Topic: Politics
In 2007, Barack Obama spoke before the Caucus for Priorities, which proposes re-routing defense spending to social causes. He promised,
"As president, I will end misguided defense policies and stand with Caucus for Priorities in fighting special interests in Washington. First, I'll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. I'm the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning -- and as president, I will end it.
"Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems, and I will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.
"Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material, and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals. You know where I stand."
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In other words, Obama plans to gut US defenses. If the US ceases to defend itself, it will soon be overwhelmed; then who else would step up to defend the world against Totalitarianism? France?
Posted by hughes
at 2:06 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 9:24 PM CDT