Starlit Reflections

                                        by Raye Johnsen

                                        Fushigi Yuugi is copyright Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, Studio
                                        Perriot, Pioneer Animation and Viz Enterprises. I do not have any
                                        right to the characters and I make no claims to any.

                                        This beautiful background was not made by me; it was a gift
                                        from Mo-chan. Thank you, Mo-chan!

                                             Any and all comments are welcome at
                                        Flames, however, shall be greeted by Tasuki, always provided he
                                        hasn't eloped with Tanomi yet...

                                       Chapter Four: Fire and Rain

                                        Hotohori stalked into his outer rooms -

                                        Where is he?! I told him -

                                        - and stopped dead at the sight of a small box sitting on
                                        the low table beside the door. It had not been in his rooms when
                                        he left that morning.

                                        Curious, he picked it up. It wasn't light, but neither was
                                        it heavy. The wrapping was familiar... but not as familiar as the
                                        handwriting on the small note the present had covered. I'm
                                        sorry was all that was written there.

                                        "You can come out," Hotohori informed the room.

                                        "Am I forgiven?" Nuriko's voice floated out from...
                                        somewhere. Hotohori shook his head. Finding Nuriko when he didn't
                                        want to be found was difficult at best.

                                        "I could be convinced to forgive you..." Hotohori replied,
                                        his voice threaded with a teasing note.

                                        Nuriko silently sighed with relief. /He isn't that angry.
                                        Good./ She quietly pushed open the door of the cabinet she was
                                        hiding in. Hide and seek was a child's game, but she played with
                                        Hotohori as much as possible. Play, for an Emperor, was hard to
                                        come by, and he needed all the relaxation he could get.

                                        Not to mention the fact that an amused Hotohori was likely
                                        to be easier on her than an annoyed Hotohori.

                                        Hotohori heard the soft, almost-silent creak of the
                                        cabinet's door. He's in my mantle-closet, he thought. Hotohori
                                        smiled. It was hard to be angry at Nuriko. The younger seishi
                                        kept trying to do things like this; to play with him, to distract him
                                        from care. Are all best friends like this?

                                        "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier," Nuriko told him from just
                                        behind his left elbow. "I had some things I had to do."

                                        "Like wrap a peace-offering?" Hotohori teased.

                                        "Like talk to my sister. Our birthday's coming up and I had
                                        to get her some stuff to give me."

                                        Hotohori blinked. "I thought the point of birthdays was to
                                        be surprised?"

                                        "Well, you know what they say: 'Do not leave magicians and
                                        older sisters to amuse themselves; they sometimes have erratic
                                        ideas about what is amusing'."

                                        "I take it you speak from experience."

                                        "I do. And I'm not going to tell you what the experience
                                        was, so don't look at me like that."

                                        Hotohori immediately assumed an innocent expression. "I
                                        wasn't going to ask," he lied.

                                        "Anyway, why did you want me? It wasn't just to keep me here
                                        - HOTOHORI-SAH-MAH!! I don't believe you!"

                                        Hotohori frowned. "Don't give me that 'I can take care of
                                        myself' nonsense. It is nonsense. You've had six
                                        assassination attempts in the last month and if you knew the
                                        level of security on you, you'd probably faint. Forgive me if I
                                        don't want you to die!"

                                        Nuriko shrugged. "I had to see my family, and I wasn't
                                        alone. I took Tamahome-san with me. Oh -" Nuriko stood up
                                        straight. "That reminds me. Can you think of jobs for two little
                                        girls? They're thirteen and nine."

                                        "I suppose we could put them here at the Palace as maids,"
                                        Hotohori sank down in a chair, thinking. "The eunuchs at the
                                        seraglio are always complaining that the ladies there are making
                                        too many demands on them. We could probably find one or two that
                                        aren't too demanding for a couple of little girls. Why?"

