Time Lady


Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7

a Titanic adventure...

The ship was sinking fast and the Doctor was trapped with Claire behind a bulkhead that was holding back the entire Atlantic Ocean. What had been a nice relaxing cruise quickly degenerated into farce when they discovered the ships name: Titanic. The Doctor was wearing an authentic period costume while Claire had more or less been forced to wear a white blouse, much to her disgust.
"Don't worry Claire, I'm sure we'll find a way out of here and then we can have a nice long sit beside a genuine log fire."
"Please don't patronize me Doctor, we're going to die aren't we?"
The Doctor paused from listening to the heavy steel door. "I won't lie to you, it's not looking good but don't give up hope. The second we give up hope we are dead. So we ARE going to get out of here aren't we?"
"We're going to get out of here." Claire mumbled the words.
"There, don't you feel much better already?"

David scrambled back inside the TARDIS, shutting the doors before any of the water could get inside. That had been close, too close for comfort. "Doctor? You two get back okay?" The lack of a reply wasn't immediately worrying; they could be deeper inside the ship right?

Claire hammered on the door with her shoe but the muffled echoes showed that the water was still there.
"The pressure is building up fast; soon the seals on the door will give. We have to search this room and see what we can use."
"Oh, all right." Clair began to sift through the antiquated contents of the room. "What does a galactic Transmat terminal do?"
"What?" The Doctor rushed over.
"There are some instructions here telling you how to put it all together." She waved the pieces of paper like it held the telephone number of God.

David started pressing buttons on the TARDIS console. He wasn't sure what they would do but it beat the waiting. The green plasma ball in the centre of the console immediately became more active and the internal lights gradually dimmed to a soft orange.

The Doctor tried putting the various pieces together but no matter what configuration she started with the pieces just wouldn't join together properly.
"Where's a man when you need one?" Claire muttered.
"I used to be pretty good at DIY in my fifth incarnation. I guess it's something you just have to be naturally good at." She scratched her head for a second.
"Doctor, what are our chances even if we got this lump of junk together? Could you get it working?"
"I'm pretty sure I could get it working, I've always had the knack of coaxing stubborn machinery into action."
"Come on, work." Claire kicked the device.
"That's the way. See, you're a natural at it!"
Ten minutes later Claire's shoe was worn down to the insole.

David tried pressing the green buttons he had absolutely been told never to touch on pain of erasing chocolate from history. Nothing seemed to happen; he was disappointed.

It took the Doctor simply ages to get the machine fixed up properly and she broke a nail in the process which was very bad news indeed. Finally however it was ready.
"Ta-da! Now just stand on the yellow square and I'll transport you back to the TARDIS." She pressed to correct buttons but nothing happened. "Drat, I need four AA batteries. Pop down to the corner shop and get me some Claire. There's a good girl."
"Doctor, we're about to die. Trapped inside a rusty old ship in God knows how long before history started to matter."
"Yes, there is that I suppose. There's only one thing for it. I'll have to summon the TARDIS by sending a psychic message."
"Shall I get the ouija board?" Claire joked.
"Shhh, I have to concentrate. One false idea and this will kill me."

Success. The TARDIS seemed to be moving. David jumped for joy as the green plasma ball showed the characteristic flight pattern.

The TARDIS materialised slowly but surely. The Doctor gagged as blood began to pour out of her nose and mouth. Claire picked the older woman up and carried her to the doors. Once inside the TARDIS was sealed and just in time. The metal bulkhead gave and water flooded in.
"Talk about close."
"Wow, I got us here just in time! What happened to the Doctor?"
"I don't know. She said one false thought could kill her."
"I hope she's going to be all right."
"Of course I'm going to be all right. A few burst blood vessels are hardly anything to get worked up about. Now are you going to stand there or help me up, hmmm?"
Claire and David helped the Doctor to her feet. She set co-ordinates away from the Titanic, happy to be alive and not a part of history.
"So how did that gizmo get there, in the past I mean?" Claire asked the Doctor.
"That's where we're going to investigate, after we have a nice rest."


I wanted to do my own take on Titanic but given my relative inexperience at the time it came out more like a student am dram production.  This is the first part of a whole cycle of stories featuring the 7th Doctor, Mel and the Master.  During the first year I wanted to get the 13th Doctor really established so I set her up with many of her previous selves, in an attempt to ‘legitimise’ her.  In hindsight I think I might have gone a Doctor too far.


The Home of the 13th Doctor