The Family of Captain James Douglas Esq.--from Scotland to Anson County

Sex: Male
Father: BENJAMIN T. DOUGLAS SR. (born abt 1732)
Mother: CHARITY TENNILL(E) (born Jun 1742)

Individual Facts Birth 1762 in Fauquier Co., Virginia
Death 12 Oct 1820 in Anson Co., North Carolina
Census 1790 Census in Mecklinburg Co., North Carolina

Marriage: abt 1785 in Richmond Co., North Carolina
Children: DR. JAMES DOUGLAS MD (born abt 1793)
WALTER L. DOUGLAS (born 1801)
JOHN H. DOUGLAS (born abt 1804)
CAROLINE M. DOUGLAS (born 10 Aug 1806) For further information on this family, please contact William H.


1. CAPT JAMES DOUGLAS ESQ. was born in 1762 in Fauquier Co., Virginia.1 An obituary on 20 October 1820 in the Western Carolian gave his age as 58. This would make his birth year as 1762.
He died on 12 Oct 1820 in Anson Co., North Carolina.2 He appeared on the 1790 Census in Mecklinburg Co., North Carolina.3 It is obvious that Capt. Douglas took the "Old Philidelphia Wagon Road" from western Virginia to Anson County North Carolina. (see map)

James Douglas was titled "Esq." on many legal documents in Anson County. This designation was almost always used for attorney's at law.

He purchased many hundreds of acres of land in Anson County during the 1790's. Most of this land was in the White Oak area, on a river called the Waxaw Branch.


2. BENJAMIN T. DOUGLAS SR.4 was born about 1732 in Charles Co., Maryland.5,6 He received a Deed of Gift from his parents William and Sarah on 15 Nov 1764 in Fauquier Co., Virginia.7

"15 November 1764, Deed of Gift, William Douglass & Sarah, his wife, to the said William Douglass (sic).....for nat. affection & fatherly love which we have for our well beloved son Benjamin Douglass of Pr. Wm. sd. Benj......Negroe man called Hanly. signed William Douglass, Sarah Douglass. Wit: Mary Berryman, John Tenniel, Robert Berryman. Rec: 22 November 1764, prov. by o. of Robert Berryman and John Tenniel."

This deed of gift proves that Benjamin T. Douglas was one of the sons of William and Sarah Douglas.

He leased a Plantation in Leeds Manor on 1 Nov 1771 in Fauquier Co., Virginia.8 Lease: "1 November 1771. Lease. Bet. Thmos. Ld. Fx. and Benjamin Manor of Leeds.....large rock in bank of Hedgeman's the line of Rich'd Crawley.....130 A...for his nat. life and lives of Charity, h. w. and James, h. s. ...yearly rent of 26s. sterling... signed, wit. rec: as above". signed: Lord Fairfax, witnessed James Scott, John (X) Pepper, John Chilton, rec: 25 November 1771

He owned acreage on 10 Mar 1777 in Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co., Virginia.9 He owned Lands of Capt Joseph Douglas on 22 Apr 1789 in Charles Co. , Maryland.10 This was a quitclaim on any property due him from his grandfather, Capt Joseph Douglas. He was on the Botetourt County Tax Lists in 1800 in Botetourt Co., Virginia.11

Benjamin Douglas Sr.
1 white male 21 & over
4 horses
2 slaves 16 years old
3 slaves 16 and over

He owned land on Jackson's River on 5 Nov 1800 in Botetourt Co. Virginia.12 This was for 35 acres so he could have entrance, to his property, from either side of Jackson's River. He owned 84 acres on the north side of Jackson River in 1801 in Botetourt Co. Virginia. this was some 85 acres bought from William Murry for $600 He owned 848 acres on Cow Pasture River on 17 Dec 1804 in Botetourt Co., Virginia.13 He bought this property from his son John B. Douglas Sr. He signed a will on 1 Jan 1816 in Botetourt Co., Virginia.14

Will of Benjamin T. Douglas

"In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin Douglas, Senior, of the county of Botetourt and Commonwealth of Va., being of sound mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain ths last will and testment in manner and form following, viz: It is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid as soon as my executors can make it convenient to do so, to wit: I give and bequieth unto my beloved wife ,Charity Douglas, the use of the plantation whereon we now live during her natural life, also the use of the following slaves, viz: James, Winney, Agnes, Fanny, and Nelson, also two good feather beds and furniture, two choice horse beasts, all my kitchen furniture and farming utensils and one third part of my cattle, hogs and sheep during her natural life.

