In these politically correct times, terms such as "Sporter", Match", and Target"
inappropriately find their names attached to rifles which, in more innocent days, would
have been given titles containing letters and numbers designating a military heritage. For a
rifle to be called a "Sniper" these days, it had better be up to par! Enter the SIG SG 550-1
Sniper. Manufactured in Switzerland by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft (SIG), this
semiautomatic rifle chambered in .223 Remington caliber (5.56 X 45mm) more than lives
up to its name. Introduced into the company’s lineup around 1989, it’s always been
somewhat of a limited issue item. Its design is based on the SIG 550 series of military
assault rifles known in Switzerland as the Sturmgewehr 90 (Stgw 90). But this hybrid rifle
is manufactured with sniper specific features totally unique from the main issue battle rifle
of the Swiss army. This article will detail those features and evaluate the overall design.
The SIG SG 550-1 Sniper was developed in close co-operation with the special units of
police forces. As such, its design concept foregoes many of the requirements a military
sniper might need. Of these, both the caliber and operating system are different than most
military sniper rifles, i.e., .308 Winchester chambering in a bolt-action, fixed magazine
design. The 550 series rifles are .223 Remington, semiautomatic detachable magazine
weapons. When looked at in terms of a police issue sniper, this combination is highly
appropriate. The military sniper operates on the principles of tracking, concealment,
observation, and long range engagement. Generally, one quick shot is all that is needed,
with a hasty retreat to follow. On the other hand, a police sniper usually operates from a
fixed location at a known distance typically under 100 meters. The accuracy requirements
are the same as for the military engagement, but under different circumstances. The ability
to deliver multiple follow-up shots quickly, if necessary, is at the officer’s discretion. He
has this option with the semiautomatic design. The military sniper in the field doesn’t.
Reliability in the field is another issue. The military sniper can’t afford to have a
malfunctioning weapon. He requires a simplicity of design that a bolt action offers. While I
am sure there are many people more qualified than myself to compare the
military-Vs-police debate, let me just state that SIG has only made large sales of the SG
550-1 Sniper to the Swiss Police forces and the Jordanian Palace Guard. There are no
national military forces that have gone on record as purchasers. While many semiauto/full
auto sniper rifles have entered military service worldwide, (Dragunov SVD, M14/M21,
G3-SG1, etc) those choices could very well have been based on political as well as
economical decisions.
Optimum Adjusting Possibilities
The SIG SG 550-1 Sniper is by far one of the most user adjustable rifles ever made. A
list of the11 features which can be individually adjusted to suit the person firing the rifle
are as follows:
* Buttplate-up/down
*Buttplate-rotation (cant)
*Buttplate-in/out (length of pull)
*Cheek piece-up/down
*Pistol grip-front/rear (rake)
*Pistol grip-hand rest up/down
*Scope mount-left/right (axial orientation)
*Scope mount-front/rear (eye relief)
*Bipod-leg height up/down
*Bipod-left/right (cant)
*Bipod-(angle of inclination)
With this many adjustments available, the rifle can be adapted to the shooters individual
anatomy and firing position. All in all, the rifle proved to be extremely comfortable to
operate. The earlier manufactured buttstocks had a recess underneath which magnetically
secured an allen wrench to perform these adjustments. Later variants deleted this feature.
Additionally, the entire buttstock assembly can be folded over to the right hand side,
allowing the rifle to be placed into its transit case for storage.
The trigger mechanism is, quite simply, an experience to behold. I have personally
fired many rifles and handguns with custom trigger work, and many military designs as
well. However, I have never manipulated a more precise trigger in my life! All competitive
benchrest applications aside (which typically break at 2 oz.), the two-stage trigger pull and
feel of the SG 550-1 Sniper is exquisite. The specifications are as follows:
Take-up weight-(800 grams) 1.75 lbs.
Pull weight-(1500 grams) 3.3 lbs.
Take-up length - 3.5 mm
Trigger pull length - 4.1 mm
Externally, all that is visible is a large plastic trigger shoe. The trigger guard itself is
designed to rotate left or right out of the way of a gloved trigger finger. Internally, a
comparison between the SG 550-1 Sniper and a standard 550 trigger mechanism will show
the elimination of the heavy 3-coil trigger spring, and the addition of a much lighter and
relocated return spring which extends down into the pistol grip.
