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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Friday, 1 June 2007
Some anniversaries.
Topic: Misc.

It was 40 years ago today.

The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper album was released 40 years ago today. I wasn't around then, but I do recall a Channel 4 documentary made about it in 1987 titled, obviously enough, 'It was twenty years ago today'. What stands out in my mind was the angry response of viewers to Gus McDonald's 'Right to Reply' show that the whole thing had been a huge advertisement for LSD. Can't have been a succesful ad campaign though, as I don't recall a sales spike thereafter.

It was one year ago today.

It's exactly a year since I was last on a plane. Well, you've got to keep you're carbon footprint down, haven't you? Lol, don't worry, I haven't gone soft, as a certain US president seems to have lately. I'm still not convinved at all. But if you are, then you should check out Andy Ward's site where he'll tell you what to do. And if you missed the chance to talk to him about it in Tunica in January, you can speak to him about it in Vegas next week.

Monday, 4 June 2007 - 12:52 PM BST

Name: "Albert Non"

very pithy.........

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