Time Lady

The Naievete
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7

The multi-Doctor adventure...

"Look Doctor, there's a comet." Sarah Jane Smith pointed to the silvery trail in the sky.
"Good grief Sarah you're right. That must be the famous star of Bethlehem. We're back around that time. It must be very bright to be visible in the daytime. Just you wait until it gets dark."
"Do you think we'll get to see anything?"
"This is purely a holiday Sarah. The relaxing waters of the dead sea are just what we need after such a stressful few days. It's just a shame the Brigadier didn't agree to come with us."
"Great, I'll go and get ready. I still think the Brigadier's a bit wary after that time with the Cybermen."
"Good heavens is he still upset about that?"


"There's nothing more relaxing than a quick dip Doctor."
"What? Oh yes indeed Peri." The Doctor lay back on his purple and green air-bed.
"It's so peaceful and relaxing here, far different to my time zone." She lay back and let the wave motions soothe her.


The shed was cold and damp. Mazee and Rosef tried to make the best of it. They had found some discarded blankets and used them to block the terrible draft that came under the door.
"My, the poverty level of this pre-Christian society is really low." Rosef used a branch to club several rodents to death with.
"Yes, the basic underlying rate of tax is disproportionate to the level of income per household." Mazee tried to cook the rodents using the single candle they possessed.


The King found the spaceship very disconcerting. It was bigger on the inside than the outside. The captain had promised he was needed somewhere urgently and the King didn't like to keep anyone waiting.


The Doctor and Peri found themselves lost in the desert, it was getting very cold now and Peri had to wear the Doctors awful coat over her favourite bikini.
"Careful, you'll get dirt on it."
"If I didn't need it so bad I'd throw it in those mud baths."
"Ah there's the TARDIS now." The Doctor pointed to the blue box by the palm tree.
"Back to warmth and comfort at last."
"Did you hear that?"
"That's my teeth chattering Doctor, they do that when I'm freezing to death."
"No not that noise, irritating though it is."
"My knees then?"
"No not your knees either. A sort of woman screaming sound."
"This way I think."


The Doctor and Sarah Jane walked along the narrow path. The crisp air felt oddly relaxing.
"You know my dear this is one of the few places left where you can unwind completely."
"Yes Doctor, it's so tranquil."
"Did you hear something?"
"No, there's no wind and we're the only people here."
"It sounded like a woman screaming."
"We'd better investigate." Sarah Jane led the way.


Mazee screamed once more as the giant spider scampered around the shed. She threw various objects at it, whatever came to hand was turned into a lethal projectile.
"I think it's quite dead now Mazee." Rosef observed.
"It could just be stunned." She wasn't taking any chances.
"It's flattened."
"There may be more of them, go out and look for me."
"Fat chance."
"All right, I'll go myself and me carrying your child."
"Close your door on the way out luv."
"Oooh, you make me so, so, so -"
"What's the matter?"
"The baby, it's coming."
"Relax the old crone you saw last week said the little bugger could take six or seven hours."
"Seven hours? I can't have labour pain for seven hours. Oh for a modern hospital, oh for an epidural."
"Oh for a Rameses?"
"What's a Rameses?"
"It's those little golden figures they give out to those people who shout out for people's amusement."
"No, prophets I believe."


The Doctor and Peri heard footsteps nearby. They waited cautiously until two figures came into view.
"Doctor?" the Third Doctor asked. "Oh no."
"What are you doing here?" the Sixth Doctor demanded.
"What am I doing here? Forgive me for saying but as a future version of me, and not a good one at that, you should know I was and am here already."
"Oh yes, I remember now. It's a bit foggy I'm afraid, must be due to colliding causality."
"Yes well there is that. Every time we get together, it's the Blinovitch limitation effect you see. Well part of it anyway."
"Ah that would explain a few things."
"Is this another one of you Doctor?" Peri asked. She had quite liked the small one with the recorder.
"Yes Peri, this is my third incarnation."
"How do you do? I know it's terribly rude of me but your jacket really is the most awful garment I've ever seen."
"It's his jacket. I borrowed it to hold off freezing to death for a few minutes."
"Good grief your skin is blue and cold. Either you have double pneumonia or you're from Dervertax. Sarah lend Peri your waistcoat."
The two Doctors scouted ahead. "Oh look, a desert spider Doctor."
The Sixth Doctor backed off alarmingly. "Keep it away."
"Don't tell me you're afraid of them? It's such a beautiful creature in many ways."
"You won't be saying that soon." The Sixth Doctor started to make the sign of the Other to ward off the spider.
Peri and Sarah Jane returned. "All ready Doctor. Although I must say your treatment of Peri is most unfair. Give me the TARDIS key and I'll help her back to it."
"I'll be all right." Peri's words were vague and stammered.
"See, there's nothing wrong with her. If there was I would remember."
"You're forgetting the Blinovitch limitation effect Doctor. Sarah's right she should take Peri back to the TARDIS. I must say a nice cup of cocoa would go down with myself right about now."


