The Sanderson Sisters

Deleted Scenes

Thanks to Jonjo Barrow for this!

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          As you may be aware of, Hocus Pocus has some scenes that never made it to the video release. These scenes are rarely seen but here are a few of them explained and with some pictures to help you picture the scenes. It is a shame however they never were brought out they are really funny :).
Swimming pool scene
          When the sisters go to the school there is an extended scene when they go into the sports classes and Winnie thinks she has entered a torture chamber. They snoop around and come to a swimming pool. Sarah and Mary are mucking about and knock Winnie into the pool. If you look you can see when they enter the boiler room when they get locked in the oven Winnies hair is all messed up and looks like it is wet so there is evidence of this scene taking place, apart from the picture below.

Sarah and Mary: She did it!

She did it!

The Shopping Trip
         Here is another deleted scene. This one, as well, is very funny. This scene is when the Sanderson sisters go on a shopping trip. Mary drinks Witch Hazel (an astringent) and then goes to the baby food department. She sees a baby in the front of a shopping trolley, her eyes get bigger, has a hungry look in them and she licks her lips. Winnie catches Mary and drags her away by her ear.

         Mary drinks the Witch Hazel

Mmmm....   ?

         Winnie: Mary this is no time for a snack!

Mary this is no time for a snack!

Thanks to Jean for these!

Candy! Candy! Candy! Yummy!
Baby! She did it! Hocus Pocus! Children!

Get your candies kiddies!!! Muahahahahahaha!

Mmmmmmmmm... delicious!.. (yuck!)

She did it!!