Shirley's 50th class reunion in New Jersey.
Pictured from left: Joan Shockey, Harry Shockey, Pudd Weisel, Shirley Yoiung, Hope Young and Shirley Weisel.


Al and Shirl attended a BBQ for the Lt. Governor of Florida,
Frank Brogan on Sat. May 18th at the Chipola College
in Mariana. It was put on by the Republicans of Jackson
County and was well attended. The luncheon was catered
by "Sonny's" and was very good!!!
Michael & Belen have two wonderful kids.
Gabriel & Jasmine
The Schaeffer Grandkids
Naomi (Lisa's Daughter), PopPop, Jasmine (Mike's Step Daughter), Nana holding Gabriel Edward (Mike's Son).
Click on picture to see it enlarged. Press Back to returm.
Ginger at 1 year old.
Daughter Deb sent this photo of her dog "Lilly" with her grandson, Draven (our Great Grandson!)
Our Newest Addition!!
We drew straws and I won, so I get to let you know about the wonderful
Gabriel Edward Schaeffer was born at 11:56p.m. on December 9, 2000
weighing in at 8lbs 4oz and 20 1/2 inches long
tons of black hair
Mom, baby, big sister and Dad are doing well (we were mostly concerned
about "dad" but he came through the labor ok, although I think they had to
give him an epidural too. shhh)
Mike is such a proud dad, I think fatherhood looks good on him.
Love ya and miss ya and congratulations on your new grand nephew
Lisa and family
November 28, 2000
We talked with Ed and Carol Schaeffer over Thanksgiving. They are
very excited about the coming holidays. Son, Eddie, is out of the Air
home from Germany and looking forward to getting into college. Son, Michael
and his wife, Belen, are awaiting the birth of their son within a week or
And Christmas this year with Naomi is going to be a blast!! Ed's
is doing very well, expanding and growing! Isn't God good?!!!
We also talked with Shirl's sister, Dorothy, and found out that her
Charles had a small mini stroke but thankfully there was no side effects
So we send "Stay well wishes to him"!!
We have a new addition to our Family! Her name is Ginger, and she loves to chew on everything in sight! Ahh the pleasures of puppyhood. (is that a word?)
We are pleased to announce the joining of Michael Schaeffer and
Belen Montiel in marriage on Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 5:00 PM
at the Tucson Botanical Gardens in Tucson, Arizona. God bless them

Michael Schaeffer is Shirley's nephew, son of Ed Schaeffer.
Michael Schaeffer graduated from the Pima County
Sheriff's department of corrections on Friday,
March 3, 2000! Great News!
November 9 - Bill Smith, Jeanne Hickman Smith's husband passed away
this past week survived by Jeanne and their five grown children.
Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
November 3 - Check out Naomi's page for a report on her first football game!
November 3 - Bill Woodcock is going to have a throat operation on the 18th, instant.
We wish him well, and will pray for a speedy recovery.
Linda Ramsey reports that her niece Terri Elder Flint gave birth
to her second son, Alex, on October 6th at 10:08 am, 7 lb. 15 oz.
and 20 inches in length.
All is well and, brother Joey was 3 yrs. old
on August 27th.
We wish them all God's blessings!!"
Sorry to report the passing of Shirl's Dad, Calvin J. Schaeffer,
on September 21, 1999. The following was written for his
Memorial Service:
Calvin Joseph Schaeffer was born Feb. 8, 1917 in Allentown, PA.
Son of Charles and Lavinia Nolan Schaeffer. They moved to New
Jersey while Calvin was still a young boy. Eventually his mother
and stepfather, Edward Keen, moved to Pitman, N.J. He attended
Pitman High School and was a member of the track team, yearbook and
newspaper staff. He graduated in 1936.
Calvin married Miriam Hickman Oct. 18, 1941 and raised her two
children as well as their own two children. He was a truck driver and
worked at the New York Shipyard in Philadelphia before becoming
an electrician for E.I.Dupont DeNemours & Co. in 1947. He worked for
Duponts until retirement in 1976.
His favorite activities were model railroading, camping, traveling, being a
volunteer fireman. Calvin and Miriam traveled around the country in their
motor home, eventually moving to the Sonoita area in Arizona. After
Miriam's death in 1990, Calvin lived with his son Ed, until his death,
Sept. 21, 1999.
