Ryo Akiyama's Digimon
Season 3 Episode Guide

a sepcial thankx to http://www.geocities.com/deviate855/index.htm

Calumon is chased and appears in the real world. Meanwhile, Takato is a normal, obedient boy in grade 5 of elementary school. Going around the school is the Digimon craze and Takato is no exception. Takato and his friends play the Digimon card game and they all enjoy it. One morning, after Takato and his friends played the game, fate dealed Takato a mysterious card a blue card. A blue card that up to now has never been seen. The doors of adventure open for Takato as soon as he swipes this blue card through his card reader. Takato is surprised when his card reader sparks, but runs off to class. Since he has to sit the hallway, and Digimon is on his mind, Takato decides to sketch his own Digimon. All day, all Takato can think about is what happened earlier. While stuck in detention, Takato runs in Jeri and her puppet scares him. As soon as he can, Takato runs back to where he keeps his cards. When he opens his tin, he finds his card reader glowing. It falls to the ground and transforms into a Digi-Vice. Takato takes a look at it, but soon returns home and goes up to his room. Going through his cards, Takato comes up with the idea to try and scan his Guilmon drawing into his Digi-Vice. It doesn't work, so Takato leaves it on his desk. As he is about to go downstairs, he notices that the Digi-Vice is reading and scanning his notebook all by itself. Next thing Takato knows, a Digi-Egg has appeared on his Digi-Vice. Takato is thrilled at this. That night, Takato sees Rika and Renamon battle Lynxmon. His eyes open wide at the battle he witnesses. He wonders if it was all a dream. Meanwhile, Calumon wanders around the city. The next day, Takato tries to tell his friends, but they don't believe him. When he is left alone, he takes out his Digi-Vice to find the egg on the screen broken. Panic fills Takato's body as he begins to hit buttons. After awhile, he finds a radar like screen that points him towards the center of town. A beam of light appears, and as it does, Guilmon begins to travel to the real world. Thanks to destiny, Takato's own digimon sketch is now his very own digimon partner Guilmon! The next act of the story has just begunEpisode 02 (04.08.2001 - Japan / 09.01.2001 USA)
US:"Digimon, Digimon Everywhere "
Japan:"You're my friend. Terriormon appears!"

After watching Guilmon blast a wall, Takato's frightened of Guilmon and what he's going to do. Instead of attacking, like Takato feared, Guilmon just smiles innocently. Takato is revealed and thrilled to have Guilmon as a friend. The pair soon faces a problem, as concealing Guilmon is a hard job. They manage though using a cardboard box, but are almost stopped by Takato's parents. The next day, Takato takes some food from his parents for himself and Guilmon. Leaving Guilmon out of sight with some food, Takato heads off to school. Little does he know that a box with a tail is following him. Searching for Takato, Guilmon wanders around on school grounds. When he runs into the principle in the hallway, the principle panics and pulls the fire alarm. This alerts Takato and he goes to investigate. On the way, he realizes the school has been turned upside down. Takato goes into a panic trying to find his digimon partner. Can Takato find Guilmon? And who is this boy who understands the digimon? Is he a friend or foe?

Episode 03 (04.15.2001 - Japan / 09.08.01 USA)
US: "To Fight or Not to Fight"
Japan:"Renamon vs. Guilmon! Battle is the life of Digimon"

Thanks to Guilmon, the school is in a state of panic. This damaged the Takato's confidence. But now that Takato and Guilmon are reunited, their friendship has grown. Guilmon receives a sudden attack and is blown into a wire fence. It was Renamon, the digimon partner of the girl Rika. They decide to declare battle on Takato and Guilmon. Renamon attacks, but Takato does not wish to fight. It looks like the new friends are in trouble, when Henry interferes. Rika strongly believes that digimon only exist to fight. Henry tells her that digimon are much more than that! He tells her that digimon are friends. Takato is scared of losing Guilmon while worrying about the two opposing ideas. Do digimon only exist to fight? Could the confrontation between Renamon and Guilmon be avoided? And what's going to happen to Terriermon for interfering in the battle? A big step is about to be taken!

