Topic: Democrat Watch
Thinking citizens seem oddly silent regarding Barack Obama's inauguration as president, as well as government moves to take over large segments of the US economy. Am I the only one appalled at the willingness of so many Americans, led by the nose by the mainstream media, to surrender constitutional rights to government and look for rescue in a messianic figure?
The Press has been remarkably lacking in curiosity over Obama. Much worse, they have helped provide cover for him rather than uncover facts. We still do not know what he really thinks, what he has done in the past, or what he plans to do as president, beyond generalities and platitudes. Masses treat him as a savior, while he has no record of significant accomplishment.
What we do know suggests that he comes from the corrupt Chicago polical machine, he has worked for the controversial agency ACORN, he has had close associations with radicals, he has made statements suggesting socialism and wealth redistribution, he has lied and obfuscated in regard to his past, and he obtained a "sweetheart" home loan through a convicted felon (Rezko).
In regard to Obama's inaugural speech, Rush Limbaugh predicted that it would be lauded no matter what he said. Afterward, Glenn Beck called it boring. Some of the best post-speech sense I have heard comes from an unexpected source. I have often clucked my tongue over statements made by Juan Williams on the Fox Sunday show; he is moderate at best, and seemed so often clueless. In his analysis, however, Williams (who is black) writes,
"If [Obama's] presidency is to represent the full power of the idea that black Americans are just like everyone else -- fully human and fully capable of intellect, courage and patriotism -- then Barack Obama has to be subject to the same rough and tumble of political criticism experienced by his predecessors. To treat the first black president as if he is a fragile flower is certain to hobble him . . . .
"Yet there is fear, especially among black people, that criticism of him or any of his failures might be twisted into evidence that people of color cannot effectively lead. That amounts to wasting time and energy reacting to hateful stereotypes. It also leads to treating all criticism of Mr. Obama, whether legitimate, wrong-headed or even mean-spirited, as racist.
"This is patronizing. Worse, it carries an implicit presumption of inferiority. Every American president must be held to the highest standard. No president of any color should be given a free pass for screw-ups, lies or failure to keep a promise.
. . . .
"The importance of a proud, adversarial press speaking truth about a powerful politician and offering impartial accounts of his actions was frequently and embarrassingly lost. When Mr. Obama's opponents, such as the Clintons, challenged his lack of experience, or pointed out that he was not in the U.S. Senate when he expressed early opposition to the war in Iraq, they were depicted as petty."
Posted by hughes
at 2:57 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:02 PM CST