Time Lady

The Quest
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7

sometimes you don't have to look far...

The Doctor searched through each cupboard in turn. She was on a mission and it was urgent. If she failed then eveything would be ruined. Anchient packets of foodstuffs from every sector of the universe were examined and then ignored. She closed another door, the object of her search still undiscovered.
The last cupboard. It must be in here. Eagerly she pulled aside the contents, pots, pans and even a wok. Then finally she saw it. If she hurried she would just be in time.
Frantically she pasted the raspberry jam over the cooling toast and munched away happily on it. Sometimes it seemed the universe liked presenting her with these challenges. A cup of tea later and breakfast was completed and she was ready for the more mundane activities such as stopping invasions, foiling the Master at his evil schemes and generally saving the day.


Even the most trivial things can be an adventure if you look at them right.  Just a short sketch really, but included here more out of completion than for it's emotional power or stylistic prose...


The Home of the 13th Doctor