Episode 04 (04.22.2001 - Japan / 09.08.01 USA)
US: "It Came From the Other Side"
Japan:"The ordeal for Tamers! Down with Gorillamon!"

Rika declared battle on Takato one-sidedly. Henry's becomes involved and Terriermon digivolves to Gargomon. The fight is stopped by a shocking development. Gargomon is firing bullets at random everywhere, destroying everything around. Lee tries his best to stop his partner, but cannot seem to get through. Even worse, Gargomon turns his attacks on Rika. Guilmon manages to save Rika. Henry is upset and worried. Afterward, Takato and Henry try to figure out why Terriermon was able to evolve and figure it was a reject evolution. That evolution nightmare was still on everyone's minds. The next day, Takato meets up with Henry. Suddenly, a strange fog appears behind them. Frightened, Takato, Henry and their partners run away. However, the fog continues to follow them. After Takato moves in another direction, it becomes clear that the mysterious fog is after Henry. The fog manages to catch up to them, and a digimon appears before Henry and Terriermon. It's Gorillamon and all he wants to do is fight. Gorillamon attacks, but since Terriermon and Henry are worried, they are afraid to fight at full force. Can Henry and Terriermon get over this desperate crisis? What past event occurred between them? And how did Henry become a Tamer?

Episode 05 (04.29.2001 - Japan / 9.15.01 USA)
US:"Dream a Little Dream"
Japan:"Kurukkuruuun! Let's play with Calumon"

The reason why Henry kept refusing the evolution was because of the reckless events that occurred as well as other events in the past. Thanks to a strong attack from Terriermon, and a card slash from Henry, Gorillamon was defeated. Takato learned something important about how two people can get over a crisis without any evolutions, but by working together. A mysterious event just took place at Takato's school. Mysterious lime lines have been drawn all over the schoolyard. The event's unknown cause has led some kids to make up ghost stories. Also, rumors are flying around that Guilmon's appearance and the lines are no coincidence. Watching a game, Calumon dreams of being able to play soccer. However, Takato discovers the criminal and it turns out to be a little digimon Calumon. Takato consults with Henry to find a suitable partner for the little digimon. They look at the plus and minus sides of the people around them and consider all the candidates. Calumon wants to play. Can they find a suitable partner? And what is the reason for Calumon being in the real world?
Episode 06 (05.06.2001 - Japan / 9.15.01 USA)
US:"O Partner, Where Art Thou"
Japan:"The meanings of the partner. Renamon evolves!"

Takato does not agree with Rika about how Digimon are treated like tools to help out at the dangerous points. Takato attempts to talk to Rika, but Rika is not about to listen. Rika's teacher calls her mother for a parent-teacher meeting. Her mother leaves work and is very disappointed in her daughter. The next day at school, a digital fog appears. Rika rushes to it. However, arriving at the scene with the enemy digimon, Rika finds she's over her head and requires the help of the other Tamers. Henry and Takato see the fog and come running to her aid. Rika becomes frustrated in battle and wishes Renamon to Digi-Volve. Even when told repetitively, Renamon does not evolve. If Renamon did, Rika could have won without others help. This irritates Rika even more. Now Rika and Renamon wander around the town at night waiting for a new enemy to face so that Renamon will be able to Digi-Volve. They find a strange digimon that claims to have no partner. The mystery behind the partner's existence is blocked. What is the mystery behind the Tamers? Who is this dark digimon? And what will Rika do without Renamon at her side?

Episode 07 (05.15.2001 - Japan / 9.22.01 USA)
US:"Now You See It, Now You Don't"
Japan:"The crisis for Guilmon!! The adventure in my town"

Now that Rika and Renamon begin to understand each other, Renamon is able to Digi-Volve into Kyubimon. Takato and Guilmon set out to find Rika and talk with her. He finds her at the two are able to chat at her house. Afterwards, Guilmon suddenly begins to disappear and Takato is fearful. Takato panics and goes to Henry and Rika. The digimon's fate has been written. Those born from data, return to data. Takato, Henry and Rika go in search of Guilmon and find a portal into a strange dimension. Inside, they find that they are floating. Takato spots Guilmon, and gets to him just in time. What's behind all this? Who are the people monitoring their actions? And what's the real purpose of the Tamer?