Secondly I give unto my son, James Douglas two hundred and twenty eight pounds which he has already received in three likely negros and other property.

Thirdly, I give unto my son, John Douglas 228 pounds, of which he has received 206 pounds in two negros, specie and other property.

Fourthly, I give unto my son William Douglas 228 pounds of which he has received 228 pounds in three negros and other property.

Fifthly, I give unto my son Francis Douglas 228 pounds of which he has received 110 pounds in a negro and other property.

Sixthly, I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Saint Clair, 228 pounds of which she has received 148 pounds in one negro, specie and other property.

Seventhly, I give unto my daughter Behethelon Morrison, 228 pounds of which she has received 210 pounds in two negros, specie and other property.

Eightly, I give unto my son Benjamin T. Douglas, 228 pounds which he has received already in one negro, specie and other property.

Ninethly, I give unto my son Gilson Douglas two hundred and twenty pounds of which he has received 210 pounds in two negros and other property.

Tenthly, I give unto my daughter, Mary Anderson 228 pounds which she has received already in two negros and other property.

It is my will and desire that as soon after my death as may be convenient, that my excutors do sell at public sale at 6 month credit, the residue of my estate that is not bequiethed and the money arising from such sale to be equally divided amongst all my children agreeable to what appears to be due them from my estate by my excutord and further, it is my will and desire that after the death of my wife, that the lands and slaves, with their increase, the stock of horses, cattle, hogs and sheep, bonds, household furniture and farming utensils devised for her use, be sold by my executors on a credit of 6 months and the legatees fully paid up, if there is a sufficiency and the balance, if any. be equally divided between my children above mentioned, and it is further my will and desire that in case of any of my children dieing without lawful issue of their body, that whatever iI have given, do return to the rest of my children, and be equally divided between them or their or their representatives, and I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife, Charity Douglas, and my trusty friend John Pitzer, Jr. and Wm. Douglas executors of this my last will and testament. I do hereby revoke and disannul all other former wills or testaments by me heretofore made.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 1st day of Jan., one thousand eight hundred and sixteen (1816)

Benjamin Douglas, Senr. (Seal)"

Signed, sealed, published and declared as and for the last will and testament of the above named Benjamin Douglas, Senr. in prescense of us.

John J. Otto
Jacob Karnes
Wm. Haynes
Henry Boggess

At Botetourt June Court 1816.

This last will and testament of Benjamin Douglas Sr., deceased was exhibited in court and proven by the oaths of Wm. Haynes and Jacob Karnes, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and thereupon ordered to be recorded, and on motion of Wm. Douglas and John Pitzner un. the executors therein named, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form, they have first made an oath and with security entered into and acknowledged bond in the penality of $8,000.00 with condition as the law directs.

H. Bowyer, C.B.C.

He died in May 1816 in Botetourt Co., Virginia.15 He had an estate probated in Jun 1816 in Botetourt Co., Virginia.16 His will was probated in the June Court Session, Botetourt County. He owned Jackson River Plantation 485 acres in 1821 in Botetourt Co. Virginia. this was 450 acres bought from James Breckinridge. To date there has been no deed found showing that Benjamin T. Douglas sold any of his total of 1300 plus acres. The Deed was not recorede until 1821, however it was purchased much earlier. He appeared on the 1800 Census in Botetourt Co., Virginia.17 It is clear that Benjamin T. Douglas was a man of sbustancial means when all is considered. He appeared on the 1810 Census in Botetourt Co., Virginia.18 Benjamin T. Douglas leased a plantation in an area called Leed's Manor. This plantation was leased from Thomas Lord Fairax. Leeds Manor was near the Blue Ridge Mountains in western Virginia, this area today is in the Shenendoah Valley. He was married to CHARITY TENNILL(E) about 1760 in Prince William Co., Virginia. Prince William County was the residence of the bride, Charity Tennell when their marriage took place. Her father was a wealthy planter in the county, which probably insured a fine, old fashion, plantatiopn wedding. This county is also a burned record county which maccounts for the loss of the marriage record

3. CHARITY TENNILL(E) was born in Jun 1742 in Prince William Co., Virginia.19 This date was calculated from tombstone information. She died in Jul 1832 in Montgomery Co., Virginia.20 Charity Douglas was apparently living with her daughter, Mary Wade, when she died . She was buried in Jul 1832 in Craig Cemetery, Montgomery Co., Virginia.20 Charity Douglas was buried in the Craig Cemetery in Christianburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. She had an Estate settled by Hamilton Wade on 22 Dec 1843 in Montgomery Co., Virginia.21 Hamilton Wade was Charity Douglas's son-in-law. The Tennell family decends from French Hugenauts from Picardy, France. These people migrated to America in the early 1700's.

