"All things to all people" -- the Clintons are known for making outlandish claims.
In the past, Hillary Clinton has claimed to be a Yankees baseball fan, to be named after Everest conqueror Edmund Hillary and, in 1996, to be considering adopting a second child. Moreover, she claims to have once hunted ducks; but when challenged by NRA member Holden Clous, she was unable to describe her weapon. She declined to say whether she had killed any ducks.
Now Hillary has been awarded a Purple Heart, "in recognition of her inspirational leadership and dedicated service to America's military service members and America's veterans."
In 1994, Hillary told ABC News that she had once tried to join the Marines, and had considered the National Guard. The Marines, she said, told her that she was too old.
Husband Bill was once quoted as saying, "I loathe the military." Hillary has demonstrated considerable disdain for the military in the past.
Veterans often say that they consider the Purple Heart to be the highest of all military honors. Many were highly offended by the idea that John Kerry might have received one for a minor, accidental wound. To award such an honor to Hillary Clinton is a slap in the face to those who truly served and risked their lives.
[Source: Newsmax, Feb. 17, 2006.]
Copyright 2006 Paul A. Hughes