Doctor Who: Timeless Tales

Shooting Star

Timeless Tales
The First Doctor
The Second Doctor
The Third Doctor
The Fourth Doctor
The Fifth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor
The Seventh Doctor
The Eighth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor

Tegan tries to put the past behind her and move on...

It was a cold night but the sky was clear and Tegan Jovanka supposed that there were a lot of stars visible to the naked eye.


Of course back in Brisbane you didn’t need to travel back in time three hundred plus years just to avoid light pollution.  Back on her uncle’s farm all you had to do was step out the back door and there they were.  The magnificent Southern Cross, the whole of Scorpio and not just the small part you could see from England.


Of course she’d lost interest in the stars when she was about ten and she’d become more interested in air travel.  For about five years after that all she wanted to talk about was aeroplanes and being a stewardess.  Of course having to go to school and college over the radio was not the same as leaving home to go to Polytechnic but they wanted girls with experience and two years in the Poly was more than enough to get her foot in the door.


Then there was the six months course where they taught her posture, how to sit, how to stand and how to talk.  All in all Tegan was looking forward to her first day at work tomorrow.


Carefully she put Aunt Vanessa’s telescope back in its case and put it away in the shed.  Then up above she saw a shooting star and she made a wish to herself.


“I hope tomorrow will be a day that I never forget for the rest of my life.”


The rest was silence, save the sound of the back door being locked and the sound of a distant owl.


a sort coda to Resurrection of the Daleks as Tegan tries to rebuild her life after leaving the Doctor...

original fan fiction by kg redhead