Time Lady

It's Just Not Cricket...Is It?
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7

the sport of gentlemen...but not for long...

The fielding team looked at one another when an all too familiar blue box appeared in the middle of the outfield. The Batsmen merely tried to look threatening and sinister for the benefit of the small crowd, while picking out the ones they wanted to convert if their side won.
“Oh no.” The tall curly white haired chap dressed in the red velvet smoking jacket muttered. “Not when we’re winning.”
“Ha-ha, serves you right doesn’t it?” The slightly smaller cosmic hobo with the sorrowful eyes and happy smile commented.
“I thought you invited her.” The fair-haired bowler looked sternly at the shifty looking fielder at silly mid on.
“You never mentioned it to me, you must have me mixed up with some-one else. Maybe it was the badly dressed moody one, well one of them anyway. We've just run out of jelly babies what are we going to do about it? I demand to have some jelly babies!”
“Well it wasn’t me, I’m the wicket keeper.” The colourful jester looked over to the gully. “It must have been you.”
The gaudily dressed space cowboy shook his head slowly. “Well it’s too late to worry about blaming one another now, she’s here.”
The Doctor emerged from the TARDIS and looked at her predecessors. “Actually it was the very grumpy one skiving on the bench over there, but I used to have such a bad memory back then didn’t I? Poor chap.”
The elderly white-haired twelfth man walked onto the field of play, using his walking stick to knock the ankles of several other Doctors. “There’s nothing wrong with my memory Doctor, now why don’t I, that is to say you, do something useful hmmm?”
“Well I can’t bowl over arm without a good sports bra on these days, although I’m very good at catching. I can be wicket keeper or maybe even a slip, not first slip though that’s far too dangerous and those protective cups just don’t fit me.”
Penny emerged from the TARDIS carrying the Doctors custom made whites. “Are they going to let you play Doctor? I hear that the Cyber XI are a very tough team and they could do with your supplies of gold, I mean expertise.”
“Yes.” The Doctor looked at her other selves very sternly. “They will.”
“Well I don’t mind taking a bit of a rest.” The cosmic hobo stated. “I’m sure we could benefit from older and wiser heads.”
“Thank you Doctor.” The Doctor said to her younger self. “I’ll just pop back in the TARDIS and get changed.” She emerged three seconds later wearing her whites. “Does this outfit make my thighs look chunky? I’ve got a hockey skirt somewhere I can pull on if it does. Only one problem though, there’s no pockets to put all that gold dust into.” The Doctor paused for a few seconds. “Penny be a dear and get my white leather miniskirt from my room would you? And tell Jean-Marc to stop eating all the chocolate himself and make himself useful by holding these bags of gold dust. He eats all the rum and raisin yummy treats before I can get anywhere near them.”
The other Doctor’s groaned and wished that they would never regenerate again. The Cybermen looked nervously at one another and quickly requested the gold proof upgrade from the Cyber Controller.


Just a short skit really, about the Doctor being just as tough as her other selves because of who she is and proving that she can easily be as effective as her other selves, who think that because she’s a woman she can’t be as effective as they were.  In fact the Doctor uses one of Haana’s old tricks and uses her (very well hidden) sexuality as a weapon to defeat her younger selves.


The Home of the 13th Doctor