
In this section you will find any underlined word that you didn't understand. If the word wasn't underlined in the reading than you will probably not be able to locate it in this section. I am very sorry about that.

  1. gymnosperm- vascular plant that produces seeds in cones not enclosed in fruit
  2. sperm nuclei- nuclei of sperm produces seed in flowers; seeds are covered by fruits
  3. embryo- organism in the early stage of development
  4. seed coat- protective, outer covering of a seed
  5. gametes- male or female sex cell
  6. gametophyte- stage in a plant life cycle that produces gametes
  7. sporophyte- stage in a plant life cycle that produces spores
  8. rhizomes- stem of some plants that grow underground
  9. fronds- large feathery leaf of a fern
  10. sori- clusters of sporangia on the underside of fern fronds
  11. sporangia- structure in which spores are produced
  12. angiosperm- vascular plant that produces seeds flowers; seeds are covered by fruits
  13. anthers- part of the stamen containing pollen grains that produce sperm nuclei
  14. dicotyledons- flowering plant having two cotyledons or seed leaves in the embryo
  15. monocotyledons- flowering plant with a seed containing only one cotyledon or seed leaf in the embryo

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