by Marv J. Bevans

More comings and goings on the daytime scene this month. Most prominent is the departure of FAITH CATLIN (Dr. Faith Colderidge--Ryan's Hope). It is not yet determined whether the writers will kill the character off or simply recast the role. Apparently, there was a difference of opinion in interpretation of the role. Others are reported to be exiting from the soap opera, including MICHAEL FAIRMAN (Nick Szabo), because that entire storyline is to be dropped.
ILENE KRISTEN (Delia Reid Ryan--Ryan's Hope) is  going in for song writing these days while her co-star, MICHAEL HAWKINS (Frank Ryan) is placing emphasis on vocal training. He would love to star in a Broadway musical.

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Fashion-minded soap stars are, from left to right, top row: Ericka Slezak, Veleka Gray, Ruth Warrick, Millette Alexander, Mary Stuart, Kate Mulgrew and Ann Meacham. Bottom Row: Ann Flood and Paul Dumont. All took part in a fashion show.

© 1976 The Macfadden Group, Inc. [TV Mirror - September]


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