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Tuesday, 23 November 2004
stuck in SYR
Mood:  sad
Topic: Holidays
One thing that really stinks about traveling for the holidays is the travel itself. I only ever have trouble when I have to fly home for the holidays. Other than that, I usually am able to fly just fine. My flight home today has been diverted so long that I have to stay in Syracuse until tomorrow when I leave at 6am. I have to wake up freakin' early - especially in order to eat breakfast tomorrow. Not only that, but I'm also losing 11 hours with my family! I'm pretty ticked about it. Well, not really ticked, as Danielle will tell you, I really don't get in a stink about things that are out of my control. What is the point in being mad because it won't change anything. Oh well, I've got homework and other crap to do. Additionally, I could also work on my server from here. I want to be home!!

Posted by Eric at 8:25 PM EST
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