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The Hughes Report
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Re: Praying for Obama
Topic: Democrat Watch

I am being told that Christians should pray for Obama and not be critical. 

Fine, but in that case we should pray that Obama has an epiphany, on the scale of a Damascus Road experience, and gets saved, because the majority of his appointees are party hacks, extreme partisans, and/or have huge conflicts of interest (e.g., Hillary), even illegalities (e.g., Geithner).  His appointments telegraph that he is not planning to change the government for the better (meaning personal freedom and empowerment), but to be the reincarnation of FDR (meaning control over business and our personal lives).  Moreover, his placing demands on the media for access smacks more of Stalin.  As we speak, Obama is "getting away with murder" by not having his appointments seriously challenged by the media or the Democrat-controlled Congress.

In short, I know waaaaaayy too many facts about Obama and his cohorts to do anything less than hold his feet to the fire.  I recommend that we all keep a close record of his actions, and judge him strictly thereby.  Trusting his judgment is not an option, much less his rhetoric.

However, I was pointing ultimately to his being regarded by so many as a messiah.  He has not let himself get pinned down on many specifics, yet his followers insist that he is the savior of the country.  All his actions point toward increasing government control over all aspects of our daily lives, deciding who deserves things and who does not, redistributing wealth, expanding the welfare state (already 40% of the population), taking over healthcare, and increasing overall dependence on government.

There were at least two leaders in recent history who were accorded such status.  One was named Adolf and the other Benito.

I note at this point that there are currently calls being put forth for global governance because of alleged Global Warming, as well as a world currency due to the monetary crisis; and further that those of a totalitarian bent see a crisis as an opportunity to exert control (e.g., Rahm Emanuel).

While I am not in favor of date-setting the Rapture or trying to identify the Antichrist, I do see a level of willing deception being perpetrated on American society and the world which, if not the beginning of the actual End-Times, certainly demonstrates how readily a free people can be converted to a mindset that might "deceive the very elect," and a worldview that will accept that "no one can to buy or sell unless they receive the mark."

Posted by hughes at 2:09 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:13 PM CST

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