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Saturday, 27 March 2004
There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there're only 10 ways to leave this plane
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: "Everybody in the Club (Gettin' Tips)" - 50 Cent
Topic: Spring Break
Wow, it's been a long time since my last post. Of course, you must forgive me because I was in....SUNNY FLORIDA! My fiancee and I were in Tampa, Fl visiting my parents and enjoying the end of our Spring Break with some sun. Tuesday and Wednesday I chilled around the house and got some paperwork done for next year. (Financial Aide and stuff like that)

The next day we went to the beach and my fiancee flew a kite for the first time. We were at Honeymoon Island/Caledesi beach. I reccomend it for anyone in the Tampa Bay area. The sand is great, there's almost no one there, and the waves usually aren't too strong. We also took a bunch of pictures which may end up on the website as art or maybe just as a photo if I ever get that section of my website up.

Yesterday was also a blast. We went canoing in the afternoon. This was another first for my fiancee and only my third or fourth time. We all raced and my fiancee and I lost at the end by just a few feet. It was quite hilarious to see my brother's canoe tip over along with some family friends. Then at night went to The Melting Pot, a delicous fondue restaurant, where we got soooooo full. Then we went clubbing at a Spanish club.

All-in-all it was a very kick-@$$ Spring Break. I'm glad that I was able to be with my fiancee. I dunno, but love messes you up - you always want to be with the other person. q;op

More good news! My brother got accepted to Carnegie Mellon. It's his second choice, but now he's at least into one school. Also, we think that he got into UF, because they sent him an email to check his status on a website, but he forgot the password. Also, he unofficially has gotten into Cornell too. They sent him a letter letting him know that there's a pretty good chance that he's in - I got the same letter and so did my fiancee so we know that he's in. I'm also really proud of him because he had applied for a scholarship from the National Security Agency and it looks like he may have gotten it. They sent him a packet to get his fingerprints and get a psychological evalutation and all that good stuff. I really hope that he gets it because then they pay for all of his schooling no matter where he goes. They'll also pay for his books and give him a monthly stipend. It's a sweet deal. And he's guaranteed summer work so he doesn't have to worry about finding an internship.

In the news: apparently there was some alleged foul play in Taiwan's elections resulting in the incumbant regaining his seat. The other candidate is taking a play from Al Gore's book and is asking for a recount. There was even a huge demonstration in the streets for a recount. Time will tell whether they copy the US or not.

That's all for now. A ridiculously busy week for the next 2-3 weeks so I'm not sure when the next post will be. It may be later today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks. Just keep coming back.

Posted by Eric at 8:51 PM EST
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Saturday, 20 March 2004
Day 1 of Spring Break
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "Ghetto Superstar"
Topic: Spring Break
So day one of spring break is over. It was a wonderfullly lazy day. I had some korean food, which I love, in Manhattan today. Then we took the train back home and watched some tv. Afterwards I helped my fiancee and her mom make the final preperation on the dinner. Filling my stomache, I went upstairs and played Smash Brothers for a while. Then my fiancee and her brother joined me and we played for another fifteen minutes. We had a Mario Party game to finish from the previous night. That took us an hour or two since it was a 50 turn game. Then I was sick of video games so I took some pictures while we just chilled in the house.

I don't even have the slightest inkling of what's going on in the world. I haven't watched any news or anything like that since leaving Ithaca. But what was the last thing going on before?

Oh yeah, Kerry apparently has the support of the heads of state of some European countries. When asked who'd said this, Kerry said "it's none of your business". Apparently the countries that support him don't want to be named for diplomatic reasons. So what we have here is an interesting situation. If it's true, then Kerry shouldn't say anything because he promised them that he wouldn't. It would cause quite an international problem. However, if he's making it up, there's no way to prove it because none of the heads of state would admit it if he was to name them and he probably won't name them. Unfortunately for Kerry, Americans tend to be a little suspicious about stuff like that.

Well, it's time for me to get going. I think I'm going to the Brooklyn bridge tomorrow to take pictures. Updates tomorrow.

Posted by Eric at 12:25 AM EST
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