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The Little Boy was dropped by the Enola Gay on August 6, 1945 on Hiroshima.  The bomb dropped on Hiroshima and the bomb dropped on Nagasaki helped to end War World II.  These bombs devastated many people, killing most, injuring the rest who were in the cities.  If they weren't injured physically they were injured either in property or in mental stability, from all the carnage and death surrounding their helpless bodies.  

Below left is a picture of Japan showing the major cities in the country.  Below right is a picture of the Enola Gay which dropped the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.

The destruction done to the city of Hiroshima was immense.  The blast tore though buildings and everything in its path.  The flash from the blast was so powerful that shadows were burned into everything that was left standing.  The bomb set fire to almost everything and tore through the buildings like they were a mere piece of paper.  The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was so powerful that the blast could be felt more than 20 miles away.  

Below is a picture of the damage that the bomb caused to a small part of the city of Hiroshima.

Consequences Quiz

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