Starlit Reflections

by Raye Johnsen

Fushigi Yuugi is copyright Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, Studio Perriot, Viz Communications and Pioneer Entertainment. This fanfiction is written to entertain, not make money. If it did, Tamahome would undoubtedly snaffle all the profits.

Chapter Five: Movements and Revelations


Tamahome knocked on the door of the rooms that had been assigned to Miaka.

"Come in," he heard her say. Pushing open the door, he obeyed her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing an over-large bedrobe. There was also a comfortable chair drawn up to the bedside.

"Hello," he said calmly. "How have you been?"

Her whole face brightened into a beaming smile. "I'm fine. Please sit down," she offered, gesturing to the chair. "Hotohori tells me that we're going to see Taiitsu-kun! Do you know how long we'll be travelling?" Then she sneezed. "I hope this works, I hate being sick," she added.

Tamahome couldn't help smiling back. Absolutely nothing had been resolved in his life yet but he couldn't help feeling better around this girl.

"I don't know how long we'll be gone, but we are leaving tomorrow morning. I just stopped by to see if there was anything you needed."

"I'll be fine."

Tamahome stood. "Then I'll see you in the morning," he said calmly, moving to the door. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Miaka echoed as the door clicked shut behind him. He'd been brusque, uninformative and far less polite than Hotohori, but...

... but somehow, his visit made me feel so much better, she reflected as she fell asleep.


The spy bowed and quietly withdrew from the room, not without a sense of relief. Some of those Lords in there were frightening.

"So," said one of the occupants left behind.

"So," said another, in an equally opaque tone. "What should be done?"

"Our Priestess is not yet with us. I don't believe any action is necessary until she is," a third spoke, her voice betraying nothing save her gender.

"Action is necessary to ensure she will be with us." The first speaker replied flatly.

A snatch of soft flute music floated from the window. All four of the other people in the room turned to the figure seated on the wide sill. "I agree that nothing decisive should be undertaken now."

One figure relaxed. Three did not. One nodded calmly. One remained still, frowning.

The third quietly left, and began to stride purposefully down the hall, to the soldier's barracks.


Houki eyed Kourin. "So it's all right for those girls to come?"

"Of course." Kourin replied. "Is that everything?"

"No, I haven't put in any of my hair stuff or shoes yet," Houki replied, stamping down the clothes into the bag. "So far I have clean underwear, soap, towel, one clean tunic, I need at least one other, clean trews and clean socks. Oh, and clean underwear. Again."

"Are you sure you don't need any more changes of underwear?" Kourin asked.

"I'm sure."

"But you have to have clean underwear. You could get hit by a cart and-"

"-and taken to a healer and if he sees me in dirty undergarments Mother will die of the shame," Houki completed the sentence in a sing-song tones.

"Don't you mean you will die of the shame?"

"Not of the shame, no." Houki finished folding a second tunic into the fat saddlebag, turning to face her sister's thinned lips. "Kourin, I'm not going where I'm going to be run over."

"No. You're going off into the wilderness with two young men. Two young unmarried men."

Houki laughed. "Who both think I'm another boy! Kourin, I'm not an Imperial Concubine! Don't worry about my reputation." She shook her head. "There are already rumours that I'm sleeping with Lord Hotohori. So it's not like this will actually start anything."

Kourin gasped. "How did you - I never said - who told -"

"I do have ears, Elder Sister. And Lord Yukino pulled me aside to 'discuss' the matter."

"Lord Yukino? Isn't he the one you described as 'an old'-" Kourin stopped suddenly as she thought about what she was about to say.

"-'an old gossip who is more wizened than a piece of dried meat and just as tough'? That's him. He doesn't mince words either. The man can insult you into a pile of shamed dust without a single impolite word. Talk about an education." Houki began to go through her hair ties. "And he likes me. I hate to think what would happen if I ever got on his bad side."

Kourin sighed. "Everybody likes you, Little Sister." It was hard to describe her nebulous concern, especially as she knew Houki would just brush aside her worry. It wasn't fear for her safety, or the trouble Houki's impetuous nature would undoubtedly cause, or the concern about her reputation, as much as a combination of these.