                                        "Tamahome is the oldest of his family, living on a farm that
                                        isn't very good anymore. Apparently there's a lot of village
                                        politics involved. Anyway, he's here to find work but as a Suzaku
                                        no Shishiseishi, he won't be able to commit to any. I can get the
                                        two younger boys apprenticeships in my family's business, but the
                                        little girls - problem."

                                        "I see what you mean. We won't want to let them too far out
                                        of our sight - if assassins are targeting you, they won't be
                                        afraid to target them."

                                        The younger seishi's head tilted towards Hotohori. "You

                                        "I know," Hotohori replied grimly. "We're talking politics
                                        here, Nuriko. The usage of relatives and loved ones as hostages
                                        for good behaviour is one of the oldest diplomatic moves." He
                                        frowned again and tilted his head towards Nuriko, his voice
                                        suddenly growing dangerous. "Why do you think I have the
                                        daughters of all my most influential lords in my harem? It's not
                                       just to be my wives."

                                        Nuriko coughed softly. "About that..."


                                        Nuriko blushed as she spoke. "Lord Yukino grabbed me on my
                                        way here. He's - um - he thinks we're lovers, and he wants me to,
                                        uh, 'keep my distance until after you've consummated your
                                        marriage'. I didn't know you'd chosen anyone yet."

                                        "Apparently I have."

                                       Oh dear. He sounds even angrier now. "Who is she?"

                                        "That is what I wanted to ask you."

                                        "I don't understand," she replied, bewildered.

                                        "Apparently there is a Chou Houki in the seraglio. I
                                        thought you said she didn't exist?"

                                       Uh-oh. "I didn't say that..."

                                        "You said to tell them Chou Houki's name, because you didn't
                                        have another sister. But Kourin's sister Houki is listed as being
                                        in the seraglio!"

                                        "Yes, but has anyone ever seen her?!" Nuriko demanded.

                                        Hotohori blinked.

                                        Nuriko sighed. "Houki does exist. I'm sorry I gave you the
                                        impression that there isn't a Houki. But you can't marry Houki.
                                        Nobody can. I thought, if you gave them a wild hare to follow,
                                        you'd have the time while they chase it to find your own lady."

                                        Hotohori blinked. "...Oh."

                                        "I didn't think they were hounding you that badly!" Nuriko

                                        "Well, they are!"

                                        *** *** ***

                                        Miaka frowned as she suddenly noticed how dark it had grown.

                                        "Is it supposed to be this dark this early, Miss Kourin?"
                                        she asked.

                                        Kourin looked up. "Oh no! Another summer storm!" True to her
                                        words, little splats! started to darken the stone she was
                                        sitting on. "Quick! We'd better get inside, before it gets -"

                                        The heavens opened right on top of their heads.

                                        Kourin said a word she had learned from her grandmother that
                                        neither old ladies nor young girls were supposed to know, and
                                        grabbed Miaka's hand. They began to run, but the grassy mud
                                        beneath their feet was slippery and Kourin tripped, sending
                                        herself and Miaka straight into the garden's ornamental fountain.

                                        This time Miaka was the one exercising the less savoury
                                        parts of her vocabulary. Kourin took notice, while hauling
                                        herself and her friend out of the water.

                                        They managed to get inside without any further mishap, and
                                        fortunately a cleaning maid was inside.

                                        "Go fetch us some hot tea and hot food immediately; and a
                                        posset to ward off colds," Kourin ordered her briskly. The girl
                                        took one look at the two drowned rats masquerading as a Court
                                        Princess and a Miko, and took off at a run.

                                        Kourin shrugged as she watched her go, then turned to the
                                        small ceramic stove that heated her rooms, picking up the poker
                                        the girl had dropped and poking the tiny fire that had been built
                                        inside. They were fortunate that the girl had just finished the
                                        job, rather than just started. Miaka was already huddled up
                                        against the side of the stove.

