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"You Don't Know Me" A.M.

One too many probing questions...
"I don't want you to know me too well", he answered.
Remaining elusive, a mystery unsolved...
The reality is we don't really know..
What lies beneath the beautiful surface.
Onscreen he comes entrancingly alive..
Rebellious, angry, lost teen..
Sensuous, egotistical, genius poet..
Brooding, hip, reckless Romeo
Sensitive, carefree bohemian artist...
All so real...
We think he's one or the other...
or a combination of another..
But they're all just celluloid personas...
A testament to his gift...
The real person is hidden to all..
Except for the few he chooses to let in...
Leaving us to guess and dream..
And when some day we awaken..
Will we find that the dream was one of
despair, rage, and tragedy..
Or a dream of hope, love, and destiny?

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