The King smiled as the captain entered his cabin. Her smile made everything worthwhile.
"We're nearly there."


Mazee groaned and wailed as each contraction intensified and diminished. Rosef had mysteriously acquired some towels and hot water from somewhere.


The Doctors found the shed and went inside. They found a woman giving birth and decided to interfere as was their wont.
"I tell you Doctor her legs should be raised."
"Good grief man how many births have you been at?"
"Two, one more than you."
"Well then Doctor why don't you let your superior skills dazzle us?"
The Sixth Doctor went to rub his lucky cat badge but remembered Peri had his coat.


Afterwards Mazee held her child closely as it cried. The Sixth Doctor offered the parents a few gold coins to see to the child's needs. The Third Doctor offered them some incense to keep the insects away.
"You're like two great and wise kings." Mazee announced.
"Yes, well there should really be three of us; it's traditional." The Third Doctor kept feeling his predecessor was going to turn up any second.
"Did someone mention my name?" Elvis Presley entered the shed.
"Elvis Presley?" the two Doctor's asked in amazement.
"Thank you very much. It's great to be here."
"But how did you get here, man?"
"Yes, I'd like an answer to that question too."
"The captain brought me in her ship."
The Third and Sixth Doctors turned to stare at the figure of the Thirteenth Doctor.
"Doctor?" they asked simultaneously.
"You were expecting someone else? Elvis is the King after all and tonight I am his Queen." She started to dance with Elvis.
The Third and Sixth Doctors made hasty exits to find their companions and leave their future self with Elvis.
"I must say Doctor, you're a lot better to get on with than the one before me." The Third Doctor shook hands with the Sixth.
"Yes, well Peri and I bumped into him a few weeks ago. Talk about ungrateful."
"Yes well if it's a holiday you want why not spend a few weeks on Karfelon? The people are quite nice if a little plainly dressed."
"I might just do that."


In a wooden shed the Doctor and Elvis were singing Blue Suade Shoes to the new parents.


A Christmassy story that rewrites the nativity for the modern era.  As I was using the 13th Doctor I just had to include Elvis as the third king.  I think this is one of the better multi-Doctor stories I’ve written, it’s so hard to accommodate so many egos, especially the three biggest egotists of them all!  I also had fun writing each and every line for Peri…


Following on from the Christmassy theme comes Y2Kaos, a multi-author story, of which the first section (written by myself) is a short but sweet interlude before the more serious story Trapped...





(Part 1)


It was officially a new millennium, despite all the pedantic mutterings that the real millennium was not until next year. For the next twenty four hours people from all over the globe would be celebrating. The Doctor dipped her purple painted toenails into the water off of Millennium Island. Here was one second of perfect peace as 1999 gave way to 2000.  All over the world a dozen alien races were invading Earth but each of her previous incarnations were each engaged in combatting them. From the Master to the Daleks the full range of the evil spectrum was catered for.  The object was fast, frighfully fast and it raced towards the country's shores at a phenomonal speed.

"Claire, I think I've forgotten something." The Doctor scrached her scalp with perfectly manicured nails.

"What? You've already stopped all the invasion attempts." Claire sulked, it was her one great gift. She could sulk and pout for England. Currently the hem of her long purple dress was floating on the gentle waves.

"There's something nagging at the back of my mind."

"Look for once there's no evil to combat, no foes to fight. Relax and have a good time or something."

"I expect you're right Claire. I'm just an old fusspot at heart. Rassilon-Omega-Other! That's it." On the horizon the fiery shape of atomic devestation blossomed in its all to frightening shape of a mushroom cloud shape. "The worlds nuclear arsenal. I forgot to make it Y2K compliant! We have a day to save the world Claire, get David."



to read part 2 of the story please click here


The Home of the 13th Doctor