Calvin is survived by 3 daughters, Dorothy Sharp of NJ, Shirley Weisel of
FL, Eileen Woodcock of WA, and his son, Ed Schaeffer of AZ; 10 grandchildren;
9 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren and a sister, Marion
of NJ.
April 19th, 1999 was a very sad day for us - our beloved Dusty (pictured
below) had to be put down. Needless to say, we are still heartbroked
but so very thankful that the Lord gave her to us for some 5 years.
She was a stray that found us at the Mill Dam Recreation Area in the Ocala
National Forest of Florida. She was the most fantastic dog ever and we will
always miss her terribly!!
A close friend, Shirley Young from New Jersey, sent
us this article that I just love and want to dedicate to our precious
The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place where there is a Rainbow Bridge
connecting heaven and earth. It is called The Rainbow Bridge because
of its many colors.
When an animal dies that has been close to someone here, they go to this
place. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so
can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine,
and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and
those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as
we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals
are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss
very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play
together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the
distance. His or her bright eyes are intent; an eager body begins to
Suddenly he or she begins to run from the group, flying over the green
grass, legs going faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The
kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head and
you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from
your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
May 1st - Al and Shirl went down to visit Dori and Glenn on Dori's
birthday. All went to the Flea Market to spend the day at Glenn's
Booth (see picture below) - had a great time with them. You should
really visit his website for a better picture of some of his wares -
Glenn's Gifts
February 23, 1999
Ethel Beebe reports that she become a celebrity, of sorts, while dining at the Glassboro Police Department Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner, a sharp-eyed paparazzii captured her lovely image and sold it to the local newspaper, (see picture below).
Ethel reports that her son, Gil, has been diagnosed with Diabetes and spent some time in the hospital to get his glucose regulated. He is home now and improving.
Ethel is presently recovering from a gall bladder operation she had performed on Valentine's Day.
I am sure you join with us in wishing her and Gil speedy recovery and God's Blessings!
February 14, 1999
Received the following message from Shirl's brother, Ed Schaeffer:
"Lisa and Howie have a baby girl. She was born on Sunday (2/14)
morning at 11:17, she weighed 6 lbs. 14 ounces and 19" long. Her
name is Naomi Elizabeth Wykes. Everyone is doing well."
Congratulations to Lisa and Howie for their Valentine's Day
God bless -
Novenber 4, 1998
It is our unpleasant duty to report the death of Kathlene Neifert. She passed away on 4 November 1998. She was the daughter of Grace Miriam Weisel Niefert.
October 12, 1998 - Linda Ramseyreports that her big brother, Frank Ramsey is now a Grandfather. Daughter Dawn had herself a baby boy named Eddie, born 2:00 AM 10/11/98, wt. 9 lb. 6 oz. & 21 in. long. Best wishes go out to all!!!
August 10, 1998 - Received the following communication from Shirl's
cousin, Patricia Willis, from New Jersey:
My Bob had three strokes; one on June 9th, another June 10th and a
third on July 10th. The strokes left him blind, speechless, unable to
and completely paralyzed. He died on July 12th at 5:25 in the evening.
I miss him terribly. We did everything together for the last four
He couldn't be left alone because of all his health problems and we had
a wonderful time together.
I miss taking care of him, seeing those pretty blue eyes, and his
great smile. Life is not the same without him. But he is not suffering
anymore, and he is with the Lord and all our family members. "
In spite of all this sadness in Pat's life, she took the time to fill
the forms I sent her several months ago so I could complete the
Taylor Family Tree. I am most grateful for her thoughtfulness and
pray for all God's blessing on her at this sad time in her life. She
could use all our prayers!!"
August, 1998 - Shirl's brother, Ed Schaeffer, is planning on driving Dad
Schaeffer up to
Roy, WA to see our sister, Eileen Woodcock for a six week visit. Have a
visit guys!!! Ed will fly back to Arizona until Sept. 21st when he'll
fly back to WA
and drive Dad back to AZ. Drive safe, Ed!!
JULY, 1998 - Lisa and Howie Wykes have some great news to share - they are expecting
their first child the beginning of February 1999!! She reports that all
is well in
spite of the 120 degree weather in Arizona!!!
Grand-daughter Lori Lu Tompkins is graduating from college in North
as a Respiratory Therapist on August 14, 1998. It had been a long, hard
and we are very proud of her accomplishments! Way to go, Lori!!!!
