Consequences Quiz
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Consequences Quiz

Test your knowledge here!

1. What is the point of impact called?
    a) hypocenter or ground zero
    b) middle place
    c) the spot
    d) ground 10

2. What is the last thing that happens after the nuclear bomb explodes?
    a) shockwave
    b) Radioactive fall in
    c) Flash burn heaven
    d) Radioactive fallout

3. How hot is it around where the bomb explodes?
    a) absolute zero
    b) 300 million degrees Celsius
    c) 300 million degrees Fahrenheit
    d) 0 degrees Celsius

4. What is not a result of radiation poisoning?
    The Benz

5. What would happen if we went into a nuclear war?
    Nuclear Summer
    Doesn't matter
    Nuclear Winter
    World Peace