Leo and Gisele both Deny the Marriage Rumors
NY Daily News:
October 17, 2000

Are Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen planning a Roman wedding? Fashionistas say the Brazilian supermodel has been trying on wedding dresses designed by Laura Biagiotti — and not just for a magazine shoot. DiCaprio, who's in Rome filming Martin Scorsese's "Gangs of New York," is said to have approached the American consulate there about documents needed for a wedding.

Leo and Gisele have supposedly asked family members to join them in the Eternal City in November. The relatives are bound to have a jolly time considering that Leo and Gisele both have German ancestry. But it won't be a wedding, according to DiCaprio's rep, who insists: "They're not engaged!"

Terra.com.br: Gisele denies engagement with DiCaprio
October 16, 2000

Besides the week to pass at the catwalks of Milan for the releases of the next season, the top model gaucho Gisele Bündchen, 20 years, considered to number 1 of the world, it frequented in the last days the columns of gossips in the whole world. First, it was the publication of a picture of the model kissing the north actor - American Leonardo DiCaprio, 25 years and one of the idolized stars of the movies hollywoodiano, in a restaurant of Rome, printed by the Italian magazine People. In Saturday, the British newspaper Daily Star he/she/you announced that Gisele and Leo became engaged in Milan. According to the tabloid londrino, the actor would have given for the bride an appraised ring in US$ 185 thousand, in a ceremony for little people.

It is " everything lie, he/she is the largest ' it plans fora' already published my respect ". That is the official version, the message that yesterday Gisele Bündchen ordered for Zero Hour, reviewed by telephone by the entrepreneur of the model in Brazil, Mônica Monteiro. In S?o Paulo, Mônica heard the model deny the rumor:

I am not thinking about becoming engaged, much less in getting married".

"Nothing of what was published by the Daily Star it is true"-he/she said the top to the agent.

In spite of the vehement denied of Gisele, the international agencies published during the weekend you detail of the matter published in London. For the that says the tabloid, the model he/she would have wept with joy when the star of Titanic he/she gave him/her the ring, in a hotel of Milan. In agreement with the newspaper Daily Star, Leonardo DiCaprio would have made a comment with friends: "I am the king of the world. Gisele is the most attractive woman of the world and I am terribly impassioned by her."

The Brazilian model would have statement, in the version published by the newspaper, that is very happy: "I cannot believe that am committed. Leo does me very happy." The newspaper didn't get to speculate the two empty space to get married. Gisele Bünchen, however, it takes oath that the marriage with the actor is not in your plans.

Babados: Engagement With DiCaprio Doesn't Exist
October 16, 2000

"Engagement With DiCaprio Doesn't Exist" Gisele Bündchen says. The Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen guarantees that she is not Titanic actor Leonardo DiCaprio's fiancee. Through her press spokesperson, Gisele said that the story published by the British newspaper Daily Star is the "worse balloon (??)" that was ever written about the two. The report gave details of a party during which the actor presented the beautiful woman with an engagement ring worth U.S. $125,000. "An engagement with DiCaprio doesn't exist, nor a ring. All those quotes in the story were invented. If anyone is interested, I am only 20 years old and I neither intend to marry or get engaged so early", Gisele said through her press advisor. About a supposed courtship with the actor, the model wouldn't discuss. Through the spokesman she said she didn't want to make public details of her personal life. In the newspaper story, the model supposedly said that she couldn't believe that she was engaged and that Leo made her very happy during the supposed party.

Terra Exclusivo: A Close Friend Denies
October 16, 2000

Friend is suspicious about engagement of Gisele with DiCaprio. Saturday, October 14, 2000. The advisor and friend of the model Gisele Bundchen, Monica Monteiro, was surprised by the news of the engagement of the top Brazilian model with the North American actor Leonardo DiCaprio. "I find it impossible that she would have become engaged and not to have informed me," she affirmed. "Besides, to get maried at 20 years is not in Gisele's plans," she said. Monica, however, didn't discard the possibility that DiCaprio had given a valuable jewel to Gisele. "Everyone knows he is crazy about her," she commented. Gisele traveled today to New York, after the closing of the Parisian fashion shows of ready-to-wear for Spring 2001.

Dinner & nightclub: The romance between Gisele and DiCaprio began in April, during a dinner at the Brazilian restaurant Casa, in the West Village in New York. Days later the couple appeared, holding hands, at the opening of Las Palmas Restaurant in Los Angeles. The star of Titanic tried to meet the Brazilian for two years, sending notes and bouquets to the model's dressing room. The actor's friends also helped, giving DiCaprio's messages to Gisele who, at the beginning, avoided the actor's approaches and made it clear her contempt for certain attitudes of Leonardo. She has been on the covers of all the principal fashion magazines on the planet, and was chosen by Rolling Stone Magazine September edition as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Il Piccolo di Trieste

Voices of wedding Romans between DiCaprio and Gisele you deny from the superstar American and from the top model New - York Voci of wedding Romans, quickly denied by the parties, for Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen: according to the «Daily News» the American actor and the Brazilian supermodella could pronounce the prophetic one yes in November in the Eternal City. «You/they have invited the respective relatives to reach them to Rome in November», you/they have learned sources of the «Daily News» according to which Leonardo, busy in these days to Rome in the resumptions of «Gangs of New York» of Martin Scorsese, it would have even contacted the American consulate to inquire on the documents necessary for the wedding. While Gisele would have been seen while it was trying wedding gowns signed Lauras Biagiotti: «And it was not for a service of fashion», you/he/she has insinuated one of the sources. But the spokesman of DiCaprio has denied that the heartbreaker of «Titanic» coop to abdicate, at least for now, to the bachelorhood.

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