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4. WILLIAM DOUGLAS22 was born about 1709 in Charles Co., Maryland.23,24 He received a Deed of Gift from his father on 16 Jan 1740 in Charles Co. , Maryland.25 This Deed of Gift identified him as his "Eldest son",(see Capt. Joseph Douglas) He gave a Deed of Trust on on 23 Feb 1765 in Fauquier Co., Virginia.26 He died after 23 Feb 1765 in Fauquier Co., Virginia.27 No further information, after this date, has been found. There are indications that he died in 1766, he would have 57 years old. William Douglas was apparently the first member of the family to move from Maryland to Virginia. According to Wilson Cary, William Douglas was still living in Charles County, Maryland in 1761. This would mean that only the last five or six years of his life were spent in Virginia. Cary also states that William and Sarah only had two children, Benjamin T. and Joseph.

Very little is known about William Douglas. It is obvious that he was a man of means as his father and grandfather were. He was married to SARAH BERRYMAN about 1731 in Prince William Co.\Stratford Co., Virginia.

5. SARAH BERRYMAN signed a will on 14 Jun 1762 in Westmorland Co., Virginia.28 Sarah was named by her mother, Elizabeth Newton Berryman, in her will. naming "Sarah Douglas" as her daughter. This line is directly traceable to Capt. Robert Behethland who came to America in 1607 with Capt. John Smith and founded Jamestown. The name "Behethlon, Behethlan, Behethie, etc. show up in almost all early generations as girls names. Benjamin T. Douglas Sr. had a daughter named Behethlon. This variance is probably due to the differences in pronunceations.

6. FRANCIS TENNILL(E)29 signed a will on 11 Apr 1777 in Prince William Co., Virginia.30 This will is proof that Charity is the daughter of Frances. He had an estate probated on 15 Oct 1779 in Prince William Co., Virginia.31 He was married to MARGRET SINCLAIR on 9 Nov 1740 in Stafford Co., Virginia.32



8. CAPT. JOSEPH DOUGLAS GENT. was born about 1676 in Charles Co., Maryland.33 He was the youngest child of Col Douglas. He sold acreage 100 acres of Cold Spring Manor on 7 May 1701 in Prince George County, Maryland.34 He owned 300 acres in Charles Co. on 22 Apr 1714 in Charles Co. , Maryland.35 This parcel was really two parcels of 200 acres and 100 acres, apparently without a name. He owned "The Hills" on 8 Jul 1718 in Charles Co. , Maryland.36 inherited from his mother, Sarah Herbart, in her will. (see Sarah Bonner) He owned "Bowls" Plantation on 8 Jul 1718 in Charles Co. , Maryland.37 inherited from his mother in her will. He owned "Maidens Point" on 16 Jan 1740 in Charles Co. , Maryland. This plantation was given to son William, by his father before his death He owned "Douglas Clame" on 6 Sep 1744 in Charles Co. , Maryland.38 This plantation was given to John Douglas by his father before he died.

John Douglas 6 Sep 1744, Joseph Douglas of Charles Co., gent.

"For love of son Joseph Douglas now a minor originally "Bowler" now "Douglas Clame", 114 a lines Thomas Hanes land where I now live, house, 69 a, negro (@ tracts) , Wit: George Dent & Wm Clary"

He signed a will on 7 Jul 1754 in Charles Co., Maryland.39

Will of Capt. Joseph Douglas

"To son, Joseph Douglass, 25a of land adj. Mr. Bradford and known as "Smiths Fortune."
To son Joseph 2 young negros, James and Hannah
To dau. Elizabeth Douglas, negros Sue and Jane
To wife Catherine Douglas, negro boy Qquominer, riding chair
Remainder of estate to children, Mary Marshall, Penelope Courts, William Douglas, John Douglas, Sarah Thompson, Joseph Douglas and Elizabeth Douglass. Wife extx Wit: Nathaniel Harris, Hendley Courts, Mathew Pape. 30 274"

He died on 20 Nov 1756 in Charles Co., Maryland.40 He had an estate probated on 21 Jun 1757 in Charles Co., Maryland.41 He owned "Smith's Fortune" in Charles Co. , Maryland. He was married to PENELOPE MORRIS about 1704 in Bowls Plantation, Charles Co., Maryland.42 Date calculated from birth of the first child.

