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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Thursday, 28 July 2005
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown hits a new low.
Topic: Politics
On page 15 of yesterday's Evening Standard Yasmin Alibhai-Brown scrapes the bottom of the barrel with a piece titled 'With this shoot-to-kill policy I'm terrified for my son's life'.

It starts 'For all the Asian and Arab families I know, this blast-to-kill policy is more scary than the bombs.' That's a stunning statement when you think about it. The number of people killed by suicide bombers on 7th July was 53. The number of people killed by the police in a shoot-to-kill prevention of a suicide attack is 1.

She tries to present her pro-police credentials by telling us that she's had dinner with the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair and that she abhors 'the demonisation of the Met by people who never have to take the risks or responsibilities taken by officers', but that is merely to soften us up for the one-two punch combination that follows:

1) 'But it isn't comforting for Muslims to know that the shoot-to-kill trick was learned from Israeli marksmen'.

Really? Well that might be because Israel has more experience of suicide bombers to pass on than Barbados and Finland. Who knows? She neglects to mention that some of the Israeli Defence Force is Arab. In fact, in the case of the prosecution of an Israeli marksman for killing a member of the International Solidarity Movement, it was a Bedouin Arab soldier who shot him, not a Jewish one.

But more annoying is the selectivity of mentioning Israel at all. When I heard Sir Ian on the radio talking about the shoot-to-kill policy, he stated that it was based on the experience of the Sri Lankan authorities in tackling the Tamil Tigers, who started killing civilians in suicide attacks long before the second intifada.

But that is just the sucker punch to set us up for the upper cut:

2) 'I have a son, a young man just married and at the start of his career as a barrister. He is tall, much darker than I am, with proud eyes and a temper. I am a wreck, worrying ceaselessly about what could happen to him in the present volatile climate'.

Note the mention of his dark complexion. It's clear that she feels his skin colour could get him killed. Now look at a picture of the man whom the police did shoot.

If he looks black or Asian then so do I.

_ DY at 1:13 AM BST
Updated: Friday, 29 July 2005 5:34 PM BST
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Thursday, 28 July 2005 - 2:32 PM BST

Name: pinkfloydfan


Yasmin is very good at telling her stories this way...she reminds me of all those people who start their conversations with "I'm not rascist/anti-semitic/homophobic but..." and proceed to spout some of the most rascist/anti-semitic/homophobic rubbish. Just proclaiming something about yourself does not make it true.

By the way, you may be interested to know that on 7th July another would-be suicide bomber was shot dead in Canary Wharf by the police: I have this on good authority from two sources I trust. I wonder why it hasn't been publicised?

Thursday, 28 July 2005 - 8:23 PM BST

Name: David Young

I heard a rumour about a Canary Wharf shooting on 7/7, but I think it was dismissed by the police. I can't see why they would deny it if it were true.

More mysterious is why Yasmin is hired to write at all. How does she get away with this utter hogwash?


Friday, 29 July 2005 - 9:31 AM BST

Name: JQ

I think your objection to the statement 'for all the Asian and Arab families I know, this blast-to-kill policy is more scary than the bombs' is ill-founded, for two reasons:

1. If you want to compare numbers of deaths to back up or deny this statement, then you must compare numbers from AFTER the shoot-to-kill policy was ostensibly introduced. You cannot compare the 53 and the 1.

2. The possibility of being killed by a bomb is indescriminate among tube-goers, whereas the possibility of being mistakenly shot by the police can only affect a subset of the tube-goers. Consider it from an actuarial perspective -- imagine insuring against 'accidental shooting by police', clearly Yasmin's son would be charged a significantly higher premium than a little old white lady for example.

There was a lot of claptrap in her article, but she might actually be right in her opening statement about the relative ongoing risk for her son.

Friday, 29 July 2005 - 10:46 AM BST

Name: DS

Only in the respect that should he choose to:

ignore calls, from armed police to stop

decide to run upon hearing such calls

enter a highly populated area

in other words adhere to normal public reaction and you will be fine

Friday, 29 July 2005 - 5:31 PM BST

Name: David Young

I'm with DS on this one. I don't think we have any evidence that her son is at greater risk of being shot by police than I am on the London tube system.

Could JQ please explain what better comparison than 53 to 1 exists?


Sunday, 31 July 2005 - 8:39 PM BST

Name: JD

Trust JQ to put an EV perspective on it.

Monday, 1 August 2005 - 3:51 AM BST

and why does Israel have a long history of suicide bombings compares to Barbados and Finland????

Monday, 1 August 2005 - 4:24 AM BST

Name: David Young

"and why does Israel have a long history of suicide bombings compares to Barbados and Finland????"

Blaming the victim! Nice one.

Ever asked a rape victim if she led her attacker on? Go on! You know you want to.


Tuesday, 2 August 2005 - 2:36 AM BST

Blaming the victim? Oh my dear God. Let me just think about this for one miniute. America sends LOADS of money to Israel. Israel are allowed to own and produce nuclear weapons, and let us not forget the pivotal factor....they are the ones taking over the Palestinian land. Yet what do Palestinians have compared to this...not even a propper army!! They see their families killed and homes destroyed.

DY proves his usual extreme right-wing zionist views by comparing Israel the victim in the same context as a rape victim. Its extreme people like you that entices extremists. I only pray to God that the people like you do not destroy out great nation, Great Britain.

Tuesday, 2 August 2005 - 10:01 AM BST

Name: 89tj
Home Page:

I have to agree with this last comment. David, you have surely produced your most preposterous, unbalanced and fallacious comment ever with that pathetic 'rape victim' jibe.

PS: The shoot-to-kill victim looks considerably darker skinned in photographs that don't have his face washed out by strong sunlight.

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