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Moore, Herbert W. Jr., Major, United States Air Force
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Department of the U.S. Air Force

7th Air Force

469th TFS


Major (O4)


Loss Coordinates Map -- Click for larger view.

Loss Coordinates Map








Herbert William Moore, Jr.

Branch / Rank:

US Air Force / Major (O4)

7th Air Force, 388th Tactical Fighter Wing, 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Korat RTAB, Thailand
Date of Birth:

November 16, 1941

Home of Record:

Imperial, PA

Date of Loss:

September 3, 1967

Country of Loss:

North Vietnam

Loss Coordinates:

175700N 1054800E

Status (in 1973):

Missing In Action




F105D Pilot

Other personnel in incident:

(none missing)


Source:  Compiled by Homecoming II Project 01 September 1990 from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews.


Herbert Moore was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force upon his graduation from Grove City College in 1963. When he arrived in Vietnam, he had attained the rank of Captain.

On September 3, 1967, Captain Moore was flying a mission over North Vietnam when his F105D aircraft was shot down. His empty parachute was seen on the ground and his emergency beeper was heard, but no voice contact was made. There was a heavy build-up of North Vietnamese troops in the area, so it is not surprising that voice contact was impossible.

Many hours later, a beeper was heard about one mile from the crash site. Moore’s last known location was in Quang Binh Province, North Vietnam, about 10 miles northeast of the city of Dong Bai Dinh. His was the only plane shot down that day. There can be no question that the Vietnamese know what happened to Moore, yet they deny knowledge of him.

Whether Moore was taken prisoner that day in September 1967 will not be known for certain until there is proof positive of his death or survival. The U.S. and the Vietnamese have yet to determine the formula which would successfully resolve the questions that linger about the nearly 2500 Americans who did not return from the war in Vietnam.

Tragically, there have been over 10,000 reports received concerning Americans missing, prisoner, or otherwise unaccounted for in Southeast Asia. Many authorities now believe that there are hundreds of Americans still alive in captivity today. While the rest of America tries to forget the war in Vietnam, these men, and their friends and families cannot. We must bring them home. They are America’s sons. One of them could be Herb Moore.

Herbert W. Moore, Jr. was promoted to the rank of Major during the period he was maintained missing.


NAME: MOORE, Herbert W. Jr. Capt., USAF



RATIONALE FOR SELECTION: Flight members did not know Capt. Moore's aircraft
had been hit until they began receiving beeper signals on guard channel.
Search and rescue forces found an empty parachute, but no voice or visual
contact was established with Capt. Moore. There have been no subsequent
reports of Capt. Moore s possible capture or death.

REFNO: 0826 19 Apr 76


1. On 3 September 1967 Capt.. Herbert W. Moore, Jr., was the pilot of an F105D aircraft, (#61-0078), as number two in a flight of four on a strike mission over NVN. Upon arriving in the target area the flight encountered antiaircraft fire. The flight leader and number two aircraft attacked, and after the attack the flight leader made several calls for number two to check in, but received no answer. The flight leader then switched to the Guard radio frequency and began receiving beeper signals. No parachute was observed, however, there was cloud cover. A column of smoke was sighted on a small hill five miles northeast of the target which was believed to be the aircraft crash site (WE 932 890).

2. Search and rescue (SAR) was initiated immediately. One SAR helicopter sighted a parachute on the ground in the vicinity of grid coordinates WE 865 884 three miles north of the target. The parachute was determined to be empty. Intermittent beeper signals were received throughout SAR operations, but no visual or radio contact was established with Capt. Moore. After electronic, visual and voice attempts were unsuccessful, SAR operations were ended at 0730 hours on 4 September 1967. (Ref 1).

3. During the existence of JCRC, the hostile threat in the area precluded any visits to or ground inspections of the sites involved in this case.  This individual's name and identifying data were turned over to the Four-Party Joint Military Team with a request for any information available. No response was forthcoming. Capt. Moore is currently carried in the status of Missing.


1. RPT (U), 388TFW (CBPO-PA), AF Form 484 w/statements, 8 Sep 67.

* National Alliance of Families Home Page

Incidental Information

Click Here to view a queried report of messages and files concerning Herbert from the POW/MIA Database at the Library of Congress's Federal Research Division. (Links will open in New Browser Window).
You can run queries on various name spellings to view the messages.

Honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial:  Panel 25E - - Line 93

The VietNam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page

The F105D

Did you serve with this HERO?  Is he Family, an old friend, or a High School Sweetheart?  Is there something special you would like to share about Herbert -- If so, I would like to hear about it and post it on this page!!
Please send me an e-mail


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