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The following article is from the July 7, 2003 issue of Comics Continuum.

The cast of Mutant X will change for its third season, The Continuum has learned.

According to a posting on her website by Lauren Lee Smith, who played Emma, she will not be a cast member for Season 3.

"I will not be returning to Mutant X for Season 3," Smith wrote. "Other changes have been made on the show that you will find out eventually...don't ask! Believe me, this came as a shock to me as well! I truly enjoyed the two seasons I got to play Emma, and had such a great time, and you guys made it all thank you. I'm currently working on a new series which I'm really excited about, but I'm not gonna give too many details just yet."

Sources told The Continuum that Karen Cliche will join the cast as a character called Lexa. Cliche starred in Adventure, Inc. this past season. The show was produced by Tribune Entertainment, which also produces Mutant X.

Cliche played Mackenzie Previn (pictured here) in Adventure, Inc.

As of Monday afternoon, representatives of the show had not returned The Continuum's requests for confirmation of cast changes. According to a public relations representative for Tribune, announcements about the third season of Mutant X will be made in the next two weeks.