Doctor Who: Timeless Tales

Two of Hearts

Timeless Tales
The First Doctor
The Second Doctor
The Third Doctor
The Fourth Doctor
The Fifth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor
The Seventh Doctor
The Eighth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor

set between 'The Invasion' and 'The Krotons'

I sat outside the cafe, nursing my lukewarm coffee and staring across the plaza at the statue of some long dead guy on a horse. Picking up the tabloid newspaper I turned to the fashion section and read an out of touch editorial on what clothes I should be wearing this winter. I looked up again to see a man sitting down looking at me.


"Oh don't mind me." He spoke with a soft voice that reminded me of one of my elderly uncles. "I'm afraid there were no more seats." There were lots of course but I didn't mind him. He seemed to radiate a sort of trust but with a mischevious twinkle in his eye that suggested he was never far from trouble.


I introduced myself, giving my full name Jasmine rather than the usual Jazz that everyone called me. "Aren't you having any thing to drink?" I asked. I couldn't think of anything else to say.


"What a splendid idea." He clapped his hands together and grinned. I smiled too, he was mischief personified.


"Don't you have a name?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation.


"Oh I expect so, but everyone calls me the Doctor." He made a fuss over getting the sugar into his cup of tea and I ended up holding the bowl steady for him. "Thank you Jasmine," he said before taking mouthful.


"It doesn't look like Barry's going to turn up," I whispered to myself. This was the third time he had stood me up. Well third time unlucky for him I thought as I checked my makeup. "You wouldn't be interested in two tickets for Buddy, would you?" I asked the Doctor. "It looks as if my date's not going to turn up and I don't want to waste them."


"Oh dear." He took my hands in his. "I'm sure your friend is on his way. I understand that the Underground is running a little late. Why not give him a few more minutes? I'd hate to see you end a relationship because of a few minutes delay."


"Oh very well." There was something about the way he spoke, the certainty in his voice. Maybe it was the way he smiled at me. Whatever it was I felt better inside. Across the street the number 34 bus went past. Oh well, now I'll have to wait for Barry to show up, or the next bus to take me home. Then the darkening street seemed to brighten up. I turned around just as a loud noise filled my ears. The bus had swerved off the road and gone into a wall. I would have been on that bus if it hadn't been for my friend, the Doctor. I turned around but he was no longer there. On the table was a small pile of coins, enough for the cup of tea and underneath it was a playing card, the two of hearts. I looked up again and saw Barry making his way over towards me. Without saying a word I threw my arms around him and hugged him as tightly as possible.


"I should be late more often!" He laughed and I laughed too.




"During the interval of the show he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I said yes straight away and then a year later I was officially Mrs Barry Foster. My son was born nine months later and we called him John, after you Doctor." I finished recounting my tale to him and he smiled.


"I must tell Jamie and Zoe, they'll be so happy for you." The Doctor stood to leave. "Your son will make you proud, you'll see."


I waved to him before getting my purse out to settle the bill. It had been exactly three years to the day since our last meeting. I hoped I would see him again. Finding a playing card with the four of hearts on it I knew I would.


a short character piece where sometimes all it takes is for the Doctor to spend a few minutes chatting with someone to change their life for the better

original fan fiction by kg redhead