The Goops
Gelett Burgess

The goops they lick their fingers,
And the Goops they lick their knives;
They spill their broth on tablecloths-
Oh they lead disgusting lives!
The Goops they talk while eating,
And loud and fast they chew;
And that is why I'm glad that I
Am not a Goop-are you?

Guest Book






A Goblinade
Florence Page Jaques

A green hobgoblin
Small but quick,
Went out walking
With a black thorn stick.

He was full of mischief,
Full of glee.
He frightened all
That he could see.

He sought a little maiden
In a wood.
He looked as fierce as
A goblin should.

He crept by the hedge row,
He said "Boo!"
"Boo!" laughed the little girl,
"How are you?"

"What! said the goblin,
"Aren't you afraid?"
"I think your funny."
said the maid.

"Ha!" said the goblin,
Sitting down flat
"You think I'm funny?
I don't like that."

I'm very frightening.
You should flee!"
"Your cunning" she said

Then she laughed again,     and went away.
But the goblin stood there
All that day.

A beetle came by, and
"Well" it said.
But the goblin only
Shook his head.

"For I am funny."
He said to it.
"I thought I was alarming,
And I'm not a bit.

"If I'm amusing,"
He said to himself,
"I won't be a goblin
I'll be an elf!"

"For a goblin must be a goblin
All the day,
But an elf need only
Dance and play."

So the little green goblin
Became an elf.
And he dances all day, and
He likes himself.


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