Shaking her head, Kourin took the chance Houki's distraction offered to stuff a lavender dress and matching slippers into the bag. After all, her sister was going to be in the wilderness, all alone, with just the Priestess and two young, unmarried men. One never knew what might happen.


"One never knows what might happen," Lord Yukino told Hotohori the next morning, offering a sword to the Emperor. "Please accept this for Your Grace's own protection."

Hotohori nodded, accepting the sword and the speech. The rest of the farewell delegation took that as their cue to begin their own speeches.

The young Emperor most definitely did not sigh in exasperation as the third courtier began expressing wishes for his liege's continued health and safety. They were all alike. Yukino's had been different, but his was the only one.

He looked over at his companions. Miaka was patting the nose of the small mare he'd arranged for her - "the sweetest-natured horse you have" the message he'd sent to the royal mews had read - and Tamahome was watching her from his own horse. Hotohori sighed. It looked as if Nuriko were right after all.

Nuriko himself sat easily astride his own favoured mount, a spirited mare Nuriko had named 'Chika'. His sister was standing beside him, looking up and talking to him - probably giving him instructions to behave. The two stood to one side, as relaxed as when it was just Nuriko, Hotohori and a couple of guardsmen, going riding for the exercise and pleasure. Hotohori felt a flare of irritation at the sight. He was bothered and bored; why should Nuriko not be?

Then Nuriko glanced over at him and pulled his 'I'm booored' face, complete with the rolling eyes.  Lady Kourin promptly stood on tiptoe and redoubled her gestures, experienced in dealing with her brother. Hotohori almost grinned as he turned his attention back to the delegation.

"...Your Majesty need not accompany the other two Shishiseishi -"

"How can I be a good Emperor if I never go out and see my people?" Hotohori interrupted flippantly.

"Still, even in casual garments, Your Grace still carries an air of distinction."

"However you say it, it's still a compliment," Hotohori smiled.

Tamahome turned away, pushing his saddlebag into place before he began to mount up. I suppose, if I were that handsome, I'd be vain too. He was still a little nervous about the horse, although Nuriko had promised him a gentle one. His family had been forced to sell their horse when he was twelve, and he had not ridden one since.

Finally Hotohori finished speaking with the group. He called over the oldest of the lot, the one who'd spoken the shortest length of time and actually done something useful. "I'll make my final decision after I get back. Make sure those two girls are brought into the Palace as well. Assign them to Lord Nuriko's sister, Lady Kourin, temporarily - she's expecting them. Apart from that, use your best judgement."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Lord Yukino," the Emperor replied. He swung himself up onto Takehito's back, looked around to make sure the others of the party were all mounted, and then announced, "Let us go, everyone!"

They rode out of the gate.


The party of soldiers had ridden out of the city at dawn.

Riding up to beside his lieutenant, the sergeant asked, "What are our orders, sir?"

The lieutenant consulted his orders. "We are to cross the border, locate a certain party of travellers, and attack. We are not to cause a casualty in the party at this time."

"By your command," the sergeant bowed and fell back into the column.

"Rather, by Lord Tomo's," the lieutenant muttered.


Miaka had never ridden for any length of time before. The horses at the petting zoo could be hired for riding, but only for a half-hour at a time. Riding them was like riding a hobbyhorse - they never went faster than a walk and they had no personality.

The mare underneath her, who had been introduced to her as 'Kae', had plenty of personality.

She was forever prancing, which wasn't nearly as jarring as it looked but still wasn't very  comfortable, she kept breaking into a canter at the sight of a clump of clover (and then she would stop and eat it, despite the fact that it would give her colic) and she kept whickering. It was not an unpleasant sound but it wasn't what you'd call very reassuring. She felt as if Kae were continually snickering at something - most likely her, the complete tyro on her back.

Still, she was getting used to it. After leaving the Palace and negotiating through the streets of the city, she had begun to relax. Unfortunately, with her newfound confidence on horseback, her fever had also returned. What was worse was that, as the day wore on, her legs and rear end began to ache.

A glance to either side confirmed that Nuriko and Hotohori weren't feeling this pain, as Hotohori sat easily in his saddle and Nuriko was twisted halfway round in his. His horse seemed used to his antics, though, which confirmed her notion that they did this a lot. Tamahome, though, was sitting as gingerly as herself and his face was twisted in a small grimace. Miaka felt a little better when she saw that. At least she wasn't the only one who wasn't good at riding.