JUNE, 1998 - I have sent out ten or more inquires to family members regarding our complete Family Tree. If the Tree is not correct once it is on the page, please let me know right away by either E-Mail or Standard mail.
This also applies to the up & coming birthday, anniversay and Mailing lists!! Thank you in advance for your cooperation!!!
4-29-98 Sorry to report the passing of Shirl's Aunt Ruth Taylor. The
following was in the Gloucester County Times, Woodbury, NJ:
Ruth L. Taylor, 101, of Woodbury died Wednesday in Greenbriar East in Deptford.
Born in Perth Amboy, she lived in Woodbury most of her life.
She was an accountant for the First Fidelity Bank of Woodbury until she
retired in 1962.
She graduated from Woodbury High School in 1916, then Thompson School of
Secretaries in Philadelphia in 1918.
She was a member of the Christ Episcopal Church for 67 years and was active in the Episcopal Church Women. She belonged to the Order of the Eastern Star No. 109 in Woodbury. She was a former member of the Woodbury Women's Club.
Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Christ Episcopal Church, 62 Delaware
St., Woodbury. There will be no viewing.
She is survived by four nieces and 1 nephew: Patricia Willis of Cape May
Courthouse, NJ., Dorothy T. Sharp of Mantua, NJ, Shirley T. Weisel of
Alford, FL, Holly T. Halowach of C A, and Thomas S. Taylor of CA.
Burial will be in Eglington Cemetery, Clarksboro.
Contributions may be made to the Christ Episcopal Church, 62 Delaware St., Woodbury, NJ 08096
Al and Shirl took their camper down to the Langford Family Ranch in Bassinger, FL and joined Doreen (daughter #2)& her husband, Glenn Langford, for their annual Langford Family Reunion. The camp setting is along the Kissimmee River in among the beautiful oak trees with Spanish Moss and a variety of air plants. It was a sight to behold!!
The weather could not have been nicer - warm pleasant breezes with just enough coolness at night to make sleeping very comfortable.
On Saturday, the rest of the Langford clan arrived and the fun began. There were games, crafts, books, a Family Tree and a family history quilt on display. This quilt is auctioned off every year and the winner gets to take it home to use until the next year when it gets auctioned off once again. The proceeds help to refurbish their ancestors grave stones.
Wish there was room to list all the food that ladened the tables such as: swamp cabbage (don't turn up your nose - it was good!!), catfish, BBQ chicken, a whole hog, hushpuppies, vegetable dishes, beans, salads and a full array of desserts. After that full meal, most of us sat around and talked the afternoon away!!
Needless to say, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and look forward to returning another year!
Congratulations to Lisa and Howie Wykes (our niece - her Dad, Ed Schaeffer, is Shirl's brother) as they moved into their newly built home in Avondale, AZ. Our very best wishes for all of God's blessings go to them!4/23/98 Lisa writes -
We are finally settled in. As luck would have it I sprained my knee two weeks ago and so I have been out of work since then ( I go back on the 27th, and I am counting the days) but I have been able to unpack those boxes that I thought would never get unpacked and we have been able to hang pictures and so forth. Our next project will be landscaping, which we keep changing our minds about but hopefully will get done in the next month or so. Trying to clear the front and backyards of rocks has turned into quite a treasure hunt. Among the typical nails and drywall we are finding buried roofing tiles, soda cans, bottles, plastic bags, string, and even a screwdriver, and we have barely started. We do however have a horseshoe pit already! That was done last weekend by some of our friends I just hope they put that much effort into the rest of the yard!!
As far as news around here, not much going on right now, Eddie (Lisa's older brother who is stationed in Germany) has been promoted to staff sergeant and has changed jobs, he is now a supervisor. He is going to try to come to the states in September or October. Howie is starting a new job here pretty soon, he will be working as an exterminator (Bug Man). My mom is working full-time now for a hearing doctor in Sierra Vista, she is enjoying it and it is a nice christian environment. Howie and I a still looking for a church up here, there is one that is starting at the high school by our house so we are looking into that one, there aren't too many out here since it is a new area. The dogs are loving their new yard, I swear they were out of breath for three days after we moved in, our favorite past time is sitting on the back porch and playing fetch with Chewy, Meeko doesn't play fetch he likes to tackle her when she brings the ball back, he thinks its football (he is to much like his dad and grandpa). Well I better go now I have to clean cause my mom and dad are coming up for the weekend and I'm not used to cleaning a house, but it is worth it.