                                        "I hope we don't catch cold from this," Kourin murmured.
                                        Then felt a tickle in the back of her nose. Oh, no. Stifling it
                                        did no good. It built until -

                                        "Ah-CHA! Oh no. How do you feel, Miss Miaka?"

                                        "Huh-CHOO!" Miaka replied.

                                        I hope that girl gets here soon with those possets...

                                        *** *** ***

                                        "Hello Kourin! What's - Miaka? Why are you both all wrapped
                                        up like that?"

                                        Kourin cracked open an eyelid. It hurt. It hurt to move, it
                                        hurt to breathe, it hurt even to shiver. She knew it was just the
                                        summer cold and its sudden onslaught, but it still hurt!

                                        "Sick. Cold. Gimme blanket or go 'way," she informed her
                                        twin brusquely, pulling the two she already had close.

                                        "I'll go get the healers," Houki told her, leaving the room.

                                        "You do that," Kourin replied, rolling over.

                                        *** *** ***

                                        "... so Lady Miaka should have plenty of bed rest." The
                                        healer finished delivering his report.

                                        "Why is Lady Kourin almost well, while Lady Miaka so ill?"
                                        the Emperor asked. "As I understand, they both caught the illness
                                        at the same time."

                                        "It's truly no more than a mild cold, your Majesty," the
                                        healer replied. "For some reason, though, Lady Miaka was already
                                        weakened, perhaps through some care or sadness. Thus she suffers
                                        more acutely than Lord Nuriko's sister."

                                        "Thank you for your report," Lord Nuriko told him, a beat
                                        longer than the Emperor should have taken to reply. He glanced up
                                        at his Majesty, who was gazing away, seemingly distracted.

                                        "It is an honour to serve the Imperial Household," the
                                        healer replied, as form demanded, and he left the room
                                        gratefully. Dealing with the Emperor was nerve-wracking! He must
                                        feel the country was in great need to worry over Suzaku no Miko

                                        A soft footstep warned him that someone was approaching him,
                                        and he turned to face the person who was following him.

                                        "Lord Nuriko, is anything wrong?" he asked with commendable

                                        "I wished to verify something in your report. The illness,
                                        you are sure it is simply a cold complicated by grief?"

                                        I wonder why he asks? Oh yes, his sister is also ill.
                                        "Yes, I'm quite sure. As I told the Emperor, bed rest and time
                                        are the best healers for such cases."

                                        "What if it's possible to heal the grief by some other

                                        The healer frowned. "By all means, we should assuage her
                                        Holiness' pain by whatever means possible. But I really do not
                                        recommend moving her until her condition improves."

                                        The young lord bit his lip, frowning into the middle
                                        distance. "Hmm, possibly," he murmured. Then his brilliant eyes
                                        refocussed on the healer. "Thank you very much for your help," he

                                        "You're welcome," the healer breathed, but Lord Nuriko had
                                        already spun around, returning to the throne room. "Damn, he's
                                        beautiful. No wonder the Emperor claimed him."

                                        *** *** ***

                                        "Is there anything we can do?" Hotohori asked the quiet
                                        room, after Nuriko had left the room.

                                        "She misses her family," Tamahome offered.

                                        "There's not much we can do about that... except send her -
                                       home..." Hotohori sat up straight on his throne.

                                        "What?" Tamahome demanded.

                                        "Sending her home... If we could do that, let her heal in
                                        the care of her family, and she could return when she's well, it
                                        would solve all our problems."

                                        "The healer agrees," Nuriko added from the doorway. He
                                        sauntered into the room and perched at the Emperor's feet. "But
                                        how do we do it?"

                                        "Taiitsukun," Hotohori breathed.

                                        "Who?" asked Tamahome.

                                        "Who?" asked Nuriko.

                                        "The Mother of the Gods. She's supposed to live on a holy
                                        mountain and only those She chooses can see Her."

