Ally's Site
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Aaron, he confuses me so much
but i still love him...hehe


Connor! He's so fukking great!! He is so very cute
and his eyes r THE BEST! Their so hot! haha Luv yaz!


This is another one of my sexXxy BFF...Matt!!!!
I love him to death, he always makes me laugh...Love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

True Love

    True love is a feeling deep down in your heart.
True love makes you feel empty whenever you're apart.
    True love is the love that you see in their eyes.
    True love is the sadness when you say your goodbyes
    True love is thinking of them every minute of every day                                                       

   True love can't be explained regardless of what you say
    True love is that unexplainable feeling whenever you're together
    True love is knowing you want to be with them forever
    True love is the feeling you get from their touch
    True love is never being able to say "I love you" too much
    True love is never tiring no matter how much sleep you do without
    True love is knowing you love them without any doubt
    True love is wanting to be together and never be alone
    True love is loving their life more than you love your own
    True love is by far the world's most valuable treasure
    True love is sharing your most intimate pleasure
    True love is priceless regardless of the cost
    But one thing is for certain
    Without my true love, I will be forever lost

I love someone, guess who!

Andee! He's so good at like everything! omg
The page 'Andee' is obviously pics of him snowboarding! He's so good! grrr:P


Alicia the fukkin hippie! haha good times!
Yah it always makes me feel better to know hobbos had sex under the bridge...haha that was so funni!

If you treat a woman like an object thats just wrong, but if you treat an object like a woman thats just disgusting!

Benny!!! I haven't talked to him in so long!
I miss him so much!!!!! Luv ya Ben!!!

Krystle! She is so pretty and so crazy!
I so wanna hear more about how perfect T.J's bum is :P hahahaha
L-R::::Jc, MJ(in the bell) n me
isnt this the Liberty Bell?! :|your an idiot. ..haha good times good times