Lasse Hallstrom to Direct CMIYC
From Hollywood Variety
Hallstrom, DiCaprio play ``Catch''
By Charles Lyons and Dana Harris

HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Lasse Hallstrom (''Chocolat'') is in negotiations to direct ``Catch Me If You Can,'' with Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead role. A March start is planned.

The DreamWorks picture tells the true tale of Frank Abagnale Jr., a charming young impostor who impersonated so many people and kited so many checks between 1964 and 1966 that he earned the distinction of being the only teen ever on the FBI's 10 most wanted list (news - web sites).

Among Abagnale's ploys were passing himself off as a Pan Am co-pilot (which allowed him to fly more than 2 million miles for free), as well as the chief resident pediatrician at a Georgia hospital, Louisiana's assistant attorney general and a professor of American history at a French university. By the time he was caught. Abagnale wrote $6 million in bad checks in all 50 states and in 26 foreign countries.

``Catch Me'' had previously been eyed by directors such as Gore Verbinski and David Fincher. Hallstrom, currently shooting ``The Shipping News'' for Miramax Films, previously directed DiCaprio in ``What's Eating Gilbert Grape.''


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