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Henry Constable
1562 - 1613
(Генри Констебль)
To Sir Philip Sydneyes Soule
На смерть Филипа Сидни
Giue pardon blessed soule to my bold cryes
If theyimportune interupt thy songe
Which now with ioyfull notes thou singst among
The Angells queristers of th’ heauenlye skyes
Giue pardon eke deare soule to my slow eies
That since I saw thee it is now so long
And yet the teares which vnto thee belong
To thee as yet they did not sacrifice
I did not knowe that thow wert dead before
I did not fele the griefe I did sustayne
The greater stroke astonisheth the more
Astonishment takes from vs sence of payne
I stood amaz’d when others teares begun
And now begin to weepe when they haue don.
© 2002 Elena and Yakov Feldman