"Suzaku No Miko felt happier knowing another would understand her discomfort, as she returned her thoughts to the road ahead," Yui read. She wiped her brow and leaned back against the bookcase she was sitting against. It was very hard to read the handwriting of whatever spirit was penning the lines before her. It didn't help that for some reason she felt all achy and feverish all of a sudden, either.

I really, really don't like this Book, she thought. If this really is Miaka, I hope she gets home quick!

Turning the page, the Book began to write, "That evening, Suzaku No Miko and the Suzaku No Shishiseishi stopped for the night, unaware danger stood close by..."


Tamahome finished helping Nuriko with the dishes.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep," Nuriko shooed him. "I'll take first watch."

Miaka watched through half-opened eyelids from her own sleeping pallet as Nuriko sat down by the fire, poking it. She should not have journeyed as she did, she realized. The exertion had tired her out and made her feel worse.


She jumped, suddenly realizing how close Nuriko was.

"Miaka, I know you're awake. Riding always makes you hurt like the blazes if you're not used to it. The best thing to do is to soak out the aches in a hot bath. Or a hot spring, if a bath's not available." Nuriko turned towards Miaka, wearing a devious smirk. "Like the one that's in the wood just over there."

Miaka's eyes snapped wide open. "Where?"

Nodding, Nuriko indicated a direction. Miaka stood up and began to walk there, stopping at the edge of the clearing. "Oh, and, don't let the others know, all right?"

"Sure," Nuriko chimed. She gave Miaka a count of one hundred, and then sneaked over to where Tamahome and Hotohori lay side by side.


"Urgle," the object of Nuriko's attentions commented and rolled over.


"Gerrayshnkei," he muttered.

Oh well. Why not?

Tamahome woke to find himself being dragged roughly through the grass, over rocks, tree roots, and bumps.


Nuriko blinked at him innocently. "Oh. You're awake."


"Not so loud. I was just thinking that you might like to soak out any aches and pains you got today, because there's a hot spring right over there."

"Oh. Thanks."

"You're welcome," Nuriko smiled, stepping back and watching as Tamahome began heading towards the spring. Then she looked for another route and a tree to hide in.

After all this effort to set it up, she had no intentions of missing the fun.


Miaka sank up to her chin in hot water.

What am I going to do? she thought as the water lapped softly about her. I do like Hotohori, and I think he likes me, but I think that I like Tamahome better.

The girl knelt up and stretched. Nuriko had been right; the hot water was exactly what she needed.

I'll have to tell Tamahome, Miaka realized, turning towards the bank of the pool.

She didn't see the shadow in the water, or how it was drifting towards her...


That crazy Nuriko was right, Tamahome decided. This is what I needed.

He stretched luxuriantly in the soft water, wrinkling his nose at the scent of the natural mineral salts in the spring.

He was just about to get out when an earsplitting shriek echoed through the wood.



Miaka watched, horrified, as Tamahome sprang from behind the bend in the pond and tackled the 'snake'.

He didn't come up.

"Tamahome? TAMAHOME?? Oh no, you're dead and I didn't get to say I love you and it's all my fault!" Miaka cried out.

"Can you wait until I'm dead before you bury me?" a voice asked, dryly, behind her.

Miaka froze. Oh no. I just said -

Tamahome stood there, his chest bare and hair sodden, looking at something in his hand. He held it up amd Miaka could see she'd been scared by - a stick. Tamahome threw it away.

The silence stretched between them.

I can't let this go on, Miaka thought.

Did she really say what I thought she just said? wondered Tamahome.

"I'm sorry, I -" Miaka started.

"Nobody's ever -" Tamahome said, at the same time.

They both fell silent.

"Nobody's ever said that to me before." Tamahome continued after a moment. "I don't know what to say."

"I never meant to tell you like that. I don't want to impose my feelings on you," Miaka ventured.

"It's all right." Tamahome waded to the edge. Miaka flushed and looked away. "Anyway, you just try to think about getting better, and we'll get you to Taiitsukun." A few rustles that Miaka didn't dare to look up at, and he was gone.

