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  1. Wayne Sleep : Ballet Dancer.
    » One time friend of Freddie's.

  2. Winifred Taylor : Roger Taylor's mother.

  3. Winnie Kirchberger : Friend and lover of Freddie's.

  4. Wreckage A group Freddie was in (1970).

  5. Wendy Edmunds : Designer
    » Designed some of Freddie Murcury's stage outfits in 1970.
    » Married to Pete Edmunds (school friend of Brian May).

  6. Wayne Eagling : Principal dancer at the Royal Ballet (London).
    » Freddie Mercury performed witht the Royal Ballet on 7th October 1979.

  7. Wally Verson : Queen bodyguard.
    » Dressed as 'Darth Vader' (Star Wars character) on Queen's 1980 tour
    » As Darth Vader, came on stage with Freddie on his shoulders.