Episode 08 (05.20.2001 - Japan / 9.29.01 USA)
US:"A Question of Trust"
Japan:"Guilmon evolves! The decisive battle in West-Shinjuku"

All three cooperated and were able to get Guilmon back. In class, instead of doing arithmetic, Takato draws Guilmon's evolved form. He calls it... Growlmon! That night, Takato and Guilmon go to the park where Takato leaves him with some food. Takato unexpectedly runs into a police officer. Later, Impmon appears and converses with Guilmon. He leaves and wanders around the park. Impmon spots Devidramon in a fog shield. Impmon mocks him, then accidentally releases him. Devidramon is now on the loose! Guilmon meets up with Takato and the battle begins. Devidramon pins Guilmon against the wall. It seems as if all hope is lost until Takato's D-Power begins to glow and Guilmon is able to Digi-volve into Growlmon! With Growlmon on their side, can they defeat Devidramon? Why is a mysterious organization watching the battle? And where are all these digimon coming from?

Episode 09 (05.27.2001 - Japan / 9.29.01 USA)
US:"Not As Seen on TV"
Japan:"Please revert to Guilmon! The Growlmon incident"

Takato is happy that Guilmon was able to Digi-Volve into Growlmon, but for some reason, Growlmon has not de-Digi-Volved and continues to stay Growlmon. Growlmon's gigantic figure troubles Takato. If Growlmon returns to Takato's house, he'll be discovered for sure. Takato tries to think of a way to get Growlmon to return to his original form. It's possible to get Growlmon to return to the form of Guilmon, but how? Why isn't Growlmon's evolution wearing off?

Episode 10 (06.03.2001 - Japan / 10.6.01 USA)
US:"The Icemon Cometh"
Japan:"Renamon is my friend! Ruki's hesitation"

Rika's doubts come into focus. Experience can not be stacked. Guilmon was able to Digi-Volve without Takato being strict. In fact, Takato was very kind-hearted. Rika believed that she only wanted a digimon that was strong. She treated Renamon with a cold-heart and Renamon became strong. Rika can't understand why Guilmon could be strong with Takato's kindness. Rika begins to question her relationship with her digimon. Without understanding herself, Rika feels with unreasonable anger and snaps at Renamon. She tells Renamon that she's just a digimon and not a partner. Unable to understand Rika's heart, Renamon leaves confused. Rika wonders around confused. Finding a great opportunity, a white shadow follows her. Rika sees the digimon, and as if by instinct, follows it. The next thing she knows, she is surrounded by white. Icedevimon has kidnapped Rika! Where is Rika now? Will Takato and Henry come to her aid? Will Renamon come to her aid? And can anything save Rika and Renamon's relationship?

Episode 11 (06.10.2001 - Japan / 10.6.01 USA)
US:"Much Ado About Musyamon"
Japan:"Shinjuku Railroad Bridge, The duel for one minute and a half"

A thick fog spread through an intersection suddenly. Terriermon feels the presence of Impmon and wishes to investigate the evil digimon. Henry doesn't allow it. The digital field is forceful, and Yamaki releases a "yuggoth." The yuggoth causes the digimon in the digital field to disappear. Terriermon watches the disappearing digital field dissatisfied. Terriermon feels useless. Henry doesn't even answer him honestly. Terriermon is a friend. A friend does not wish to see a murder and do nothing about it. So, Terriermon wishes to fight. Denying Terriermon to fight is to deny Terriermon as a digimon. Henry is frightened and shakes. It is destiny that says that two beings must fight. Without giving them time to think, the yuggoth appears again! Will Lee allow Terriermon to fight? Why is Henry holding back? And what exactly is this yuggoth?

Episode 12 (06.17.2001 - Japan / 10.13.01 USA)
US:"Divided They Stand"
Japan:"Ruki and Ranamon, The crisis of the bonds"

A man in sunglasses waits for Takato and Henry. He is Yamaki, the man who witnessed their battles at an Administration Bureau. Yamaki advises Takato and Henry to stop playing dangerously. Yamaki's words are left in Takato's mind, making him sense an unlucky premonition. Rika still tries to sort out her feelings about Renamon and digimon in general. She feels for them, but her pride is too strong. Renamon is also concerned. Rika and Renamon meet, but find even though a million things need to be said, not one word is spoken. Renamon wishes to prove her strength and worth to Rika. Renamon and Rika consider each other. Can the two return to being partners? And what is the true intention of Yamaki? Why did he contact Takato? The true destiny awaits!