Likewise, a unique trigger and sear assembly contribute to the refined let-off of the
sniper version. The owners manual states: "The two-stage trigger action is set optimally at
our works. To ensure functional safety, the shooter should not alter any trigger settings."
No adjustments to the trigger should be necessary as it comes pre-set out of the box.
Precise trigger break and pull are necessary requirements for any type of shooting
accuracy. The SIG SG 550-1 Sniper definitely surpasses the standard. An ambidextrous
safety lever is also included.
The gas assisted operation of the action is of the rotating bolt design. In comparison,
the SIG 550 series rifles are direct copies of the AK-47 operating system. The bolt rotates
and locks into battery using the same design as the Kalishnikov. The only significant
difference is the location of the return spring. It is wrapped around the gas piston rod
instead of being a separate spring assembly that pushes from the rear of the receiver.
While this location of the return spring could subject it to the extreme operating
temperatures of the gas piston and barrel, thereby ruining the temper of the springs’ steel,
the Swiss Army adopted the rifle for its own use. Obviously it is suitable enough for their
purposes, including fully automatic fire. On the SG 550-1 Sniper, limited only to
semiautomatic, this is not at all an issue. A two-position gas valve setting is featured. One
position is for regular service. The other setting is for cold or icy conditions which require
more energy to cycle the action. However, recoil is increased in the latter setting thereby
effecting accuracy.
Unique to the SG 550-1 Sniper, the barrel is 25.6 inches long and has a right-hand twist
rate of 1-in-10 inches, with 6 grooves. It has an extra heavy barrel contour of .750" with a
recessed and crowned muzzle. The metallurgical properties of the barrel are not
published, but it is hammer forged and screws into the receiver.Its finish is a matte-black
nonreflective coating. A black elastic anti-mirage band is fitted above the handguards to
avoid heat waves from rising off the warm barrel and distorting the view through the
scope. All of the plastic furniture is colored black as opposed to the green which is usually
found on the 550 Series rifles. All of the remaining metal parts and the two receiver halves
are finished in a gray powder coat.
A Parker-Hale bipod is located beneath the handguards. Made of steel, this well
known design has two legs which fold up underneath the handguard for storage. As
mentioned earlier, it is adjustable for height and both angle of cant and inclination. Each
leg has a swiveling rubber padded base.
Magazines made for the 550 rifles are produced from a transparent plastic which
allows a good view of the ammunition remaining inside. A unique system of interlocking
lugs and studs allow up to three magazines to be attached together side by side while
inserted into the receiver. The usefulness of this feature has questionable status on a sniper
rifle. If you need sixty rounds of ammunition for the situation at hand, you need another
rifle! Standard magazine capacity is twenty rounds, with a five round magazine also being
supplied. The low profile obtainable with the five rounder may be a worthwhile
consideration. Thirty round capacity magazines are also offered by SIG. All magazines
have a bolt hold-open feature which causes the bolt to lock back after the last round is
Fixed sights are not provided with the SG 550-1 Sniper. Instead, a spring loaded scope
mount is attached to the top of the receiver with allen head screws locking it rigidly into
place. A detachable upper rail is interchangeable with other styles of mounting rails to
accept a variety of scope platforms. NATO STANAG 2324 mounting, European rail
mount, night vision devices, and various sized rings can all be adapted to fit the rifle. The
scope mount pictured in this article has a set of one inch rings fitted for use with a Kahles
ZFM 10X range finding reticle scope with a built-in bullet drop compensator. The mount
has been serial numbered to match the rifle. Other scopes offered for the SIG rifles have
been Zeiss, Hensoldt, and Kern optics in both fixed and variable powers. The Carl Zeiss
offerings, when available, were in the 1.5 x 6, or more recently in 2.5 x 10 magnification
Diavari-Z rail-mounted configuration. The Hensoldt optics would be the fixed 10X power
with a tritium range finding reticle pattern and bullet-drop compensator, or a 1.5 x 6 x 42
variable with beta light (tritium) illumination. Night vision may not work too well due to
the lack of a flashider on the barrel, causing the unit to "bloom out". Also, as detailed
previously, the mount has the ability to be moved from side to side as well as front to rear.
This helps to compensate for proper eye relief as well as preventing the scope from hitting
your face. These are invaluable features that I can’t recall being offered on any other
scope mount.
