and no one excepts us
but our friends
i saw the guards from the mall
got in a fight and outran them all
whats this all for
lets see who suffers more......
we're in a generation
where theres a viberation
and no one excepts us
but our friends
lets us be
and the corruption gets more twisted in anarchy
were in a generation
were in a generation
Hey I'm working on the lyrics so far theres not how  want it to be
I wrote this on a barfbag coming home from seattle
Just for your information if something you care about you can't get makes you say screw it and then says don't stop trying but in the end you are broken and depressed and your mind says try one more time .Then there's one day that you can't stop thinking about that day where everything makes sence.