Episode 13 (06.24.2001 - Japan / 10.20.01 USA)
Japan:"In Order to Capture the Digimon - Foreshadowing Disaster!"

In the darkness of the night, Takato and Guilmon fight a battle against DarkLizamon, a cruel digimon. When Takato and Guilmon are about to finish him off, the light of a searchlight illuminates their position. Consequently, a canister of tear-gas is thrown and trouble erupts. A man from the Bureau of Administrative Services stands before them. He is Yamaki. Yamaki advises that Takato not play dangerously. Yamaki gave a side-glance to DarkLizamon. Even though Takato was protecting Guilmon, Yamaki's self-confidence creates fear inside Takato. Furthermore, a delicate change has occurred within Takato himself. He fears that Guilmon will Digi-Volve into Growlmon with wild instincts. If this happens, Takato worries his voice won't reach him. Takato is told that the only way Guilmon will become strong is if it evolves. This leaves Takato in an awkward state. Takato's feelings differ from Guilmon's and a fear that they will drift apart appears. Takato goes to investigate the Bureau of Administrative Services. The Digimon capture order has been sent out. What is Yamaki's purpose? Can Takato sort out his feelings? And can Takato stand up as a Tamer again?

Episode 14 (07.01.2001 - Japan / 10.27.01 USA)
US:"Grow Mon Grow"
Japan:"The Digimon Raising - Megalogrowmon's Super Evolution!"

A shade of blue appears in the night sky. The cruel fate that involves the Digimon, disassembles the data. They regard all digimon as an enemy. Only after another look at the light in Takato's heart, can they see that they must keep going. It is but that time. The situation no one expects occurs. An enormous pillar of light appears. Yamaki trembles at the unexpected occurrence. Furthermore, he informed of another surprise. The enormous Digimon gets off the ground and stands. Both Renamon and Terriermon try to attack, but the difference in strength and capability is pretty large, and the two digimon are simply repelled. Guilmon stands strong and receives one attack after another. An enemy of wonder appears before the children. Is a partner's strength enough? Can Takato fulfill his mission as a Tamer? And what is this evolution that a new blue card leads to? Will the three finally become a team?

Episode 15 (07.8.2001 - Japan / 11.3.01 USA)
US:"Snakes, Trains, and Digimon"
Japan:"Lots Of Panic - An Enormous Snake Appears!"

Being enthusiastic, Takato and his classmates go off. Henry and Rika had appeared in the town to run an errand. While waiting for a subway, Rika suddenly feels something strange. Within an instant, an enormous snake appears. Rika pursues the digimon. Henry follows, but the bitter fight is forced by the capability of the enemy. Furthermore, Takato and Guilmon are preoccupied with Takato's classmates. In the subway, the fangs of the enormous snake attack. Can Henry and Rika stop this digimon? And can Takato and Guilmon get to the fight in time?

Episode 16 (07.15.2001 - Japan / 11.3.01 USA)
US:"Back to Nature, Back to Battle"
Japan:"Protect the Light of the Town - Dangerous Camp of Digimon"

The sightseeing bus arrives at Takato and Henry's elementary school. It's the day of a camping trip for everyone in Takato's grade. Takato secretly brings Guilmon along. Calumon, too, decides to tag along. Takato and Guilmon somehow find themselves cooperating with Kazu and Kenta. A small reaction then occurs within the D-Power. What is this reaction? And what threatens the light of the town? Takato and Henry must fight for peace in order to protect camp! And how can a ghost story from a teacher shake them so much?

Episode 17 (07.29.2001 - Japan / 11.3.01 USA)
US:"Duel with the Deva"
Japan:"Chase the Blue Card - Rapidmon's Moment!"

