Doctor Who: Timeless Tales

The Ninth Doctor

Timeless Tales
The First Doctor
The Second Doctor
The Third Doctor
The Fourth Doctor
The Fifth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor
The Seventh Doctor
The Eighth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor

Rowan Atkinson (1999)
Richard E. Grant (2003)
Christopher Ecclestone (2005)

CLEMENTINE (Doctor & Emma - 440 words)
THE INSECURITY OF THE CYBERMEN (Doctor & Emma - 920 words)
NINE WHILE NINE (Doctor & Emma - 1,600 words)
THE THIN BLUE TIME (Doctor & Emma - 1,500 words)
WRATH OF THE RANI (Doctor, Emma & Rani - 1,300 words)
THE SHADOW OF ARES (Doctor, Alison & Master - 12,700 words)
BEYOND THE FOURTH (Doctor, Alison & Master - 14,000 words)
THE DOCTOR AND I...RIS (Doctor & Iris - 14,000 words)
SILVER MACHINES (Doctor & Kate - 650 words)
TIME WAR: SACRIFICE (Doctor - 170 words)
RAINMAKER (Doctor & Rose - 9,200 words)
BRIEF ENCOUNTER WITH A RED PLANET (Doctor & Rose - 570 words)
THE NINE DOCTORS (Doctors & Rose - 100 words)
THE MATHEMATICS OF TENDERNESS (Doctor, Rose & Adam - 1,200 words)
THE BABY SITTERS (Doctor, Rose & Mickey - 1,400 words)
THE HAIKU NIGHTMARE (Doctor, Rose & Mickey - 130 words)
CURSE (1st Draft) (Doctor, Rose & Jack - 7,300 words)
CURSE (2nd Draft) (Doctor, Rose & Jack - 9,000 words)
CURSE (3rd Draft) (Doctor, Rose & Jack - 12,000 words)
More stories coming soon



There are three different and distinct versions of the Eighth Doctor as presented in mainstream Doctor Who fandom.  The Eighth Doctor of the BBC Books and two audio books, the Eighth Doctor of the BFP audio plays and the Eighth Doctor of the DWM comic strips.  All three are based on Paul McGann's portrayal of the Doctor n the 1996 TVM 'Enemy Within', indeed both the BBC and BFP have coaxed Paul Mc Gann back as the Doctor for their audio productions.  My theory is that each of these three versions of the Eighth Doctor is unique and seperate and each will regenerate into a different version of the Ninth Doctor.  It is my theory that the following will take place:


* The DWM Eighth Doctor will become the Ninth Doctor as played by Rowan Atkinson, who played the Ninth Doctor in the Comic Relief short story 'The Curse of Fatal Death'.


* The BBC Books version of the Eighth Doctor will become the Ninth Doctor as played by Richard E. Grant played the Ninth Doctor in the BBCi webcast 'The Scream of the Shalka' which was later novelised by BBC books.


* The BFP version of the Eigth Doctor will become the Ninth Doctor as played by Christopher Ecclestone, who is currently starring in a 13 episode series of Doctor Who on BBC One.


As stated this is just a theory and is neither definite, accurate or even close to the truth, it's just a nice theory that currently fits all the available facts...


original fan fiction by kg redhead