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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Wednesday, 16 February 2005
Islands for sex criminals?
Topic: Misc.
I don't believe that sex criminals, in particular those who molest children, are like other criminals. I don't suppose it's their fault that their urges are the way they are. I don't see how they can reform. A man who steals from a shop can be made to see how his actions are wrong, but what can you do with someone who has a sex drive that requires that others be harmed?

So I've been thinking recently that they should be placed on some remote island where they can do no harm to others once they have completed their time in prison. Conditions need not be harsh. They would not be there for extra punishment, merely to prevent further harm to others.

Would this be immoral?

Wednesday, 16 February 2005 - 12:53 PM GMT

Name: JayBee

Been done before. Called Australia. Then it became a country.

Do you really want a country where the founding fathers were all paedos?

Ummm. Actually, there is one. Pitcairn Island. Nearly all the men were locked up for incest recently.

My solution is this. Too many chav kids. Too many paedos. In one cell, lock up two chavs and a paedo, in the next two paedos and a chav. Days later there will be one dead paedo and one dead chav. Re-arrange the sleeping arrangements and continue until the world is cleared of both sets of scum.

There is also the Mexican approach to paedos. Car tyre neckless and a box of matches. Used mucho in recent years.

Many paedos were abused themselves when young. It's the only life they know. They are mentally ill and are recidivists. Being locked up for life in a mental hospital is the only thing to do. However, try telling that to a white middle-class guilt ridden liberal.

Wednesday, 16 February 2005 - 1:26 PM GMT

Name: Commie Boy

Well, I'm certainly not middle class (!) but white and liberal might get me. It always amuses me when people make sweeping statements about a group of people that is just plain weird. As one of the aforementioned liberals, I have always stressed that Paedophilia is a mental illness and therefore must be treated in a psychiatric hospital. Failure to ?cure? the problem results in the person staying in psychiatric care. The idea of locking them up in prison is absolutely hilarious. Let them out after a couple of years and they re-offend. Who?d have thought that ?!! If anyone can explain to me how locking someone up for 2 years takes away that person?s desire to abuse a 3-year-old, I?d like to hear it.

Incidentally, I think our wonderful fascination with the whole subject is so disproportionate that we are causing more harm than good. Newspaper enthusiasm to sell their ?paedophile product? to the masses has made the problem even worse. The WHO realised the figures a while ago on the subject, and it showed that compared with the 1950?s, the problem is tiny. Technically, our children are safer. But of course, fear sells papers and perceived threats are always as good as real threats when it comes to making money. I don?t have the figures immediately to hand, but the percentage decline in abuse compared with percentage increase in newspaper coverage is a statistic to behold.

All be afraid..very afraid?.but don?t worry, the Tabloids will save us all.


Wednesday, 16 February 2005 - 1:35 PM GMT

Name: David Young

I think you're right about the problem actually being smaller than it was decades ago. That surprises me, because I would have thought that the motor car would make it easier for people to commit an assault in a town where they are not known and flee the scene before the offence is discovered. More people have cars than before, so I would expect the problem to get worse.

But nobody's answered the question: Would there be something immmoral about my remote island idea? It's not meant to be a harsh place - inhabitants would be free to move around, perhaps do some work remotely (outsourced) and be able to buy goods from the outside world etc.

Wednesday, 16 February 2005 - 8:36 PM GMT

Name: Commie Boy

To be honest David I see no need for it. Like I said, proper mental health care would solve the problem. As long as they are a threat, they stay in care. All it then takes is for the newspapers to start reporting (or not reporting!) it properly...but of course that will never happen. Fear is too big a product to simply cut and the Paedophile brand is one of the strongest they have. 2 young blokes have just been convicted of killing an old man in Southampton. He had been taking pictures of the youths smashing stuff up and reporting it to the police. 2 lads decided this meant he was a paedophile and went round and beat him to death. Is there anybody who doesn't think the newspapers contributed to the man's death? Where did those lads get their info on paedophiles? In Paulsgrove when the problem was at its height, they were marching through the street with their little babies and children holding placards reading stuff like "kill the paedo scum!" One group even smashed up the house of a paediatrician. And of course the wonderful woman who run the news of the world campaign that started that, is the delightful Miss Rebecca Wade. Now editor of the Sun..lovely woman.

Anyway..rant over

Sorry for infecting your blog David !!


Thursday, 17 February 2005 - 3:39 AM GMT

Name: David Young

Are you suggesting that child molesters stay in secure mental health units for the rest of their lives? That seems even more harsh than what I propose.


Thursday, 17 February 2005 - 9:22 AM GMT

Name: Commie Boy

How can locking up someone who poses an immediate threat to small children be harsh? Don?t forget, if we have a society where we no longer lock up Paedophiles with burglars and other criminals and treat them instead, the amount of offences would surely decrease. Even people with relatively minor offences under their belt are simply locked up then let back out again at the moment. The chance to treat these cases would (imo) result in possibly ?curing? them the same way we do with other mental illnesses.


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