Playing the card game with Kenta, Henry gained a health card. The expectation that it was a normal card was shattered when Henry card slashed it. For after the card slash was done, the first thought normal card turned into a blue card! Takato and Henry wished to figure out the secret of the blue card as well as its original owner. They run into a man at Akihabara and it seems that the number of cards has increased. After talking with his father, Henry realizes how deep this mystery really is. And to make matters worse, a new Deva from the digital world has appeared! Why was this blue card created? And will this new card lead them to the world of super speed?

Episode 18 (08.05.2001 - Japan / 11.10.01 USA)
US:"Digital Beauty"
Japan:"The Beautiful Evolution - Taomon Whirls in the Moonlight"

Rika finds herself accompanying her mother to a modeling office. The fact that it was Rika there for a camera test was unexpected. Even worse, they gave Rika strange clothing that she was unaccustomed to wearing. Now the camera faces Rika. Rika, herself, is confused at this entire experience which she does not desire and her attitude turns worse. Furthermore, the flash of the camera strikes Rika's fear and she tries to find a way out of the studio. Rika wanders around Shinjuku following the call of her D-Power. Search as she might, Rika fails to find Renamon and worries that she'll never return. With these insecurities, Rika hopelessly returns home. On the telephone, Ruki quickly inquires about the news of the new digimon discovered. Mixing the night and the moonlight, a beautiful soldier is born! What is the real intention of the digimon? Where is Renamon? Who will win the fight in the fog?

Episode 19 (08.12.2001 - Japan / 11.10.01 USA)
US:"Impmons Last Stand"
Japan:"I want to be Strong! Impmon's Upward Crawl"
Renamon had disappeared with Vairamon. Rika had an uneasy feeling as Renamon didn't return for what seemed like forever. But the real intentions of Renamon was to get to know the Deva. Renamon decides that she would rather be with Rika, and evolves into her perfect form, Taomon. Vajramon battles Taomon...
Stop getting all cute with the humans! Impmon looks at Calumon who is in town, surrounded by girls. But Impmon scared the girls off with his ball of fire, then a low laughing voice was heard...
Impmon feels like he has been made an idiot, and jumps into a generated Digital Field. There, a new Deva, Indaramon was waiting for Impmon. Indaramon begins talking and looks down and tell Impmon that he's a Digimon that got betrayed by his tamer....
Although a confrontation was avoided by the appearance of Rika and Renamon. Indaramon's words shocked Impmon... With all of his rage, Impmon rages around the town, even the police have to be involved in this incident.
Impmon's pride is damaged. What about Impmon's past which he keeps trying to hide? Impmon is Impmon, the fight starts now!

Episode 20 (8.19.2001 - Japan / 11.17.01 USA)
US:"Out of the Blue"
Japan:"That is the Trump Card! The Blue Card of Friendship"

A Digimon which was accustomed to a Tamer... Impmon's pride was damaged even more once Indaramon had spoken these words. Impmon refused Renamon's help in fighting Indaramon, and said he would fight alone. He fights recklessly, only wanting to be strong... but in the end, he fires his last attack in this hopeless situation...!!
Impmon tried to fight as hard as he could, but he couldn't hurt Indaramon. Just when Indaramon was going to deliver the final attack... Indaramon was caught in a wave from the Government!
It was just Yamaki's new creation made to defeat Devas. Takato is very happy since the new Deva is gone as well as Yamaki, who's plan had gained him confidence.
But this peaceful time doesn't continue for long. Indaramon appears again and riots in the city! Indaramon is able to block all of Growlmon's attacks and overwhelms the police. Once all the cards are lost, the full problem is exposed. Kazu and Kenta show Takato a card... a handmade blue card!
The last hope is a handmade blue card! Will the friendship between Kazu and Takato reach Growlmon?! A miracle can be achieved by the card slash of friendship!!
Calumon is held by Juri in her arm as she prays. It just might work! The frame on Calumon's head started to glow wildly. It has given the power to evolve into WarGrowlmon! Atomic Blaster and Indaramon has been deleted.

