February 2001
On Scorsese's Tracks
By Sophie Benamon
(This is the same journalist who did the report in Thailand about The Beach in 1999 for the same magazine. This time she has not been so lucky, as the highest person working on the movie she could meet is Barbara Bouchet, an Italian actress who plays the mother of Cameron Diaz's character. The whole report took place at the end of October, so that's not new news!).

In front of the main entrancy of the Cinecitta studios, via Tuscolana, surrounded by half a dozen of guards, about twenty young girls are waiting, staring at the inside. I ask them in my broken italian: "Especta DiCaprio?" "No". Actually they are some fans of Il Grande Fratello, a TV reality-show which is filmed in the sudio 1! Though, since August 30, Italian tabloids and popular newspapers are filled with gossips about Scorsese's film. Paparazzi don't stop hunting DiCaprio, publishing pictures of him (long hair and little fringe of beard) and spreading the craziest news about his so-called night bar and club hopings and about the dreadful consequences on the filming.

If Barbara Bouchet and her cinema's daughter, Cameron Diaz clicked right away, "a girl full of go, she's like the sun", Barbara's relationships with Leonardo DiCaprio were more distant: "I didn't speak much with him, he's rather calm and often on his own. I only asked him if he was intending to do some tourism in Rome and he answered me: "I'd like to". Poor one, he really can't go out, because of the paparazzi. I wouln't wish this kind of life to anyone. As he doesn't give any interview and as journalists can't reach the set, the latest tell many stories, all faker the ones than the others. For instance it has been said that Scorsese gave him a roasting because of his latenesses [some even said that he would have been asked to apologize to the crew] . That's completely wrong."

(Sophie Benamon meets extras at the cafetria of the studios, but they are not allowed to talk. Nevertheless, one of them discretely gives the journalist his phone number before he leaves.) I'll learn from him that he belongs to DiCaprio's gang, the Dead Rabbits, that he is paid 100$ a day. And he gives me confirmation that filming days are very long, that setting everything requires a lot of time , that Scorsese remains most of the time behind his three video screens, constantly checking the pictures he is creating, but that he never misses, after a long day, to thank all the extras for their patience, and that Leonardo DiCaprio is impressive. "He wears a brown jacket, a waistcoast, he got some bandana around his neck and he wears a hat. I didn't expect that he could be so concentrated on the set. That's really enriching to see him act. That's an incredible actor. Much more than what I was guessing..."

Popular papers, though, don't leave the hero of Titanic alone. One day, they say that Scorsese put him on a diet, and the day after, that he's gonna marry Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen, who came and visited him... And so on. I remember what Fabio Ferzetti, the Messagero reviewer had told me: "Roman people would like to live again the time of the dolce vita, the time where Rome was renowned in the entire world. That's why gossip columnists exagerate DiCaprio 's every move. Don't forget either the economic repercussions: for this restaurant or that club, what an advertising to get such a customer as DiCaprio, even if that's not always real!" There is a place he has been having lunch for real, it is Il Passetto, a downtown restaurant. The waiter shew me pictures of the "divo" (an Italian word for a male star) with the different waiters, cooks and bosses. Without black glasses, with big smiles, he appearantly entered the celebrity game, breaking this way his capricious and distant star image. I can't resist signing the golden book besides what he wrote : "Grazi" (thank you", that he should have written "grazie").

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