                                        Nuriko blinked. "Forgive me, but as far as I'm concerned, I
                                        think that means we're back at the beginning. I'm not a
                                        particularly sanctified person."

                                        "Nor me," added Tamahome. "I don't see how She would be

                                        "But," Hotohori shook a finger lightly at the pair of them,
                                        "She's the Mother of Suzakuseikun. If His Chosen should choose
                                        to come by, She'd almost certainly choose to at least speak to
                                        them! And then we could ask Her!"

                                        Tamahome and Nuriko shrugged. "I don't have a better idea,"
                                        Tamahome said. "You?"

                                        "No. We can't move Miaka for at least a day, but the day
                                        after tomorrow should be all right."

                                        "So," Hotohori rose from his throne, "the day after
                                        tomorrow, we leave." He walked to the doorway. "I'll have to
                                        present you both at dinner. Nuriko, look after Tamahome."

                                        Nuriko waited until after Hotohori had left the room before
                                        blowing the raspberry at him.

                                        *** *** ***

                                        Miaka found herself awake. The light streamed into the
                                        unfamiliar room, the angle indicating either early afternoon or
                                        late morning.

                                        "Good morning."

                                        Miaka was startled. "Hotohori?"

                                        "Yes, it is I. How do you feel today?"

                                        She coughed. "Not well."

                                        "We have an idea on how to restore you to health. Tamahome,
                                        Nuriko and I will escort you to Lady Taiitsukun, who is... the
                                        strongest wielder of magic in this world. If any know a way to
                                        restore you to your world, it will be She."

                                        Miaka smiled and lay back on the pillows. "... Thank you."

                                        "Thank us by returning to Konan in health. That will be all
                                        the thanks we need." He stood. "I can see that I'm tiring you."

                                        Miaka reached out, taking his hand. "No," she said. "No,
                                        please don't go. I'll be dreadfully bored all alone."

                                        He sat down once more. "I cannot say I will be any better.
                                        You would think nobody in the presence of my beauty could
                                        possibly feel boredom, yet Nuriko has succumbed to sleep in my
                                        presence more often than my pride would care to remember. But
                                        then, he himself is fair of face and so he is used to beauty.
                                        Mine outshines his, but it is close enough that he is not
                                        overawed by mine."

                                        Miaka blinked. He is beautiful - but so vain! she
                                        couldn't help thinking, as the afternoon progressed.

                                        *** *** ***

                                        Nuriko and Tamahome sat in the small antechamber adjoining
                                        the Council hall. Suddenly Nuriko sat up straight. "Here it
                                        comes," he muttered, and began to count on his fingers.

                                        He had just folded the fourth one down when a shriek of
                                        "YOU'RE GOING TO WHAT!!?!" echoed from the Council

                                        He shook his head. "Lord Yukino's going on seventy and he
                                        can still bellow like that?" he muttered to himself. "The old
                                        boy's definitely going to be around a few years yet."

                                        Now the voices began to take on argumentative tones.
                                        Tamahome looked at the door worriedly.

                                        "Don't worry," Nuriko said. "He can shout down the whole
                                        Council if he has to. And he is the Emperor. That which he
                                        commands to be, is. And if he commands that he's going to take a
                                        trip... Suzaku protect those who say no."

                                        "No, no, NO! Majesty, you have no heir, you can't risk
                                        youself like that!"

                                        "I will not be risking myself! And as for no heir, that
                                        simply isn't true!"

                                        "But, Majesty-"

                                        The argument faded.

                                        Nuriko stood up. "I am starved," he announced. "Want to go

                                        Tamahome frowned. "I thought you were under orders-"

                                        "-not to leave the Palace grounds. The Imperial Kitchen is
                                        here in the Palace, you know! Come on! We have a lot to do before

                                        It was more than Tamahome could do to resist that insistent
                                        tugging. So he didn't try.

                                        Go back to Chapter Three
                                        Go on to Chapter Five
                                        or return to my Fushigi Yuugi Page.