Episode 21 (8.26.2001 - Japan / 11.17.01 USA)
US:"Jeri's Quest"
Japan:"Is He Jeri's Partner? My Dear Leomon"

My partner Digimon is Leomon! The time that Leomon saved me I was so happy! Fate has given me a partner Digimon! But... why does he run away from me? Leomon? Errr, he is such a shy person. It is okay, I will follow him everywhere till he proves that I am his partner! Beware, my Leomon warf warf!

Episode 22 (9.2.2001 - Japan / 11.21.01 USA)
US:"The Boar War"
Japan:"Vikararamon Appears. Protect Our Town!"

An earthquake occurred in West-Shinjuku. Takato and Henry disagreed on something. Although Henry was going to go out, Susie would not let go of Terriermon. Terriermon used force. Henry felt guilty of hurting his sister. Kazu wanted a Digimon, and he like Guilmon. Then, Juri appears and wants to be taught how to play the Digimon card game. Rika teaches Jeri unexpectedly. Henry began to draw the twelve zodiacal signs on the ground. The Tamers figured out that the Devas appear in a certain cycle.

Episode 23 (9.9.2001 - Japan / 12.1.01 USA)
US:"A World Apart"
Japan:"Digimon sally out! Advancement towards the Wind"

The Juggernaut is moving. Rika is perplexed on which card to use as they continue their battle against Vikaralamon. The power, however, keeps passing through the digimon. There seems to be an interference with the Juggernaut. Hypnos begins to collapse and Yamaki stays behind. From the grid in the sky, an enormous burst of energy hits Vikaralamon, and the invasion continues. Takato becomes stronger - largely due to the fact that Guilmon has evolved. But they must be cautioned when facing Vikaralamon. Takato shares his power with WarGrowlmon. Will it be enough? Who is this mysterious boy? And what is the fate of Hypnos and Yamaki?

Episode 24 (9.16.2001 - Japan / 12.8.01 USA)
US:"The Journey Begins"
Japan:"To The Digital World... The Day of The Departure"

By the appearance of the digimon, the actual world fell trapped into large confusion. The digimon have caused large problems of the country. There are times when even Yamaki is cautioned. There is trouble in the deep water of despair. In order for Takato to find a way out of this situation, he is determined to face the Digital World. The Tamers all introduce their digimon partners to their respected families and convey the effects of their roles, as well as the fact that they're leaving tomorrow. Are Takato and the others heading for the Digital World? What will be the repercussions of introducing their digimon partners to their families? And will they be able to save their world?

Episode 25 (9.23.2001 - Japan / 12.15.01 USA)
US:"Brave New Digital World"
Japan:"Plunge into The Digital World! Farewell, Our Town"

Takato enters the zone that continues on to the Digital World. They see with binoculars the world where the Japanese map is reverse. The place where they arrive is wilderness. Takato raises a flag there. Looking through the binoculars, they continue on their way towards their goal. They pass by what looks to be simple rocks, but they're really digimon ready to attack them in the wilderness! Can they escape the Jagamon? What is this data stream? And could this be the Digital World?

Episode 26 (9.30.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Small World! Jijimon and Babamon of The Valley of Strong Wind"

Rika's health was thrown thickly in light. After being forced to run from a data stream, they themselves near a house. The wind attacks the house. The married digimon, Jijimon and Babamon, who own the house, come to find three tamers and a digimon at their door. They wish to repair the wall, which was broken by the wind. Kazu and Kenta pretend to be Digimon and fight each other in front of the couple. Is this a test of friendship? Is this what the Digital World is always like?

Episode 27 (10.7.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Impmon Evolves! The Fear Beelzebumon Brings"

Takato and his group searches far and wide for Rika and the others. They figure they ended up somewhere else. Takato and their group find themselves at the MudFrigimon's village. The village becomes rough and tire tracks weave through the ground. An enormous motorcycle appears before them and it attacks Takato. It is discovered that the motorcycle is unmanned. The MudFrigimon take the Tamers in and tell them information. The Tamers believe they finally found a friend at this village, but then, suddenly the motorcycles attacks again! What is this motorcycle? Who are all these Digimon? What is Impmon up to? And what is this contract?