9. PENELOPE MORRIS was born on 13 Nov 1684 in Ceder Point, Charles Co. Maryland.43 She died before 17 Dec 1711 in Charles Co., Maryland.44

10. MAJ. BENJAMIN BERRYMAN GENT. died in Aug 1729 in Westmorland Co., Virginia. He signed a will on 4 Aug 1729 in Westmorland Co., Virginia.45 He had an estate probated on 27 Aug 1729 in Westmorland Co., Virginia. Because of Maj. Berryman's Military service, any female decendent is eligible for member- ship in the National Society of Colonial Dames of the Seventeenth Century.

The Berryman's had twenty two children, at this time only fourteen can be accounted for.

11. ELIZABETH NEWTON died in 1762 in Westmorland Co., Virginia. She signed a will on 14 Jun 1762 in Westmorland Co., Virginia.46 She had an estate probated on 22 Feb 1763 in Westmorland Co., Virginia. The will of Elizabeth proves that Sarah Douglas is her daughter.


16. COL. JOHN DOUGLAS GENT.47,48 was born in 1636 in near Glasglow, Scotland.49,50,51 the year of birth was set by his own deposition He Appreniced to JOHN HAMILTON on 20 Jun 1649 in Edinburugh , Scotland.52 His apprenticship was to learn the "Art and Science of Merchandising" which he finished in about five years. He immigrated before May 1655 to America.42 The first recorded document in America. It is obvious he was here for probably a year before this date. He is a Planter from 1659 in Charles Co. , Maryland.53 The growing of tobacco was the main industry in Charles County in the sixteen hundreds. There is some indication that Col. Douglas was exporting his crops to Europe. Tobacco was also legal tender at that time.

His biography describes him as" literate with no title upon arival in this country, he obtained wealth in his lifetime owning over 1600 acres of property at his death." He entered the military between 1665 and 1678 in Charles Co. , Maryland.54,55 He rose to the rank of Col. before his death. He was paid 10,520 pounds of tobacco for his part in the expedition against the Susquehannah Indians in 1675. He owned "Beach Neck" on 22 Sep 1665 in Charles Co. , Maryland.56 "Beach Neck" Manor of Zachiah, as a plantation of some 1000 acres in Charles County. He owned "Douglas's Delight" in 1667 in Charles Co. , Maryland.57,58,59 Douglas Delight was a small plantation of four acres. Although the property was bought in 1667 it was not recorded until 22 Apr 1680. He owned "Douglas Adventure" on 26 Mar 1667 in Charles Co. , Maryland.60,61 Douglas Adventure was a plantation of some 100 acres. It was purchased in 1667. He owned "Blythswood Manor" on 10 May 1667 in Charles Co. , Maryland.62 Blythswood was a plantation of some 100 acres on the north side of the Potomic River in the Pickawaxon area. Blythswood was the name of the family manor house in Scotland. He was appointed Commissoiner of Peace from 1672 to 1678 in Charles Co. , Maryland.55 He owned "St. Edmonds" on 16 Sep 1672 in Charles Co. , Maryland.63 Bought from , for 11,000 pounds of tobacco, Edumond Lyndsey who patened it on 10 Mar 1670. He was appointed Gentleman of the Quorum in 1675 in Charles Co. , Maryland.64 He was elected as Burgesses, Lower House, from Charles Co. about 30 May 1676 in Charles Co. , Maryland.65,66

The Proprietary Assembly of 1676-1682

Charles Calvert, 3rd Lord Baltimore, proprieter
Cecilius Calvert, Govenor

Col Douglas was one of the seven members representing Charles County. The first session: May 15-June 15, 1676, second session October 20-November 14, 1678, third session August 16-September 17, 1681, fourth session April 25-May 13 1682. It can be seen that he only attended the first two sessions before his death.

