Once upon a time I wrote a story. And another. And then another. Now, years later I'm practicing for my writing carrer. Be very afraid.
There will be fics, skits, and just plain sillies here. You may find a mushy fic, or a sad fic. I'm usually best at funny stuff though.
I'm proud of all my writings but I'm often not happy with them. I may revise fics again and again. I have this obsessive need to get better and better. I think it's a good trait. My goal is to write a fic that I'm truly happy with. We'll see.
Another Love Story With An Unfitting Title
A BobnDot fic that I've been working on for quite awhile. It went through a lot of editing and such but it's now quite acceptable. It's based on what /I/ think Bob and Dot's first date would be like. (Very sappy IMHO)
My first real attempt at a serious fic, this is all about Bob in the Web. It's got some sad bits, but as always is peppered with the funny stuff.
It's the fic that wouldn't die! It took me forever to write, then to edit, then to get off my lazy butt and post. Herein, Dot drinks coffee and acts bossy while Bob wears black spandex and flirts with Dot. Fun!
NEW A Little Talk
Bob and I have a little chit-chat. It's short, it's lame, and it's very telling, if you ask me.
Blue and Green
A short and sweet Post-Daemon Rising ficlet, about Bob and Dot. (Of course it's Bob and Dot. Who else do I write about?:))
Shake it Up
Yes, indeedy, it's a ficlet and Bob and Dot are nowhere to be found. Aren't you impressed? Matrix/AndrAIa mush, m'dears.
Love and Sage Advice
Lordy. Instructed by Claire to write a mushy fic, I went ahead and wrote one. Mushy, mushy, mushy. Dot takes Bob rollerblading. Humor and mushiness is the result. I know I'm using "mushy" a lot, but gosh...it's mushy.
You Can't Judge a Sprite By Her Brother
Bob's sis comes to Mainframe. It's not what one would expect.... This was inspired by Hanako. Note: Silver Tiger is working on another story with the same concepts but more. I'll be posting that here since I can't resist someone who thinks like me :)
Just some stuff
Written in Science class to guide me, this may help you a little to see what a ReBoot Bob 'n Dot fic should be like. Or not. Oh, and it's in prose. Yep. And now I won an award courtesy of Dot's Data for my efforts
I Write
I wrote this while working on a fic. This is what I go through while writing. :)
Napkin Ruminations
I got really bored in an office one Wednesday, and wrote these Bob poems on a napkin. Yeah.
A poem.
The part of me that loves ReBoot romance battles with the part that hates it.
An essay about Bob. In German. And then translated.
What Are They Up To?
A few theories on what the ReBoot cast has been up to since Season 3...
The Song Of ReBoot
I wrote this in English class. It's kinda corny. My teacher wrote on the paper after I got it back: 'You obviously are very passionate about this show!' If she only knew...
Other Writings
Daemon Theories
(I don't think this needs too much of an explanation.)
Page Down Explains Hexadecimal And Insanity
(Same here darlings.)
Expressions With a Twist
(Our favorite sayings, contorted.)