Episode 28 (10.14.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Friend or Foe? Ryo Akiyama The Legendary Tamer"

Supposedly meeting at the point where the flag stands, Renamon and Rika go off and the two insecure boys follow them. Takato, on the other hand, wonders if Rika will wait by the place of their flag. Still, Guilmon could smell Renamon. In addition, it seems that Rika was thrown through a pillar of light to the place where the gear turn. A clock stands before them. Rika plays with the gears and hands. When Rika unintentionally touches one of the hands, it starts to move! The digimon locked inside continue to plea in a desperate voice. The clock was really a seal! The seal is broken and Cyberdramon reveals himself. Rika responds by evolving Renamon into Kyubimon, but she is at a disadvantage. The digimon you have not seen then appears there. Who is this mysterious digimon? And who is the boy? Could he really be the Legendary Tamer?

Episode 29 (10.21.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Here is The Ghost Castle! The Great Escape of Stray Calumon"

Rika is still trapped in the world of the gears. As for Takato, he is temporarily waiting in the world of the monotone. Ryo takes Takato to a castle. Finding it apparently empty, Takato and the others decide to use this as a place to get some sleep. While searching the castle, Takato discovers Calumon riding Mijiramon! What's going on with Calumon? And can the Tamers battle Mijiramon?

Episode 30 (10.28.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"An Urgent Message from the Digital World, Calumon Is..."

Takato and his friend got split up by Rika again. They decide to head to the original place where they left the flag, but the flag was gone. Above Takato and his friends the Real World Ball started to shine, the stream of Ray begin to riot freely, Takato and the others ran away. In the Real world Yamaki gets a mail on his computer from Takato saying [We all are doing fine] which they discover they can receive mail from the Digital World. Dig Gnomes appear and pull Rika and Renamon into a small river. A Rapid Stream washes Rika away, a branch of a tree was presented to Rika. What a surprise when who saved her was Calumon. Guilmon smells out the smell of Calumon. The shimmer of hot air shakes Rika, Renamon and Calumon although it appears and reunion is achieved at last. They don't know the way back to the Real World. Takato and the others hesitate, Kyubimon Recognize that Beezlemon's true form is Impmon, but Beezlemon denies it. In the real world for some reason the Shaigai does not stop. Takato and the others endure an intense sandstorm by the result of Taomon. Although Taomon stretches a result barely, the pillar of light moves, Takato, Henry and Terriermon get blown away. Shaigai will get separated again even though it stopped.

Episode 31 (11.4.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"My Friendship with Guardromon! I'll Fight, too, Tamer Hirokazu"

Takato got split up from Guilmon and the others. Kenta asked Guilmon if he wanted to be his partner, but Guilmon refused frankly. That time Suddenly the ground melted, Kenta, Kazu, Jeri, Rika, Renamon and Guilmon fell into the world of small world Kogiki. Their was a eerie Swamp. Real world ball looked fairly small. Since they heard a voice from faraway, they decide to go to the direction of the voice. Their they found Andromon yelling for some reason, they found out that Andromon was injured, every time Andromon gets injured the Gekomon would be the one to repair him but they are starting to get fairly tired of it. Rika and the others appeared, Andromon looks out. Andromon tries to fight, but his injuries caused him to miss on his specialty missile. Then Jeri found a Orochimon and gave it some wine. It turned out to be a bad Digimon and fights. Juri found out that giving wine to Orochimon will make it stronger and regrets giving it some. Kazu gets encouraged by Guardromon to card slash it appears that it worked. Now they know for sure Kazu is Guardromon's partner.

Episode 32 (11.11.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"The Mystery of Guilmon's Birth! The Mysterious Water Space"

Takato and the others were in the Water. Takato wasn't so good at swimming and just splashed his hands and feet. Under a blue sky where even your eyes feel dizzy, their stood a person dressed up in black MIB. The MIB spoken to a guy, which appears to be SHIBUMI Mizunogorou. He is the guy who everybody is looking for! In a hurry Shibumi tries to run away. When the MIB almost caught Shibumi He disappeared into smoke. Takato and the others get lost in the cave. Henry used the "Drill of Steel" on Terriermon, Terriermon made a hole on the wall. Shinji and the others explain to Takato's Parents.... Of coarse they didn't approve it. Takato and the others struggle in the cave and cannot escape. They try to send a e-mail to see if it will work