This was the Lower House of the General Assembly of Maryland. He owned "Cold Spring Manor" Plantation on 10 May 1677 in Calvert Co., Maryland.67 Purchased from Jonias Fendall, with all rights of "Lord of the Manor", for 22,000 pounds of tobacco. This plantation consisted of a home on 1050 acres on the Potomic River. He signed a will on 14 Dec 1678 in Charles Co., Maryland.68

Will of Col. John Douglas

"Douglas, John, Chas. Co..,
14th Dec., 1678, 27 Jan., 1678
To wife Sarah, execx., and hrs., 450 A., dwelling place of testator at Pickiawaxen.
" son John and hrs., 550 A., part of "Cold Spring Manor" at 21 yrs. of age
" son Robert and hrs., "Blithwood" at 21 yrs., of age.
" sons Charles and Joseph and hrs., 500 A., residue of "Cold Spring Manor" at 21 yrs., of age
Testator provides that should sd. son John die without issue, son Robert afsd. is to receive 1/2 of his portion, and sd. sons Charles and Joseph 1/2.
Test: Henry Bonner, Francis Pollard, Jno. Robynson. 9, 97."

He died about 14 Dec 1678 in Picawaxon, Charles Co., Maryland.69 He had an estate probated on 3 Jan 1679 in Charles Co. , Maryland.70,71 "Henry Bonner request permission to prove the will of John Douglas, husband to his sister Sarah" Because of Col. Douglas's service any female descendant is eligable for membership in the National Assoiation of Colonial Dames of the Seventeenth Century, The Daughters of Colonial Wars, The National Society of the American Colonist, and many more. He was married to SARAH BONNER about 17 Aug 1663 in Charles Co. , Maryland.72

17. SARAH BONNER was born about 1636 in Charles Co., Maryland.73 She owned Bowls Plantation about 6 Jun 1663 in Charles Co. , Maryland. Bowles, sometimes called "Bowlesley", was inherited from her first husband William Bowls. It was a plantation of 200 acres on the Potomic River near Pickawaxon Creek. This plantation was patented by Edward Bowls and willed to his son William. She died in Jul 1718 in Bowls Plantation, Charles Co., Maryland.74 She signed a will on 8 Jul 1718 in Charles Co., Maryland.75 Sarah Bonner was married to William Harbert at the time of her death. He had preceeded her , in death, by two months.

Will of Sarah Harbert

Harbert, Sarah, widow, Charles Co.,
8th July 1718; .26th July 1718

To son Joseph Douglas and hrs., dwelling plantation and 200 A., "The Hills"
" grandsons Thomas, Benjamin, and Joseph Douglas and Douglas Giffard, personality.
" granddaus. Eliz. Howard and Mary Douglass, personality.
Son Joseph afsd., ex. and residuary legatee.

Test: Col. Walter Story, Tho.Harris, Sam. Hanson.14, 662.

The "Dwelling Plantation had to have been "Bowl's". She had an estate probated on 26 Jul 1718 in Charles Co., Maryland.76 She had an estate appraisal on 19 Jul 1719 in Bowls Plantation, Charles Co., Maryland.77

18. RICHARD MORRIS was born about 1636. He signed a will on 22 Jan 1685/86 in Bowls Plantation, Charles Co., Maryland.78 He died in 1686.79

19. PENELOPE THEOBALD was born about 1654 in Norfolk , Virginia. She died in 1702 in Bowls Plantation, Charles Co., Maryland. She had an estate probated on 29 Oct 1702 in Bowls Plantation, Charles Co., Maryland.

20. JOHN BARRYMAN 111 immigrated in 1654 to Westmorland Co., Virginia.

21. ?? TUCKER.

22. JOHN NEWTON CAPT. was born in 1650 in Kingston on Hull , England. He died in 1697 in Westmorland Co., Virginia. He was married to ROSE GERRARD in 1677 in Westmorland Co., Virginia.


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32. SIR ROBERT DOUGLAS KNT. of Blackerstoun80 was born about 1593 in near Glasglow, Scotland.81,82 He died about 1669 in Scotland.42 Sir Archabald Douglas the first son and heir of Alaxander Douglas became the 9th Larid of Mains. His wife was Isobel of Blyswood, married 22 July 1633. He died 1 July 1647 leaving his entire estate to his wife. Due to heavy debts, the landed estate of Mains was deeded over to John Douglas, a relative. At this time Mains stayed in the Douglas family but passed to another Douglas line.

Sir Robert obtained Blackerston by marriage. He purchased Blyswood. It should be noted that Col. John Douglas's plantation in Maryland was named Blythswood (Blithswood) the name of the Manor in Scotland.