Miaka stood in the water, looking down, when she heard a branch crack. There was an almighty SPLOOSH! and Nuriko surfaced next to her.

"Darn! And I was so sure he'd admit it, too!" the wet Shishiseishi seethed.

"Nuriko?!" Miaka demanded incredulously.

"Uh - ah - um," the other stammered. "Er - this doesn't look very good, does it."

"You set us up?!" Miaka demanded.

"Well-" Nuriko prevaricated. Miaka's next action, though, took her by surprise.

"THANK YOU!" she yelled, flinging her arms around Nuriko's neck. Hugging the other seishi tightly, she found... somewhat more than she expected. Pulling back, she patted Nuriko's chest again.

"Er - could you stop doing that, please?" the other girl asked nervously.

"Nuriko?" Miaka replied. "You're a girl?"

"Um. Yes. Please don't tell anyone, I really don't want it known."

"But why?"

"It's a long story and I'd really not rather discuss it now."

Miaka shrugged. "All right. But you will tell me?"

Nuriko nodded. "Of course. Tomorrow?"

"Okay." Miaka began to climb out of the spring, and dress. She stopped, though, when she saw Nuriko was taking her clothes off and wringing them out. "What are you doing?"

"Well, you've had a bath and Tamahome's had a bath," Nuriko replied. "I may as well have one while I wait for my clothes to dry."

Miaka nodded. That made sense. "Then I'll see you back at the camp."

Nuriko nodded. "All right."

She sank back into the water as she watched the younger girl walk away. Now what am I going to do? Miaka can't keep a secret to save herself. I've got to 'fess up - but how?


Hotohori looked up as Miaka came back. He had been woken by Tamahome's return, and Miaka's presence made him very aware of one particular person's absence.

"Where's Nuriko?" he asked.

"Taking a bath in the hot spring," Miaka replied absently.

"A hot spring? Near here? Why wasn't I informed?" Hotohori's demand met shrugs.

"Nuriko told me about it, after you two went to sleep," Miaka told him.

"Nuriko woke me up to tell me about it - if he told you - why that little - I'm going to go talk to him!" Tamahome finally put two and two together.

"Indeed," purred Hotohori. "A hot springs and he didn't tell me?" He decided to set Nuriko's matchmaking aside for the minute, as it obviously hadn't worked.

"Um - no - you shouldn't go, not yet, wait for Nuriko to come back," Miaka interjected, suddenly realizing their intention.

"Certainly not," Hotohori declaimed. "I want answers!"

"So do I," agreed Tamahome, as they both began to stride toward the spring.

"Answers you'll get, all right," Miaka said, glumly, to the empty camp.


Nuriko floated on her back across the spring. This is so nice, she thought lazily as she flipped and swam back. Sitting back into the water, she stretched, aware that the exertion was bringing up her ki a bit and making her symbol glow.

A sudden snap! made her turn towards the side of the spring - to face a suddenly very pale Hotohori and Tamahome.

Suddenly very aware she was only waist-deep in the water, Nuriko immediately sank to her chin, blushing furiously.

Tamahome went scarlet immediately and stumbled back, while Hotohori's face flushed, then paled further. While Tamahome was speechless, he said, "Sorry to disturb you. We'll see you back at the camp." Taking Tamahome's elbow, he steered the other boy away.

Nuriko waited until they were both gone before she scrambled out of the spring and into her half-dry clothes.


Hotohori couldn't believe it. A girl! Nuriko was a girl! It felt as if the whole foundation of the world had been suddenly jerked sideways, and he didn't know what to trust anymore. Nuriko was a girl?

Miaka was sitting beside the fire, waiting for them. "You shouldn't've gone," she said flatly.

"You knew?" Tamahome asked. She nodded and poked the fire further.

A soft cough behind them made them turn. Nuriko stood there, his - no, her hair unbound and, somehow, looking much more feminine.

Hotohori had been doing some mental arithmetic of his own. "Chou Houki, I presume?" he asked flatly.

Nuriko's shoulders dipped. "Yes." Her lips quirked as she glanced around the group. "I'm very pleased to meet you."

Hotohori didn't know what she found so funny in this situation. A girl! He hadn't known he could be so angry.

All in all, it was probably not the best time for the squad of soldiers from Koutou to finally find them.

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