Episode 33 (11.18.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Where Is Terriermon? Shaochung Goes to the Digital World"

Terriermon is no longer in the real world and Suzie feels sad. When Suzie is playing at a playground she falls into a Zone that generated suddenly. Their in the Digital World, she saw a big rabbit looking Digimon which appears to be Antylamon the Rabbit Deva. Meanwhile Takato and the others ride on a vehicle to transport out of the water world. Terriermon heard Suzie's voice somewhere. Right when Suzie fell into the Digital World, far down she saw Terriermon on the window of the ship. Henry spots Kuramon and Antylamon fighting but for some reason the data does not appear.

Episode 34 (11.25.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"The Kindhearted Hero, Leomon Dies"

Impmon became Beezlemon. The contract Impmon made with the Deva was to kill Guilmon and his friends. Now he decides to finish off his contract and appears in front of Guilmon and his friends. With Guilmon knowing that Beezlemon is Impmon, he has no reason to fight. When Leomon walks up to Beezlemon to try to talk him out from fighting, Beezlemon's arm went right through Leomon! Above them a red heated field appear. It's a glint of light again, In a roll of thunder they see Chatsuramon's giant statue. Rapidmon throw down the South gate and falls. Beezlemon pointed his gun right at Takato and the others. With a frightful speed Growlmon and the others rush toward him. The tunnel of geometric texture. After Growlmon and the other passes through, a big giant statue shadow appears.

Episode 35 (12.2.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"The Name is Dukemon! Holy Mega Evolution"

WarGrowlmon Digi-Volved into his mega form.... but it was not the kind of Digimon Takato was expecting. Since Leomon got killed, was it that anger that made Growlmon digivolve into this? To the mega Digimon Megidramon, Takato's word was not reachable. Makuramon knew that if no one stopped Beezlemon and Megidramon from fighting the Digital World will break apart and vanish, Makuramon rushes and try to break up the battle. But Beezlemon grabbed Makuramon's head and smiled.

Episode 36 (12.9.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Final Fight! Dukemon Vs Beelzebumon"

Guilmon's true mega, Dukemon has appeared! It appears although it's Guilmon and Takato combined form. Dukemon has rushed into Beezlebumon in fast speed. The two Mega Digimon make the whole digital world shake! In the mean time Zhuqiomon has given Chatsuramon a command. The command was to kill Lopmon who has became a friend with Takato and his friends.

Episode 37 (12.16.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Battle with Zhuqiaomon! SaintGalgomon Mega Evolution"

The legendary fourth DigiGod- Zhuqiaomon, Takato and his friends snuck into the castle and appeared right in front of Zhuqiaomon! They get frightened by the size of Zhuqiaomon. They tell Zhuqiaomon to return Calumon to them but Zhuqiaomon replies, "Calumon belongs here in the first place". They try their best to attack Zhuqiaomon, but because of his size their attack barely does any damage, beside the fact about them giving him no damage just one hit of Zhuqiaomon's attack blows them away!

Episode 38 (12.23.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"The real enemy begins to move! Four holy beasts fight!"

SaintGargomons attack barely damaged Zhuqiaomon. By the immortal looks of Zhuqiaomon they have nothing to say, now the tamers have no choice but to fight. With the evolution of SaintGargomon they try to attack but, they can barely defend their self. When they think there's no other way, a thick clouds appeared in the sky, thunder came down like a spear! A huge Blue Dragon appeared.
Episode 39 (12.30.2001 - Japan / ?.?.? USA)
Japan:"Mega flower Sakuyamon evolves"

The real enemy is who tries to delete Digimon and is program, D-Reaper . The dust pocket are deleting Digimon by Digimon. on the other hand, Jeri drowns in sadness. Jeri's sadness of losing Leomon won't disappear easily. It worried Takato and the others how to go against this enemy. D-Reaper came to the digital world to find the power of shining evolution. The source of the power is Calumon. They must hurry up and rescue Calumon from D-Reaper. Their someone came riding on a Digimon coming their way. It was Akiyama Ryo and was on Cyberdramon.

Season 3 Episode Guide

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