Accessories provided include a locking storage case custom fitted specifically for the
SG 550-1 Sniper. A roll-up cleaning tool kit comes with every item needed to keep the
rifle in service. Sling, magazine loading tool, and allen wrenches are also supplied. Fully
illustrated owners manuals in English, German and French are provided, along with a
detailed parts schematic inside, listing all items by name. Sixty-eight pages in length, other
firearms manufacturers could learn a lesson from SIG in describing their weapons
Accuracy Testing
*CARTRIDGE----------SMALL GROUP------------LARGE GROUP--------------AVERAGE*
*HORNADY 68gr----------.709-------------------1.550----------------------.94
*IVI XM-287 68gr-------.932-------------------1.487---------------------1.11
*HORNADY 53gr----------.817-------------------1.600---------------------1.15
*L.C. SS109 62gr-------.857------------------ 2.255---------------------1.22
*HIRTENBERGER 55gr----1.364-------------------1.582---------------------1.45
*Accuracy in inches for the average of five 5-shot groups. Average of all 100-yard groups
measured was 1.174 inches.
For the sake of simplicity, all testing for this article was done at 100 yds. Unfortunately,
a longer distance firing range was not available at the time of testing. In keeping with the
idea of how a police sniper rifle would be used, this was acceptable. Furthermore, all
groups were kept to 5 rounds each to obtain a more reliable average. The military
ammunition used was Lake City SS109 (M855) green tip with a 62 grain steel core bullet.
Also tested was Hirtenberger SS92 (M193) with a 55 grain bullet and Canadian IVI
manufactured XM-287 using a 68 grain bullet. The handloaded ammunition consisted of
two different loads. These were the Hornady 53 grain BTHP Match with a Federal 205
Match primer and Winchester 748 powder producing 3,150 f.p.s., and a Hornady 68 grain
BTHP Match, Federal 205 Match primer and Winchester 748 powder at 2,800 f.p.s. The
purpose of this was to see if the SG550-1 Sniper barrel with its 1-in-10 inch twist rate
favored the lighter or heavier weight bullets. A bullet that weighs 62 grains is stabilized
with a 1-in-7 inch twist, while a 55 grain bullet is stabilized using a 1-in-12 inch twist.
SIG’s own specifications call for the use of Switzerland’s GP90 ammunition, which is a 63
grain steel cored projectile. It is designed with a much more pronounced ogive than the
SS109 bullet. Not having any GP90 ammo available, the two different handloads helped in
obtaining a good combination of bullet weights.
As could be expected, the military issued ball ammunition produced flyer’s, stringing
shots, and erratic performance. Both of the handloaded rounds used in the testing showed
greatly improved performance. While the results do not show that a heavier bullet will
always perform better in the SG550-1 Sniper rifle, they do show that it groups better using
handloaded ammunition. While not always an absolute rule for all firearms, custom loaded
ammo usually groups tighter than military issued ball. It would appear that the SIG rifle
does shoot best using the long, heavy Hornady 68gr. BTHP Match. The Hornady Loading
Manual states that this bullet must be used with a twist rate of 1 in 10" or faster. This
loading suits the SG550-1 Sniper fine, allowing it to achieve the under one minute of angle
accuracy necessary for sniper work.
Final Thoughts
With the most recent Presidential Executive Order banning the further importation of
the SIG SG550-1 Sniper rifle, it is now relegated to the status of collector firearm. Only
military and law enforcement agencies will be allowed to import any future quantities. The
rifle evaluated for this article was one of the last brought into the United States available
for civilian ownership. The importer, Capital City Firearms, can obtain no more. This is an
unfortunate situation. The rifle’s high price (around $10,000 with optics) already
prevented it from being a commonly encountered weapon. Target shooters and collectors
of fine firearms will no longer have the opportunity to obtain one. But for a police
department needing the tactical superiority that the SG550-1 Sniper provides, it would be
available directly from SIG. The decision to choose this sniper rifle over others is easy to
make. If the situation demands possible multiple shots, the limitless ability of adapting to
the shooters anatomy, and under minute of angle accuracy, then the SIG SG550-1 Sniper
is the answer. If the need arised for a .223 caliber sniper rifle, such as for issues of over
penetration and ricochet, this rifle is an obvious choice. While not a total replacement for
tried and true .308 sniper systems, whether in bolt-action or semiauto, the .223 SIG Sniper
will always have its place in the law enforcement arsenal.
SIG SAUER SSG 3000 : Tailor-made precision rifle in .308
Winchester caliber. Superb accuracy with adjustment potential of
stock, trigger action and sighting aids.
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