Leonardo DiCaprio arrives in Rome to begin Gangs of New York
August 25, 2000

(translated loosely from an Italian newspapaer article)

ROME - Leonardo Di Caprio tried to escape the onslaught of the photographers who yesterday waited for him at the airport Roman of Fiumicino; the desparate attempt but is not successful.

The Prince of Hollywood, the blond man of the " Titanic ", took precuations to avoid the photographers. Arriving in Rome from London with three assistants, instead of exiting from the international flights, he exited from the zone departures. Not to be outdone, the photographers were waiting for the next blue Mercedes who would have had entrance into city.

The photographers were not able to take clear shots of DiCaprio as he left the air terminal in the sultry warmth of the Roman summer. A cap hides him from a cappellino (?) with the face down, the low head, the leggermente uncultivated beard, immancabili alone darkest glasses, a t- shirt celestial worn on a pair of gray pants , sandals color leather, the actor slipped into the automobile, trying to escape from the telephoto lenses.

Then, escorted from an other car, he is driven quickly to the center of Rome. A little rest before the inspections to Cinecittą.

DiCaprio came to Rome in order to turn the film of Martin Scorsese, "Gangs of New York". From months in the plants on the way to Tuscolana it is in construction the gigantic set devised from the sceografo Dante Ferretti and, in the 200 billions of budget of the film of the Miramax, the voice " building " is between the more important: all the part north of the studies has been transformed in a great quarter of the New York of half the 1800's. The history, written from Herbert Asbury and Jay Cocks begins in 1846 and ends in the 1863 with one great raid of gangstesr. It all begins with a boy who wants to revenge the death of the father. From this a conflict between "native" Italian Americans and immigrants is let loose.

In the cast, aside from DiCaprio also Cameron Diaz, Daniel Day Lewis, Willem Dafoe. The engagements of Martin Scorsese for this kolossal have put in perhaps its participation to the Extension of Venice with the documentary on the Italian cinema, " my travel in Italy ". Missaggio and audio have still not been puttinges to point and also the length, 4 hours, is a problem. The projection to Venice is fixed for the 8 september, but until the last Scorsese it will hold all with the suspended breath.

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