Sir Robert, as did most Scots, suffered greatly from the ravages of Oliver Cromwell. This was the primary cause of his financial problems along with a default , of the city of Glasgow, on money owed to him. He was married to LADY SUSAN DOUGLAS on 2 Feb 1635 in St. Andrews Church at Holborn, England.83,84,85 Conducted by the Bishop of London

33. LADY SUSAN DOUGLAS was born about 1617 in London, England.86 She was confirmed on 2 Feb 1635 in London, England. She died in 1692 in London, England.87 Susan Douglases birth was legitimized on 30 July 1631, by Royal Decree, when she was thirteen years old.

38. CLEMENT THEOBALD was born about 1620.

39. MARY ??.

40. JOHN BERRYMAN 11. He was married to ELIZABETH FULFORD in 1605.





64. ALAXANDER DOUGLAS 8TH LAIRD was born about 1652 in Scotland.82 He was married to GRIZEL HENDERSON.88,89

65. GRIZEL HENDERSON. Grizel Henderson was the daughter of James Henderson of Fordel, Fifeshire.

66. SIR ROBERT (of Spot) DOUGLAS KNT. First Viscount of Belhaven90,91 was born in 1573 in Scotland. He was a Common Law Marriage to MISS WHALLEY after Nov 1612 in Scotland.92 He died on 14 Jan 1639 in Edinburugh , Scotland.42 He was buried on 14 Jan 1639 in the Royal Chapel at Holyrood , Edinburugh, Scotland.93 Sir Robert Douglas was First Viscount of Belhaven. Knighted 7 Feb 1608/09 in London. On 30 July 1631 letters of Legitimazition, for children Susan and John Douglas for his "enfants d'amour" were granted by Royal Decree.

Sir Robert was the natural uncle of Sir R






128. MALCOLM DOUGLAS 7TH LAIRD94 was born in 1548. He died on 9 Feb 1584 in Lanarkshire , Scotland. He was beheaded on 9 Feb 1584 in Lanarkshire , Scotland.82 Accused of fortifying and holding Tantallon Castle 28 Nov 1581, against the King.

Laird Malcom Douglas was involved in an intrigue to release Mary Queen of Scots from prison and return her to the throne. In August 1582 he along with the Earl of Gowrie, The Earl of Angus, et al, participated in the "Raid of Ruthvn". They captured King James and held him prisonier for two years. The King escaped and the Ruthven Raiders were tried for kidnapping and treason of the King. Malcom Douglas of Mains and Cunningham of Drumquhassil were found guilty and were beheaded on 9 February 1584.

After he was beheaded he was proven innocent of treason charges. He was married to JANET CUNNINGHAM in 1562.82







258. JOHN CUNNINGHAM of Drumquhassil.



512. SIR ALAXANDER DOUGLAS KNT., 5TH LAIRD died about 1549. He was married to DAME MARGARET STEWART in Oct 1515.82

513. DAME MARGARET STEWART. Dame Margaret Stewart's first husband was the second Earl of Fleming



1024. JOHN DOUGLAS died about 1513.


1026. EARL MATTHEW STEWART OF LENNOX died on 9 Sep 1513 in Flodden, Scotland. Custodian of Dunbarton Castle; Second Earl of Lennox and Lord Darnley. Slain at Flodden while commanding the right wing, ancestor of Henry Lord Darnley who married Mary Queen of Scots. He was married to ELIZABETH HAMILTON on 9 Apr 1494.





2052. JAMES HAMILTON LORD. James was first Lord of Hamilton He was married to MARY STEWART ,PRINCESS in 1477.

2053. MARY STEWART ,PRINCESS died in 1488. Her first marriage was to Thomas Boyd Earl of Arran


4096. JAMES DOUGLAS 3rd LAIRD. Progenitor of the Lords of Maxwerll


4106. JAMES II KING OF SCOTLAND died in 1465 in Roxborough Castle , Scotland. King of Scotland 1430-1460, He was killed by a bursting cannon while he was besieging Roxburgh Castle. He was married to MARY OF GUELDRES in 1449.

4107. MARY OF GUELDRES. Mary was the daughter of Arnold, Duke of Guelders of Holland


8192. JAMES DOUGLAS 2nd LAIRD died about 1430 in Scotland.

8212. JAMES I KING OF SCOTLAND died in 1437. King of Scotland from 1394 to 1437. Assinated through the agency of Walter Stewart, Earl of Atholl, who was his uncle.

8213. JOAN DE BEAUFORT. Joan was the daughter of John de Beaufort, KG, Ligitmated son of John of Gaunt KG, and Catherine Swinford LG, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Kent; John de Beaufort was created first Earl of Somerset and then Marques of Somerset.


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