Noah. He is out of Ravage and Gravedigger, 11 inches tall and 15 pounds.
This is Fulford's Deadgame Noahman.
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What do they hunt 
Racoon do a lot of damage running loose through barns and fields. I have been in barns where they have destroyed very expensive equipment. They not only use the equipment as a toilet, but they rip the seats, and then climb in the ceilings and the walls and destroy the building itself. Another bad thing about coons, is they love to kill and eat chicken. One farmer told me about his chickens that he kept as pets, everynight he would make sure they all were in their pen. One morning he came out and all of his chickens were dead. The coon had reached through the chicken wire and pulled the chickens apart. He did not leave until they all were dead. When there are no barns Coons will hide in trees and sometimes especially in Ohio, go in groundhog holes. 
Groundhogs, Groundhogs can do as much damage as coons, just in different areas. Groundhogs love to eat in gardens, especially beans. Nothing can be as frustraiting to farmers after working day and night for months to prepare the soil and then plant their crops and then watch them grow and then see them get eaten by groundhogs. These farmers are very eager to have the groundhogs relocated.
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I have worked and seen a lot of Patterdales over the past 40 years. Sometimes I wish I could go back and breed into dogs that I have had in the past. Thanks to modern technology. I have been able to do that. My Noah dog was born in 1998 and died in 2006, luckily Tony had his semen frozen. Cobra is a direct daughter of Noah.  Cobra is now 10 years old. 
Tony also froze the semen of Booths Simon. I can get you a frozen Simon straw for $5,000. There are only four in the entire universe. It was frozen over 25 years ago.  this is Kade, a double grandson of Cobra. 
Email Todd at fulford1@mail.com or call (606) 694-4633